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[Sep. 2nd, 2004|11:13 am]
I have family at home, evacuating the hurricane on the East Coast. My mom, dad, grandmother, sister-in-law, and brother staying here, plus my favorite evacuee:

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[Sep. 1st, 2004|12:29 pm]
I have to say I loved Arnold's speech last night at the convention. I didn't watch it (I have perfect blood pressure, and I keep it that way by avoiding watching political conventions) but here is a transcript, minus hysterical applause:

Like Obama's speech at the DemFest, it is a wonderful example of rhetoric, with absolutely no grounding in the hearts and minds of the real party power brokers. As it is now, so it was back in 1900 with Teddy Roosevelt, some things never change.

Only Arnold could successfully invoke the memory of Nixon, a name that, until now, had been banned from the lips of any conventioneer in the last three decades.
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[Aug. 31st, 2004|12:58 pm]
Popular wisdom says that love is forever. It is also said that diamonds are forever (though I don't know if it's popular wisdom, DeBeers, or Ian Fleming who says this).

It was only a matter of time before modern technology would fuse the two -- literally:

Woman Turns Husband's Remains Into Diamond
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[Aug. 26th, 2004|12:13 pm]
The birthday girl [info]lizvang (Happy Birthday, Liz!) pointed out this flash-game:

It is the spookiest thing I've ever seen. I love it.

Play it with the launched "Skeleton Radio" in the background.
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[Aug. 25th, 2004|10:06 am]
Article: Parents Divided Over Practice of ‘Hot Saucing’ as a Form of Discipline

I dunno...I'm not sure it wouldn't have been more of a reward than a punishment for me. "No! Not the hot sauce! MMmmmmmmmm"
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[Aug. 21st, 2004|08:53 pm]
I'm not dead, just introspective lately and uncharacteristally non-posty. August has been a good month in a thousand different ways, and the birthday is looming in a matter of a few hours. I don't mind the birthday this year, but it does tend to focus thoughts. Or, perhaps, to amplify and scatter them. Last year, I wanted a change in my life so badly, and this year I have been the happiest I have been in a decade. Maybe more.
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Geek Meme [Aug. 17th, 2004|12:40 pm]
You are OS2-Warp. You're plagued by feelings of abandonment and disgust for your backstabbing step-brother.  Oh, what might have been.
Which OS are You?

The irony is, I used to work at IBM on OS/2. There might still be some of my code in Warp.
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[Aug. 17th, 2004|12:19 pm]
There are negatives to living at the beach in Florida. One must have a high tolerance for Jimmy Buffett, for example. Like a 24-7 ability to tune out "Margaritaville" before one's skull starts to resonate through positive feedback, threatening to liquify one's brain to the point where it leaks out through shattered eardrums...

But I digress.

There are negatives to living at the beach in Florida. I was driving to the bank at lunch, and there was this guy. Maybe 45-50 years old. Fairly tubby. Riding a bicycle. In a Speedo. A flesh-colored Speedo.
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[Aug. 16th, 2004|11:16 am]
[music |Fields of the Nephilim - Sumerland]

What is reality? Tell me...
Tell me thoughts of God
Do dreams fall from God?
Tell me what dreams may come...

-- Fields of the Nephilim

The lead singer of FotN, Carl McCoy, thought himself an incarnated angel, sent to warn humankind of disaster of a universal/spiritual nature almost Lovecraftian in its foundation. Or, perhaps, he would be the one to bring it on. Mulling it over carefully, he decided the best way to complete his mission would be through the creation of haunting gothic music with a strong lead guitar.

His lyrics are beautiful, though. Sumerland is the climax of the Elizium album, which starts with a brutal murder and continues on throughout the rest of the album with the poor soul in the afterlife. Sumerland is the soul's decision-point whether to stay in the afterlife or to return to earth.


Saturday morning, I drove out to my brother's to help him and my sister-in-law move. The stores were still boarded up, and the entire city of St Petersburg was empty before the evacuated residents returned. Driving around was like experiencing a disaster book or movie in which the buildings were spared. The Stand, perhaps -- evidence of catastrophe and human chaos, minus the people. It was eerie.

Moving was the normal pain that any move is, plus crashing thunderstorms and ankle-deep rainwater. I think we had more wind, rain, and lightning on Saturday than we did with the edges of the hurricane on Friday. Welcome to Florida in the Summer ;)


It was a wonderful lazy morning, Sunday. In the afternoon, my sister and some friends came over, and we hung out by the pool as I played cabana boy, mixing Cosmos using fresh limes from my tree. It wasn't inferno-hot for once, there was a nice breeze and just enough clouds to kill the worst of the sun. We decided to take a sunset cruise, and I backed us out of my canal about a half-hour before sunset. We tanked up the boat quickly at a fuel-dock and shot John's Pass into the Gulf of Mexico at the height of sunset. I cut the engine a mile or so offshore, and we watched the lights come on over land as the sky looked like streamers of red burning charcoal. I turned us south, and we went out two or three miles -- enough to see the Skyway bridge lit up, and the hotels lined along St Pete Beach. We headed back up to John's Pass and hit Gators for some late-night munchees. I played a controversial game of airhockey. We had wings and wraps and fries and a huge variety of dipping sauces, except the one we had ordered. We watched huge snook circle the lights of the dock. We watched the cops bust a fisherman who probably had kept a few of the aforementioned snook (they are out of season right now, in the spawn).

Home from Gators, the clouds were gone and a zillion stars covered the sky. The plankton is back -- the propwash was glowing green with phosphorescence, and when I pulled the boat on the lift, scattering fish left glowing trails underwater.

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[Aug. 14th, 2004|10:26 am]
My brother and sister-in-law were supposed to move into their new house today. With all the storm drama, that was going to be a big iffy worry for them. Not only is the new place fine, they actually got the truck they had reserved.

Which means, of course, I got drafted. Off to move furniture...
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[Aug. 13th, 2004|09:44 pm]
According to legend, many moons ago a Seminole Indian shaman blessed Tampa Bay, and it has traditionally been spared hurricanes. The last major one hit in 1921, with a bunch of near misses since. Score one more for the shaman, Charley was a miss.

I turned on the television this morning to the Weather Channel mentioning my city's name as a probable hit for Charley's eye. As my suburb has a population of 7500, it was a little unexpected. But, winds blow as they may, and now I'm thinking of friends in Orlando and inland, rather than of my own city.

We got nothing. The max winds were maybe 20mph, I think we got maybe an inch of rain in an afternoon of drizzle. My mandatory evacuation was lifted this evening and I drove home facing the setting sun in the Gulf, cloud bands lit red and blue and purple, with blue sky in between. Boat is fine, the house is fine, I'm doing fine.

Two nights ago, I was lying on my dock, watching the stars and the start of a meteor shower...a late night swim in the pool...happy times. Storm stress was high with a cat-4 barreling down my throat, but now, overall, I have to say life is good.


Thanks to those who have emailed and text-messaged. I appreciate the thoughts -- all of them.
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[Aug. 12th, 2004|02:22 pm]

Hurricane Charley, dead on right now, though they still aren't sure if it's going to veer off or not. I'm in an evacuation zone, so I have to be out of my place before 6pm. Boat is tied off, various potential missles (including a 16' canoe) are now sitting in my bedroom. I have to pick up some computer/work equipment and put it in my laundry room (only room with no windows). Then, I go inland for the next 24 hours or so and wait it out.

Mostly, it's precautionary. This could be a direct hit, or a far miss, but even if it's bang on I've been through worse (Andrew, in '92, when I lived in South Florida). In fact, Charley will be my sixth named storm. I'm expecting this will be a nuisance (can you say Friday the 13th?) but my only worry is my boat, not my house. Got the boat fully insured yesterday, though (heh), so if it happens, it happens.

If there are power failures and such, I'll be offline for a while. Stay good, everyone ;)
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[Aug. 11th, 2004|09:35 am]
So, there's this Tropical Storm/Hurricane that might be hitting us Friday. Well, two actually -- Bonnie to the north, and Charley to the south. I'm not worried about Bonnie, but a 100 MPH Charley has the potential to sink my boat if it hits dead on. So far, the projections are saying a hit on Fort Meyers, which is a good 100 miles south of here, and maybe a 90MPH storm. I can live with that.

I'm remembering Hurricane Andrew in 1992, though. Andrew was supposed to turn north, but came right at us for several hundred miles. I was in an evacuation zone then....but on the other hand, Andrew was twice the storm Charley will ever be.

I think tomorrow I'll have to make a decision whether to get my boat inland, or tie it up out back. Hoping the projections are holding...

Marine Forecast:
Thursday Night
Southeast winds 10 to 15 knots increasing to tropical storm or hurricane force. Seas 2 to 3 feet building to 9 feet or greater after midnight. Bay and inland waters becoming extremely rough. Squalls developing with visibility locally 1 nm or less.

Hurricane or tropical storm conditions possible... improving late in the day.

Winds diminishing to southwest 10 to 15 knots. Seas subsiding to 2 to 4 feet. Bay and inland waters a moderate chop...becoming a light chop by evening. Isolated showers and thunderstorms.
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[Aug. 10th, 2004|11:24 am]
Pic, from this weekend. My neice, on her first birthday, her uncle, two weeks from his 37th.

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[Aug. 9th, 2004|11:05 am]
I think the globetrotting has slowed, finally. It's a Monday morning, I'm sitting at my computer, at home, goofing off work for a bit. This is the first time this has happened in something like 10 days.

I drove cross-state yesterday for my neice's first birthday party. She was cute and stunned by all the attention of everyone ;) I will post pics when I get 'em.
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[Aug. 6th, 2004|10:05 am]
Back home tonight...catching a plane out of Kennedy instead of Islip, which will make my commute there a little annoying this afternoon. Looks like I'm set for another couple months, though, so things are good on the dayjob front.

Home will be nice. I'm missing St Pete. Especially the water. In metaphor as well as fact.
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[Aug. 5th, 2004|09:28 pm]
This hotel has finally turned on high-speed internet access. I'm flying, just like home! Although, for a host of reasons, I'd rather be 1200 miles south.... Looks like I'll be home tomorrow night, though, at last. They've been threatening to keep me here late, but I think I can sneak out tomorrow and (perhaps) become familiar with my own bed for a night.

Sunday is my niece's 1st birthday, and since I'm her default guardian, I'll be there. Nothing like another Leo in the family ;)

I think I'm going to go grab a beer from my favorite Long Island bartender (history: Perhaps some single-malt.
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[Aug. 4th, 2004|05:46 pm]
[music |Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta]

Fingertips have memories
Mine can't forget the curves of your body
And when I feel a bit naughty...

--Harvey Danger

One of those form surveys after the cut, stolen from [info]behindtheview. I should make one of my own, it's kind of a cool interface.

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Doom [Aug. 4th, 2004|01:15 pm]
Article from Time Magazine about Doom 3 and its creator. Very interesting...and I'm drooling over getting the game.

The ghouls are excruciatingly detailed. As you're being devoured by a swarm of demonic cherubs, you can admire the iridescent patina on their insect wings.,9171,1101040809-674778-1,00.html
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[Aug. 4th, 2004|12:10 pm]
I love the cafeteria in this client's office building. I'm having spicy tuna sushi for lunch. MMMmmm.

Since my last post....

I glanced wistfully at my bed, but an hour of sleep was probably going to make me worse, not better.

I got to my plane from Tampa on time. I distinctly remember pulling back from the gate. I distinctly remember landing in Atlanta. In between -- the takeoff and one hour flight -- was only unconsciousness. I switched to my New York flight, but the plane was frigidly cold, and I couldn't sleep. When I landed, I flirted briefly with just going to the hotel and calling in sick, but my presence was needed at some meetings and I went in anyway.

I got out of work at 5 yesterday and went to the hotel. Screwed around online a bit, then grabbed some dinner at the restaurant (yes, my favorite bartender was there...sigh). I had a martini, and got absolutely roaring drunk by the end of it. I was slurring words and could barely walk straight. Alcohol and one hour of sleep, not to mention four climates in 24 hours, just switched off my brain.

I fell asleep around 8:30 and slept until 8:00 this morning. My dreams were very strange. I have very vivid dreams most nights, and they can be bizarre, but most of my REM last night was disjointed images, as if someone uploaded an encyclopedia into my brain and shook it up so that not only the entries were rearranged, but the words and sentences were as well. Image led to image through some sort of internal linkage that I don't think I can parse. Nearly 12 hours seemed like a minute and a half.

I feel almost human today, though. Perhaps subhuman ;)

Now, work, more sleep tonight, then tomorrow or Friday I figure out when I can go home -- to my own bed, to my own home, to thoughts of water that are drawing me in many forms.
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