Sugar 'N Spicy

Saturday, August 28, 2004

American Art Archives

Alex Ross - One of the top story and cover artists from the 1940s through the 1960s -

His facility with depicting adorable children or beautiful women made him in demand for advertising work.

Old Puzzles

"The harmony Four"

1900 to 1930 Hand Cut Puzzles.


The Great Voltini...

and his delectable assistant - Nurse Electro.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Rare Ads

The largest collection of rare and hard to find vintage magazine ads on the internet.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Car Models Museum

Days gone -

Nostalgic models.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

French advertisements 1900-1960

Lingerie advertisements.

Mannequin Display

Dedicated to store window displays & display mannequins.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


The past and present lives of Working People.

The talents and passions of working people are often expressed in forms that are not traditionally preserved. So, too, are the artistic expressions of the labor movement that have moved working people to action. Collecting and displaying these cultural objects is the mission of the LABOR ARTS website.

50s, 60s, 70s

The works of Kelly Reemtsen -

Fine Arts Painting.

Poster Glory

Fine Antique American Posters.

Aspects of the Victorian book

Yellowbacks -

Yellowbacks are a distinctive category of cheap books which began to appear in the middle of the nineteenth century. Most yellowbacks were reprints of popular fiction by best-selling authors of the day, who generally welcomed the opportunity to find new purchasers in the mass market.

A Collection of Children's Literature

KidPrint - A repository of popular British children's literature from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Via Streetprint - A growing community of public web archives.

Johnny Meah - The Czar of Bizarre

The wonders of the Circus and Sideshow acts.

Tickle your eyes with Czar art!

Saturday, June 12, 2004

The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss

Via tkblog.

Mucha Gallery by Jinnie

A beautiful gallery of artwork by the world-acclaimed Czech ART NOUVEAU artist Alphonse Mucha.

Via neurastenia / Penny Dreadful - A subsidiary of The Dovecote.


~Caviar to the general~

Via links I followed from neurastenia.

Friday, June 11, 2004

The Makeup Gallery

Witch makeups -

Helena Bonham Carter in the Swamp Witch.

Yachting Girls

Women on board 1901 to 1960 -

And from a different section of this wonderful German site:
Venus in the Bathtub