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Zel Miller, a Democratic Senator will deliver the keynote speech for Bush at the RNC

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What is BlogShares?

BlogShares is a fantasy stock market where weblogs are the companies. Players invest fictional dollars on shares in blogs. Blogs are valued by their incoming links and add value to other blogs by linking to them. Prices can go up or down based on trading and the underlying value of the blog.

Got questions? Check out the BlogShares Manual and the Quick Start Guide.

For Your Site

System Time: 20:19 30 Aug 2004. Stock Ticker: Open

STATUS: That wasn't fun. Spiders soon... - Come chat in #blogshares (Chanstats).

BlogShares is a fantasy stock market for weblogs. Players get to invest a fictional $500, and blogs are valued by inbound links.

Got a question? Check out the Manual or QuickStart Guide.

Add your blog.

Upgrade your account: For just $15/year, see benefits and upgrade.

Currently indexing 1,475,432 blogs and tracking 3,431,688 links between them.


BlogShares News

August 25, 2004   Earn Chips or Cash

Microbusiness opportunities available

Santa Cruz Tech has several research and commercial projects going on at any given time. Earn a resume' bullet point, BlogShares chips, or sometimes even cash by helping out.

If you have skills and some spare time, email jay@blogshares.com and tell us what you're into.

We need folks of all skill levels in these areas: HTML, PHP, MySQL, graphic design and layout, java, perl, and anything else web-related.

If you want to earn a small pile of chips, I'd like to talk to anyone familiar with HTML who speaks spanish as their primary language, and also someone to disburse chips weekly to the BSEC and other groups (for a cut).

by jay [Comments (8)]

August 22, 2004   Raffle: Coffee Basket

Hot Stuff Coming Through

Buy your raffle tickets now for Saturday's drawing: a $30 credit and free shipping at Java Global, official international coffee and tea supplier to the BlogShares crew.

by jay [Comments (7)]

August 19, 2004   Mailing Address for Premium Membership
August 18, 2004   About Text-Ads
August 16, 2004   10,000 Chip raffle winner
August 14, 2004   Friday Wrap-up
August 08, 2004  

See older BS...

[Blogs: Priority Queue | Spider Progress | Added | Indexed]
[Players: Newest | Today | Most Active] | CHEATYPANTS] [System: Market Data]

Blog Announcements

[Press Release] Current Events Monitor

On behalf of Current Events Monitor:

Blogshares is a rich game that this player has enjoyed thoroughly. And it is well understood that the documentation needs to worked on.

Currently, the editors are working on putting together a bigger, better, and more easily accessible documentation system and we would love input from new players and old hats alike.

What do you need to know? What isn't explained clearly in the current files? How can we get new players into the game quickly?

Join us in the BlogShares Forums at this thread


and offer your suggestions.

Any input is kindly welcomed, and much appreciated.

OT Note: Front-Page BlogShares Ebay ads suck and
are illegal.

--Island Dave

Read full item.

Posted 14:42 30 Aug 2004

[Press Release] Leabhar Filíochta : Book of Poetry

On behalf of Leabhar Filíochta : Book of Poetry:

I may not be a particularly good poet and I'll be the first to admit that... I am, after all, my own worst critic, but I haven't had any sort of formal training in writing poetry, so perhaps I don't follow all of the "rules" of poetry, from an academic point of view. Still, I know from what others have told me, that they enjoy my writings. For me, that's all that really matters... that I enjoy writing poems and maybe you'll enjoy reading them.



Read full item.

Posted 14:31 30 Aug 2004

[Press Release] Alan Dean

On behalf of Alan Dean:

Oddly (for a programming blog) my most popular article for browser-based views is a post I wrote about the BBC drama "Threads":


But then, I suppose this is due to the power of Google. After all, my blog is the very next link after the BBC itself on this search:


Read full item.

Posted 00:58 30 Aug 2004

[Industry News] News

On behalf of News industry:

*** Blogshares Frontpage News ***

As a consequence of the recent spate of advertising posted to the frontpage, the following have been added to the notes about Press Releases.

- The purpose of this is to inform players and visitors about blogs and other topical information.

- The front page of blogshares is not to be used for press releases containing advertisements or auction notices. Auction notices may be posted in the Chips Market Forum or Text Ads may be purchased with chips.

- Admin reserve the right to take immediate action against players. This could involve loss of posting privileges, in addition to any fines that may be imposed.

- Due to the public nature of this functionality, 'abuse' will be interpreted harshly, so if in doubt DO NOT POST.

Please abide by these instructions to prevent the need for action to be taken against players.

Read full item.

Posted 19:05 29 Aug 2004

[Press Release] ~David Rutt

On behalf of ~David Rutt:


Read full item.

Posted 13:52 29 Aug 2004

Older Blog Announcements

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