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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Not found in nature...
One last observation.
I'm watching highlights of the RNC on The 700 Club ( I can't reach the remote) and I think it is nice that the late Strom Thurmond left Arnold his hair dye.
It's really quite...lovely.
posted by tbogg at 11:04 PM
Ben-less in NYC
I guess I picked the wrong RNC blogger to follow.
The kid is a no-show.
Would someone please call the hotel manager to check his room. I think we have a "hooker forgot the handcuff key" incident.
Hey. It happens. Just ask Denny Hastert...
posted by tbogg at 10:48 PM
But they always have the latest on P. Diddy. That makes them a news organization, right?
Michelle Malkin, who works for a fake news organization, can't understand why major news-gathering organization MTV is keeping us from the truth:
From Drudge and World Net Daily, we learn that John Kerry's daughters were booed at the MTV Video Music Awards.
I went to to see if its news staff covered the debacle. Here's a link to its Video Music Award coverage. Plenty of backstage gossip:
But not a word about the Kerry sisters' rude awakening. Instead, the top political news at MTV's Choose or Lose touted the NYC protests against President Bush.
MTV: They report. You'd have to be an idiot to watch.
posted by tbogg at 10:18 PM
Like the Hilton sisters but without the smarts...
Okay, I'll admit that I didn't watch Jenna and NotJenna (and I want to point out that I coined that nom d'snark back in the day when I couldn't remember Barbara's name) but from what I've wasn't pretty.
Sooooo...I went to the MSNBC video and O MY GOD.
I'm sure someone found them charming...if that someone forgot that they're twenty-two years old and just graduated from some pretty darn good schools.
I can see Karen Hughes standing back stage saying, "Well. That went....well."
Then I see Karen drinking herself into oblivion.
posted by tbogg at 10:01 PM
Other priorities....
Der Gropenator:
You know, when the Germans brought down the Berlin Wall, America's determination helped wield the sledgehammers. When that lone, young Chinese man stood in front of those tanks in Tiananmen Square, America's hopes stood with him. And when Nelson Mandela smiled in election victory after all those years in prison, America celebrated, too.
Well, someone didn't celebrate:
When Rep. Dick Cheney voted against a 1986 resolution calling for the release of Nelson Mandela and recognition of the African National Congress, Americans did know this man had been waiting decades for his freedom. In a larger sense, so had all black South Africans. The tenets of American democracy -- one man, one vote -- were denied to the majority of citizens, along with the most basic economic and educational needs.
Yet Republican vice presidential candidate Cheney still defends his vote, saying on ABC's ``This Week'' that ``the ANC was then viewed as a terrorist organization. . . . I don't have any problems at all with the vote I cast 20 years ago.'' What, then, does this tell us about what information Cheney considers before he takes a decision? And what the long-term consequences are likely to be, and on whom?
By no means were Mandela or the ANC universally viewed as ``terrorists,'' evidenced by the fact that the vote on the resolution was 245-177 in favor, but still shy of the two-thirds needed to override President Ronald Reagan's veto.
posted by tbogg at 9:44 PM
Dick in a bubble
Omigaw, one of the riff-raff (that being people who don't see eye-to-eye with the administration) actually had the audacity to try say and say a discouraging word to Vice President #@&%!*#& Yourself:
Man Held for Coming Within Feet of Cheney
A 21-year-old Yale student, posing as a volunteer at the Republican National Convention, got within 10 feet of Vice President Dick Cheney and shouted anti-war statements before being dragged away, authorities said Tuesday.
Secret Service Agent Shannon Zeigler said Cheney "was never in any harm or danger" during the incident Monday night in Madison Square Garden. The suspect, Thomas Frampton, was charged with assaulting federal officers and impeding the operation of the Secret Service.
There's good news though, no man has come within 10 feet of Mary Cheney in quite some time.
posted by tbogg at 5:03 PM
Dick in a bubble
Omigaw, one of the riff-raff (that being people who don't see eye-to-eye with the administration) actually had the audacity to try say and say a discouraging word to Vice President #@&%!*#& Yourself:
Man Held for Coming Within Feet of Cheney
A 21-year-old Yale student, posing as a volunteer at the Republican National Convention, got within 10 feet of Vice President Dick Cheney and shouted anti-war statements before being dragged away, authorities said Tuesday.
Secret Service Agent Shannon Zeigler said Cheney "was never in any harm or danger" during the incident Monday night in Madison Square Garden. The suspect, Thomas Frampton, was charged with assaulting federal officers and impeding the operation of the Secret Service.
There's good news though, no man has come within 10 feet of Mary Cheney in quite some time.
posted by tbogg at 4:55 PM
Monday, August 30, 2004
Republicans resigning all over the place....
From Julia:
Department of Children & Families Secretary Jerry Regier announced Monday that he will resign, saying he can't be effective amid continued criticism of the department.
Regier, 59, offered his resignation to Gov. Jeb Bush during an early afternoon meeting. He said he will step down sometime over the next few weeks.
Regier said at an abruptly called news conference that while the agency had made progress, he had been frustrated that so much negative attention was focused on the department, most recently created by an audit last month by Bush's inspector general that concluded that Regier and two top aides took favors from contractors.
Jeb!Spin: Hey. At least he's not gay like that Schrock guy...
posted by tbogg at 11:52 PM
Chickenhawk with a bandaid....
Morton Blackwell is handing out purple heart band-aids to the yokels at the RNC:
Delegates to the Republican National Convention found a new way to take a jab at Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam service record: by sporting adhesive bandages with small purple hearts on them.
Morton Blackwell, a prominent Virginia delegate, has been handing out the heart-covered bandages to delegates, who've worn them on their chins, cheeks, the backs of their hands and other places.
Blackwell is president of the Leadership Institute, a nonpartisan educational foundation he founded in 1979. According to its Web site, the institute prepares conservatives for success in politics, government and the news media.
So what did you do in Vietnam, Morty?
In youth politics, Mr. Blackwell was a College Republican state chairman and a Young Republican state chairman in Louisiana.
He served on the Young Republican National Committee for more than a dozen years, rising to the position of Young Republican National Federation national vice chairman at large.
Off and on for five years, 1965-1970, he worked as executive director of the College Republican National Committee under four consecutive College Republican national chairmen.
Mr. Blackwell was Barry Goldwater’s youngest elected delegate to the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco.
He was a national convention Alternate Delegate for Ronald Reagan in 1968 and 1976, and a Ronald Reagan Delegate at the 1980 national convention.
That isn't to say that Morton hasn't had some experience with militaries:
Blackwell is also President, International Policy Forum, from the 1984 CNP Directory, "a foundation which promotes educational exchanges between conservatives in the US and pro-freedom leaders in other countries." From other articles however, the IPF is painted far different. IPF trains rightwing conservatives around the world in New Right political techniques. Paul Weyrich chairs IPF.
"Blackwell and Weyrich also lead International Policy Forum (IPF), which appears to be the international parallel to CNP. The two organizations held joint meetings in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1991 and in Romania in 1992. Blackwell has also trained rightist political forces in Latin America and Africa(19) through IPF, notably supporters of the Pinochet military dictatorship, Argentinean rightists, and supporters of Inkatha chief Buthelezi in South Africa. It was Buthelezi's group that later attempted to create civil war in South Africa to keep apartheid policies in place. Inkatha worked with pro-apartheid and neo-nazi groups to stop the elections eventually won by Nelson Mandela. A number of IPF projects, including the Inkatha training, were aided by U.S. government funding through the National Endowment for Democracy.(20)" 18
The distance from College Republicans to Pinochet was probably just a walk across the street.
posted by tbogg at 11:29 PM
And not one of them a comedy...
Joel Mowbray, whose life is so fascinating that his biography notes that he "is an avid movie buff (he owns over 200 DVDs)", went walking with the NYC protestors in an effort to point out that he has no sense of humor or irony (despite the smirk):
Some were at months out of date, others decades. Perhaps the most popular sign was one that read, “End the Occupation in Iraq.” We did. Two months ago. The second-most-popular sign was “No Draft, No Way.” There’s been no draft for three decades now, and only Democrats are proposing one.
Some protesters actually had a sense of humor. One protester carried a sign with The Simpsons’ Comic Book Guy with the following text: “Worst President Ever.” (If you’re not a Simpsons Fan, trust me, it’s funny.)
Yeah. If it's only the hundreth time you heard it. What is it with conservatives and The Simpsons? Is it street cred or just the fact that they're plugging a show on Fox which gets them valuable prizes and gift certificates from Rupert Murdoch.
Back to Joel:
Some wannabe humorists unfortunately followed in Whoopi Goldberg’s footsteps. One placard read, “Another Gay Man Against Bush.” One girl’s t-shirt read, “My Bush would make a better President.”
Others simply made no sense. Several demonstrators held up signs saying, “I could sh*t a better President.” Whatever that means.
I'm sure if Joel gave it some thought (have a lie down and close your eyes...concentrate....) he could figure it out, but he was too busy making up one of those "Yeah. And then I said to him...." bon mots that so devastate liberals who aren't quick enough on their feet (possibly from not watching The Simpsons enough) for people as droll as Joel:
As their gargantuan garbage path left in their wake might indicate, this was not a grateful group of activists. When diverted from the fire (allegedly) started by one of their own, following is an exchange that occurred with one demonstrator, as recounted by a uniformed NYPD officer:
Protester: “You're infringing on our freedom of speech.”
NYPD Officer: “No, we're giving you freedom from burning.”
Ooooooo. Snap!
In the comedy club in Joel's head.
posted by tbogg at 10:55 PM
I guess no Christmas card will be forthcoming either...
Dennis Prager, the Anal-Retentive Moralist, has just about had it with those lousy ingrates who can't appreciate all the things that Dennis the US has done for invading their country and killing innocent civilians so that they can be free if, you know, they were still alive:
One great lesson of American history is that one does good in this world because it is right to do good, not because the recipients will be grateful. We Americans must therefore never judge the rightness of our actions on how much gratitude or censure we receive. So long as we remain the most blessed country on earth, it is our duty to do as much good as we can. In fact, if we don't, we will cease to be blessed.
But the ingrates still deserve the contempt of decent people.
I wonder if Prager will resent Ali Abbas for not giving him a big hug and thanking him?
posted by tbogg at 10:42 PM
Since we're quoting...
Ron Silver:
At the end of World War II, General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander of the South Pacific, said: "It is my earnest hope - indeed the hope of all mankind - that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past, a world found upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance and justice."
For those, like Silver, who would use 9/11 as an excuse to declare war on the world, here's a little something another General once said :
"War is fear cloaked in courage"- William C. Westmoreland
posted by tbogg at 10:32 PM
Seeing "Santorum" and "scuttlebutt" in the same sentence made me smile...
Tacitus is happy that Rick Santorum (R-Knockin' on the door before the episiotomy stitches have even healed) is speaking at the convention.
Under normal circumstances I would be thrilled too, except that I hear Our Lady of the Dolphins has been hired to write his speech which means that it will be pretty much defanged.
Too bad. I would have liked to hear what he really wanted to say to America.
Think Pat Buchanan crossed with a rottweiler....
(Insert your own dog joke here...)
posted by tbogg at 10:03 PM
Defining "babe" down...
I mean, c'mon, she's cute, but "babe"?
Maybe if you just got paroled....
Oh, wait. This is from "Hindrocket" (which would make a great gay porno name: Rod Hindrocket) and Megan might be setting the bar kind of high for him.
Soft bigotry...low expectations and all that, don'cha know....
posted by tbogg at 9:54 PM
RNC: Day one.
Checking in with redstate, we see that we're still Ben-less.
As it is, tacitus is already bored and hitting the streets and looking for some action.
posted by tbogg at 10:00 AM
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Frum-ulous snatch of banter
I can't begin to tell you how much I'm enjoying James Wolcott's Attack Poodles and Other Media Mutants. In his authors notes, Wolcott writes:
I wasn't looking for a cause. But I can't bear bullies, and I can't stand cowardly deceivers: and in the Bush Administration and the conservative media, we have the worst of both combined.
Wolcott doesn't have an axe to grind but that doesn't mean that his axe isn't sharpened. About Limbaugh he writes:
...but his king-sized addiction to painkillers reveals that beneath the ho-ho humor, he is one tightly wound ball of compulsion, holed up in a protective bubble.
Mickey Kaus is "quite a dimply little cheap-shot artist".
Coulter: "She is the Paris Hilton of postmodern politics, an enlongated zero..."
Here is a favorite passage from a section on heave-ho-ed Bush speechwriter, David Frum:
...The Right Man presents an often unflattering likeness of the commander in chief. Frum's Bush is not the genial backslapper of the campaign trail shown in Alexandra Pelosi's ditzy documentary Journeys With George but an autocratic control freak who keeps his temper in a tight jar. "Bush was a man of fierce anger. When he felt that he had been betrayed or ill-used, his face would go hard, his voice would go cold, and his words would be scathing." The Bush II White House is run with a hierarchical rigor with Bush himself as the CEO dictator. "The Bush staff rose to their feet with a snap that would have impressed a Prussian field marshall. When Bush was in a kidding mood, he would direct the staff like an orchestra conductor: He would press his hands palms down to direct them to sit and then, when they had taken their seats, raise his hands palms up to order them to rise again. Only then would they get the final palms-down." Bush has his own poodles beautifully trained.
What a prick.
Get the book...I know you love snark, and this is snark of the highest quality.
posted by tbogg at 10:43 PM
A Perfect Circle jumps in the ring:
November 2nd, coinciding with the presidential election, APC will be releasing a collection of songs about WAR, PEACE, LOVE AND GREED, entitled "eMOTIVe." Featuring new material and songs like "imagine" by John Lennon, "What's goin on" by Marvin Gaye, "Let's have a war" by FEAR. This week we will release one of these new songs entitled, "Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums," with an animated video poking fun at our fearless leader. Hopefully, you'll find it as entertaining as we do.
Don't let yourself be tricked into thinking it does not. It is important for us all to engage this political system and to be conscious of who is being chosen to speak for us. If you choose not to be involved with decisions that affect your life on a daily basis, in our opinion, you forfeit your right to complain about it later. THINK FOR YOURSELF. QUESTION AUTHORITY. Hopefully you will choose to vote on November 2nd.
Check out the video for Counting Bodies Like Sheep To the Rhythm of the War Drums (Warning: sound)
Link from Evil Brian)
Don't forget that Rock Against Bush V.2 is out. Green Day, Sleater-Kinney, Foo Fighters, Rancid, Dropkick Murphys, Sick Of It All, No Doubt....
posted by tbogg at 10:24 PM
Counting protestors without even taking off his pants
Rick Brookhiser who is part of the weekend custodial staff at The Corner says:
This is street theater and, by itself, meaningless. You can get hundreds of thousands of people to show up for anything in this country.
Unless you're not really good at it.
posted by tbogg at 10:05 PM
It's not like they're black voters in Florida or something, cuz then it's cool...
Taking care of their own:
The Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation and is demanding records regarding Internet postings by critics of the Bush administration that list the names of Republican delegates and urge protesters to give them an unwelcome reception in New York City.
Federal prosecutors said in a grand jury subpoena that the information was needed as part of an investigation into possible voter intimidation.
Now they get interested in "voter intimidation".
posted by tbogg at 9:51 PM
Adopt an RNC blogger....
As part of my ongoing series (that I just made up) on the RNC Convention ("Hooker handjob: $20. Praying for forgiveness after is gonna cost extra...") I've decided to adopt one of those wacky "bloggers" that I keep reading about. Apparently this "blogging" thing is all the rage these days. Kids!
Anyway I have chosen (okay, I got the short straw) young Ben Domenech of basically because I wonder why at 22 he isn't over in Iraq fighting Islamofascism instead of working as a speechwriter which, last I checked, wasn't exactly an essential occupation necessary to a free country.
Anyway we'll being checking in on the smirky little prick as soon as he starts actually posting which I'm guessing should come later in the evening, just as soon as he finishes all the Zimas in the hotel room mini-bar.
In the meantime here's redstate blogger krempasky "keepin' it real" by saying painfully dumb white frat-boy things like:
RedState is in the hizzouse!
Um, yeah. Word up, yo.
Sad. So sad...
(Added, Monday morning: I see krempasky has changed his funk soul-brother headline. Yo, G. That ain't keepin' it real. Know what I'm sayin'?)
posted by tbogg at 9:13 PM
Fun with adjectives
Freudian slip or just your basic "I string words together and hope no one notices" moment?:
Meanwhile, President Bush on Sunday defended the invasion of Iraq, calling it a “catastrophic success” despite continued violence and the lack of weapons that drove the country to war.
In the spirit of non-partisanship I just want to say that his administration has also been a catastrophic success and that I think he should be rewarded with the next four years off... if not longer.
posted by tbogg at 9:03 PM
Saturday, August 28, 2004
American Idiot meets the American Idiot
September 21 is American Idiot day.
Go here and click on videos
Go here for the "remix" (requires quicktime)
As someone is known to say:
posted by tbogg at 11:31 PM
Friday, August 27, 2004
Timing is everything....
Battle of Algiers - Criterion Collection to be released 9/21.
Why you should watch it.
posted by tbogg at 11:28 PM
Doing to his secretary what he tried to do to John Kerry...
Looks like Al French has a bit of trouble with the truth...and where he parks his penis.
There's more trouble today for Clackamas County prosecutor Al French. He's the Vietnam veteran who called John Kerry a liar in a political commercial, then admitted that he had never witnessed Kerry in combat.
Now, The Oregonian reports that he's been put on a 30-day paid leave.
That's because he may have lied about a long-ago extramarital affair with a secretary.
French's former boss says French was asked about the alleged affair 10 years ago, but denied it.
French now claims that he didn't actually do his secretary but was relying on the accounts of three other lawyers who said they had sex with her...
posted by tbogg at 2:22 PM
Then again, in the alternative universe....
Rich Lowry:
"THE PARADE WE NEVER HAD" [Rich Lowry] If you want to know how veteran supporters of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth feel, here is a comment from one Army Vietnam vet that captures it, “If John Kerry loses, it will be the parade we never had.”
Too bad that we can't ask the dead guy, who got drafted and sent to Viet Nam when George Bush jumped the TANG waiting list, about the life he never had...
Added: The link on the waiting list is a bonus for me.
posted by tbogg at 1:48 PM
Friday basset blogging.
Bored. Really really bored....
posted by tbogg at 1:45 PM
One degree of separation: Jenna Jameson & Andrea Mitchell
ANDERSON COOPER:[...] OK, Jenna, I have got to clear up something right from the beginning. I read an account that said you actually wanted to be a TV anchorwoman one day. Is that true?
JAMESON: That is -- that was definitely what I wanted to do. I used to practice with the TelePrompTer when I was young, because my father was a television producer. So it didn't come to pass, but you know, at least I'm still on TV.
Jenna is just a bit more honest about what she does on TV than Andrea...
Later in the interview:
COOPER: There are, you know, obviously you know there are critics. Writer Naomi Wolf recently wrote that basically the sort of the porn industry has raised expectations for men in a way that women feel, how can I compete with this? And in fact, she claims it's sort of has deadened the male libido, because you know, they feel like the real thing isn't good enough. Everyone has to be a porn star.
JAMESON: I really don't believe that. I think that it's added to people's sexual lives, and I think that it's added to women's especially, because there's a little bit of Jenna Jameson in every woman out there, and I think that now that they're starting to see me coming out more into the mainstream, they feel a little bit more comfortable being naughty in the bedroom.
Then again, maybe not...
posted by tbogg at 12:39 PM
Not a Swift Boat liar
From Wednesday's San Diego Union:
The legitimacy of John Kerry's Bronze Star has been established by both the Green Beret soldier who was blown off Kerry's boat into the water and now by the gunner for PCF 43 who confirms that all units were receiving enemy fire following the mining of PCF 3. Even the Officer in Tactical Command (OTC) for that mission received a Bronze Star for aiding the stricken boat while taking enemy fire although he now wants to deny what his own citation affirms.
The legitimacy of Kerry's Silver Star was confirmed over this past weekend by Bill Rood, who was skipper of PCF 23 and present with Kerry during the events which earned him that medal. Rood has come forward because the actions of this embittered group are degrading the service and accomplishments of all of us who served on Swift Boats in Vietnam.
The group is motivated by its members' enduring anger at John Kerry's anti-war activities and by the treatment of Task Force 115 Commander, Capt. Roy Hoffman, in the book "Tour of Duty." Their memories are clouded by their emotional attachment to their anger. I can tell you that in 1969 at An Thoi, John Kerry did not have the reputation that their book claims he had.
This group asked for my signature on their "open letter" because I also commanded a Swift Boat in Vietnam in 1969 and served alongside many of them and John Kerry. I refused. I knew that what they were doing would only degrade the heroic actions of all Swift Boat veterans. You cannot challenge the process by which one person received recognition without making everyone else's medals and awards suspect as well.
Many people who served on Swifts performed many acts of heroism and courage but were never recognized for it because no one took the time necessary to submit an award recommendation for them. Over the years these men have shared vicariously in the honors given to select, fortunate individuals. Now with the relentless mudslinging from the Swift Vets for Truth, we are all sharing in the shame that they are bringing on our community. I would prefer that they spend their energy and their money promoting the positive attributes of their candidate rather than trying to settle a 35-year-old score.
War does change a person and apparently not always for the better. These men are bitter and will likely remain so until their deaths. But that will not make them right.
posted by tbogg at 12:34 PM
Better late than never America's Worst Mother
You didn't think I was going to give her a pass this week, did you?
Summer is coming to a close for America's Worst Mother and her family and so she takes her kids (Chupacabra, Peony, Agoniste, and Melonhead) to the county fair so that they can gorge on fatty foods, collect useless trinkets, and be amongst the freaks, which is a lot like going to the Republican convention but without the hookers and the in-room porn. Let's visit with them, okay?
It is a glorious morning at the Union Fair, a mainstay of the agricultural calendar that officially spells the end of summer for people in our part of Maine. I saved my pocket money to spend on the Union Fair midway when I was a girl; now my children are doing the same.
Alas for them, the fair, like Maine itself, has in the intervening years been gentrified. Today the first stall we encounter sells jasmine rice and Thai curries. Next to it is a charming shack selling fruit smoothies and "udderly delicious" organic cream sodas. There's even a tiny mobile espresso bar. Fair-goers can still buy fudge and cotton candy and onion blossoms, but the caravans selling them have become depressingly hygienic, with none of the flies and grease puddles that used to give ordering fried dough such a frisson.
Yes, the concessionaires have been overrun by swarthy people selling non-American foods who are probably foreigners who snuck over the Canadian border when Michelle Malkin wasn't looking and now, hell, it's getting so you can't even find a good old-fashioned deep-fried Snickers bar anymore.
Later Meghan is disappointed that Rush Limbaugh isn't making public appearances anymore (probably because of the lack of the aforementioned deep-fried Snickers bars):
Somewhere along the line the freak show disappeared, taking with it a memorable mustachioed fat lady, a man who lit kerosene in his mouth, and a two-headed calf bottled in amber fluid. Gone is Stormy Winters, the hootchy-cootchy girl whose caravan illustrations depicted her as a kind of erotic snow queen with ice crystals sparkling on her Alpine breasts. Gone too is the booth where you could pay money to look at an actual, breathing, recovered drug addict. I used to make my father laugh by imitating the carney's patter: "Alive, alive, yes he is still alive..."
Losing Rush also deprived the fair of the Humoungus Draft-Defying Anal Pimple that was also such a hit with the kids before they had to settle for gay aquatic organisms like Spongebob on TV.
Later Meghan takes the kids to see some oxen doing something that is unclear but allows Meghan to get back what little seventies street cred she once had by referencing songs by Elton John and Procol Harum.
Huh Jerry! Huh Tom!" yells the ox driver, a teenaged girl in braces and rubber boots. She urges the team forward, dancing beside them, shouting and whacking. "Gee Jerry! Gee Tom!" The oxen pull. They do not seem to mind the blows, but poor Granny does. Her hide is not so tough, and with each stroke of the stick in the dirt-floored ring, one elegant gray-haired woman in the stands winces and flinches and turns a whiter shade of pale.
After watching the beating of the oxen, Meghan, angling for Scott McClellans job (America's Worst Press Secretary) tries to put a positive spin on it:
"It doesn't seem fair, hitting them," Molly says, taking up the theme as Granny disappears into the benignity of the fairgrounds. I know what she means. You watch a farmer whacking and yelling at a pair of dull-witted beasts, which stumble and pull over a short distance a weight so massive that its passage leaves a hard shiny streak along the dirt floor. And you think to yourself, poor oxen, why is this yokel whacking and yelling at them? Don't these people have tractors?
In a flash, I see how to explain it. "It may look cruel, but what you're seeing here, children, is the origin of our incredible success as a species," I say. "It was man's discovery that he could harness and domesticate creatures such as these oxen that allowed us to develop agriculture, and it is farming that over many years permitted the growth of towns and cities."
"Wow," Molly says, her eyes following the disgraced team out of the shed past a line of oxen blinking in the sunlight and waiting for their turn.
"So what you're looking at here," I continue, "is the first great technological development in humanity's progress to where we are today." I sit back, triumphant, ready to take questions. A question is quick to come.
"Why," Molly asks, gazing at the row of animals, "do oxen stick their tongues up their noses?"
But Meghan doesn't have an answer as she wistfully ponders the long supple tongue of the oxen and remembers that very special summer in the Maine of her childhood when she became...a woman.