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I'm watching the blogosphere for good photo coverage of the freaks on parade outside the Republican National Convention. Ryan Sager is posting a lot of photos from New York, covering the protests like stink on a hippie. The more people see Kerry supporters like these and her (warning: offensive) and him (warning: offensive) it, the fewer normal people will want to vote for Kerry.
Do you really want a president who attracts support from prostitutes who want to kill unborn children? I didn't think so.
I'm with you on this one, Bill. I hope these clowns get all the media coverage they want and then some. Every second these freaks and losers spend on tv costs Kerry votes.
What you can't see is that these gals are all wearing Birkenstocks...
In all seriousness, however, I agree with you. These folks are actually a little scary.
Posted by: Miss O'Hara at August 30, 2004 02:25 PM
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