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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I subscribe to The Weekly Standard?
What is Adobe PDF?
I live outside the United States. How do I subscribe?
I just subscribed. When will I receive my first issue of The Weekly Standard?
I am a subscriber — it is possible to manage my subscription account online?
How do I renew my subscription?
How do I change the mailing address for delivery of my copies?
How can I find out when my subscription expires?
How do I pay for my online subscription?
How do I pay a bill I have received from you in the mail?
What should I do if I think I’ve been billed in error?
What should I do if my copy has torn pages or is otherwise damaged?
What should I do if my issue arrives late or if it’s missing?
How may I cancel my subscription?
If my subscription expires, or I cancel it, will I still be able to view each new issue in Adobe PDF and browse back issues in the virtual library?
How may I contact you?

Change of Address

How do I change the mailing address for delivery of my copies?

We offer three easy options for changing your address:

  1. Go to Subscriber Services.

  2. Call our toll free number, 1-800-274-7293, Mon.-Fri. 6:00am-9:00pm MST and Sat. 7:30am-4:00pm MST. International subscribers please call 1-(902) 563-4723.

  3. Write us at:
    The Weekly Standard
    P.O. Box 96127
    Washington, DC 20077-7767

Please include BOTH your old address (as it appears on your mailing label) and your new address.


How do I pay for my online subscription?

Online subscriptions require full payment by credit card. We accept American Express, Visa, and MasterCard. Our site is secure. If you would prefer to mail us your payment for the online offer, send us a note to that effect and a check for the total amount owed. Our address is:

The Weekly Standard
Online Subscription Dept.
1150 17th Street, NW
Suite 505
Washington, DC 20036

Please note that it will take three to four weeks upon receipt of your request for your first issue to arrive in the mail. Further, your access to our Subscriber Only area will be delayed until we have received and processed your payment.

How do I pay a bill I have received from you in the mail?

If you receive a bill from The Weekly Standard, you may:

  1. Pay it online using American Express, MasterCard, or Visa by going to Subscriber Services.

  2. Pay it via credit card by calling 1-800-274-7293.

  3. Send a check payable to The Weekly Standard to:
    The Weekly Standard
    P.O. Box 96153
    Washington, DC 20090

* Please be sure to include a payment slip or a note indicating whose subscription (name and address) is being paid.

What should I do if I think I’ve been billed in error?

If you feel that you have received a bill in error, please call 1-800-274-7293. If you have made payment and are still receiving bills, perhaps your payment and our invoice have crossed in the mail or your payment has been misdirected. To ensure quick customer service when you call us, please let us know whether or not your check has been cashed. Also have at hand the check number and the date it was written.


How do I renew my subscription?

You can renew by going to Subscriber Services.

Damaged Issues

What should I do if my copy has torn pages or is otherwise damaged?

If you receive a damaged issue please email circulation@weeklystandard.com to request a replacement copy or call 1-202-293-4900 and ask for one. Please be sure to provide us with the exact cover date of the damaged issue (or a description of the cover image) and your name and address as they appear on your mailing label, which is found on the front cover of your issues.

Late or Missing Issues

What should I do if my issue arrives late or if it’s missing?

We want to know if you are regularly receiving late or missing issues. Our issues are always priority drop-shipped to various central post offices throughout the country on Saturday (ten days before the actual cover date). Depending on where you live, The Weekly Standard should be delivered to your doorstep three to seven days after it is mailed. If you are consistently experiencing late delivery or if you have missed issues altogether please email circulation@weeklystandard.com. Please include details of your delivery problems (ie: erratic delivery, multiple deliveries in one week, etc.) and provide your name and address as they appear on your mailing label.

If you feel that your subscription has been suspended due to non-receipt of payment, please call 1-800-274-7293.

Please note that The Weekly Standard is published 48 times a year including four double issues. Whenever you receive a magazine that has TWO dates on the cover, it means that you will not receive a magazine the following week.

International Subscriptions

I live outside the United States. How do I subscribe?

There are two ways to subscribe if you live outside of the United States: Paperless and Regular Mailed subscription. All international subscriptions must be paid in full prior to commencement of service.

Paperless subscriptions are $39.96 for 48 weeks of access to the Subscriber Only area of weeklystandard.com. The Subscriber Only area contains the latest issue of the magazine as soon as it sent to our printer each week in an easy to read Adobe PDF format – that is, an exact electronic, full color replica of the printed magazine. Further, the Subscriber Only area contains all back issues in a browsable Adobe PDF format and a searchable text format. All you will need to access your Paperless subscription is an email address and a password of your choosing. To view the Adobe PDFs you will simply need a FREE copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. (Click here to see our Sampler issue formatted in Adobe PDF.)

Get Acrobat

Regular Mailed subscriptions are available at $59.96 for 48 issues PLUS additional shipping charges:

  • Canada: $65.00 shipping = $124.96
  • Mexico: $80.00 shipping = $139.96
  • Australia, Japan, New Zealand: $170.00 shipping = $229.96
  • All other foreign locations: $155.00 shipping = $214.96

* Shipping times to Canada and abroad vary resulting in up to a six week delay for the delivery of your issues. Airmail shipping is faster and delivery should take about a week.

Regular Mailed subscribers will also have access to the Subscriber Only area and all of its content.

Current Canadian/International subscribers who would like to convert their Regular Mailed subscription to a Paperless subscription may contact us at circulation@weeklystandard.com. Please provide your name and address as they appear on your mailing label. We will cancel your mailed subscription and put the remaining postage paid to a Paperless subscription. Of course, if you would like to keep your Regular Mailed subscription, you will also have access to the Subscriber Only area and all its content.


How may I cancel my subscription?

If you are ever dissatisfied with The Weekly Standard and wish to cancel your subscription, we will gladly refund to you the amount you paid for all remaining issues. Please call 1-800-274-7293.

If my subscription expires, or I cancel it, will I still be able to view each new issue in Adobe PDF and browse back issues in the virtual library?

No. Those are benefits of being a subscriber to The Weekly Standard. But you will still be able to read The Daily Standard, which features reports and commentary written just for the web, and also any articles from recent issues of The Weekly Standard that we decide to post.

Contact Us

How may I contact you?

You can contact the circulation department by email at circulation@weeklystandard.com. Please be sure to always provide your name and address as they appear on your mailing label. Alternatively, you may call our customer service line at 1-800-274-7293. For questions or comments relating to the editorial content of the magazine please email us at editor@weeklystandard.com.

New Subscriber?

How do I subscribe to The Weekly Standard?

The quickest and easiest way to subscribe is by taking advantage of our special online offer. Keep in mind that as a subscriber you will have access on this site to the latest issue in its entirety. That is possible because we format every issue in Adobe PDF and load it onto our site soon after we send it to our printer on Friday night. Subscribers also may browse back issues (likewise formatted in Adobe PDF) in our virtual library.

I just subscribed. When will I receive my first issue of The Weekly Standard?

Your first issue should arrive three to five weeks after we receive your order.

I am a subscriber — is it possible to manage my subscription account online?

Yes, it is. You can view or change your personal information and manage your account by going to Subscriber Services.

How can I find out when my subscription expires?

You can find that out by going to Subscriber Services. If you have your copy of the magazine handy, you can also find the expiration date (the month and year) by taking a close look at your mailing label, which is located on the front cover.


What is Adobe PDF?

Adobe PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is manufactured by Adobe. It is used for exchanging page data and has become universally accepted as the standard format for such exchange. For example, the U.S. Government Printing Office formats the Federal Register Online in Adobe PDF. Most online applications and tax forms are also formatted in Adobe PDF. All browsers now come with the tools necessary for opening a document formatted in Adobe PDF—the Adobe plug-in (PDFViewer) and the Adobe Reader. But if for some reason your browser doesn’t come with these tools, you may go to adobe.com and download them.
Get Adobe Acrobat

How long will it take to download an issue formatted in Adobe PDF?

The average size of our Adobe PDF formatted issues is 1MB. Depending on your connection speed, it may take up to five minutes to download a single issue. But remember, once you have downloaded an issue it is saved to your hard-drive and you will never have to download it again.

Adobe Acrobat Reader Support

  1. Configuring Windows Browsers for Reader

  2. Configuring Mac OS browsers for Reader

  3. Troubleshooting downloading problems

  4. Troubleshooting Problems When Downloading or Installing Acrobat Reader

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