Gosh, we must have missed something really big while we were out! All this email! Something about how Jessica Cutler posed nude for a gay Republican congressman's phone sex ad. Good thing no one reads that Play-whatever magazine. And that poor congressman... At least he's not a hypocrite or anything. We're just glad that our readers are paying such close attention to the issues of the day.
Did we really make it through an entire post about Washingtonienne and an outed politician without mentioning ass-fucking? Er... oh well.
Schrock Faces Accusations: Cancels Congressional Campaign [BlogActive]
Jessica Cutler -- The Infamous Washington D.C. Sex Blogger -- Poses Nude for Playboy.com [PR Newswire]
We have a winner in the Blindingly White Convention photo contest! We don't know who these two in the photo are, but they are A) at the Convention and B) clearly un-white, so our congratulations go to photoblogger Eliot Shepard for his rare and very exciting discovery.
As the tipster who sent this in said, "You might want to put on some shades. . . "
Gallery 2 [GOP Convention]
Sightings of reality television "stars," political big shots, George Stephanopoulos, and other famous-for-D.C. types are sent in by readers. Send yours to . In this issue: Welsh, Cheney, Agassi, Graf, Carville, Stephanopoulos, McAuliffe, Omarosa, the Bachelors, Malkin, Ashcroft.
• Not sure this even meets to minimal standards of FFDC, but (cable) reality TV, um, "star" Tim Welsh of Joe Schmo 2 is back to working behind the bar this week, including last night [8/19], at the Adams Mill in Adams Morgan. I hesitate to call him a star or even claim he is FFDC since 1) apparently no one watched Joe Schmo 2 and 2) how big can you be if you're back to working behind the bar serving Miller Lite to drunk frat boys and kickballers a week after your (low rated cable TV) show ends?
• Lynne Cheney was perusing books at the Barnes & Noble on M Street in Georgetown at 5:15p on Sunday 8/22/04. Secret Service agents out front. Lime green top, tan slacks and jowls.
• Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf, looking casual and relaxed, with toddlers in tow. (I don't think the kid in that commercial about the right genes was there, though.) Andre didn't even look upset about his loss the night before. Also, he's taller than you'd think. Sunday, 8/22, at the Rose Park in G-town, around 23rd and O.
• In your famous-for-DC category, James Carville was signing Trivial Pursuit 90s Edition promo slicks outside Union Station today at lunchtime [8/23].
We love anyone who bites the hand that feeds him, but you'd think that Michael Moore would be full by now. Still, we hear that McCain's jab at the rotund rabble-rouser ("a disingenuous film maker who would have us believe that Saddam's Iraq was an oasis of peace") did more than spark a barrage of boos and a whole new wave of much-needed publicity for Moore's film. After McCain's speech, journalists eager to pry a quote or two from the reluctant media star followed him into the press area, where the ungainly entourage prevented other journalists from, you know, working. One bureau chief complained, prompting Moore to call her a "rude bitch." And the liberal media conspiracy had been going so well!
• Pink Elephants: Lally Weymouth calls the police to get gate crashers. . . Franken corners Kissinger, both all smiles. . . Bloomberg, Harold Evans, Les Moonves attend two concurrent parties. [NYT]
• Reliable Source: Desperate partygoers joke about spotting real celebrities. Asks one, "Is this supposed to be the big party of the night?". . . McCain celebrates birthday with Tom, Peter, Dan, Barbara plus Koppel, Stephanopoulos, Wallace, Schieffer, Heyward, Westin, Woodruff, Greenfield, Matthews, Rose, Zuckerman, Safire, Brooks, Shapiro. [WP]
• Inside Politics: Brokaw compares moderate front of GOP to "three-card monty," noting "the dealer almost always wins." [WT]
• Inside the Beltway: Times Square hotel hides Heinz ketchup. . . Carville's children's book out tomorrow. [WT]
• Heard on the Hill: R: The Party mostly filled with lonely young men. . . "Axis of Eve" to "expose and depose" Bush by baring all in Battery Park tomorrow. [Roll Call]
• Giuliani, McCain open Republican convention with theme of the "courage of a nation" post-9/11. Giuliani hails Bush as aggressive, "rock solid," attacks Kerry's inconsistencies; McCain strongly defends Iraq war, calls Michael Moore "disingenuous." [WP, NYT, LAT, BG, USAT]
• Kerry's gains on security and leadership vanish in new WP/ABC poll. Bush leads by 18 points on handling of terrorism; majorities dissatisfied with direction, say Bush is more qualified, honest, trustworthy, better able to handle Iraq; voters not interested in Vietnam. [WP]
• Bush: "I don't think you can win [the war on terror]. But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world." [WP]
• Convention designed to remind voters of post-9/11 emotions and Bush highs. Giuliani: "I do believe there are times in our history when [Republican] ideas are more necessary and more important and critical, and this is one of those times when we are facing war and danger." [WP, NYT, BG, USAT]
6:00PM Americans for Tax Reform, New York Yacht Club. Though the party invitation came as one of those fake credentials on a lanyard, they did not make you wear it. Yay. They were giving away boxes of Republican Kraft mac and cheese, or maybe that was just someone's idea of a table setting. Unclear. Otherwise the ambiance was all class, and had everything we've come to expect from the lower-key GOP parties: A jazz standards band, an open bar, a buffet with chefs cutting off huge slices of meat. . . and David Corn. (Does the Nation not feed its staff?) Co-sponsored by our personal favorite lobby, the Distilled Spirits Council, the ATR party also had waiters serving what we dubbed "cock-tizers" (and we don't mean those ambiguously handsome metrosexuals that we saw Boi from Troy sizing up): little mini-martini glasses of mixed drinks (Manhattans, mojitos, margaritas, vodka martinis), the perfect size to swill while waiting for your main course drink. We hope this catches on.
More party recs from people who claim to know:
7 p.m.: Creative Coalition reception at Kenneth Cole, Rockefeller Center
7 p.m.: Newsweek/WP party at the Four Seasons
9 p.m.: Magnum Entertainment Party featuring ZZ Top and Kiss Nation at BB Kings.
10 p.m.: Best Little Warehouse in NYC "aka Boehner Party" at Tunnel. (These are nightly Mon - Thurs. Same Location)TUESDAY
10:00 p.m.: American Gaming Association Party, W Union Square, 201WEDNESDAY
9:30 p.m.: KID ROCK -- RIAA Enter the Limelight honoring Bill First
Please report any news photograph of convention-goers in which no individual is any darker than ecru. So far:
Please report any incidents of Rich Leiby complaining about how much he hates being a gossip columnist. Extra credit: Mentioning that he used to cover wars. Extra extra credit: Saying that he'd rather be covering a war. Collected so far:
1. "Richard Lieby, the disgruntled Reliable Source columnist for the Washington Post, was complaining that this is what he was reduced to after 30 years of reporting—including, he reassured one young journalist, 'wars.'"Thank you.
"R" Party at Roseland Ballroom: Waiting for the Bush Twins [NYM]
Gossip Dude Richard Leiby: The Democratic Convention Sucks [Gawker]
We like the way Rick "Max Cleland is a terrorist" Wilson thinks:
"Look at the Democrats in 1996. Bill Clinton fucked Bob Dole harder up the ass than anyone. They said that [Mr. Dole] was going to kill granny and throw the baby into the snow."Ballsy, as it were! And while we get the fucking up the ass metaphor (if it is a metaphor, only Bill and Bob know for sure. . . ), the grandma and baby in the snow is totally new. And we like it! What a way with words:
"That Annenberg Thing [otherwise known as the Annenberg Public Policy Center] puts out a study every couple of years" deploring the rise of negative campaigning," he said. "Blah blah blah blah blah."Yeah, whatever!
A Tale of Two Tricksters [NYO]
A reader writes: "I'm very suprised and upset that you will not cover last night's booing of the Kerry daughters. . ." Yeah. We're totally refusing to do it, special orders from the Liberal Media Elite and whatnot. If only someone had booed the Bush girls. . . Or, uhm, wait:
It was unclear exactly whom the cheers and the boos were meant for or why. They began immediately after radio and MTV personality Carson Daly introduced "from New York, Barbara and Jenna Bush and here in Miami, Vanessa and Alexandra Kerry."So confusing. Personally, we think people were upset that there were no racks on display. And others were happy there were no racks on display. Thank God, as Jenna said, "We can all agree on the importance of voting."
Kerry, Bush daughters booed on MTV [CNN]
Blogging the VMAs [Bunsen]
• At the Log Cabin Republicans event, Boi from Troy became street meat: "Within ten minutes, I was interviewed by the Yale Daily Press, New York Observer, Newsday, Le Point and the New York Magazine." He was also at Drierer's martinis and bowling party; not officially a gay party, but still: "Arriving about 10:20 was Fox News' Shepard Smith through the VIP elevator no less." [BfT, BfT]
• NY's Carl Swanson says that R: The Party lived up to its thrilling moniker: "a sorority mixer on a grand scale hosted by the Bush princesses, attended by a throng of unironic preppies." [NY]
• The New York Young Republicans Club is "strictly a sausage affair," says Travis la France, and they "descended on this event to prey on the chicks sporting pro-choice buttons, just like the Catholic Italian men cruise the Mediterranean beaches in springtime in quest of the godless, liberated Swedes." [TLF]
• Gawker beats us to the punch, recounting the wisdom of the Illinois delegation gourmands: "risotto. . . [is] like rice and cheese wrapped in a bit ova hush puppie." Oh, and at the media party, "Lloyd Grove was in a shitty mood." Breaking fucking news, we know. [Gawker, Gawker]
Overheard at a downtown restaurant:
Television Journalist: Oh, at least one of the Bush girls is hot.
Online Journalist: Jenna, right?
Television Journalist: Of course.
Online Journalist: If by "hot," you mean, "seems like she'd be easy."
Magazine Journalist 1: They only appear hot in comparison to their parents.
Magazine Journalist 2: Actually, I think Laura is sort of hot.
Television Journalist: Are you kidding me? Sure! A cold night, a warm comforter. . . Rrrrowwr!
Most candidates take on the traditional campaign baby-eating contest reluctantly, but Bush is really starting to enjoy the work.
Affleck and Bush Go Head to Head [Wonkette]
Consuming the Next Generation, Round Two [Wonkette]
• Pink Elephants: Barbara spotted in white tank top, Jenna in black jacket at young Republican bash. . . Bloomberg to gay Republicans: "A few years ago I used this event as an occasion to come out." Pause, laughter. "As a Republican." Laughter, applause. . . Don King: "Bush is the man with the plan.". . . Republicans pour $1.5m in alcohol, food on members of the media at the Time Warner Center. [NYT]
• Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: RNC hires people to stroll around in dolphin costumes to remind all of Kerry's "flippers". . . Hastert tells Chris Wallace that Soros' money could come from the drug cartel. . . Noonan, Limbaugh, Drudge host Cheneys, Patakis, Gillespie, Frist, Santorum, Matalin, and CNN's Daryn Kagan, who is reportedly friendly with Limbaugh. [NYDN]
• Cindy Adams: Time Warner Center party had 1,500 staff, 100,000 food portions. . . Dick Parsons has a thing for Judy Woodruff, not Blitzer. . . Kitty Kelley book has "five major revelations." [NYP]
• Convention will showcase Bush as war leader. McCain, Giuliani to talk of 9/11. [WP, NYT, USAT]
• 200,000 demonstrators hit the streets in celebratory mood; 1,000 flag-draped boxes as coffins. [WP, WP, NYT, NYT, LAT]
• BC04 heavily focused on turnout of Christian base, not swing vote. [WSJ, BG]
• Bush encourages supporters to persuade Dems, independents; convention speech said to be "evolutionary rather than revolutionary." [WP, LAT, WSJ]
• Bush in his own words: goals versus achievements. [USAT]
• Gallup poll shows Kerry slips in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. [USAT]
• Kerry would offer ultimatum for Iran, says Edwards. [WP, NYT]
• Undecided voters desperate for specifics, according to poll. [LAT]
• Campaigns focus on local issues important to swing states. [WP]
• Perception of Bush's leadership style varies along party lines: impatient, simplistic, arrogant versus decisive, steadfast, determined. [WP]
• McCain turns 68, won't look back in anger; writes "not yet" regarding 2008 run. [WP, LAT]
AIM: tipwonk
"Swims in the libidinal current of American politics." [Village Voice]
"Profanity-laced and sex-obsessed...[a] vain, young, trash-mouthed skank." [Michelle Malkin]
"Gossipy, raunchy, potty-mouthed." [New York Times]
"It’s like having a drunken, sometimes vicious gossip session… without the hangover." [Electric Venom]
"A foulmouthed, inaccurate, opinionated little vixen."
[Richard Leiby]
"Plying gossip above all, eschewing serious debates about politics and policy."
[The Nation]
"The newest, funnest blogger on the block" [Andrew Sullivan]
"Wonkette's arrival on the steps of the Capitol is a quiet victory for creeping National Enquirer values." [Christian Science Monitor]
"[H]er enthusiasm for penis jokes cannot be as great as her blog suggests"
[Jack Shafer]
"A pre-menopausal Lucianne Goldberg"
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