I missed McCain’s speech, but Rudy knocked it out of Yankee Stadium all the way to Fenway. (Blogs For Bush has the text of McCain’s here, and Rudy’s here).
Slant Point (he was there)
Backcountry Conservative
Spoons Experience
Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill
Outside The Beltway
In The Bullpen
Right Wing News
Hobbs Online
The Politicker
Balloon Juice
Dean’s World
Right Moment
Right Side of the Rainbow
Cold Fury (hah)
Speed of Thought
Now for my reaction. Compare Rudy’s message to John Kerry’s. . .
Rudy’s message: Terrorism must be confronted head-on, it must not be appeased, no matter what the world thinks of it, and George W. Bush is the man to lead that struggle, unwavering. This fight is of the same magnitude and importance as the Civil War, World War II, and the Cold War. The Republican Party is still the party of Lincoln and Reagan. George W. Bush is the man to lead that party, and our country, during this struggle.
John Kerry’s message: I was in Vietnam. I will respond if we are attacked. I was in Vietnam. I will never mislead us into war. I was in Vietnam. I will fund stem-cell research. I was in Vietnam. I will make Europeans like us again. I was in Vietnam. Bush is mean.
I love the homeruns Rudy hit regarding the flip-flopping, especially the swipe about Kerry having changed his mind about important matters like war before. Dead-on. And the phrase “Thank God George Bush is our President". . . that says it all, doesn’t it? Can you imagine a President Gore on 9/11? Can America imagine it?
I was at first a bit uneasy about the selection of speakers, fearing that it might be too moderate of a statement. But having seen Guilliani tonight, I understand.
The contrast between the convention speakers is stunning. Compare figures like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Al Sharpton, John Edwards, and John Kerry, to figures like Rudolph Guilliani, John McCain, Zell Miller, Arnold Schwartzeneggar, Dick Cheney, and the President of the United States. There really is no contest.
The Republican Party, despite its many faults, and George W. Bush, despite his many faults, are the ones looking forward, with a clear vision of the future and the task ahead of us. If the rest of the major convention speeches are anything like Rudy’s, the whole country will see the stark difference between the party of the future and the party of 1968.
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Giuliani Steals the Show
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Trackback by InTheBullpen.com — 8/30/2004 @ 11:48 pm
Nice. I got it up at my blog too… The Politicker.
There really was no comparison between Kerry and Giuliani. I don’t think I have ever heard a prepared speech as good as the Giuliani gave.
Comment by Jordan — 8/31/2004 @ 12:03 am
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