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"The core of our American democracy is the right to vote. Implicit in that right is the notion that that vote be private, that vote be secure, and that vote be counted as it was intended when it was cast by the voter. And I think what we're encountering is a pivotal moment in our democracy where all of that is being called into question."   (more here)

Kevin Shelley
California Sec. of State.

Will your vote count in the next election?

Maybe not! How will we even know?

This urgent issue affects us all!  Let's restore our electoral process!

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    E-Voting Malfunctions and the Verified Voting Foundation champion reliable and publicly verifiable elections in the United States.

We advocate the use of voter-verified paper ballots (VVPBs) for all elections in the United States, so voters can inspect individual permanent records of their ballots before they are cast and so meaningful recounts may be conducted. We also insist that electronic voting equipment and software be open to public scrutiny and that random, surprise recounts be conducted on a regular basis to audit election equipment.

Paperless electronic voting systems are failing us.  Worse yet, resistance from the elections official community is astonishing!  Here is an excerpt from a Sun Sentinel story:

Nevada Secretary of State Dean Heller expects that elections officials nationwide will be watching closely, with some of them hoping that the printers fail. "I clearly believe that there are certain people within the election process who don't want that scrutiny on how elections are run," Heller said. "Why elections directors so fight this process is just incredible to me."

Our democracy is at stake and the time for action is now!  This nationwide grassroots effort to restore the sanctity of our electoral process will succeed only through the efforts of volunteers who are willing to write letters, make telephone calls, visit legislators, and communicate our message to all our fellow Americans.
How will we win this?
  • By sending so many letters and making so many phone calls and personal visits to legislators that they all hear about and respond to this issue.

  • Donate like democracy depends upon it!By motivating as many citizens to take action as we possibly can. It is up to each and every one of us to mobilize others.

  • By spreading the word on and OFF the Internet. More and more people know about the issue now, and those who do are making a lot of noise. But too many Americans don't even know there is a problem. This topic must become the daily conversation of America, reaching such a resounding volume that our legislators have to listen – and then act according to the demands of the public.


Technologists warn that electronic voting machines are flawed. They say we should "trust but verify." Others disagree. For example Florida's Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Theresa LePore counters technologists' analysis of electronic voting machine flaws with her claim: "It's just a bunch of lies."  But Broward County is now unable to comply with Florida law because of the flaws technologists, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL), and many others have pointed out!

Many people are very troubled by the use of uncertified software in recent California elections. Many are concerned about the backgrounds of some programmers and managers who control the secret voting machine software.

Our primary concern is the threat that unverifiable electronic voting poses to elections in the United States. We have been concerned that without a paper record verified by the voter, there would be no way of knowing whether votes were recorded accurately and no way to do a meaningful recount if one is necessary.

Now we are seeing these predicted problems occurring in real elections. We are seeing election results that will remain forever in dispute because an audit was impossible. We are seeing that electronic miscounts of votes is no longer a theory - it's a fact.

What if the miscounts we know of are only the tip of an undetected iceberg of electronic miscounts? They might be. We have no way of knowing.

Let's solve the problem before November 2004.
Let's pass H.R.2239/S.1980.


August 30, 2004
Election Incident Reporting System to Protect Voters  »
August 8, 2004
Rolling Down the Highway, Looking Out for Flawed Elections »
July 29, 2004
GOP Flier Questions New Voting Equipment »
July 27, 2004
Florida Loses E-Voting Records  »
July 27, 2004
Election Integrity Organizations Ask Judge to Protect Ohio Elections »
July 23, 2004
Paper Backup for New Jersey »
July 21, 2004
Problems Plague Georgia Primary  »
July 16, 2004 Sues Riverside County: California Recount Case to Consider E-Voting Audit Trail »
July 16, 2004
Ohio Halts Deployment of Diebold E-Voting Machines for November Election »
July 16, 2004
Nevada First to Use Electronic Voting with Printers »
July 15, 2004
Reconsidering E-Voting »

July 11, 2004
Analysis Reveals Flaws in Voting by Touch-Screen  »
July 11, 2004
E-Voting Critics Sue Diebold Inc. Under Whistleblower Law  »
July 6, 2004
Federal Court Favors E-Voting Paper Trail Reform  »
July 2, 2004
Journalist Files Lawsuits Against Voting Machines »
July 2, 2004
Verified Voting Foundation Endorses Brennan Center and Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Voting Policy Recommendations  »
July 1, 2004
Judge Upholds California E-Voting Ban »
June 30, 2004
Florida Rejects Independent Voting System Audits  »
June 23, 2004
The source code of the software that is used for online e-voting in the Netherlands has been made public by OSOSS, a Dutch association that promotes the use of open source software in government.  »
June 17, 2004
U.S. Election Assistance Commission Releases $841 Million for Election Administration  »
June 16, 2004
California Approves Accessible Voter-Verified Paper Ballot Standard for E-Voting  »
June 15, 2004
California Voter-Verified Paper Ballot Bill Clears Assembly Committee »
June 14, 2004
League of Women Voters Rescinds Support for Paperless E-Voting »
June 14, 2004
Harvard’s Kennedy School Report Outlines Best Practices for E-Voting »
June 12, 2004
11 Florida Counties Using 'Buggy' Software  »

June 8, 2004 Responds to Election Assistance Commission Remarks About E-Voting Security for November Election  »
June 6, 2004
Verified Voting Foundation Releases Comparison Analysis of Federal Verified Voting Legislation  »
June 5, 2004
Free Congress Foundation Endorses Verified Voting E-Voting Resolution  »
June 3, 2004
San Diego to Use Optical-Scan Voting Systems Until 2006  »

June 1, 2004
People For The American Way Foundation Asks Florida Secretary of State to Remedy Voter Registration Purge  »

May 27, 2004
Bev Harris to Receive Seattle Municipal League Award  »
May 25, 2004
California Senate Passes Paper Trail Bill  »
May 25, 2004
California County Dumps Diebold E-Voting Contract  »

May 24, 2004
20 Ohio Counties Vote "No" on Paperless E-Voting Systems  »
May 21, 2004
Greens Demand Paper Trail for Electronic Voting Machines  »
May 18, 2004
Voting Machines for New York  »
May 18, 2004
Paper Ballot Advocates File Brief in California Lawsuit  »
May 18, 2004
Maryland Elections Board to Hear Paper Vote Disenfranchisement Appeal  »
May 18, 2004
Senator Ensign Introduces Federal Paper Trail Bill  »
May 17, 2004 Urges Halt to Paperless E-Voting Purchases Before November Election  »
May 15, 2004
Blind Voters Report Problems With Sequoia E-Voting Machines  »
May 14, 2004
13 Members of the House of Representatives have asked the GAO to investigate E-Voting  »
May 11, 2004
Alaska Requires Voter-Verifiable Paper Ballots by 2005  »
May 5, 2004
Electoral Assistance Commission Hearing Stacked Toward E-Voting Proponents »
April 30, 2004
California Requires Paper Ballots at All Polling Places »
April 27, 2004
Maine Now Requires a VVPT on All Election Equipment  »
April 23, 2004
Verified Voting Foundation Holds Mock Election  »
April 22, 2004
Unanimous California Voting Systems Panel Weighs in Against Paperless Diebold Electronic Voting Machines  »
April 22, 2004
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has announced that he has sponsored HR-4187, The Know Your Vote Counts Act of 2004 which will guarantee a voter verified paper audit trail.  »
April 22, 2004
Coalition of Voting Activist Groups and other interested groups join to send a letter to the EAC and Chairman DeForest Soaries, Jr.  »
April 22, 2004
Electronic Frontier Foundation Honors Pioneer Award Winners
EFF to Honor Kim Alexander, David Dill, and Aviel Rubin at the Thirteenth Annual Pioneer Awards Ceremony  »
  More news...

Verified Voting Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation (tax-exempt status pending) and, Inc., is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation.

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