October 01, 2004
A number of conditions this past week came together, all seeming to point to one course of action. First, was my ire at the amount of comment spam I've been receiving here lately (and from the sound of things, that's not getting any better). Second, Miniluv's server went down, and that site's domain name got taken up by some unscrupulous jackass, making Mike and Court (temporarily) homeless. Third, I came to the realization that I just don't have the time to devote to all of the parts of blogging that you don't see - installing upgrades, updating Blacklist, rebuilding, deleting comment spam, etc.
All of these things came together in such a way, and at such a time, that Mike and I decided to launch a new endeavor - Eat the Lettuce. From the site's first entry:
ETL is a joint project between Dana from Note-It Posts and Mike from Miniluv. Aside from the typical content you’ve come to expect from Dana and Mike we will be featuring He Said/She Said style articles.
There's already one of those He Said/She Said articles (or HSSS's, for short) up for your perusal. We take turns answering the age-old question: "What is the Purpose of Foreplay?" Besides the HSSS, you'll see the same kinds of posts you've come to know and expect from me here at Note-It Posts, as well as lots of great, interesting material from Mike. Mike also did the entire installation and design of the site, and will very graciously be managing all of the duties that go into keeping a blog going, meaning blogging is still a possibility for me.
I don't know yet if I'll keep posting here or not. I know I will keep updating the Bloggers With Boobies and Bloggers Who Support Bloggers With Boobies blogrolls, at the very least.