Pay Day. Money's Gone.
We have our Fall Festival tonight at LilZoot's school. The theme this year is "Team Spirit" which means we are supposed to wear clothing that matches the teams we root for. Unfortunately - it is near impossible to find TN Vol stuff in this town, so I'm opting to wear a Tennessee Titan t-shirt. LilZoot has tons of Auburn shirts to choose from.
MrZ, on the other hand, only has one Bama shirt. And its long-sleeved. So, I just went to buy MrZ t-shirt for him, on my lunch break. I picked the cheapest one in the store that didn't say something asinine on it. Seventeen dollars. Bah.
We also pre-ordered our dinners again this year. The dinners consist of a hotdog, chips, a cookie, and a soda. This was not enough for MrZ last year, so I ordered him two extras for tonight. He's a growing boy, ya' know.
Jeez. Kids Husbands are expensive.
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TV Time
Big Brother 5
Poor poor poor Karen. I felt so bad for her. I was also very impressed with Nikomis' ability to pull her emotions out of the situation and not kick Diane in the balls the second Karen walked out. (an aside: did you hear/see that Diane was on a Girls Gone Wild video? Ew.) Please Drew, get your damn girlfriend out of that house and keep my Nikomis. Please?
Adria and Natalie still seem as annoying as ever in the Sequester house, but Wil is still being a big baby. Marvin's entrance was hilarious.
Hey, we watched it and it was pretty funny. Give it a shot if you get a chance, its cute.
The Apprentice
Oh my goodness, do we have a bunch of wackjobs this year or WHAT?
Female project leader Chic? Wacko in a "I'm going to prove I'm tough like the boys are" type of way. Also? Stupid move making fun of kids when surrounded by either Parents or Toy excutives. Go Caroline for calling her out.
Male project leader Dude? Get over yourself. Forcing your opinion on others is not a way to win friends or loyal coworkers. And he just seemed...smarmy.
Freak out girl with the magic eight ball? It is going to be fun watching her self destruct.
Those were the only three I formed any distinctive opinion on right now. There are just too many to sort out yet. It looks like a fun season though.
Sleep Bubble
I have a Sleep Bubble.
I want to have enough space around me so that if I reposition throughout the night, I wont touch another person. I call it my sleep bubble and MrZ HATES it. I might cuddle for a bit before I fall asleep, but when it's sleep-time? I'm over on my side of the bed. Just me and my bubble.
Weird thing is? My dogs are immune. As are the cats. At one point last night? I woke up to Sweetie (dog) on one side, Cisco (dog) on the other, and Bambi (cat) curled up on top of the blankets between my legs. There was no way to move without waking an animal. So I didnt.
But heaven forbid that MrZoot inch too close throughout the night. I've actually woken him up before to let him know he was on MY half of the King Size bed and I'd like him to scoot over.
"Remember, I have a sleep bubble, honey."
Not so cool
LilZ brought home his midterm progress report last night. The grades weren't stellar thanks to his tendency to speed through everything and make careless mistakes. Consider, for a moment, how you might handle such a situation.
Go ahead...consider...
I bet nowhere in your considering did you EVER say the words, "This will go down on your permanent record!" (I've already confessed this to Busymom) And why wouldnt you say such a thing? Because nobody uses that line on a fourth grader! I mean, no one has ever missed out on opportunites because of their Fourth Grade Social Studies grade.
Yeah. Hopefully I won't be using THAT technique again. I'd rather resort to the "When I was your age..." default lecture.
Actually? I may have used that one last night too.
A Wake Up Call
I stopped drinking caffeinated coffee months ago. I'm still drinking my diet cokes, but all my coffee is decaf. Yet, for some reason, I still need it to wake up in the morning. And this afternoon? I felt myself getting a little sleepy, so I brewed a pot of decaf. First cup? And I'm wide awake.
Why is that? Was my addiction all along to the TASTE of coffee, and not the caffeine itself? Anyone else experience that? Or am I just loony?
"My Momma BURNED Me"
LilZ's favorite story to tell starts out with the line:
"One time? My momma burned me."
See, the story goes like this. LilZoot was about 6mnths old (summer of '95) and I was driving him to his NaNa's house who lived right down the road from us. I put him in his car seat and headed out. He was making odd noises on the way there. Not cries, but almost like he was trying to get out of his carseat and was struggling. I thought that odd because he LOVED car rides and never fussed a bit.
Well, we get there and as I get him out of his seat I see one of those water filled teething toys in the seat. I hadnt noticed it when I put him in, but there it was, under his butt. I glanced at the back of his leg and there was a fist sized blister on his leg. That damn toy had gotten so hot it had pratically started boiling and since he was sitting on it - it burned the crap out of his leg.
I threw to toy off the cliff I was so mad.
Of course, being the laid back kid he is, LilZ never fussed a bit. I had to put that silver ointment on it until it healed, but there is still a scar there today. It's not noticable to anyone else because it's always hidden behind clothing, but it's there and LilZ loves to tell how "Momma burned him" and flaming up all sorts of maternal guilt that remains dormant most of the time.
Well, this weekend, while at Stace's house, he told Stace's sister-in-law that "My Mom has burned me twice."
Turns out he is now grouping this story with the other one. I told him that there was a huge difference because the recent one didnt scar him, or even blister him.
"But it hurt, Mom. It really hurt."
Drawstring Removal System
My Dad was a biomedical engineer for my entire "at home" life. He and his department at the hospital he worked at were in charge of all types of hospital equipment. They also tended to be somewhat responsible for the disposal of unused/expired tools and machines. Because these things were just too cool to throw away, and probably because my Dad did not have someone at home saying "Dont you DARE bring another piece of equipment into MY home..." we ended up with a lot of cool* gadgets in my house.
One item still hangs in our kitchen (I believe). It looks like a miniature litter-grabber. You know the tools, squeeze the handles and the claws at the bottom pick up something off the ground. The one in our kitchen was only about 12 inches long, probably made of titanium, and was used for some type of medical procedure. I'm guessing obstruction removals of some sort. (Dad, Xhibit, if you read this, feel free to email me the details I know I'm screwing up).
So, this tool (which cost a LOT of money, I'm sure) hung in our kitchen. Why? You may ask.
Well my dad would use it when he would lose the drawstring to his sweatpants. He would stick that tool in the slot for his drawstring and pull the end out. I would have loved to have had that thing yesterday when I lost the drawstring on my pajama bottoms. *sigh*
Next up: Fake hips, Artificial Arteries, Radon Detectors and other cool gadgets in the childhood Zoot home.
Sooo funny
Two LilZootisms' I'd like to share:
Me: (turning into our complex yesterday) I know that guy behind me is wishing I would just GO! already, but I want to be safe.
Him: They make a patch for that, you know.
Me: (calling home on the way to work this morning)
LilZoot: (answers the phone) Talk to me.
He cracks me up. There are few things as cool in life as watching your child find their funny.
THIS is why I'm so desperate to have a baby RIGHT NOW. See how cute my husband is holding a baby? EEEK. This man needs to be a dad.
This is Erik (Eric?) born on my due date from my miscarriage. I thought I would feel sad holding him, and I did, but only for about 2 seconds because he's so damn cute. EEK. He was 9.5 lbs and FIVE WEEKS EARLY! Could you imagine if he'd gone full term? He was in the hospital for a week for premie symptoms, but he's home now and so cute. I'm going to eat him.
| Chatted at: 06:19 AM | Comments (18) | TrackBacks (0) | Show >>
Joke of the Day
This one is from my Aunt Patty. Hee Hee
A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She stands next to the barber chair, while her dad gets his hair cut, eating a snack cake. The barber says to her, "Sweetheart, you're gonna get hair on your Twinkie." She says, "Yes, I know, and I'm gonna get boobs too."
Taking Care of Business
I forgot to tell you that LilZoot finally broke the news to the girl who loves him. He said that on Friday she kept asking him what his answer was. Did he love her?
Me: How was she asking you?
Him: In notes. All day she gave me notes asking me to circle "yes" or "no".
Me: What did you do?
Him: I ignored her for awhile. But she kept asking.
Me: So you told her "no"?
Him: *sigh* Yeah. Right before school let out.
Me: What did she say?
Him: Her last word to me was "guts".
Me: Huh??
Him: As in, "I hate your guts!!!!"
Me: Oh. Its a tough life, isnt it?
Him: Yep.
So. He was honest with her, and felt bad for it. But not too bad, because he was working on a secret admirer note last night to give SuzyQ. His one TRUE love, as he puts it.
Lessons Learned
I'm back. This insanely wacky long weekend has taught me a few things. (Like, no one uses the word "wacky" anymore, and I think thats sad).
1. Some women handle stress much more gracefully than I do.
Stace spent 12 hours in the car on Friday. She got to Huntsville Hospital at midnight and spent the next three nights at the hospital, never once leaving. But, she seemed to get prettier every time I saw her. I mean, WTF? By Monday? I would have looked like I had been run over by an 18-wheeler, in the rain, and smelled like death. But not Stace - she's amazing like that. Either that? Or she's a little bit insane.
2. I'm a ROCKIN' gift giver
I brought Leah goodies Saturday morning. Since shoes are pointless, and she loves her shoes, I brought her a bunch of funky socks AND some Hello Kitty Houseslippers. She kept having me put them on her Saturday. When I came back sunday? She was wearing them in her SLEEP. And when I came back Monday? She was also wearing the Hello Kitty nightgown I got her. I was VERY proud of myself. And also? When you have a son? Its FUN to shop for little girls.
3. Sometimes, my avoidance of left-hand turns is APPRECIATED
I spent the day at Stace's house in Tuscumbia on Sunday, and her oldest daughter, Lauren (who was only bruised from the wreck), went back home with me on Monday. Unfortunately, she was TERRIFIED to make the 80 mile drive back to Huntsville. Well, I explained to her my driving trait that passengers in my cars have been cursing me for for years.
I dont make left turns. (well, MOST left turns. The dangerous ones.)
The wreck happened because of a bad left turn.
She was FINE riding in the car with me. She actually embraced my policy, which was nice since people have been rolling their eyes at it for YEARS. So to all of you who scoffed? HA!
4. The Universe likes to throw it ALL at you at once
While at Stace's house on Sunday - trying to get everything ready for their homecoming, her A.C. went out. Its the middle of summer here, she's going to be homebound for the next three weeks (at least) and her AC went out! Well, since it was cool outside, we thought to plug in a fan at the window to pull the air IN. The fan broke too. Then? The phone line went dead (her brother fixed that eventually) and her fridge? May have been dying by the time I left. It just seemed like it wasnt cooling at ALL. So - we got her house ready for her. If by "ready" you mean "broke everything so her homecoming kinda sucks".
5. Scooby-Do scrubs do NOT make a bad nurse any more tolerable
Leah's dayshift nurse was AWFUL. The rest of the staff? On the other shifts? Were fantastic. But Nurse Bitch? Almost got her ass kicked by Stace. She told them to be moving Leah around (Leah SCREAMED), but her Surgeon said, "No - not this first week. You do what SHE wants, she's in pain." Leah was amazing - took her medicine - never cried (unless moved) but that nurse got MAD at Leah several times, for just whining a bit. It was SO weird. Leah is FIVE and has a major injury and had a major surgery and is bound to a wheel chair for the next several weeks. Its okay if she whines when you touch her HURT LEG. That nurse was so weird...
But to all the rest of you who worked on Leah? You all ROCKED! And the new Women and Children center at our hospital? Rocked too.
6. I missed you guys
I hope to catch up with you all tonight. Thanks for your emails and well wishes. And Stace says thanks for the prayers, they need them all.