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August 13, 2004

I know people are seeing on the news stations

like CNN and MSNBC that Sarasota got hit hard but I am here to tell you that we didn't. Or at least where I live in SRQ did not get anything at all.
We had rain and some wind and that one tree fell down. We never lost power or even got a flicker from it.
The problem with the satellite images they were showing you and calling it Sarasota, is that the areas that got hit, Ft. Meyers and Port Charlotte, are right below SRQ.
When you look at a map of Florida, you see the major cities like Tampa, Orlando, Miami and Sarasota is what you see so when they talk about these storms, they say Sarasota but it was really Port Charlotte that got nailed and Ft. Meyers, which only got a 6 hour warning that it was coming, were hit horribly bad and they are without power and probably will be for about a week.
There were some downed trees in SRQ but nothing major at all so we are perfectly safe here and now we have all this water and ice and canned stuff.
This has been an interesting day to say the least.
This is actually the sky over SRQ right now.

Ended the same way we began.

Kat posted at 07:47 PM on August 13, 2004 || Comments (15) || Huricane Charley

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