August 25, 2004
Three Cheers for Corporate Responsibility!
And now, the Green[e]house takes a moment out to commend corporations that do the right thing:
Office Depot has teamed up with Hewlett Packard, the computing industry giant, to establish a nationwide computer recycling program through the retailer’s stores. The program — which runs through Sept. 6 — gives people, according to an Office Depot executive, a chance to “see [the company] as more than just a provider of goods and services.”
Whatever your take on Costco’s new coffin cornucopia, the warehouse chain — which can claim me as a satisfied member — still does right by employees. The company not only pays its CEO only $350,000 — less than 10 times the top pay rate for hourly employees — but also gives new hires starting pay of $10 per hour. [The fact that $10 per hour amounts to more than the average pay at Wal-Mart tells you all you need to know about that mom-and-pop shop.]
People berate Starbucks as a chief force behind the chaining of America, but it deserves credit where due: it manages to turn a profit even though in spite of offering health insurance to part-time workers, and its stores sell a goodly amount of fair trade coffee to boot.
Have other examples of good corporate citizenship? Hit me with ’em in the comments.
August 24, 2004
Cutting to the Swift-Boat Quick
Josh Marshall wrote a marathon post today that, in my opinion, trains a floodlight on the flaw in Bush’s character that I try to exploit in this ad script:
When this stuff comes down the pike, Kerry has to fight back mercilessly. And he can win those fights. But, fundamentally, every day of this campaign that isn’t spent talking about the sluggish economy and the president’s debacle in Iraq is a day wasted, a strategic failure for the Kerry campaign.
But Democrats don’t have to choose between hard-hitting lines of attack on the president himself and focusing on the main issues that are facing the country today. The most damning attacks turn out to be the most compelling, the most relevant for what the country faces, and the most difficult for the president to combat.
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Let’s Get It What?!
So over breakfast the other day, my friend Sarah tells me — while we talked about the Black Eyed Peas, for reasons I promptly forgot — that the group, on its latest album, doesn’t call its current hit “Let’s Get It Started” at all. The actual title: “Let’s Get Retarded.” No, really.
So, two questions:
Would I be the only guy who didn’t know that?
Does it make me a total wuss to say — not only as a certifiably politically correct weenie, but also as someone who spent a good deal of time in school with special-needs children — that I find that totally offensive?
August 22, 2004
An Elephant Who Forgets
Bob Dole spoke up on the Swift Boat business today — but he spoke against John Kerry. I’m confounded — even with his reputation as a hatchet man, he really ought to know better [emphasis added]:
In 1988, Ronald Reagan was about to step down, and a host of Republicans were hoping the New Hampshire Primary would do for them what it had done eight years before for that popular President.
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August 21, 2004
Sauce for the Gander, Pt. II
Just thought up another script — this one more from a 527’s point of view, inspired directly by Josh Marshall, who says:
Kerry’s surrogates have to go aggressively on the attack against the president on all his many points of vulnerability, which are legion — his dishonesty about his own gap-ridden service in the Texas Air National Guard, his White House’s on-going efforts to cover up the Plame leak, the endless record of deceptions tied to the Iraq invasion, yet-to-be revealed dirty laundry from the past, all of it.
This time, I whack Bush for the Plame leak, but I include a nice tip of the hat to Condi at the end. Let me know what you think.
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The Amateur Media Consultant Is In
The Swift Boat business has weighed on my mind for the last couple of days — I know, it isn’t my campaign, so there’s no need to take it personally — and I did some brainstorming to figure out how best to turn this on the Bush camp. [Yes, I remain an acolyte of jiujitsu politics.]
So: how does this work as a response ad?
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August 20, 2004
Great Moments in Zell-otry
Zell Miller: willing to say or do anything to get elected. Just like his newfound friends.
For those in a mind for a refresher course on why people call him Zig Zag Zell, read this anecdote, written down for posterity by James Carville and Paul Begala on pp. 103-05 of Buck Up, Suck Up, and Come Back When You Foul Up.
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August 18, 2004
Time for a Taste Test
Okay, sports fans — honest opinions only, please. Which of these Democratic web sites works better for you: This one …
… or this one?
Tell me what’s behind your preference, whether you pick the first page or the second. Which of them looks better? Which of them is easier to use? Speak your peace in the comments.
A Quick Keiretsu Update
Time to check in with a few friends on the web …
Hats off to Tim Jarrett, who just moved with his lovely missus, Lisa, and their two dogs to greater Boston. And right in time for the Red Sox postseason, wouldn’t ya know!
Join me in saying farewell to Esta, who decided to take down her blogging shingle this month and move on to new adventures. I would say godspeed — but given her chosen profession, I have a hunch God has her taken care of. =)
The incredible disappearing Wyeth Ruthven resurfaced this week — as the communications director of the South Carolina Democratic Party. Go and help him break in his new home in the blogosphere.
The August Doldrums
Put me down with Kottke; my creative juices have run dry, and I feel a little bored. The prospect of having to shop for a new car bummed me out, too — and even though I have the old one working again, I still have some torpor and issues to work off from that.
Even so, time waits for no one, right? I have projects to finish, and posts to dream up. Onward!
August 11, 2004
Annals of Stupid Republican Tricks, Vol. 228
In North Carolina, Republican legislators say we should leave no child behind … on the way to the beach (subscription required):
Parents can lock in next summer’s vacation dates. Gov. Mike Easley signed legislation Monday requiring school systems to start classes no earlier than Aug. 25 beginning in 2005.
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August 10, 2004
My Star-Crossed Month Continues
I should have known I had jinxed myself when I said to my friend Sarah — like an idiot, over the weekend when my car blew a puff of smoke after we got in — that the Honda “wasn’t about to catch fire or anything.” Like clockwork, when Sunday afternoon rolled around and I got back home from church and Whole Foods, presto! instant bonfire over the radiator.
I caught it fast, thank goodness. That let me put it out before the whole car turned extra crispy. I still have some damage to wires and hoses, though — you can look at the photo by clicking the “continued” link — so I definitely have a trip to the service department in the future.
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August 04, 2004
My apologies about the lack of posts — my father had to spend quality time with a catheter today, and family issues take precedence over the blog. [I sound jolly now, but the whole thing has actually had me — when you add it to ongoing car trouble, a pinched shoulder nerve, and that marathon flight delay on Sunday — stressed out.]
Expect normal posting from me to resume some time in the next day or so. ’Til then …
Oh — I found time yesterday to move the site to simpler permalinks and set up redirects for my old posts. I also played some tricks I learned from working on Cathy Woolard’s site, but more details on those might as well wait for later. Have fun!
August 02, 2004
August 01, 2004
Going Great Guns in the Golden State
Since your California correspondent — that would be me, in case you wonder — has a couple of hours to kill at Long Beach airport [a glitch in my airline’s reservation system has all of its flights delayed for two hours], I can talk for a moment about some heartening signs of grassroots activity around Los Angeles.
Continued »
Update, 8/22: I tweaked the text a bit to clear away the harshness and make the point against Bush crystal clear. [And to add a minor echo of Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. =) ]