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Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
4:28 pm
Be afraid, for it is.. A Lilia Pony!

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2:43 am
POsted an LJ to Fel's journal. Fel's so fun to channel. n.n Such a nice girl. Also scary. Not as scary as what my inspiration from earlier inspired me to do. o.o

Yes, that's right, Felicity, as a MLP. n.n;

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1:25 am
Mehehehe. I am teh weird. o.o

[EDIT] And then I found a page for how to turn my old ponies into new ones! *GASP* Ooo. o.o PROJECT TIME!

You know you're bored, when, because of a post in someone else's LJ, you begin to think about what your characters would look like as My Little Pony dolls. o.o I'm tempted to hunt down that 'Create Your Own Pony' site I saw a while back and make one of Lilia, one of Marty, one of Fel, one of Jareth..

Yes, post to the wrong friggin' LJ.

Also added a bunch of people to Fel's LJ. @.x

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Tuesday, January 28th, 2003
9:17 pm
Oh, and that gash I had on my arm? infected. @.x Owwwwiiiiie.

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8:58 pm
Culled off a lot of people from my friendslist.

If someone has been accidentally removed they can feel free to request I add them again.

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8:00 pm
I have a cat pressed against my back and arse, hiding in my blankets. And she keeps attacking my buttocks. @.x

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7:40 pm
From a quiz found at:

YOU'RE A DREAMING MACHINE! You have a high awareness of your dreams and what they are trying to say to you. We want you on our show! We ORDER you to get in touch with us! Keep a SCIFI.COM Dream Journal (if you don't already), it's easy. E-mail us! Tell us about your DREAMING MACHINE status and we'll give your dream the recognition it deserves. Watch THE DREAM TEAM WITH ANNABELLE AND MICHAEL Monday through Friday at 11PM E/P, only on SCI FI!

.. So my brain is weird enough to land me on TV?

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4:48 pm
Last night I got a DeviantArt . I'm still working on uploading things, but it can be found at:

And I'm already liking it better than side 7, c'os there's no upload limits, and I can upload my photography and poems and stuff. Very nifty, and it's all mostly free which is even better, since I still need to put money in the bank for the mortgage.

Which I was going to take in today, but both myself and my dad are sicker than dogs. I dunno what's wrong with him, but my stomach hurts, I got the Pink Trots, and I can't get warm enough for my own comfort. Add to this the fact that I'm pissed off about the Genosha TP at XME and that my speakers for the TV aren't working no matter what the hell I do, and you've got one mouse who doesn't want to deal with the world.

Now, before you jump to conclusions; my disgruntlement with the Genosha TP isn't about what's going to happen. It's about the damn fact that I never know WHEN it's going to happen, and neither do half the people involved, including poor Paige, who was wrangled into spoofing for it, and then got told she did everything wrong. Seriously, I don't mind the explodyness, or the other stuff, as much as I mind not knowing when it's going to happen so I can clear my schedual and interact with it. You know? It's like, fine, good, but I wanna actually BE THERE instead of having someone sit there and SAY I'm doing such and such FOR me. :P

Anyway, all that aside.. I've been considering more zoid purchases, even though Blues loathes Lightning Saix. Poor Fish just keeps threatening to kill it, and getting nothing done. I think the next Zoid I get will be Command Wolf, and then Blade Liger, and one of the other lion-types.. And maybe one of the raptors. I like the way one of them looks, but not the other. I don't remember which, though, because I lost the booklet with the pictures in it that came with Lightning Saix.

Grrr.. Speaker just won't work, and that is that. :P

current mood: blah
current music: The radio, c'os the TV Is dead, dangit.

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Monday, January 27th, 2003
7:08 pm
Got me three puppets out at Neo. Wa-hay, I am teh productive! Also started work on a growlithe picture; but started gettin' sharp pain in my knee due to the cold so I had to return to the bed and get all curled up in a warm blanket to sooth the muscles. Eewie ew.

Anyway, last night in the shower, I slipped on the lenolium and gashed my arm, and now it hurts like freaking hell.

Think I may go back to work on that picture now, it's been a few hours since I started writing this. Am wondering about Deviantart; are they better than Side7? :P Anyone have anything to say about it? Probably not. o.o

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Sunday, January 26th, 2003
7:05 pm
Not feeling very wel of a sudden, think I'll go to bed early, Sorry, folks, but I just can 't sit around when I feel like puking constantly.

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8:04 am
So I'm supposed to be asleep, and I'm not.
I've tried sleeping since 10 PM. I can't get to sleep.
I've tried everything I can think of. Including stuffing my face with every bit of turkey in the house. Got to be awake in 4 hours.

I'll give it one last Hurrah, and then I dunno.

Oh, and, if anyone out there would be nice enough to do a spriute thing of Lysander for me (She's the white gargoyle chick on my default userpic) I'd, like, so totally have to give you a year or so of LJ time or something. Or do an art trade, hah hah. @.x

A larger versioin of my LJ Icon can be found here, uploaded to my webspace c'os I've lost the link to the actual artists's webpage. Picture done by Satana of the Miniclan a looong time ago. n.n

And now I try to sleep.

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1:58 am
So I did some nice things for people this morning because I was so happy dad got home safe and sound. Although when I was standing outside, watching for him, I scared myself shitless. Or, rather, Moose did. C'os I could hear them crashing atound in the bowl-dip of land just off our front yard, but couldn't see'em.

Then Dad told me there's been bear sightings in the neighborhood again, so I'd better not go out again.

... Eyah. I'm not going out unless he's out there first. o.o;;;;

(posted this to the wrong journal.)

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Saturday, January 25th, 2003
8:39 am

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8:14 am

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6:38 am
Waiting for him to get home from work..

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2:37 am
Watched Snow Dogs.
Was so intuled by 25 Minutes in that I stopped and turned it off.

Not Tall Kett Nah.

And while they managed to get Anchorage right, they pissed me off with the way they portrayed the town of Talketna.


Although I was bloody amused by the way the one guy in Anchorage took one look at Cuba in a frickin' parka and started laughing. C'os that's what do to stupid tourists up here who arrive on a day when it's 90+ out in a parka. And we have a damn right to do so, too!


Rr. Honestly, you'd think if the people in these movies actually LIVED in these places they'd damn well know the way to say the damn name. It's like in Balto. It's NEE NA NA. Like a knee on a banana. Not NEH-NAHNAH. And TAN-NA-NAH l, not Ta-nahnah like a.. something on a banana

Keeerist. It'd be like me walking up to someone in Miami and calling it Meea-mye. Do we call it Mia-Mye, which is what it looks like? NO! It's My-am-ee. Dammit.

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1:57 am
Listening to the cd by Train, Drops of Jupiter. And 'Something More' is.. something of a lot of how I feel right now. :P

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12:58 am
He got to work safe.

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Friday, January 24th, 2003
11:31 pm - deora ar mo chrof (Tears on my heart)
And everyone has one of those little sprite things as an LJ Icon.. I want one of Lysander. Or Lilia. Or to know how to make one.

I can't believe he wnt to work.

I want him back here, I want him to stop this. I don't want to lose him. And I'm angry at myself because the last thing I said to him was, Take care. Not I Love YOu.

I always made a point of saying I love you so if anything happened he'd know, and then I didn't one day and he nearly died, and then I didn't again and now he's out there, and I feel like I'm helpless, like there's something Im not in control of and that it'll be my fault.

And I have no one to talk to because I don't like bothering people withn these things.. I don't like bothering people.

And yet I want someone there for me.

I am so fucked in the head.

current mood: crappy
current music: Enya - deora ar mo chrof

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11:14 pm
He's going to work.
Let him get here okay.

current mood: worried
7:57 pm
My father was in a major car accident.
My father is alive and well.
The car is absolutely totalled, and can't drive. Had to be towed back up the hill.

If it hadn't been for the seatbelt, he would be dead, in the ditch, or spread across the highway.

I know it's not as if this doesn't happen every day somewhere in the world. But it still blows your mind when it happens.

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2:30 pm - An e-mail from my mom that amuses me.
The First Parent )

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3:13 am
Well, far be it for me to not follow a fad; so while I watch Blues have a hissyfit over having to share the bookshelf, I'll post some name stuff.

Lilia )

Me. Under Various Names. )

Felicity. Or as close as I could find. )

Topanga (Topenga) )

Marty. And I even threw one in to amuse the rest of you. )

Jareth. )

Glen. )

current mood: amused
current music: Take Another Peice of My Heart - Martina McBride

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2:14 am
Put the lightening saix by the fish tank on the book shelf. Blues keeps Flooffing at it. Silly fish, a Zoid isn't a Betta! :D

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Thursday, January 23rd, 2003
11:54 pm
Wheee-oh. Added Jareth@XME to my LJ friendslist.

And I LUBVS MAH LIGHTNING SAIX! n.n I keep thinking I should take it apart, and paint the black parts yellow with spots, though, c'os thay'd just look damn cool, and it IS a cheetah. But that's me. And I think it's schweet either way. I don't have any batteries to make it work, tho, and I really want some. Hrm. So I've got to find some triple-a Batteries, and I dunno where to find any. I'll ask dad to pick me up some tomorrow.

It's so puuuurrrrrrrty. n.n I wanna be a giant robotic cheetah and fire lazers! :D

Anyway. n.n; this is the first model kit I've ever put together. And I'm in love.

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11:17 pm
Lightning Saix came! Wooo! n.n I put him together; and he' beaaautiful. n.n I want to write more but I have jackasses paging me elseMU* about shit. @.x whee. I feel like a full blown cynic.

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11:49 am
And now I crash. Night. zZzZzZz

current mood: tired

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10:41 am
Wheeeee-oo. Some new Icons, I'm still working on others. Going with a Gargoyles theme. Nifty. n.n I finally found Tigris' e-mail address after Frank ate it, and I managed to send off an e-mail to her. I feel terrible about taking this long to find it. :P Can't help but feel like there's bound to be some amazingly obvious LJ out there that she might be writing. :P If I knew HALF the people out there I miss talking to had LJ or DJ, I'd be happy and try to link to them all.

Look! Funny Puck! n.n;; I have others, but don't know how to quite link to the userpics section to show.

Started reuploading old pics to Side 7 from Frank last night, and I also drew something folks at ATM May wanna see n.n

.. And.... A bunch of the pics I uploaded last night are, yet again, missing.
I'm getting very very frustraited by this.

Anyone out there know a webpage I can upload my art to that allows Anime Fan Art, Non-Furry Art, and pretty much anything so long as I include disclaimers and shite?

Switching to Frank to see if I missed any e-mails about this over there.

current mood: accomplished
current music: Mad About You on TV...

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4:36 am

.. I love Vagina Monologues. n.n

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3:34 am
Oh, yeah, and, apparently, my character at P:X is Rabid, now, because some fuckwit guy is taking OOC information IC, and is trying to use the OOC knowledge that I ICLY have info against them as grounds for spreading IC rumors about me. NeverMIND that there's at least 20 different ways for me to prove I'm not Rabid and all of them involve my ties to the League, to officer Jenny, to DarkPhoenix and Nexus, and, yes, even my ies to the PokeNurse staff of Layered town.


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3:29 am
So I had another post and I lost it. Whee. I'll repost it again later.

(Leave Lilia a note...)

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003
8:27 pm
Felicity says, "Veronica?"
WereVenusFlytrap! Veronica smiles sweetly. "Yeeeeeees?"
Felicity says, "Have you made the arrangements I requested?"
WereVenusFlytrap! Veronica says, "..Arrangements?"
WereVenusFlytrap! Veronica says, "Oh.. Yes. :>"
WereVenusFlytrap! Veronica says, "Yes, I have. :>"
Felicity says, "Muwahahaha. And does he suspect?"
Hick Ain't Chic, Paige eyes.
WereVenusFlytrap! Veronica says, "Not a thing."
Felicity says, "Eeeexcellent."
WereVenusFlytrap! Veronica cues the evil laughter.
Doug says, "How odd. My danger sense feels as if a giant board is smacking me in the back of the head. Repeatedly."

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5:32 pm
No movie for me.

Maybe Lightning Saix came, tho. Dad went to town, did laundry, is getting me McRibs (I am teh McRib addict. They're the only things I'll eat from McDonalds), and picked up the mail from the other house.

OH! And I really like the cartooning style from Disney's The Weekenders . o.o I wanna try and draw it sometime. o.o

Am going to make some new icons. o.o

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3:22 pm - More Fun with Paulie, PT. 2
The whole log from the get go, excluding a few non-related pub-chan things, and the aforementioned quote. :D )

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3:16 pm - More Fun with Paulie.
Obligatory Cat Girl Felicity says, "PAULIE!"
Paulie cocks his head to the side, "I admire your lightly furred chest."
Elf Bait Dina says, "Which... oddly applies to Fel."
Obligatory Cat Girl Felicity says, "... Oh, great, now he likes me. o.o"
Remy dies!
Damhnait chokes.
Jareth chokes. "That's too fitting for Fel."

More coming soon. :D

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1:13 am
Wheee.. Through an extreme ebventful accident, I am typing on the floor of the living room logged on from frank, because my chair just buckled beneath me. Reeeeally old chair, but, damnit, that hurt. @.x now I feel all fat and shit, and not in a fun way. Phooey. Time to go drag in the step stool and see if that helps. And in the meantime, I have Digit.

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Tuesday, January 21st, 2003
10:02 pm
Funny. :D

Which member of the 'X-Men Evolution' Brotherhood are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Going to see Two Towers tomorrow! And I have more Pepsi Blue! n.n.

Niht folks!

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7:41 pm
Hehehehe. God I love Weakest Link.
That just got sent to me by mom.

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4:43 pm
So today's big announcement is.. I now have a permanent account! Whee! Now I know there was a page about permanent accounts and how you could transfer your paid times over to other people if you'd paid up before. I'd like to do that but dunno how and got no instructions on how to do so. o.o

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4:28 pm






AOL has said screw you to me, so I can't message back, and since most of you aren't logged on to any MU*s, I can't page. Grr.

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