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Sept 17-18, 2004

Last updated Friday, August 27, 2004 5:40 PM

Celebrating 84 years of women's suffrage
The very pro-life Susan B. Anthony knew that one vote made a difference.

Predictable distortion of climate change
What compels scientists to emphasize unwarranted scares without respect for fact?

Kerry campaign backtracks on first Purple Heart award
Campaign says wound may have been self-inflicted.

Second judge rules partial-birth abortion ban unconstitutional
Judge says the only way procedure can be banned is if a "medical consensus" is reaching showing that no woman would benefit from the abortion procedure.

Passing the torch
After doping scandals, an overdose of fame, and unexpected losses defrocked the reigning legends of U.S. track and field, a new generation of champions arose overnight in Athens.

Register today for's Election Seminar
The Wall Street Journal's Editorial Page and present a seminar hosted by Paul Gigot on Wed., Sept. 22 at the Harvard Club in New York City.

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Small Business Owners: No more searching through red tape
Affordable Health Insurance Now Available
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Choosing the Right College 2005
Completely revised and rewritten, ISI's College Guide is now an annual publication.

Two Americas: One rich, one poor?
Understanding income inequality in the United States.

IWF applauds Schwarzenegger’s good housekeeping prowess
Governor Arnold launches an innovative program to clean out what he calls "the cobwebs of government."

"Live" with Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell has pioneered a niche once thought to be an oxymoron: the black conservative thinker.

Price controls on drugs would be inhumane
Price controls mean many would suffer or die unnecessarily.

Family Security Matters equips women to fight terror
New organization informs women about how they can enhance our country's efforts to keep our children and families safe and secure.

Will a U.S. Embassy destroy a national monument?
Proposals to build a new embassy in Skopje, Macedonia overlook the fact that the area is a cultural monument.
What's New Email Update
Sign up for a daily email summary of the latest from 112 conservative groups.

This land is not your land
Michigan’s failed experiment with eminent domain comes to an end.

The life story of Condoleezza Rice
The inspiring journey of the U.S. national security advisor.

Pastors targeted in fall elections
Leftist groups are worried that religious conservatives have been energized into action by the debate over homosexual 'marriage.'

Kerry once supported tax rate reductions for the wealthy
Mounting economic evidence indicates that tax hikes targeted at the wealthy are counterproductive.

Cave bug ruling lends support to Elton John's 'Circle of Life'
Imagine being banned from using your property because of a bug.

Will voters choose to expand gambling interests in California?
Analyst says the the cost of slot machines to families and society is not worth the risk.

Majority of Americans support school vouchers
National study raises question of bias in annual Phi Delta Kappa poll.

Raising pure kids in an impure world
A new book by Richard & Renee Durfield says parents are a vital influence in helping their children resist sexual temptation.

Georgia celebrates progress in raising student achievement
“I’m proud of what our teachers have accomplished,” Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue recently told a cheering crowd.


Spotlight On
Today's Opinion


Paul Jacob
The endless summer vacation?
George Will
The nuclear threat
Doug Giles
Kerry’s Crowd: Sweating, Squealing & Sinking

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Breaking News
FBI, Homeland Security Warns of Terrorist Probing of VA Hospitals,

More Alleged Hamas Operatives Linked to DC-Area Think Tank,

Gandhi's Grandson Opens 'Non-Violent' Palestinian Peace Movement,

Bush Admits 'Miscalculation'; What's the Plan Now, Kerry Adviser Asks,

[ More ]
Events Calendar

Sept 9 - "Telecommunications: The Constitutional Dimensions of Utility Compensation." Held in Arlington, VA. Featuring former Rep. David McIntosh and former Attorney General William P. Barr.

Sept 15 - Michelle Malkin book event in D.C.: "In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror."

Sept 25 - Leadership Institute Silver Anniversary Gala in D.C. Featuring U.S. House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (MO) and U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (AL).

[Full Calendar]

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