If you're at this page because you've just seen an amazing piece of footage
showing the Apollo 11 moonlanding to have been shot in a studio, then
read on. If you haven't seen the clip, click the link below, and prepare
to be amazed.
At 4:17 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, on July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong was
seen on television by millions of people around the world apparently walking
on the surface of the moon, and making one giant leap into the pages of
history. BUT DID HE? Conspiracy theories abound on
the Internet.
The piece of footage you just saw answers the question - but raises a
lot of others. We don't know the answers to all these questions - but
here is what we do know:
1) Is it real?
Yes. This footage was clearly shot in a studio, and is clearly meant to
represent the Apollo 11 moon landing. The attention to detail is staggering.
The intention is clearly to fool viewers into believing that it is genuine.
2) Is it conclusive?
No. There is no proof that because this was shot in a studio, the moon
landing was necessarily faked. But we do know that the original non-digital
footage was destroyed and that certain (dangerous) people are very angry
that this clip has leaked.
3) How did we get it?
We did not get it directly from a NASA source. Our source is well placed
to vouch for the authenticity of the footage and had links with the makers
of 2 recent documentaries, one for the BBC and one for CNN about the moonlanding
conspiracies. We cannot possibly reveal his identity, and probably never
will be able to. His position is more dangerous than you might imagine.
4) Why haven't I seen it before?
The footage has been buried for over 30 years. All the original stock,
except this cut, was destroyed. We have had it for over 2 years and in
that time have (anonymously) approached almost every large TV network
owner to sell the rights. Without exception they were interested and offered
to buy it. At one point they were also Then, also without exception they
changed their minds and started to try to find out who we were. At that
point we stopped dealing with them. It was scary as hell.
5) How, when and where was it made?
It was made in 1965, judging by the camera it was shot on - an Ikegami
Tube Camera. We have evidence that the footage was shot outside the US
- possibly in Europe, by a foreign crew.
6) Who is inside the suit?
Not one of the original astronauts. In fact, they are totally unaware
that this footage was ever shot. The guy in the suit is an actor called
Symond Lewis.
7) Why is it on the Internet and not on TV?
See point 4
8) What is NASA's reaction to this footage?
They have refused to comment. But we have recently heard that they
are stepping up efforts on a huge PR campaign to convince us all that
the Apollo moonlandings all took place.