Guenevere ([info]spyrit) wrote,
@ 2004-08-17 12:54:00
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Current mood: amused
Current music:Cooling-Tori Amos-Spark UK Limited Ed. Single

I am not THAT much of a lunatic
Really, I'm not completely crazy. I've done some silly things in my life, but nothing incredibly stupid. Sure, I've gotten my share of stitches in strange places, broken bones, and have had various kinds of poisoning scares.

My doctor has stopped asking, "how on earth did you do this?"

But I'm not a moron. I'm just...whimiscal. I've always had a bit of a daredevil streak, and I've always loved to prove people wrong when they say, "you can't do that." I don't know why I do. Something inspires an impulse, and the next thing I know, I'm doing it. Then after it's over, I find myself thinking, 'wow, I shouldn't have done that.' I get scared *after* I've leapt.

Take the last time I went sprinting on a half-rotted tree that was precariously balanced a little less than 8 feet over a large stream. I *ran* across it. After I had crossed, I got a case of the heebie-jeebies.

I've mellowed with age, though. I'm trying out a new personal campaign that I like to call, "Think First." I'm trying to think a little more before I speak, and before I rush off to some silly stunt that could get me in trouble.

Apparently though, those nearest to me are of little faith.

Over AIM, I sent M an article about a student who had swallowed liquid nitrogen as a kind of stunt (the article is here).
The following conversation ensued:

M: Hilarity ensued.
Me: kinda funny, eh?
M: Funny except I can totally see you doing that.
Me: I won't, now! (yes, this was kind of a joke. I've never been inspired to consume liquid nitrogen.)
M: Um.
Well, I'm glad you read the article.
Feel like you dodged a bullet.
Me: Nitogen-ingestion averted
M: You need to carry a list around with you:
"1. NEVER swallow liquid nitrogen.
2. NEVER eat food that's been sitting in a warm oven for a couple days.
3. NEVER smoke in bed...."

Me: NEVER smoke in the car, (look back a few entries and you'll find that this is how I last set my car on fire)
NEVER put cds in the microwave,
NEVER climb into an empty tractor trailer truck that's not yours and honk the horn to see what happens.

M: Why not the last one?
Me: because then a very angry truck driver will get even more annoyed.

"Think First." It's my new motto. Really. I just hope I can stick to it.

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2004-08-17 09:42 (link)
hehe...that was a humorous entry. thanks for the laugh...and don't do anything TOO silly today. :-P

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2004-08-17 21:14 (link)
Heh. I'll try not to!

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2004-08-17 10:01 (link)
Only you, woman. Did you really put CDs in the microwave? Why? Were they frozen? ;)

And the tractor trailer thing...thats just hypothetical, right? Right??

Also...did you get my email? I need to ask you some questions. Call me? Meep? Tonight?

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2004-08-17 21:17 (link)
Heh. I don't know why exactly I put old cds in the microwave - it was at the Crafts House, and I was bored.
And as for the tractor trailer thingie - no, unfortunately it was not hypothetical. I also messed up the guy's truck a little. He had pissed me off. But this was when I was younger and less mature....yeah, right. :)
Yep, I got your email. My problem is that right now I am very drunk. I will reply as soon as I am sober.
I miss you!!!!!

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2004-08-18 05:53 (link)
I miss you too!! :) Yeah, call or email me when you are not so drunk. I just wanted to chat about hotels and stuff. Like getting our hair done on the wedding day. Are we planning on that? Meh?

And the hotel thing...I need to find a cheaper one NOW so I dont run out of time to reserve a room. Yeah. I dont want to have to sleep in my car! Heh.

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