Welcome to Beyond Azure!

I hope you enjoy your visit. This site represents a collage of my work, my creations, and my talents…separated into three sections.

Tarot ~ It is my desire and goal to guide others with in-depth Tarot readings. I have been reading the Tarot for almost 15 years. My accuracy has been proven time and again. Further information on the readings I provide is available in this section.

Auras ~ The aura carries within it all the information about a person: past, present and future. I have been able to perceive Auras since early childhood and have developed this talent to include: cleansing, balancing, and providing readings as well. I work “remotely” through photographs. If you would like more information, visit this section.

The Salon ~ This section is new and developing. I'm working on creating an area where all of my clients and visitors can go to discuss various metaphysical subjects. All clients will have a section set up just for them to discuss their personal reading in private, if they so choose. (It is not necessary to do this to get a reading.) I'm also planning on holding Tarot and Chakra study groups if the interest presents itself.

If you have any questions, email me at azure@beyondazure.com...thanks!
*You must be 18 or older to order.*~*For Entertainment Purposes Only.*

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