If you would like to submit an article for consideration, it must be exclusive to the Journal. Your article should be a strong argument about an issue in the news. And it should not be a response to a Journal article; that is a letter to the editor. For an idea of what we are looking for, read the Journal's editorial page on a regular basis. We prefer that the submission be between 600 to 1,200 jargon-free words, typewritten, and double-spaced. A cover letter giving a brief summary of your article should be included along with the author's fax number, day and evening phone numbers, address or e-mail address if possible. If you would like for your submission to be returned please state that in your cover letter and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. We will call authors on timely articles that are of interest to us as soon as possible by phone or fax. Otherwise, due to the large volume of submissions, for articles that we are not able to use, we will respond by fax, e-mail or mail within 10 business days. Again, due to the large volume of submissions, please do not call to confirm receipt or check for a status until 10 business days have elapsed. All op-eds should be directed to the Editorial Features Editor, Tunku Varadarajan. There are two ways to submit an op-ed, please choose only one of the following: By fax send it to 212-416-2255. By email send it to edit.features@wsj.com. If you are responding to an article that has appeared in the Journal, please send your comments to Ned Crabb, the letters editor, at the same fax number or at this email: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com. Thank you for your cooperation and thank you for your interest in the Journal.