



War is a Racket - Smedley D. Butler 

War is a Racket - Smedley D. Butler

Livejournal Pictures (Better Version) 

Livejournal Pictures (Better Version) These images are the 100 newest Livejournal pictures.


Guernica Introduction 

Titus is da man 

Drinking and coding at Java Vino. Titus showed up to chat about Argentina and drink beers. He ended up helping me code in ASP on a project. Much praise to Titus.

Titus Barik the thumbman






weird dream 

I had a dream last night. I was driving my car the one I have now. It was a cool sunny day I had the sun roof open, the windows down and radio pumping. (I don't remember the music) The road was empty just me. It was a white sandy road low green brush on either side. I was cruising. I had the sense that the beach was not too far off my left. It gets fuzzy but a net of black plastic was across the road. 4 ft high but off the ground about a 1ft. I passed through it but then there was another they weren't tight or anything but then the road did a hard left. I flew off the edge. But I kinda floated and wasn't afraid. I looked down on the road and saw it switched back several times. I felt calm and was enjoying myself this far in the dream. I landed on the road and more fuzzyness I saw and followed my exgirlfriend to a house I asked about the nets and she pointed out a huge spool of thread and I got the sensation she said "there is plenty of thread for that" The house was a huge beautiful beach house. Open airy well lit. Somepeople were around I wasn't friends with them I wanted to talk to my ex but she was being aloof. The people gave me the creeps but I kind of ignored them I was unset my ex was hanging with such people. She moved to a couch in a dark room. I tried to talk but she would just give me a look like she didn't want to talk about it.

I woke up upset. Was upset for a while thinking of the relationship.


To dream that you are driving a vehicle, signifies your life's journey and your path in life. The dream is telling of how you are moving and navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates that you do not know where you are headed in life and what you really want to do with yourself. You are lacking direction and goals. If you are driving on a curvy road, then it indicates that you are have difficulties in achieving your goals and the changes associated with it.


To see a road in your dream, indicates your sense of direction and pursuit of your goals. To see a winding, curvy, or bumpy road in your dream, suggests that you will experience many obstacles and setbacks in achieving your goals
To see a smooth road bordered by green trees and flowers, denotes a steady progress and steady climb up the social ladder. If the road is straight and narrow, then it means that your path to success is going according as planned.

To see an unknown road in your dream, signifies that you new project will cause more grief than it is worth and a waste of time.


To dream of the direction left, symbolizes the unconscious and your repressed thoughts/emotions. It is an indication of passivity

To see a net in your dream, signifies that you find yourself caught in a complicated life situation...

To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease...


To see the beach in your dream, symbolizes the meeting between your two states of mind. ....


To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-husband/wife or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to the same or similar behavior in a current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers often highlight the positive experiences you had with that person.


To see thread in your dream, signifies that your road to fortune will be a complicated one. You will need to bind together and strengthen commitments and relationships.

To see a new house in your dream, indicates that you are entering into a new phase or new area in your life....


To see people you know in your dream, signifies qualities and feelings of those people that you desire for yourself.

To see people you don't know in your dream, denotes hidden aspects of yourself that you need to confront.

To see people from your past in your dream, refers to your shadow and other unacknowledged aspects of yourself. It can represent a waking situation that is bringing out similar feelings as your past relationships.


I know I know  

I haven't been blogging much. I have been working and going to dinner and sometimes the gym. My hand is feeling better so it is easier to type and not such a choir. So I hope to do better.

Blogging ban at olympics

"The International Olympic Committee is barring competitors, as well as coaches, support personnel and other officials, from writing firsthand accounts for news and other Web sites.

An exception is if an athlete has a personal Web site that they did not set up specifically for the Games."


New York Post Online Edition%3A news 

New York Post Online Edition%3A news

Slashdot News for nerds stuff that matters 

Your Right to Travel Anonymously: Not Dead Yet

"I remember in the 80s we used to make jokes about Soviet citizens being asked show me your papers and needing internal passports to travel in their own country. Now we need internal passports to travel in our country. How did this happen"

My thought exactly.


The Corporation - A film by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan 

Thinking of going tonight. Whos in?

The Corporation - A film by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan


My hand hurts 

Weeks are flying by, I am busy.

Saturday I went on a pub crawl with friends. 7 beers in 7 bars in 7 hours not bad. More later but my hand hurts.

Sunday went to take Yogi for a walk to the land trust. They were having an antiwar rally. Walked down with Missy, Merlin and Karen. I kept Yogi on the leash at first but since a lot of other dogs were wandering around I thought it ok to let him off the leash. I was about 2 yards away. Merlin said he was having a burger and that Luke and Yogi were hopeing he was going to drop it. Luke is an older dog that lives downthere. They had seen each other before but understadn now that Luke gets crazy around food. So I am standing about 2 yards away when I hear all hell break loose. Yogi doesn't start shit but if another dog gets in his face he growls back. By the time I get there Yogi has Luke by the neck. I grab Yogi by the harness with my left hand. I am not sure what I was planning on doing with my right hand but I think I was trying to smack Yogi in the nose to let go but as soon as it got close the other dog bite me. Finaly get the two seperated and tend to the puncher wounds in my hand.

Merlins comment "funny Yogi getting into a fight at a peace rally" Who knew Yogi was politcaly motivated.


MJ FEATURE: The 100 Best Websites (For Guys) 

MJ FEATURE: The 100 Best Websites (For Guys)

more urling


I think I have decided to wait til spring to go back to school. Get more comfortable with the routine at work and I need to get a certification before November. That plus I need to deal with some other issues. It has waited this long it can wait another semester.


"Urling" Instead of "Blogging": Part 1 of 2 :: AO 

"Urling" Instead of "Blogging": Part 1 of 2 :: AO

Now I have a new term for this site. IT makes more since I do more urling then blogging. Hmmm Urling meetup?


Gave him a bath, his heartworm medicine,flea medicine and a chew stick. He is sleeping now.



I haven't posted in a while due mostly to being too busy and an overwhelming desire to revamp this thing and a strange new feeling of concern as to my posting being judge by any co-workers that may happen to stumble onto my site. Question to any one reading this who has a blog themselves. Do you censor yourself for fear it will affect your job? I remeber feeling free to post whatever I wanted when I worked for myself. But now somehow the conservative enviroment I work in has given me pause.

I need to take Yogi back to the vet. He is chewing up his skin. I hear chows have sensitive skin that combined with his jumping in the koi pond (long since free of koi) and laying in the dirt is making him scratch. Tonight he gets a bath.

Work is good. Getting into the routine. Setting up my calendar to remind me to do all the mundain repetative tasks. There are enough unexpected issues to keep it interesting. And a 152 point todo list kinda says job security.

I see Tammy finaly figured out blogger. cool. Public apology; I apologize if I offended by my comment. I was tipsy and meant nothing by it.

Got my room cleaned up and organized. Now I need to go through my cloths and remove the stuff thats been hanging around unused. Also going to ebay a lot of stuff. Anyone want some books. Plan on getting rid of the ones I've read and don't plan on reading again. I'll post a list as soon as I have it.

Will be taking it slow this week. I have work to do at home. I spent too much money lately need to slow down some. Also have a couple of websites to do before I get to this one. Justins pub crawl is this weekend. That should prove interesting.

Over all things are good and looking up.


System Administrator Appreciation Day 

System Administrator Appreciation Day No one appreciated me today 8-(


Active reflection 

Some people know how to better explain experiences. I was trying to explain why I blog and why some of my post are enigmatic. I am just learning how to better express my thoughts. The blog has helped. Phattboi has an interesting post here
phatt/fire/sizzle: Active Reflection

The first webbloggers meetup was mostly technofiles. Of course being the first to adopt. I think too that working in technology, in my own experience, tends to isolate one and too the communication is not same. I get calls from people who are upset about a failing in the technology, having to begrudgingly admit their limitaions or pissted that some how I am responsible for the entire computer industry. That tends to stiffle ones impulses to communicate. Also I have noted since taking a full time job besides having less time to blog I am more likely to hesitate or refrain from making certain post unsure how they would be interpreted if read by anyone at work.



Before I continue must warn you about my spelling and grammar or lack there of. I normaly write when I have a few moments and normaly at night. I don't always check the spelling. Maybe I should but I do this as a release, a record of my day and for my entertainment. Read at your own risk.

Let see. Routine. Got up around 7:30. Shower, shave, dress and head out. The drive to the MARTA station is short and barely get's the engine warm. While waiting for the train I listen to NPR on my cell phone's ear piece. There are usualy a few people there waiting as well. It's early and noone has had coffee so we tend to stand in our own little spheres. Evenly distributing ourselves throughout the platform. I pace the platform listening to the latest crap about the election. Not sure why I don't shut it off till November. The silver boxy train shows up, the crowd looks in unison and silently moves toward the closest set of open doors. The train in is usual fairly empty. The cars are all identical, high traffic carpet is a dirty maroonish orange to hide dirt, silver rails and poles, cream colored plastic chairs two deep, a menagerie of people heading to work. A series of stops and we hit five points. The intersection of the East West and North South trains. I get off and walk downstairs to take the north train. One stop and I am at peachtree center station. I climb the escalator as others stand to the right. The entrance to Peachtree center mall is around the corner from the escalator. The cold air conditioned air hits me as I enter. The mall is little more than a food court. It is convenient during lunch time. Many choices. Three towers are connected by the Mall. I pass Chick-fi-la on the way to the stairs that lead to the lobby of the North Tower. The eleator to the eighteenth floor is swift. My office is humming as I enter. I login and start up my email. Grabbing my espresso cup I head down to the other break room. The Lavazza machine is a nice perk. Check my email and decide where to start on my 152 step todo list.



I went to the webloggers MEETUP last Wednesday. Titus has a better discription on his site. It was interesting mix as half the people who showed don't blog. We're suppose to go indoor rock climbing this Wednesday.

Been very social lately going out every evening with old friends and new. It must be the season. Eating very well.

Choices. When you are a open minded Sag rat with a mild case of ADD you can get lost or diluted by the options. Entertainment, career, friends, mates, food, etc...
I love variety. I love trying new things. I also have so old favorites I like to revist now and again. But we ultimately have to choose. Some choices are easy Italian or Chinese tonight? Some aren't that simple. The new job has put me in a different space and I have new options and choices to make. My day can be broken up by 7 hours sleep 9 hours work then 8 hours to do what I want with combined with the weekend. And isn't it true that it seems we either have the time or the money. seldom both. I am just babbling on at this point actualy not sure if I have a point.


Congressional Reports: Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 

Congressional Reports: Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001

Been to busy to post 

Maybe later today after work.


No Need to Click Here - I'm just claiming my feed at Feedster

This land  

This land belongs to you and me

The upcoming election spelled out in 30 secs.


Air Force Sees Rare Iraq Combat Death 

Air Force Sees Rare Iraq Combat Death: "The Air Force has had nine deaths in Iraq - four in combat and five from non-combat causes. That is fewer than any of the other services. "


The History of Weblogs 

The History of Weblogs

"The first weblog was the first website,, the site built by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN. From this page TBL pointed to all the new sites as they came online. Luckily, the content of this site has been archived at the World Wide Web Consortium. (Thanks to Karl Dubost for the link.)"

Weblog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Weblog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997.

"Weblogs are often-updated sites that point to articles elsewhere on the web, often with comments, and to on-site articles. A weblog is kind of a continual tour, with a human guide [whom] you get to know. There are many guides to choose from, each develops an audience, and there's also comraderie and politics between the people who run weblogs, they point to each other, in all kinds of structures, graphs, loops, etc." -- Dave Winer, [2] (


Helped Mara with PC issues.  Her business is doing good.  Empressively clean warehouse.  I Keep pushing for her to do a real website so far all she will allow out there is the product list and address.   She gave me some samples for my efforts on the PC.  I got some pancetta, peccorino and of course some olive oil.  After we eat at Baraonda and caught up.  I think we finaly have forgiven each other and moved on.   It was different.  Like old friends.
I have no time.  Booked all this week.  Work, planning school etc... When it rains it pours.



Friday night was Kelly and Emily's AKA Kimaly's 57th birthday party.   Her sister was the hostess with the mostest.  Nice touch with the polarods. Let everyone take a picture and provided frame for them. Good group. Even Tito showed up. The drinks and conversation continued till 2.
Saturday. Feeling a little worn thin from lack of sleep and drinking alittle more than customary for me.  Went to Decatur to take care of the Hoodoo, Paula's cat. Then to the square for some comfort food. SUSHI!!!  Kit & Bahama's party was at 3 I was in charge of the keg.  Now I never rented a keg before. Where to get a keg in Atlanta?So I took a few minutes to call around and find a place. Mac's was the place
Mac's Beer and Wine929 Spring St.Actually on 8th St. between Spring and West PeachtreeAtlanta, GA404-872-4897  Mon-Wed 10-10, Thu 10-11:45, Fri-Sat 9-11:45
Rent the keg, tub and tab. So having mission accomplished it was off to the pool.  Lots of fun, food and many new faces for me. 


BlogOn 2004 - The Business of Social Media 

BlogOn 2004 - The Business of Social Media :-O


Links organized links

Yeah!! it works 

Atlanta Events

BBC NEWS | Technology | Creator of the web turns knight 

Creator of the web turns knight

"Sir Tim created his hypertext program while he was at the particle physics institute, Cern, in Geneva.

The code he crafted made it far easier for scientists to share their research and information across a fledgling computer network, which became the internet.

In the 1990s, the program was named the "world wide web" and it has given the net as we know it its backbone ever since. "


Atlanta Events 

Atlanta Events

New experiment. After talking to Titus about the issues with the last attempt. I left the conversation thinking of new ways to use the service. So after at the Masquerade they were asking for people to sign up for there announcements. Bingo.

A method to keep up with the goings on in Atlanta and not clog my email.

I quickly signed up for:
Atlanta Botanical Gardens
High Museum
Park Tavern
The Compound

If you have ideas for others let me know. I'll add them.


Wednesday night 

Meet Titus at the Highlander for a drink and some dinner. The food there is not bad Wednesday special is a T-bone ;-). Kelly came along for entertainment. Was good seeing Titus again. After Kelly dragged me to the Masquerade to see some live music and meet the rest of the gang. Strange I have never been to the Masquerade before. Cool venue. Lots of space. Seems to have been an old cotton weaving factory. The had two bands playing on two levels plus Karaoke at the bar.

Kar-a-o-ke n
1. A music entertainment system providing prerecorded accompaniment to popular songs that a drunk performer sings live, usually by following the words on a video screen.
2. The performance of such music.

Ok picture two metal band fan looking white guys. Black jeans, band t-shirts and boots. Long hair and goatees. now listen.
this is an audio post - click to play


I love a good cat story.. 

Yahoo! News - Tabby Gets Military Rank After Iraq Tour



Finaly a little recognition for the ".... legendary American inventor, architect, engineer, designer, geometrician, cartographer and philosopher."


7:30ish wake up to NPR on the alarm, get ready for work.
8:00ish MARTA Station Take westbound to 5 points the North the Peachtree Center.
8:30 Work begins. Get espresso try to stay awake
12:00ish lunch
1:00 work
5:30 get off work
6:00 home.

Pretend to have a life worth blogging.

12:00 sleep
Repeat +5
Then weekend.

Getting used to this schedule after a 3 year hiatis is proving harder
than I thought.




Social experiment 

Orignal idea was a failure but I learned that if you mention it is a chainletter most system filters will catch it. Either that or the line send to friends triggered them.
Hmmm I think when I get time and feel more mischiefious I'll put into play my other idea. I still think it is cool that you email posts. Kind of eliminates the need for anykind of client software.


Long time no post 

Been busy. Seems every day there has been work then after ward my nights are full. I guess it is a good thing. I haven't quite gotten everything exactly where I want it but I am getting there.

Went to Carpe Diem for brunch. Incotra un nouvo amica. I tanto tempo che non parlo Italiano.

Behind on sleep and work. A little miffed my social experiment has been a bust. But I think I need to work on verbage. Also I should creat an alias. Oh I have an Idea. I make up a alias like lisa or kim @ then post a personal and see what happens... hehehehe that could be interesting.

Went hiking with Kit today. The East palasades in Vinings are always nice. It was the hot part of the day and despite being in the shade I was sweating. After we swung by the Vinings Jubalee and Garrisons for a pink lemonade. Kelly called wanted to go to Kit's pool. Picked up Yogi and Kelly and headed to the pool. Josh meet us there. Yogi really enjoyed himself.


Email Viral Blog 

Everybody's a critic

-Update- This won't register your email. Only text works. -Update-

Social studies experiment.

Ok heres the deal. You can email a post to a blogger account. So I was
thinking Let's see what an email chain letter looks like. email

Anything you email will be posted to

Please mention your Location:

Email it and your favorite qoute to

and carbon copy to 3 friends and lets see how far it goes.

See the results at


Boaters find kitten swimming 3 miles offshore in Gulf of Mexico: South Florida Sun-Sentinel


Why am I surfing the web at 3am? 

Because sleep doesn't seems to adher to a schedule. I am still not accustom to getting up at a specfic time. That and the 3 espresso I had today are conspiring to keep me awake. Well at least I have plenty to read from Weblogs.Com: Recently Updated Weblogs


Ok this is funny anyway you look at it. 

kiss my ass2
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Work and play 

Flying solo at work. Office to myself. Still getting situated and getting everything where I need it. It will take a little time. Already have a full plate but eveything running smooth.

On the way home got a call from Dan. We used to work together. I ended up driving to Duluth, we grabbed some dinner and caught up over a beer. He spent the last three months building a Mame cabinet. He did an excellent job. Jet black, joystick, back lite trackball and about a 300 games. Wait till I get a garage.



Weekends have new meaning now that I am working a 9 to 5. Well 8:30 to 5:30 to be exact. Friday was a casual day due to the 4th of July weekend. Got off work early to boot. Wasn't in the mood to go directly home. Stopped off in L5Ps walked around before settling in on the brewhouse. Called Adam he showed for up for a round. After went to Decatur for Sushi. Kelly and Josh came by too. Thursday Georgia took another step in to the 21 century by passing a bill to allow over 5% Alchol by volume (ABV) beer. Walked across the square to the Brickhouse and meet Justin, Nicola and others to partake. I had a Belguim La Chaoffe (sp) 8% ABV. I like variety and having new choices. Saw a beautiful face across the patio and spent the rest of the evening talking to Sarah. Totaly Twitterpated.

Lotus Totus 

Sent by my friend Adam. This is true, even if you are not
superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired.

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their
conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams
don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only
way to live life completely.

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer,
smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great

FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others;
and Responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps
to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

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