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People have been asking me:
Why do you feel that this is a cover up by John Kerry?
The main reason is: why would John Kerry call someone who was making up lies about them? Did President Bush call Michael Moore when he was making lies up about Bush? No, of course not, the reason Kerry is calling these people is because he KNOWS that something big is going to be exposed about him.
What I find funny about this is Kerry is doing EVERYTHING in his power to discredit these people who wrote this book. What did Bush do about Michael Moore? Hardly nothing, he knew that the American people would see it for what it was worth, lies and spin. Kerry is terrified about people learning the truth about him. Bush has released his military records, why won’t Kerry?
From The Drudge Report:
Kerry’s campaign now says is possible first Purple Heart was awarded for unintentional self-inflicted wound…Kerry received Purple Heart for wounds suffered on 12/2/68…
In Kerry’s own journal written 9 days later, he writes he and his crew, quote, ‘hadn’t been shot at yet’... Developing…
So maybe Kerry did lie about his Purple Heart awards, yet again, slapping the faces of all our vets. Fine Job Kerry, Real Proud!
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