MAD AS HELL - FOR MANAGEMENT TODAY After last September's attacks on the United States, after the ritual sympathy, a few European commentators dared ask: do they realize how much they are hated? Well, now, the US is throwing back the question. Forget about Osama bin Laden. Forget even about Saudi Arabia, which unites American liberals, conservatives and Jews in dislike of the country's feudal monarchy, indirect sponsorship of terrorism and anti-semitism. The largest target of America's disdain is Europe. The European intellectual and political elites have long had a monopoly over transatlantic contempt; but the US is now matching insult for insult. And Europeans need to turn around the question and ask *themselves*: do we realize how much we are hated? To be sure, the EU remains, as a bloc, the largest economic partner of the US. Nato still exists, in form at least. European companies are the largest direct investors in the US, and vice versa. And Europe shares American values more than any other part of the world. However, the US is probably more irritated by Europe than it has been since the struggle over medium-range nuclear missiles in the 1980s. Chris Patten, the EU's commissioner for external affairs, despairs at the "visceral contempt" he picks up amongst journalists and politicians in Washington DC. Among the conservative opinion-makers who set the tone of America's public debate, Europe is an insult, not an ally. Europeans are variously ineffectual, duplicitous, craven, lazy, hypocritical, patronizing and, of course, anti-semitic. Americans may have once given Europe the benefit of the doubt, but the Europhobes have put the worst possible gloss on every recent event. The showing of Le Pen is an opportunity to demonstrate the bankruptcy of Europe's political establishment, as well as confirming France's underlying anti-semitism; Sweden's GDP figures an occasion to trumpet the superiority of American-style capitalism; a gun massacre in Germany shows the impotence of the European nanny-state; even the proposed barcode logo for the EU by Rem Koolhaas comes in for an ill-natured ribbing. You think I am just being over-sensitive? Try this sentence from a piece by Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. "What we are seeing is pent-up anti-Semitism, the release -- with Israel as the trigger -- of a millennium-old urge that powerfully infected and shaped European history." So, why is Europe in America's bad books? George Bush senior's administration was populated by Atlanticists; Bill Clinton, out of policy wonk curiosity, was interested in the north European model. The current president, who had hardly travelled outside the US before he entered politics, has no such ties. Second, Bush junior has learned, from his father's defeat in 1992, that Americans vote, and foreigners do not. So he has shown a consistent tendency to favor Pennsylvania steelworkers and midwest farmers over free trade. He would rather court Bethlehem Steel than Brussels. Third, Europe does not get any respect. Its armed forces, for all their symbolic value, would have just got in the way in Afghanistan. While US productivity growth rebounds after a short recession, Europe's growth is anaemic. And European companies such as Vivendi, which had tried to storm the US market, no longer set much of an example of European business prowess. Fourth, Europe is a natural punching bag for America's ascendant conservatives. They don't have New York or Massachusetts to beat up any more; European countries such as Sweden are the last bastion of wishy-washy welfare state social policy. And the American right has never met an international organization - the EU included - that it did not hate. Fifth, after September 11th, the US is not inclined to put its security at the mercy of multilateral decisionmaking. European countries such as the UK are appreciated as long as they go along with US plans; but US hawks are quick to jump on any sign of dissent. Sixth, the US press and Congress are wildly more supportive of Israel than are their European counterparts. Most Europeans would say their criticism of Israel -- and the rather overblown European coverage of the supposed massacre in Jenin-grad -- springs from sympathy with the underdog. But it is almost too easy for pro-Israel commentators to undermine the credibility of the European stance. Take Europe's dismal history of anti-semitism, throw in a few synagogue attacks, conveniently forget that they have been perpetrated by Arab teenagers, and finish with a dinner-party remark by a French diplomat. American politicians have learned to avoid the wrath of the pro-Israel lobby; the European elites have not figured that one out yet. And, finally, the US is simply tired of being patronized. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, an Anglophile editor, says: "There's a now-long-established discourse between intelligent Americans and intelligent Europeans in which it's a deep-rooted given that Europe is in some meaningful sense older and wiser in the ways of the world. And I no longer think it's true. I think it's a bad habit on both sides." People have been predicting the divergence of the US and Europe for decades: during the heyday of Euro-communism; during detente; during the arms buildup of the early 1980s; once the Soviet Union, the common enemy, fell apart; and this episode of bad temper could be just as temporary. But for the moment, the US is in a Howard Beale mood. That was the character in Network, one of the movies that captured the frustration of the 1970s, who yells: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"