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George W. Bush Scorecard of Evil

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Featured posts:

26 August 2003
Fair and balanced mathematics
Fox News tries to devalue soldiers' lives -- and resorts to lies to do so.

3 July 2003
A bitter American hero
Max Cleland's story is a perfect example of how low Republicans can go.

14 May 2003
Don't mess with the Axis of Awesome
Neil Cavuto just embarrasses himself when he tries to insult Paul Krugman.

28 April 2003
The inevitable Republican political meltdown
GOP criticism of Bush's irresponsible tax plan is a sign of things to come.

2 April 2003
The mother of all embarrassing news stories
This USA Today story about President Bush isn't news; it's a tribute.

29 March 2003
Neocons planned Iraq for years, and they'll profit
Richard Perle's resignation as chairman of the Defense Policy Board falls far short of his misdeeds.

23 March 2003
The Scorecard of Evil hate mail FAQs
Before you send your hate mail, please read this list to see if your question has already been answered.

18 March 2003
The delusional Bill O'Reilly
Does "winning" an argument make you right?

24 February 2003
Bush's shameful post-9/11 legacy
How does President Bush's record compare with what we would expect from a great president?

21 November 2002
Speak with moderation, but govern for your base
Outlining the strategy Democrats need for success in the next election -- again.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

It's been a bad year

Compare the number of US casualties month-to-month between 2003 and 2004. Notice that with the exception of March -- the month the invasion started -- each month in 2004 is deadlier than the year before.


Posted by Jesse at 04:09 AM EST
What do you think? 12 comments

Thursday, July 15, 2004


Bush's latest ad:

BUSH: "I'm George W. Bush and I approve this message."

ANNCR: "When it comes to issues that affect our families, are John Kerry's priorities the same as yours? Kerry voted against parental notification for teenage abortions. Kerry even voted to allow schools to hand out the morning after pill without parents' knowledge. He voted to take control away from parents by taking away their right to know. John Kerry has his priorities. The question is, are they yours?"

Is it just me, or are Bush's ads looking more and more like ads for a city council race?

Posted by Jesse at 02:19 PM EST
What do you think? 33 comments

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


I'm as much for getting people out to vote as the next guy, but this is genuinely frightening.

Posted by Jesse at 07:53 AM EST
What do you think? 5 comments

Thursday, July 8, 2004

A modest proposal

It may be little early, but I'd like to make a suggestion:

Posted by Jesse at 05:44 PM EST
What do you think? 12 comments

Saturday, June 26, 2004

From the WSJ mailbag

Received today:

Our country is doomed without Bush!
Take note, and remember this! Mark these words

I got a similar email recently saying that helping to elect John Kerry was "sercuring the destruction" (sic) of the nation.

Is it just me, or do these people have a particularly poor opinion of America? Because I personally think we're a hell of a lot stronger than they seem to think. No one believes more strongly than I do that President Bush is as destructive a leader as we'll ever see, and even I don't think he's capable of destroying America.

I guess they're just not as patriotic as I am. Love it or leave it!

Posted by Jesse at 09:57 PM EST
What do you think? 9 comments

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Please please please

Can we have the election tomorrow?

Posted by Jesse at 10:14 PM EST
What do you think? 10 comments

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Job posting

National progressive organization seeks writer for web and email content development. Excellent writing and editing skills and a passion for progressive politics a must. Should have basic HTML production skills. Basic familiarity with Unix environment a plus. Graphics design skills a big plus.

Excellent benefits will be provided.

Please send a copy of your resume to jesse@wage-slave.org.

Posted by Jesse at 10:07 AM EST
What do you think? 2 comments

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A complete table of contents is available on the archives page.

All contents of the Wage Slave Journal are copyright Jesse Berney except for comments posted by readers and where otherwise noted. The opinions expressed on this site are mine alone.