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Got Accepted... [12 Apr 2003|12:57am]
ok, the acceptences have started for university. i got into 1/9 so far.

accepted by:
ottawa U- biopharmacuetical science co op

waiting for:
u of british columbia
u of toronto
simon fraser university
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Magic's In The Make-Up... [15 Feb 2003|03:51pm]
I got my webcam working again :D, i'm so tech-impaired, i thought it was broken for the longest time. the problem was just the software wasn't installed.

happy belated vday! )
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prince charming from disney... [28 Jan 2003|07:36pm]
Who's Your Ideal Disney Guy?

brought to you by Quizilla
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What A Few Phone Calls Can Do... [13 Jan 2003|09:01pm]
today, when i got home, i decided to make the long-overdued phone calls i planned to make a while back.
i called lifetouch because they ruined my grad pictures. the rumour is that the photographer was an ameteur and he just needed money on the side so he decided to take a few pictures. well as it turns out, he took the film out of the camera wrong, and exposed my pictures to light. so i didn't even get the prints. so i called up the company and asked for a discount on my photo package i'm going to get. the packages are way overpriced to begn wiht, so i'm happy abou that. and also i had to get my hair redyed, and cut/styled for it. now i have to make another hair appointment.
the next place i called was a seamtress because i want to get my prom dress designed/made. this way i can make sure, my dress fits me the way i want it to, and no one else will have the same one. i'm killing two birds with one stone. so i have my fitting session on the 25th. i'm excited i never got anything designed for me. and also, getting my dress made is going to cost just as much as buying on e in the store. yay.
and the last place i called was josten for my grad ring. i asked for a satin finish and they gave me an antique finish on my ring instead, so that was the first thing i had to get cahnge. the second thing i need to get done to my ring is to resize it. i think it's about half a size too big. thankfully warranty covers all this.
so basically i got everything i wanted out of those phonecalls: a discount on my grad pix, a prom dress, and a better lookin/fitting grad ring. I think i should complain more often, i get way more things that i want that way as opposed to being nic and waiting around for things to be better.
weee i'm graduating high school (i'll be da,mned if i don't- i got/getting a grad ring, grad pictures, and a prom dress!), and i'm soon out of here kiddos :D
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Little_Princess... [11 Jan 2003|03:49pm]
Natasha made a list, and wrote something about all her freinds on her lj. She is the sweetest girl and this is what she wrote about me:

kozmik- Where to start? You're beautiful, intellegent and your writings....they are amazing. When I first met you I added you because of how you wrote, everything was so deep and so true. You'd not realise those things so easily and you had. You've amazing tallent. I started talking to you and we're pretty similar. You're a really nice person, you've also listened to my trouble and I think you*hug*
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Good Morning, And If I Don't See You The Rest Of The Day, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, And G'Night [08 Jan 2003|09:38am]
just saying hi to all my friends and good morning, i'm off to school. BYE!
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Riding On The Third Rail... [06 Jan 2003|02:53pm]
I got a new sweatshirt with horns, and shaved my eyebrows [but i still have eyebrows because i have permanent makeup], here are some pix of those and from new years and my new notebook:

my little hellion )

sorry dial-up users for that load up time... lots of pic-a-tures
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Undies... [02 Jan 2003|02:10am]

What type of underwear would YOU be?

Take the quiz!
By Lorraine.

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Beyond Accurate... [25 Dec 2002|11:04pm]
You want to be regarded as an exiting and interesting personality able to persuade others to comply with your beliefs and ideas. You are charming and able to influence other people who come into your sphere of influence. You like mental stimulation and you are the sort of person who is prepared to 'try anything once'. Your confidence is so much so that others are often swept away by your enthusiasm.

You are willing to try anything once. You 'need to be needed' and what is perhaps more important you 'need to need.' You can only feel close to a person or persons when you feel you can trust them, but this trust needs to be proven to you.

There are times of everyone's life when 'compromise' is the name of the game and this is the time, so you have no alternative but to forgo some pleasures for the time being. You are capable of achieving satisfaction through physical activity.

Your ability to withstand the pressures of everyday life have been overtaxed and this is leading to stress and frustrations. It would seem that for the time being you have lost the resilience and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties. You feel that it is all 'too much' and, try as you may, you are getting nowhere. But to give you credit, you continue to stand your ground and pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity. Naturally this situation is subjecting you to intolerable stress and pressure from which you would dearly like to escape, but you can not bring yourself to make the necessary decision. As a result you remain firmly involved in the problem and you can neither view it objectively nor get rid of it - you cannot leave it alone and you feel that you will only be at peace when you have reached your objective.

You are putting on a show - a facade. You are a master of demonstrating considerable charm in the hope that this can or will lead to better things. Deep down you are fearful that this may not work and that you may have to employ other strategies in order to realize all your ambitions.

You are worn out - suffering from what has been described as 'burnout' and nothing seems to stimulate you to break away from this state of lethargy. This situation is causing an acute distress situation and not being able immediately to resolve the problems is exposing you to excess stress and tension. You are endeavoring to break away from this situation by withdrawing into a state of 'Never Never Land' - an illusory substitute world in which things could be as you would like them to be. Now is the time to take time-out - to relax. A short break is all that you need and you will find that matters will resolve themselves.

*mood analysis test*

Your Mood: At the moment your sensual and emotional needs are not being met. Perhaps you are finding life more than a little harsh at present. Being unable to relax is making you tired and taking the edge off your enthusiasm. Focus and determined describes your present mood. You are out to achieve your goal and you concentrate on that. Unwavering you want to stick to the target of your ambitions, not completely to the exclusion of everything else, but almost! . . .

Your Present Situation: You really need to take time out at the moment, your life is proving tiring and you seem to need to be on the lookout at all times. There is a real danger of wasting your energy, seek out someone who can help you to calm down and relax. You could do worse than take a romantic weekend break to help you revitalize yourself.Your present situation is causing you to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. The mental stress and physical exhaustion is just leading to other negative effects and is turning into a vicious cycle. You are at a loss on how to resolve your problems and are too tired to deal with most of them at the present time. . . .

Your Conflicts: You tend to find yourself in circumstances which you are not happy with. Sometimes you feel that you are not really suited to the life that you are living. This can leave you isolated and alone. You want to break out but often fail to notice that your dissatisfaction comes, not from your external circumstances but, from within you. You get easily frustrated and impatient and find it difficult to relax. . . .

*colorgenics psychological profile*
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haircut... [28 Nov 2002|09:22pm]
I got a new haircut because i'm getting my grad pictures done tomorrow. here's a preview:
brace yourself )
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Me Fink Me Asian... ;) [16 Nov 2002|02:38pm]
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**** THE PROOF THAT sally ing IS EVIL **** [24 Oct 2002|04:51pm]
83 65 76 76 89 73 78 71 - as ASCII values
2 2 4 4 8 1 6 8 - digits added
\_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/
4 8 9 5 - digits added

Thus, "sally ing" is 4895.

Turn the number backwards, divide by 17 - the symbol of domination. The number is now 352.

Multiply it by 3, the symbol of fulfillment - the number is now 1056.

Add 1976, the year George Harrison performed the lumberjack song with Monty Python - if you have seen it, you should understand - the result is 3032.

Turn the number backwards, and add 1912 - the year Theodore Roosevelt was shot. The number is now 4215.

Turn the number backwards, and add 1609 - the year Gallileo, inspired by the Satan himself, came up with his ridiculous theory. The number is now 6733.

This, when read backwards, gives 3376. This is 1790 in octal, the year US patent system was established (eevil)...

Evil, QED.
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There Is No God... [19 Oct 2002|11:09pm]
I'm a Heretic!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

A(nother) Robert and Tim Creation

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Repunzel... [24 Sep 2002|09:07pm]
my hair is long and i'm happy. [it's almost over my shoulder blade]

for more pictures, visit my UJ
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Mmmm Mangos... [20 Sep 2002|09:00pm]

I'm a Moonflower. I only bloom at night and I'm pollinated by moths. Kinky, huh? This flower means "I dream of love" and I do.
What bloom are you? by Polly_Snodgrass

keep sucking... )
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An Angel [sally] And A devil [jen]... [20 Sep 2002|08:11pm]

sally: these are pictures of me and jen when we came over to my house.
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Fortune Cookie... [09 Sep 2002|12:02am]

Come get your fortune read!

Created by ptocheia

I just found this funny, because my name is sally, and i never met another sally before. also i'm not that tall at all (5'3"), and fortune cookies come fromt he chinese and i AM chinese. all this irony in the world, what would i do with it? :P

well school is stressful. my time schedule leaves no room for breathing or slacking off.
i have


i can't wait for exam time [sarcasm] well i better get some sleep i just finished my calculus assignment.

gnite all <3
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Moving On... [22 Aug 2002|06:09pm]
i have been getting this strange feeling that i will be moving out of this journal soon. it has been here for nineteen months, but looks like circumstances are forcing things to go out of place. my entries are now far and in between with no substance. i feel like it's time for a new beginning.
i'm going to leave this journal up. who knows? one day i might come back and read about all the daily happenings and extreme emotions once again.
beautiful like it used to be.
anyways, if you frequently read this, i really advise you to join ujournal and read my new journal.
i'll miss all of you but i will make visits to your journals and keep updated in your wonderul lives.
i guess this is how the story ends.
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[20 Aug 2002|09:57pm]

what is your michelle branch theme song?

(brought you by april & patricia)

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Girl, I Think My Ass Is Big... [17 Aug 2002|09:14pm]
small ass

My ass IS NOT small. i have a big ass. even my mother says so :P
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