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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
3:13 pm - Ah yes...
I forgot, i wanted to post these 2 pics too..
Its an update of me and Ron Some of u had already seen it since we've communicate through email or icq.. :)

Anyhow, this is our latest pic.. i mean we do still look the same since we've taken these pic eventhough its been awhile now.. :p

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3:01 pm - I'm bacccccccccccck.......
Hey long lost friends..

I know its been forever since i've last wrote.. how many times do i need to apologise for it? Hopefully, not for long.. :p I promise... i'll write more and in the meantime.. enjoy these 2 pics.. i was looking through old pics of mine... one of them is of me having THREE tiny dreads <-- don't know how to spell - in my hair.. I thought i look farnee as hell in this one..

The other is a cake we baked for my dearest bro Scott last year.. is that COOL OR WHAT? :)

P/s Chad, u have to think that's cool.. i post this for u to laugh at.. :) the coolest cake u've ever seen..

current mood: cold
current music: INXS - Suicide Blonde

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Thursday, December 20th, 2001
2:29 pm - An Update finally..

I know, i know.. its been forever... i'm finally updating a lil.. but its going to be short, i'll write more later when i have the time..

I am living in Georgia right now.. with Ron of cos.. and we have a 3 bedroom house in a very pretty quiet neighbourhood.. the only downside.. my god, its so so so boring here! [tehee] Poor Ron and me are going nuts! Thank god, we are still close to Tallahassee, Florida.. :)

I don't know if anyone knows this, but i finally graduated at the end of September with my degree and was awarded a Portfolio Par Excellance Award.. I can't believe it.. Other then that.. everything is all fine and dandy and we are living good and happy.. :) It actually took us almost 2 months to settle down here, in our home and everything..

Anyways, I just want to wish everyon a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

current mood: lethargic
current music: Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz

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Tuesday, July 31st, 2001
3:44 pm - Oh God....
I can't believe all these shit is happening right now at this time.. Jeez.. what could be worst?

So i got home from visiting Ron, everything was so wonderful, we met up at Atlanta Airport and flew to Valdosta together... meeting his family proved to be rather scary but i think they kinda think i am an alright person... [whew] The next day, we drove down to Santa Rosa Beach - I love the beaches!! I can't wait to move down there so we can spend more time at the beaches. [I hate Denver] Mmmmm.... I had the most awesome time and ate the best seafood! :) I love being with Ron, he makes me really happy and pampers me to death. I miss him so much and i hate being apart from him but hey, less then 2 more months and we'll be together for good! :) I can't wait!!!

Anyways, everything was perfect till i got home, basically, my landlord wants us out of the house for 2 weeks cos they found Asbestos in the storage next to my dungeon... Oh god, i can't believe i slept surrounded by that shit for the last 7 months... So, i can't take anything with me and my landlord is putting us in the hotel for 2 weeks... Ok.. fine... i dunno what to say, i am still thinking and trying to work everything out. Oh joy, i can't believe this is happening still but maybe this will prove to be something good, i hope... considering right now, i am panicking over my portfolio shit and having to deal with losing 2 weeks of not working on my puter and pray, tell me... how will i graduate with something smashing? :(

I think i'm going to stop right here.... i am getting highly strung out... i kept wishing i would have stayed with Ron and never came back.. but hey, who am i kidding once again? I need to fuckin get this stupid graduation done with, and move down and live with Ron and start planning things out... I can't wait!!! At least right now, i have something happy to look forward too... [small smile]

current mood: distressed
current music: Buzzing Whizzz of the Puter

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Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
3:57 pm - Oh Man...
My roomy, Jaz said something to me last night which cracked me up so bad!

She said my recent ex, Joe looks like Pillsbury Doughboy except he has hair!

[grins] That is so true... I can't believe I was so 'in-love' with his brain that i really overlook so many things... Jaz said I always date pretty boys in the past why now Joe? All my friends were so shocked when i intro Joe as my bf then, everyone asked me what happened? U would think people would be nicer somehow and not just give me that blank look when asking me such a question... How the hell am i going to explain that...

Jeez.. sometimes i wonder that too.. [slapping forehead]

On the much lighter side...
I GET TO SEE RON NEXT FRIDAY! Oh god, i miss him so much!!! I can't wait! Its been so so so long since i've last seen him...

I have to get going to school.. [UGH] First week of school.... GOD, I so don't want to be here right now... [sighs] Summer had been crazy... sorry for not writing in forever.. I'm such a slacker.. hehehe I hope i don't get rained on when i walk to school... Its been storming the last few days.. Jeez...

P/s my friends think i chose the perfect man this time round... I think so too... :)

current mood: grumpy
current music: 1998 - Paul Oakenfold

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Tuesday, June 12th, 2001
12:12 pm - Oh....
I miss my Isamu

I love you my love......

Thank you for always loving me.. supporting me.... most of all, always being with me... even when i am a bitch from hell.. :)

current mood: working
current music: Every You Every Me - Placebo

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12:04 pm - Hail The Avs!



[bounce bounce bounce]

By the way, i was at the parade downtown yesterdayto celebrate with the Avs!


I knew we were going to win!

Damn the Devils anyways... :p

current mood: working
current music: Park Life - Blur

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Monday, May 14th, 2001
4:00 pm - Oh yeah..
I forgot!

HAIL COLORADO AVALANCHE!! THEY RULE! Well, so far they do...

4-1 victory over the St. Louis Blues

[bounces all over]

Yeap, i feel better after ranting! :) Can anyone see?

current mood: calm
current music: Teen Spirit - Nirvana

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3:39 pm - Thoughts... Strange Days...
Its raining out there.. but unfortunately, i live in the basement so i don't get to see a lot but i smell rain.. that's good enough huh?

I have been thinking of absolutely nothing lately.. and yet i have so much in my mind which sucks... I dunno what is going on but its as though my head is fill with a lot of misc. thoughts that doesn't mean anything at all...

First off, I have been thinking of my NO GOOD, FUCKIN' COWARD, LYING EX BF... Joe is the worst thing that ever happened to me, i don't regret it, yet i don't think i deserve it too.. he is one unstable, maniplulating SOB! He lies non stop, and i seriously think the reason he ever got with me is so i can support his ass when he moved out here to Denver with me... He is the most unmotivated guy i have ever met in my life and his living habits drives me crazy which is why I constantly thank the gods for taking me away from him eventhough it hurt me so bad then i didn't understand why i was clinging so close to him.. Conclusion, I thought i was in love... [blah] I was so stupid... but hell, the reason i am ranting right now is, i can't believe he is really such a coward.. he won't return my things, he refuse to do anything... and all i want is a few of my stuff back from him.. is it too late to get it back.. I bet! But fuckin hell.. they belong to me.. that jackass! I wish i could have taken everything at that time and not think too much of him or be so nice as to leave almost everything to him.. The worst part is, everyone thinks Joe is nice, he is nice when he wants to be but he also lies a lot, he told everyone how i am a bitch and i was the one that brought him down... MY ASS! He still owes my dad money from when we were living together, over 6k which he said he would pay back and never. We rented a loft when we first moved to Denver but my dad helped us out so much, and always bailing us out, he repaid my dad and me by spliting and moving to Santa Cruz and avoiding us.. Smart move Joe.. totally admirable! [beams] Most of my friends hates him for what he did but of cos his friends hates me cos of all the lies he is feeding them with about me.. :) Isn't he just the sweetest? [flutters eyelashes, being a total bitch]

WHY AM I SO STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!! Why do i believe him so much then... when i obviously know he was lying through his teeth... THAT ASSHOLE, he lied about everything.. I wish i could wish him hell but unfortunately, i am not this way, I hate being the way i am sometimes... Nice Grayce.. FUCK THAT! Jeez..

All in all, i am just venting, i just can't believe how people are sometimes.. so conceited, so low-class... so damn annoying! STUPID PEOPLE! I HATE STUPID ASSHOLES! They are such a parasite to society.

Well, On the light side...

I miss my Isamu
I love u my love.... Come home to me soon... I hate being so far from u... I hate this, i hate being mad at stupid people... I am so so so thankful u are in my life now... U cannot imagine how happy you've made me...

current mood: grumpy
current music: Yellow

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3:37 pm - Should i...
Or shouldn't i?

current mood: thoughtful
current music: Yellow

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Thursday, May 10th, 2001
1:43 am - Fuckin homework!
Did i mentioned i hate being pushed to complete a project?

Did i mentioned i hate cramming my design ideas?

How can one produce good art/design when one is being pushed?


current mood: aggravated
current music: Creep - Radiohead

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Sunday, May 6th, 2001
4:22 am - [Faints]
I am so so so tired...

I am so so so drained...

I think school is driving me nuts...

I miss Ron.. [deeper sighs] He better take care of himself in Australia... I just can't believe he has to be there for so long... I miss talking to him... I miss hearing his voice... I just miss him...

Plain and simple...

I wish he was here...

And i know.. everything will be all right..

[taking a deep breath...] I need to lay down...

current mood: drained
current music: Silence of the night...

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Friday, April 20th, 2001
2:17 pm - I am baaaaaaaaaaack!
Hey everyone!

I am sorry i was gone in forever.. school was crazy.. and i didn't have a lot of time trying to divide time for school, sleep, friends and most of all Ron.. time difference suck big time and i hate it.. but i don't care as long as i can still talk to him..

I am taking 6 classes this quarter and a lot of them are bullshit classes which suck big time but hell, i just want to get it done with dammit! [growls] Other then that.. everything is great in Denver, my friends are as crazy as ever and trying to drive me into an early grave as usual, i got another new snake to replaced the one my roomy lost.. she is so pretty and so cool... Seosyph is her name, and she is of some funny breed between two weird italian naming breed.. i still have to translate to english and maybe she might just be a common snake but her colours are so unique... Ahh... I am back to my old silly routine/self again.. [blah]

Everything's awesome between me and Ron as usual, he sent me a great package yesterday and i only got it today! He got me a Red Wings Jersey! [jumps all over] Ok, for those that don't like them.. hush.. don't make me get into an argument over it... heheh He bought me some great Abercrombie cargo pant! Oooooooh.. now we have matching ones.. [laffs] How cuteeeee...

My friends has been totally awesome to me... its great being back here and be with all my friends.. yes i am happy.. but my life isn't complete yet.. but i know soon.. i hate this meet and farewell thing with me and Ron.. i can't wait to just get stuck with him for life.. :)

For Ron -

I miss u baby.. I love u so much.. thank for doing all the things u do for me all the time.. it means so much to me that u always take time out or go out of your way to make me happy.. Take care when u get to Australia.. look out for crawlies.. dun forget water!

To all my LJ friends out there.. Its good to be back again.. I've miss updating and reading up on everyone.. [ready to roll out... excerpt from StarCraft] hehehehh

current mood: loved
current music: Smack My Bitch Up - Prodigy

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Thursday, March 29th, 2001
10:47 pm - My Noseeeee....
I cannot stop spewing up phlegm <-- is that how u spell it? Oh god... i cough so much.. that i swear.. my lungs just about to burst... i hadn't smoke in 2 days and today i started smoking a lil and god... it felt so good and yes! It hurts a lil too.. Blah!

My nose hurts.... and believe me, if u see my nose.. u'll understand... its damn tiny to begin with...

Ron loves my nose... [spaced out stupid look] Can u believe it?

Someone show me some love besides Ron... [hehehe]
Oh Pleassseeeeee... Its freezing in Korea.. whatever happened to Spring here dammit! We are in an internet cafe right now... Ooooh Oooh and its cheap!!! 1500 won an hour... which is about a dollar 10 cents an hour.. [rolls eyes]

Aaaaaand did i mentioned that i am suffering from serious PMS-ing! [God help Ron...] It feels so good to have a human punching bag! [evil crackle] ^_^

How's everyone? Update me my friends....

current mood: sick
current music: Stupid Korean Music...

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Wednesday, March 21st, 2001
9:09 pm - Brrrr......
Oh god, its freakin cold in Korea right now....

[ugh] and i am hungry too.. Ron is taking forever... [laffs] Its almost 930pm and i hope there's places open right now.. Damn he just tickled me cos i said he took forever... [let him clear his name on that one... smirk]

Yeah! Time for food... he is ready! I just wanna let everyone know that I miss everyone and yes.... i'll reply everyone soon.. :) As fast as i get free time ok?

Bee good everyone...

Oh oh oh.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAD! [huggles from both me and Ron.. oppsie.. Ron is not that gay.. hahahhah]

current mood: hungry
current music: Hate Creed..... Which is on the freakin TV

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Tuesday, March 13th, 2001
11:46 pm - Arghhhh...
Damn... Damn... DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!

Ok, maybe that was a little overated..

But hell, i hate to fuckin pack! Why can't i just press a button and have things pack up for me nice and proper! [sighs]

This blows!

Why can't i just leave when my plane leaves for Korea and expect my stuff to get there sametime as me.. [hates packing] hahahhah

Alright, i've finish venting... [back to packing]

current mood: busy
current music: Dreaming of you - Selena

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Monday, March 12th, 2001
5:04 pm - A Road Less Travelled...

Local News
Motorcyclist dies on the spot after accident
Sunday, March 11, 2001

A motorcyclist died on the spot after he was flung off his vehicle in an accident along the Pan Island Expressway early Sunday morning.

Police believe Ivan Lim Chee Hyan, a 24-year old technician, lost control of his vehicle which crashed into a guard railing at the left road shoulder.

He died from serious internal injuries and his body was found slumped across the railing.

<-- -->

I can't believe this is happening... I knew him since my secondary school days... My Ex bf then during my younger days ran in the same pack as his... We've went out in big group of friends and so often had so much fun together. He is so young, only a year older then me... though we are not close, his death is still a big shock... Never expected something like that would happened, life is indeed unpredictable like that... At least, he didn't suffer all that much before he died...

I still can't believe it... I just found out the news... I wish i could do more... I wish so much.... but....

current mood: shocked
current music: Anywhere Is - Enya

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12:08 pm - Oscars!
I was just reading the newspaper about the upcoming Oscars... Personally i would definately hope Gladiator will sweep Best Picture... Its the one movie i love eversince Braveheart... In my eyes, no one has ever come close to comparing to Mel Gibson in Braveheart untill i saw Russell Crowe in Gladiator... The feel of the arena when the Gladiators were push out to fight for their lives, how barbaric humans were in the past, to gather around to watch men fight one another to death... but that is not the point. I think it looked really real in all sense and to depict Ancient Rome in such a convincing cinematography is no easy task. When i watch an epic, i watch out for the 'realness' of the movie... Yes, there's lots of blood and gore but hell, if there isn't, how would the younger generation of today know how it was like in the old world? There are so much to debate on... but these are only my own views...

I have to say i am a fickle minded dudette though, I hope Ang Lee would win some oscars for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon too... I can't help it, i'm chinese and naturally hope my fellow man would win something in such a global award affair of the year... Ang Lee won lots of awards for his past works but most of them are English based movies but this time for a chinese movie to hit into the oscars is something to be proud of... :) I have to say i am not that impress with Crouching Tiger but hell, Ang Lee managed to capture the essence of 'ancient' kung fu moves... I hate the flying sceens though... that was ridiculous... Strong cast and didn't like the fact what happened to Chow Yun Fatt and the ending...

So all in all.... I would put all my money on Gladiator.. For Best Picture

Hail Gladiator!

current mood: good
current music: Boadicea - Enya

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Friday, March 9th, 2001
12:06 am - Fucking shitty damm hell....
Ok.. so i am not in a good mood at all..

I do not understand what my fuckin fucked up school wants at all..
First it tells me i have 6 more classes to complete..
And now it tells me i have 13 more classes to complete..
Oh fucking hell.. God i am so so so mad.. and i am so damn lost on what the hell is happening.. one moment this and the next that.. Why can't they fucking make up their fuckin minds.. Good lord.. [deep sighs]

I give up.. if the final verdict has to have me take 13 classes..I'm doom.. financially i cannot make it, that is why i am getting a 'demotion' from persuing my BA to an AAS...

Any Hooooooo...

I think i need something to cool down my anger..
Maybe a fuckin cold bathe... and the invitation only opens to one person.. [wicked grin] Need i say more?


current mood: confused
current music: Rollin' - Limp Bizkit

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Wednesday, March 7th, 2001
10:27 pm - Mwaaaaaah!
I am tired and cranky and not at peace with the world at all..

and i dunno why....

I sure could use a hug....

[long sigh]

And someone to tell me its going to be ok....... Why do i feel this way sometimes?

What the fuck is wrong with me...

current mood: indescribable
current music: Blah...

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