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Talks to Angels

you've got wits.
you've got looks, you've got passion but are you brave
enough to leave with me tonight?

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Did Nick beat Paris? [12 Aug 2004|01:22am]
Sources tell me that Nick Carter hit Paris Hilton in a jealous, drunken rage.
I believe it. It runs in his family.
Bobbie Jean Carter (sister) got arrested in Florida for hitting a 15 year old girl and then bit another teenager.
Robert Carter (farther) got arrested for assulting his wife.
Jane Carter (mother) got arrested for assaulting her husbands girlfriend.

It looks like Aaron is the only good Carter these days.
1 . Slit my throat

Ah.... hah.... [04 Aug 2004|01:46pm]
[ mood | high ]

I am getting paid to sit here and smoke my weed pipe.

2 . Slit my throat

[28 Jul 2004|02:44pm]
What did I do last night?
Please let me know.
4 . Slit my throat

[27 Jul 2004|12:38am]
happy now nicole?
1 . Slit my throat

Ooh... she is good.. [25 Jul 2004|03:25am]
Here to help,
5 . Slit my throat

[19 Jul 2004|01:29am]
--You're using all your looks trying hard to be cute, I almost feel sorry for what I'm gonna do...

Check out the Apt.
4 . Slit my throat

[18 Jul 2004|03:25am]
Becky = the smell on cats asses
1 . Slit my throat

Mary-Kate. [14 Jul 2004|01:50am]
anorexia or cocaine?
I am just not sure..

And please let me know... why is Britney getting married again?
5 . Slit my throat

dont push me cause i'm close to the edge. [05 Jul 2004|12:29pm]
I am about ready to scream.
Fuck you!
3 . Slit my throat

What do you think? [26 Jun 2004|02:30am]
I <3 Frank!
3 . Slit my throat

Becky! [17 Jun 2004|03:48pm]
Home is where the heart is. And my heart is at 104 Main Street Apt. 3 Jay, ME 04239.
3 . Slit my throat

So this is odd... [10 Jun 2004|10:34am]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Dashboard Confessional- The Good Fight ]

For some reason you don't think I have a heart..
Well I do and it hurts because of you.

1 . Slit my throat

[03 Jun 2004|09:08pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

I hate to see you cry...
But you are doing this to yourself.

1 . Slit my throat

[27 May 2004|12:50pm]
To everyone that is in Jay High School--
What the fuck is up with Jane DiPompo? Is that a man gym teacher or a female gym teacher?
13 . Slit my throat

[26 May 2004|01:41pm]
Hey you--
Watch out!

Oh yeah.. Devon, Sara, and Jennie I would just like to let you know that you guys are really fucking dumb. I haven't wanted anything to do with you for a long time. I don't know why you don't understand that. You guys are a bunch of shit talkers and it really needs to stop. I don't go out of my way to make sure you guys have a bad day so why must you guys do it to me? Fuck off you dumb cunts!

Camel's milk does not curdle, but Sara's pussy sure does.
6 . Slit my throat

[16 May 2004|04:23am]
You have the best of me.
Slit my throat

Sad Chad... [02 May 2004|02:42am]
Today was so bad. I really fucked up my car.. I will post pics of what happend to it as soon as Andrea Buzz sends em to me..

Talking to you today made all the feelings I have ever had for you come right back. It would be crazy to say I love you. But..... I must one crazy mother fucker. I miss how cute you make everything. You fucked me over last time. I hope things can be different this time..
1 . Slit my throat

Wow... [17 Apr 2004|01:07am]
I just got back from the Thursday show.. And they are fucking GREAT!
2 . Slit my throat

Woooooo.... [09 Apr 2004|01:16am]
I can't wait to be back in Boston!
5 o'clock tommorrow..
3 . Slit my throat

haha [28 Mar 2004|03:04am]
Your mother smells like pussy all the time!
2 . Slit my throat

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