August 30, 2004

How oblivious are Republicans to their own dorkiness? They're showing a video montage right now of highlights from George H.W. Bush's career while the band plays . . . Jump by Van Halen.


Posted by Allah at 08:50 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (1)

Allah's not the only one getting sweet press mentions today. Congratulations to yesterday's protesters, who served up some silver-platter propaganda for the terrorist government of Iran. Lieutenant Kerry would be proud.

Party in Tehran on November 3rd. Maybe.

UPDATE: Very much related.

Posted by Allah at 08:15 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

The creator of worlds finally gets a mention in the mainstream media -- for something he wrote on someone else's blog. Here's New York magazine reporting on 21-year-old Republican convention delegate Sheri Valera, who earned her ticket to NYC in part by being arguably the world's hottest virgin:

"But if a guy would kiss you, how would you feel?"

"I'd slap him because that shows he is only thinking of himself." Sheri says she doesn't even like it in the movies. "In most movies, the girl is too good for the guy. I'm like, 'Nooo! Get your hands off!! R-E-S-P-E-C-T!' and I want to sing like Aretha Franklin."

This engendered some snide Internet commentary, including on the July 29 edition of the blog Whizbang [sic], where a poster with the potentially subversive handle of "Allah" opines, "Hot though she may be, do we really want a chick who refuses to kiss to be the voice of young conservative America at the convention?"

Here's the Wizbang post; Sheri's the one "I'm pulling for", says Kevin, who's spending a dull first day at the Garden giving the people what they want.

Elsewhere in New York mag, a profile of James Taranto cites his hatred of the quasi-Nazi governments in Iran and Saudi Arabia as proof of his "unusual level of hostility toward most Muslims". And Eric Wippo revisits an old Spy-magazine prank by posing as a Republican staffer and calling up publicists for B-list celebrities to see if he can get them to perform at the convention. The article's actually really funny, but for some strange reason they only mention in passing their best gag: Getting Star Jones to sing "Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves" with Condoleezza Rice accompanying her on piano.

Posted by Allah at 06:50 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

Chill wind blowing outside dissent HQ

Related: "The Statue of Liberty said 'come.' So here I am." Also: Simon and Goldstein rendezvous with the last sane New Yorker; Soxblog ducks for cover as Bill Kristol tosses a grenade; Larry King wonders how much he could take without gagging; and Michael Moore finds yet another reason to love candy.

In case any of the convention bloggers are taking requests, Allah wouldn't mind seeing a contingent stop by this booth for a little light-hearted chit-chat. First question: "Hey, lotta Jews around here, huh?"

Posted by Allah at 02:21 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)

Today's meme: Wise men descending from the mountaintop. Spoons is following the minor prophets but Wizbang wants nothing less than absolute piety.

Posted by Allah at 12:01 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (3)

August 29, 2004

UPDATE: Pre-convention wrap-up: Goldstein spots a few young patriots tossing piss balloons at the cops; Right Thinking Girl live-blogs some anarchist merry-making involving 911 hoax calls and harassment of Republican delegates as they try to enjoy the city; the Boston Herald reports that nine protesters ended up with assault charges when they tried to stop police from arresting the turd who set that fire this afternoon; someone on the Protest Warrior forum ("Swill," 4:43 p.m. comment) says he saw a group of 15 protesters in Union Square beating on a couple of PWs and their female companion; more shit spotted in the crowd: "Revelation 13, the Beast: George W. Bush", "The Criminal Returns to the Scene of His Crime", and "You're Next After Milosevic"; and last but not least, courtesy of Cracker Barrel Philosopher, a conclave of Playmates for Palestine.

Thanks to everyone who sent links to this stuff today. Please keep it coming. If you're hungry for more, Judith Weiss is covering the coverage. And as a palate-cleanser, check out Iowahawk's supernatural expose of the whole sordid Swift Vet conspiracy. Gnat Lileks? In it up to her eyeballs. Ashcroft? Scot free.

Posted by Allah at 10:57 PM | Comments (10) | TrackBack (5)

Recipe for a spy scandal: Take one part inter-agency rivalry, add two teaspoons of anonymous sources, mix well with secret counterterrorism maneuverings, let simmer over a low anti-Semitic flame, then strain using media outlets which, by their own admission and that of John Kerry's campaign advisors, want George Bush to lose the election. Produces six servings of sludgy, indigestible, innuendo-laden shit.

Rather than try to parse all the different agendas and cobble together a half-assed theory, Allah's just going to hit the highlights from the Franklin/AIPAC stories today and let you draw your own conclusions. Lots of quotes ahead so I've put it all in an extended entry.

This Jew wishes to continue! »

Posted by Allah at 09:48 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)

This one deserves its own post.

If there's one thing New Yorkers can't stand, it's prejudice.

UPDATE: It's not "hate", it's dissent.

"They chose New York, where they’re universally hated," said writer Laurie Russo, 41, of Forest Hills, Queens. "They should have gone somewhere they're more welcome. They exploited 9-11 by having it in New York at this time." . . .

"I hope this shows the world that they're not alone in their hatred of George Bush," said Alan Zelenki of Eugene, Ore., who planned for three months to attend this week's protests.

UPDATE: As left-wing degenerates light fires and compare Bush to bin Laden, the Daily News helpfully offers Republicans a refresher course on 9/11 and respecting other people's rights.

UPDATE: Vote Kerry.

UPDATE: Couldn't find this photo on the wires so I had to pinch it from the BBC:

From the accompanying article: "Just blocks from the Madison Square Garden, a group of protestors decided to stay at home in their apartment overlooking the route. They hung 'George Bush is the anti-Christ' signs in their window, and a cheer went up from the marchers below as they played The Beatles' song, Give Peace a Chance, from speakers propped up in their windows."

Minor consolation: Communists for Kerry make a cameo.

Posted by Allah at 05:48 PM | Comments (12) | TrackBack (1)

Aside from the last photo in HP's round-up, nothing too creepy yet from the RNC protesters. In fact, give 'em credit: That inflatable globe they're batting around is fucking outstanding.

Here's the photo of the day, though. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the ne plus ultra of publicity whoredom.

UPDATE: Charles's take. Brief but essential.

UPDATE: Now we're cookin'!

UPDATE: There's a photo somewhere in my archives of this same poor woman carrying the same sign at an earlier anti-Bush rally. I'll skip the snarky comments and simply wonder what her son would have made of that poster. UPDATE WITHIN AN UPDATE: Here she is, lower left-hand corner.

UPDATE: The NYPD is extinguishing a fire in the middle of the street on C-SPAN right now. The crowd is serenading them with the words "Stop the war" sung to the tune of "The Star-Spangled Banner".

UPDATE: An AP photographer with a sense of humor.

UPDATE: What do you do when your candidate is married to a billionaire, has nearly unanimous support from the multi-billion-dollar entertainment industry, counts Warren Buffett among his advisors, and utilizes 527 organizations that are flush with cash from George Soros and assorted other fat cats? Why, you do this. UPDATE WITHIN AN UPDATE: Almost forgot. There's one other billionaire near and dear to the hearts of many a jerkoff out in the streets today who most assuredly is not for Bush.

UPDATE: "Declare war on the real terrorists." UPDATE WITHIN AN UPDATE: Et cetera. UPDATE WITHIN AN UPDATE: Et cetera.

UPDATE: We support the troops!

Posted by Allah at 01:19 PM | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)