White House West: Straight talk from Will Ferrell from the ranch in Crawford, Texas

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After spending over $75 million on fraudulent attacks, Karl Rove is back to selling the true Texas cowboy. Throughout August, Bush campaign commericals will feature President Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Join ACT and our friend Will Ferrell for a behind-the-scenes look at “White House West.” We promise it’s the best commerical you’ll see this election.

Help stop the Republican’s fraud by joining ACT today and signing our petition to the FCC.

stop the fraud

Americans must be able to trust the facts in political ads. Every voter has the right to truthful advertising.  Free speech is no defense to massive, purposeful fraud.

You, the FCC, have an obligation to ensure that broadcast stations around the country do not transmit misleading, deceptive and fraudulent advertising. 

We, the undersigned American citizens, demand that you require proof of fact before airing political advertisements.  Laws must change to protect our democracy. 

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  • Meet the faces of ACT in An American Voice, a short movie based in the battleground state of Ohio.
  • Read our Plan for Victory, the plan that will elect Democrats up and down the ticket this November.
  • Find upcoming events in your area with ACT Here, featuring ACT canvasses and other events from our partners.
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Special Bonus: Contribute today and get access to six 30 second spots filmed by Will Ferrell for ACT. These videos aren't available anywhere else, and feature hysterical outtakes from the filming of White House West.

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