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Swift Boats and Double Standards
By Benjamin L. Ginsberg / WaPo
— Posted 4 hours ago —
Think you're getting unbiased, balanced coverage of politics? Or is there a double standard in the way the media treat Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives? My recent visit to the center of a media storm suggests there is. Consider this: |
Pejman Yousefzadeh: DOUBLE STANDARDS INDEED — This article, by Ben Ginsburg, would evoke shame in the professional press corps, but I fear...
Greyhawk: Odd way to defend a friend. Update: This guy could blog, if he wanted. Kudos to the WaPo.
The Big Trunk: More media meltdown — Former outside counsel to the Bush campaign Ben Ginsberg contrasts media coverage of alleged...
Mike Hendrix: Fairly unbalanced — Ben Ginsberg has an important question: [snipped quote] Answer: because that won't help unseat George Bush.
Donald Sensing: A one-two punch — Glenn Reynolds writes in the WSJ and former Bush-campaign counsel Benjamin Ginsberg writes in the Washington Post.
Betsy Newmark: He has an editorial today in the Washington Post detailing all the connections between Kerry's people and the 527s.
Stephen Green |
Text of Schwarzenegger's Speech at RNC
— Posted 10 hours ago —
The text of a speech by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger , as prepared for delivery Tuesday at the Republican National Convention: What a greeting! This is like winning an Oscar! ...As if I would know! Speaking of acting, one of my movies was called "True Lies." |
Smash: You'll thank me later. Finally, I have this to say: MY GOVERNOR CAN KICK YOUR GOVERNOR'S ASS!
Nathan Newman: Which brings us to the RNC and specifically, Arnold's speech. which I watched from the cheap seats in the media section...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: This means that the decision to feature Arnold Schwarzenegger as one of the keynote speakers was a no-brainer.
Tom Tomorrow: Revisionists — Arnold, last night: [snipped quote] Reality check: [snipped quote] Via TBogg.
Tbogg: Other priorities.... Der Gropenator: You know, when the Germans brought down the Berlin Wall, America's determination helped wield the sledgehammers.
Greg Ransom: ARNOLD SCWARZENNEGER — a stunning speech from America's most popular Republican.
Allah |
Being There
By William Saletan / Slate
— Posted 18 hours ago —
For the past month, a group of veterans funded by a Bush campaign contributor and advised by a Bush campaign lawyer has attacked the story of John Kerry's heroism in Vietnam. |
Oliver @LiquidList: Politics/Media: Hanging From Their Own Rhetoric — William Saletan has another great piece on Slate this morning, after yesterday's Bush-as-coward smackdown.
Charles Kuffner: Courage — Pretty strong stuff here from William Saletan about Bush's "heroism" after 9/11.
Orrin Judd: THE MAN IN THE RING: Being There: What does 9/11 tell us about Bush? Nothing.
Tim Dunlop: And Laura, by the way, he didn't go to war this time either (see this useful explosion of the George W. Bush hero myth).
DeLong: William Saletan Joins the Ancient and Hermetic Order of the Shrill — We are glad to welcome William Saletan to the...
Neil Shah: Layeth the Smack Good Man (Cross-posted at Polemic Propaganda) William Saletan exposes a harsh fluorescent light to the...
Steve Gilliard,
Mark Kleiman,
Nick Confessore,
Von @ObsidianWings |
Bush Now Saying 'We Will Win' Terror War
By Jennifer Loven / AP
— Posted 23 hours ago —
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - President Bush said Tuesday "we will win" the war on terror, seeking to quell controversy and Democratic criticism over his earlier remark that victory may not be possible. |
Gregory Djerejian: And then there's this cheap shot: "This president has gone from mission accomplished to mission miscalculated to mission...
Mike Hendrix: The agony of defeat — The desperation mounts—incredible as that may seem: "NASHVILLE, Tenn. - President Bush said...
Chris Bowers: Too bad we jumped all over Bush and made him flip-flop yet again: "In a speech to the national convention of the...
Jeralyn Merritt: Bush Flip-Flops on Terror War — A few days ago Bush said we can't win the war on terror. Now he says we can. Flip-Flop.
Steve Soto: You gotta love the AP headline for Bush's flip-flop today: "Bush Now Saying 'We Will Win' Terror War" In a speech to the...
The Poor Man: President George W. Bush 8/31/2004 "I want justice [for Osama bin Laden]. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive."
Robert Garcia Tagorda,
Talking Dog,
Michelle Malkin,
Tom Maguire |
Sources: Democratic leaders urge Kerry campaign changes
— Posted 15 hours ago —
NEW YORK (CNN) — Democratic leaders, increasingly concerned that John Kerry's presidential campaign is adrift, are urging the presidential nominee to make changes in his staff before Labor Day, according to some party sources. |
Pejman Yousefzadeh: But that hasn't stopped the chatter: [snipped quote] Whatever happens with the changes—or lack of changes—the fact is...
Taegan Goddard: Speculation Continues on Kerry Shake Up — Following up on yesterday's report of a potential shake up in Sen. John...
Robert Garcia Tagorda: UPDATE II: The New York Times and CNN join the speculation. UPDATE III: Tom Bevan and Glenn Reynolds have additional thoughts.
David Cohen: [quote]He wanted to go after the Swift boat attacks, but his top aides said no." [end quote] Sources: Democratic leaders urge Kerry...
Betsy Newmark: More rumors that the Kerry campaign is pondering a shakeup.
Orrin Judd: PASS THE TORCH, CABANA BOY: Sources: Democratic leaders urge Kerry campaign changes: Campaign refutes reports of...
At Least 900 Arrested in City as Protesters Clash With Police
— NEW —
A series of demonstrations rippled across Manhattan last night when protesters tried to converge on the Republican National Convention, as a day of planned civil disobedience erupted into clashes with police officers and led to the arrest of more than 900 people. |
Charles Johnson: Peace Activists Get Violent in NY — At Least 900 Arrested in City as Protesters Clash With Police.
Greyhawk: A First? New York: 900 protest-related arrests in NYC bring total to 1,460.
Steve M.: So I'm reading the New York Times story on yesterday's demonstrations in New York, and I'm listening to the local NPR...
Text: Remarks by California Gov. Schwarzenegger to the National Republican Convention
— Posted 10 hours ago —
Text of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech at the Republican National Convention: SCHWARZENEGGER: Thank you very much. Thank you. What a greeting. What a greeting. Wow. This is like winning an Oscar — as if I would know. |
Wretchard: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's declaration at the RNC convention should have been laughably trite: that the President...
Robert Garcia Tagorda: Arnold Speaks for P&F; — I can't write, with any objectivity, about the Governator's convention speech.
Ken Masugi: Gov. Schwarzenegger and the Twins — Here's the text of the Governor's speech. The clueless twins. Entertainers and politicians, post-Reagan.
James Joyner: Transcript: Remarks by California Gov. Schwarzenegger to the National Republican Convention (WaPo) Schwarzenegger speech video.
Suicide Bombing Kills 10 Outside Moscow Subway
By Peter Baker / WaPo
— Posted 1 hour ago —
MOSCOW, Aug. 31 — A female suicide bomber set off a powerful homemade explosive device outside a Moscow subway station Tuesday, shooting shrapnel through a crowd of commuters and killing at least 10 people and injuring 51, authorities said. |
Kevin Raybould: A school has been taken over by terrorists, and a suicide bombing has killed ten in Moscow.
DemFromCT: Terrorists Storm School in Southern Russia More Than a Hundred Children, Teachers, Parents Taken Hostage Suicide Bombing...
Greyhawk: Certainly the citizens of Russia and Israel would sympathize with the plight of those unfortunate demonstrators, denied such a fundamental human right as the right to protest.
GOP 2004: Moore Won't Return to Madison Square Garden
By Joe Strupp / Editor and Publisher
— Posted 20 hours ago —
NEW YORK Following all the commotion last night, Michael Moore will not be returning to Madison Square Garden for the Republican National Convention, E&P; has learned. According to editors at USA Today, which is publishing his daily column this week, Moore told them that he was choosing not to return again. |
Orrin Judd: THE WINTER SOLDIER AND THE SUNSHINE TRAITOR: GOP 2004: Moore May Not Return to MSG (Joe Strupp, August 31, 2004, Editor & Publisher) [snipped quote] A soul tried and found wanting?
Steve Bainbridge: The big wuss may not be coming back to the convention. [Update: Fox says Moore will be back. Pity.]
JD @SouthernAppeal: He won't be back at the RNC. [snipped quote] You know, some would say that it's Mr. Moore's actions, not the security people's, that caused a media frenzy.
Joe Gandelman: Here are the basic facts from Editor & Publisher: [snipped quote] If a space alien landed in the US a few months ago...
C. D. Harris: On a related note, I see that neither Michael Moore nor USA Today believe that Moore actually needs to attend any more...
Damian Penny: Last night, John McCain threw it all back in Moore's face, and now the brave, fearless filmmaker has taken his ball and...
James Joyner |
Schwarzenegger: No country more welcoming than the USA
— NEW —
NEW YORK (CNN) — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, an immigrant, Tuesday night addressed the Republican National Convention where he spoke of the greatness of America. Schwarzenegger, born in Austria, is a former actor and body builder. |
Bill Hobbs: An amazing speech from Arnold that reminds us all just how incredible America in providing opportunity to immigrants and hope and freedom to the oppressed around the world.
Glenn Reynolds: UPDATE: Schwarzenegger transcript, here.
RNC bloggers gone wild!
By Mark Follman / Salon
— Posted 10 hours ago —
Last week the Wall Street Journal profiled the 15 credentialed bloggers officially selected by organizers of the Republican National Convention to cover this week's events inside Madison Square Garden. |
C. D. Harris: Delicious... ... and yet good for you. I could never pass up such an excellent opportunity to use the word schadenfreude.
Jeff Goldstein: Your postmodern moment, Tuesday edition ...Anybody feel like emailing ol' Mark Follman and letting him know the joke's on him...?
Captain Ed: Salon Takes A Few Cheap Shots — Mark Follman at Salon.com writes a review of the credentialed RNC bloggers for the...
Bush Cites Doubt America Can Win War on Terror
By Elisabeth Bumiller / NYT
— Posted 25 hours ago —
NASHUA, N.H. , Aug. 30 - President Bush, in an interview broadcast on Monday, said he did not think America could win the war on terror but that it could make terrorism less acceptable around the world, a departure from his previous optimistic statements that the United States would eventually prevail. |
Kevin Raybould: On Winning the War On Terrorism — A lot has been — and rightfully so — of Bush's recent statement that he did not think you could win a war on terrorism.
Jeffrey Dubner: THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW, 1:30 P.M.: The Bush campaign seems pretty concerned about yesterday's "I don't think you can win it" gaffe.
Josh Marshall: I notice that in Elizabeth Bumiller's story on President Bush's 'can't win the war on terror' remark she suggests that...
David Adesnik: BUSH FLIP-FLOPS (AND FLIPS) AT THE WORST POSSIBLE MOMENT: And the NYT is eating him alive.
Orrin Judd: YOU CAN MEND IT, BUT CAN'T END IT: Bush Cites Doubt America Can Win War on Terror (ELISABETH BUMILLER, Aug. 30, 2004, NY...
Michelle Malkin: PUTTING BUSH THROUGH THE SPIN CYCLE — The New York Times headline this morning reads: "Bush Cites Doubt America Can Win War on Terror."
Tom Maguire,
Dan Gillmor,
Gene @HarrysPlace,
Jeff Jarvis |
Columbus swift boat vet angry about letter
By Linda Halstead-Acharya / Billings Gazette
— Posted 1 hour ago —
COLUMBUS - Swift boat veteran Bob Anderson of Columbus is ticked. It bothers him that Sen. John Kerry's swift boat history has become such a political hot potato. But he's even more irritated that his name was included - without his permission - on a letter used to discredit Kerry. |
Atrios: Swift Boat Liars — These are the people that George Bush, Sr. and Bob Dole support. What losers.
Susan Madrak: Looks like some of the names on that list attacking Kerry were added without their permission: "COLUMBUS - Swift boat veteran Bob Anderson of Columbus is ticked.
Godzilla vs. the 'Blogosphere'
By Glenn Harlan Reynolds / WSJ
— Posted 1 hour ago —
With accredited bloggers at both conventions, this can fairly be called the first presidential election to be blogged. And that just might matter — though if it does, it will be as much because of big-media vices as it is of bloggers' virtues. |
Libertarian: BIASED BLOGGERS I suppose the impact of blogs on politics is an interesting subject to ponder, but why must InstaGlenn continue to blast big media bias?
Hindrocket: Boydot Hits the Big Time — Poor Jim Boyd is in the Wall Street Journal this morning.
Kerry bashers unleash barbs with no limits
By Stephen Dinan / Washington Times
— Posted 2 hours ago —
NEW YORK — The word to Republican speakers at the national convention is that bashing Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry is fine. Unlike Democrats, who put out word that they were editing speeches to tamp down on harsh criticism of President... |
Taegan Goddard: GOP Sanctions Kerry Jabs — "The word to Republican speakers at the national convention is that bashing Sen. John Kerry is fine," the Washington Times reports.
Howard Kurtz: You don't hear much media chatter about the same issue in New York, but the Washington Times makes the point: "The word...
Upbeat Republicans Revive Bush Theme of Compassion
By Todd S. Purdum / NYT
— Posted 10 hours ago —
Facing perhaps three times the television audience that saw its sharp-edged speakers on Monday, the Republican National Convention circled back last night to President Bush's winning 2000 campaign theme of "compassionate conservatism," portraying him as not... |
Dan Gillmor: It's What They Do, Not What They Say — NY Times: Upbeat Republicans Revive Bush Theme of Compassion.
Taegan Goddard: Quote of the Day — [snipped quote] — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), quoted by the New York Times, at the Republican National Convention.
Steve Gilliard: The gropinator's speech was idiotic and he had that freakish Holywood face famous, vain, men get after one too many surgeries.
Man Held for Coming Within Feet of Cheney
By Tom Hays / AP
— Posted 18 hours ago —
NEW YORK (AP) - A 21-year-old Yale student, posing as a volunteer at the Republican National Convention, got within 10 feet of Vice President Dick Cheney and shouted anti-war statements before being dragged away, authorities said Tuesday. |
Tbogg: Dick in a bubble — Omigaw, one of the riff-raff (that being people who don't see eye-to-eye with the administration)...
Jeralyn Merritt: Free Speech Takes a Hit — Why did a 21 yeear old student from Yale get arrested and charged with assaulting a federal officer for shouting an anti-war slogan?
Jeff Quinton: Secret Service Arrests Protestor near Cheney — AP/Yahoo [snipped quote] Other blogging: Dean Esmay Say Anything
Judith Weiss: "A complaint filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan said Secret Service agents spotted Frampton carrying a...
Clayton Cramer: This news report is utterly perplexing to me: [snipped quote] I can understand that there are people that passionately...
Kerry Campaign Weighs Shake-Up As Bush Gains Upper Hand in Race
By Albert R. Hunt / WSJ
— Posted 15 hours ago —
As the Bush campaign commands an exquisitely directed convention, the faltering Kerry campaign might be on the verge of a major shake-up. Ever since the Boston convention, the Bush campaign has dominated the agenda, putting the Democratic nominee on the defensive. |
Orrin Judd: Hey, c'mon, we didn't interrupt you while you were destroying your candidacy in Boston... MORE: Kerry Campaign Weighs...
Robert Garcia Tagorda: Al Hunt of the Wall Street Journal concurs: "A few very well-connected Democrats report something will occur in the next few days."
Betsy Newmark: The first guy to shake up his campaign is losing. Guess which candidate is thinking about shaking up his campaign staff?
Pejman Yousefzadeh: . . It must have enraged Al Hunt to have to write this: [snipped quote] You can find more about the changes here.
Stephen Green: Advantage: VodkaPundit — Via Mickey Kaus comes Al Hunt's analysis of what's wrong with the Kerry campaign:...
U.S. Seeks to Throw Out Terror Convictions
— Posted 9 hours ago —
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department asked a judge Tuesday to throw out the convictions of a suspected terror cell in Detroit because of prosecutorial misconduct, reversing course in a case the Bush administration once hailed as a major victory in the war on terrorism. |
Sadly @SadlyNo: In related news, today: "The Justice Department asked a judge Tuesday to throw out the convictions of a suspected...
KJL: THIS SOUNDS BAD — U.S. Seeks to Throw Out Terror Convictions By JOHN SOLOMON and CURT ANDERSON .c The Associated Press ...
David Neiwert: F'r instance: Yet another federal terrorism conviction vacated — this time in Detroit, most notably because of prosecutor misconduct.
Text of Speech by Jenna and Barbara Bush
— NEW —
Text of a speech by Jenna and Barbara Bush delivered Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, as transcribed by e-Media Inc.: JENNA BUSH: It's great to be here. We love Arnold. Isn't he awesome? |
Libertarian: THE BUSH TWINS are horrible. Bad timing on the jokes. Bad jokes. No ideas of their own.
Allah: John Edwards.) He's coming up, so read his bio and hope that Mikulski and/or Sarbanes retire soon. UPDATES: The twins.
Attackers seize Russian school
— Posted 2 hours ago —
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) — Armed attackers have seized a school in southern Russia and as many as 400 people are being held — half of them children — ITAR-TASS news agency reports. Some of the more than a dozen hostage-takers in the town of Beslan in North Ossetia were reportedly wearing explosives belts used in suicide bombings. |
Jan Haugland: Gunmen take school hostage in Russia — Terrorists have stormed a school in North Ossetia in Russia, not far from Chechnya, taking hundreds of hostages.
Patrick Belton: FOR ALL THOSE WHO, LIKE US, have a heartbreaking love for Russia and her people while hating her authoritarian governments, today's events are particularly sad.
Hundreds Held Hostage in Russia School
— Posted 3 hours ago —
MOSCOW Sept. 1, 2004 — Armed attackers, some wearing suicide-bomb belts, seized a school Wednesday in a Russian region bordering Chechnya and were holding hundreds of children and adults hostage, news reports said. The assault came a day after a suicide bomber killed 10 people in Moscow. |
Christopher Kanis: MUSLIM TERRORISTS HOLD, THREATEN TO KILL HUNDREDS OF RUSSIAN CHILDREN — I think what we really need to ask ourselves...
Wretchard: The Day — The seizure of 200 schoolchildren with their parents in Russia, for a total of perhaps 400, presumably by Chechen terrorists, caps a stemwinder of a newsday.
Elvis' political strategy? Bush aides will clarify
Miami Herald
— NEW —
NEW YORK — I attended a gathering of the College Republicans, a group of politically active young people whose views I wholeheartedly endorse because they gave the media free food and liquor. But I was somewhat intimidated by the College Republicans themselves. |
Orrin Judd: WELL, THIS IS GRACELAND...: Elvis' political strategy? Bush aides will clarify (DAVE BARRY, 9/01/04, Miami Herald) [snipped quote] No, no, no...Rove is the Colonel.
Ken Layne: Rep. Dreier May Have Had Sex With A Llama — Dave Barry was not killed at the Olympics after all.
New Staff Additions Strengthen Kerry-Edwards Team for Final Campaign Push
U.S. Newswire
— Posted 13 hours ago —
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 /U.S. Newswire/ —With just over two months to go before Election Day, the Kerry-Edwards campaign announced Tuesday that it has brought on board key new staff to help lead the campaign to victory on November 2nd. |
Orrin Judd: MORE ADVISORS—THAT'S THE TICKET: To: National Desk and Political Reporter [snipped quote] As The Wife said, "Kerry's problem is he has the wrong thousand people advising him."
Robert Garcia Tagorda: Indeed, he notes that Joe Lockhart may assume additional responsibilities, and lo and behold, the former Clinton Press Secretary joins the campaign today.
Kos: Joe Lockhart IS joining the Kerry campaign, along with a slew of other additions, and someone will be elbowed aside to make room for the newcomers.
Glenn Reynolds: Kerry campaign spin: "The new additions strengthen an already impressive campaign team!" The guy they need is Joe Trippi.
Bush: 'We Will Win' the War on Terror
By Mike Allen / WaPo
— Posted 20 hours ago —
NASHVILLE, Aug. 31 — President Bush rushed Tuesday morning to reverse his assertion that the war on terror cannot be won, trying to deflect a planned barrage of Democratic attacks by telling the nation's largest veterans group that "we are winning, and we will win." |
Tim Dunlop: DEMOCRATIC T-SHIRT: "Bush: Against Winning the War on Terror Before He Was for It."
David Adesnik: Right now, it has a headline story up on its website that begins: [snipped quote] Tellingly, Mike Allen is the author of both WaPo articles.
Ken Masugi: Update, via a reader: The Swift Boat Veterans continue their attack on Kerry: 'The ad shows footage from a 1971...
Frederick Maryland: The Washington Post reports: "President Bush rushed Tuesday morning to reverse his assertion that the war on terror...
Andrew Sullivan: We're all told that the president knows what he believes about this war and today he corrected himself.
Gene @HarrysPlace: Ah. Update: Oops. What he meant to say is...