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Presidential, state primary: June 6, 2000
State runoff: June 27, 2000
Governor: Don Siegelman (D, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Richard C. Shelby (R, '86) next election 2004, Jeff Sessions (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House
2 D, 5 R
State Senate 23 D, 12 R
State House 69 D, 36 R
Republican caucuses: May 19, 2000 Democratic caucuses: April 30, 2000
State primary: August 22, 2000
Governor: Tony Knowles (D, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Ted Stevens (R, '68) next election 2002, Frank H. Murkowski (R, '80) next election 2004
U.S. House
1 R
State Senate 5 D, 15 R
State House 14 D, 26 R
Republican primary: February 22, 2000 Democratic primary: March 11, 2000
State primary: September 12, 2000
Governor: Jane Hull (R, '97) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: John McCain (R, '86) next election 2004, Jon Kyl (R, '94) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House
1 D, 5 R
State Senate 14 D, 16 R
State House 20 D, 40 R
Presidential, state primary: May 23, 2000
State runoff: June 13, 2000
Governor: Mike Huckabee (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Tim Hutchinson (R, '96) next election 2002, Blanche Lincoln (D, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 2 D, 2 R
State Senate 29 D, 6 R
State House 77 D, 23 R
Presidential, state primary:
March 7, 2000
Governor: Gray Davis (D, '98)
next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Dianne Feinstein (D, '92) seeking re-election in 2000, Barbara Boxer (D, '92) next election 2004
U.S. House 28 D, 24 R
State Senate 25 D, 15 R
State House 47 D, 32 R
Presidential primaries: March 10, 2000 State primaries: August 8, 2000
Governor: Bill Owens (R, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R, '92) next election 2004, Wayne Allard (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 2 D, 4 R
State Senate 15 D, 20 R
State House 25 D, 40 R
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000 State primaries: September 12, 2000
Governor: John G. Rowland (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Christopher J. Dodd (D, '80) next election 2004, Joseph I. Lieberman (D, '88) probably seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 4 D, 2 R
State Senate 19 D, 17 R
State House 96 D, 55 R
Presidential primaries: May 2, 2000 District primary: September 12, 2000
Mayor: Democrat Anthony Williams ('98) next election 2002
U.S. House 1 D (non-voting)
Delegate: Eleanor Holmes Norton (D, '90) may be seeking re-election in 2000
Democratic primary (non-binding): February 12, 2000
Governor: Thomas R. Carper (D, '92) cannot seek re-election
U.S. Senate: William V. Roth, Jr. (R, '70) seeking re-election in 2000, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D, '72) next election 2002
U.S. House 1 R
State Senate 13 D, 8 R
State House 15 D, 26 R
Presidential primaries: March 14, 2000 State primary: September 5, 2000
State runoff: October 3, 2000
Governor: Jeb Bush (R, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Bob Graham (D, '86) next election 2004, Connie Mack III (R, '88) not seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 8 D, 15 R
State Senate 15 D, 25 R
State House 48 D, 72 R
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000
State primary: July 18, 2000
State runoff: August 8, 2000
Governor: Roy Barnes (D, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Paul Coverdell (R, '92) next election 2004, Max Cleland (D, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 3 D, 8 R
State Senate 33 D, 23 R
State House 102 D, 78 R
Republican caucuses: May 19, 2000
Democratic caucuses: March 7, 2000
State primary: September 23, 2000
Governor: Benjamin J. Cayetano (D, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Daniel K. Inouye (D, '62) next election 2004, Daniel K. Akaka (D, '90) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 2 D
State Senate 23 D, 2 R
State House 39 D, 12 R
Presidential caucuses: January 24, 2000
State primary: June 6, 2000
Governor: Tom Vilsack (D, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Charles E. Grassley (R, '80) next election 2004, Tom Harkin (D, '84) next election 2002
U.S. House 1 D, 4 R
State Senate 23 D, 27 R
State House 43 D, 57 R
Democratic primary: March 7, 2000
Republican primary: May 23, 2000
Governor: Dirk Kempthorne (R, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Larry E. Craig (R, '90) next election 2002, Michael D. Crapo (R, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 2 R
State Senate 4 D, 31 R
State House 12 D, 58 R
Presidential, state primaries: March 21, 2000
Governor: George Ryan (R, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Richard J. Durbin (D, '96) next election 2002, Peter G. Fitzgerald (R, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 10 D, 10 R
State Senate 27 D, 32 R
State House 62 D, 56 R
Presidential, state primaries: May 2, 2000
Governor: Frank L. O'Bannon (D, '96) seeking re-election
U.S. Senate: Richard G. Lugar (R, '76) seeking re-election in 2000, Evan Bayh (D, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 4 D, 6 R
State Senate 19 D, 31 R
State House 53 D, 47 R
Presidential primaries: April 4, 2000
State primary: August 1, 2000
Governor: Bill Graves (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Sam Brownback (R, '96) next election 2004, Pat Roberts (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 1 D, 3 R
State Senate 13 D, 27 R
State House 48 D, 77 R
Democratic primary: May 23, 2000 Republican caucus: May 15, 2000
Governor: Paul E. Patton (D, '95) next election 2003
U.S. Senate: Mitch McConnell (R, '84) next election 2002, Jim Bunning (R, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 1 D, 5 R
State Senate 20 D, 18 R
State House 65 D, 35 R
Republican caucus: January 15, 2000
Democratic primary: March 14, 2000
State primary: November 7, 2000
State run-off: December 9, 2000
Governor: Mike Foster (R, '95) next
election 2003
U.S. Senate: Democrat John B. Breaux ('86) next election 2004 Democrat Mary L. Landrieu ('96) next election 2002
U.S. House 2 D, 5 R State Senate 26 D, 13 R State House 77 D, 28 R
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000
State primary: September 19, 2000
Governor: Paul Cellucci (R, '97) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Edward M. Kennedy (D, '62) seeking re-election in 2000, John F. Kerry (D, '84) next election 2002
U.S. House 10 D
State Senate 32 D, 7 R, 1 Vacancy
State House 129 D, 25 R, 1 Independent, 5 Vacancies
Presidential, state primaries: March 7, 2000
Governor: Parris N. Glendening (D, '94)
next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Paul S. Sarbanes (D, '76) probably seeking re-election in 2000, Barbara A. Mikulski (D, '86) next election 2004
U.S. House 4 D, 4 R
State Senate 32 D, 15 R
State House 106 D, 35 R
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000
State primary: June 13, 2000
Governor: Angus S. King, Jr. (Ind., '94)
next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Olympia J. Snowe (R, '94) seeking re-election in 2000, Susan M. Collins (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 2 D
State Senate 20 D, 14 R, 1 Independent
State House 79 D, 71 R, 1 Independent
Republican primary: February 22, 2000
Democratic primary: March 11, 2000
State primary: August 8, 2000
Governor: John M. Engler (R, '90) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Carl Levin (D, '78) next election 2002, Spencer Abraham (R, '94) seeking re-election
U.S. House 10 D, 6 R
State Senate 15 D, 23 R
State House 52 D, 58 R
Republican caucus: April 25, 2000
Democratic caucus: March 7, 2000
State primary date: September 12, 2000
Governor: Jesse Ventura (Ref., '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Paul D. Wellstone (Dem-Farmer-Labor, '90) next election 2002, Rod Grams (R, '94) seeking re-election
U.S. House 6 D, 2 R
State Senate 42 D, 24 R, 1 Independent
State House 71 D, 63 R
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000
State primary: August 8, 2000
Governor: Mel Carnahan (D, '92) cannot seek re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Christopher S. (Kit) Bond (R, '86) next election 2004, John D. Ashcroft (R, '94) seeking re-election
U.S. House 5 D, 4 R
State Senate 18 D, 16 R
State House 85 D, 75 R, 1 Independent, 2 Vacancies
Presidential, state primaries: March 14, 2000
State run-off: March 28, 2000
Governor: Ronnie Musgrove (D, 99) next election 2003
U.S. Senate: Thad Cochran (R, '78) next election 2002, Trent Lott (R, '88) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 3 D, 2 R
State Senate 34 D, 18 R
State House 83 D, 37 R, 2 Independents
Presidential, state primaries: June 6, 2000
Governor: Marc Racicot (R, '92) cannot seek re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Max Baucus (D, '78) next election 2002, Conrad Burns (R, '88) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 1 R
State Senate 18 D, 32 R
State House 41 D, 59 R
Presidential, state primaries: May 2, 2000
Governor: James B. Hunt, Jr. (D, '92)
cannot seek re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Jesse A. Helms (R, '72) next election 2002, John Edwards (D, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 5 D, 7 R
State Senate 30 D, 20 R
State House 65 D, 55 R
Republican primary: February 29, 2000
Democratic caucuses: March 7, 2000
State primary: June 13, 2000
Governor: Edward T. Schafer (R, '92) possibly seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Kent Conrad (D, '86) probably seeking re-election in 2000, Byron L. Dorgan (D, '92) next election 2004
U.S. House 1 D
State Senate 18 D, 31 R
State House 34 D, 64
Presidential, state primaries: May 9, 2000
Governor: Mike Johanns (R, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Robert Kerrey (D, '88) seeking re-election in 2000, Chuck Hagel (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 3 R
State Senate 49 Nonpartisan
State House 49 Nonpartisan
Presidential primaries: February 1, 2000
State primary: September 12, 2000
Governor: Jeanne Shaheen (D, '96) probably seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Bob Smith (R, '90) next election 2002, Judd Gregg (R, '92) next election 2004
U.S. House 2 R
State Senate 13 D, 11 R
State House 154 D, 244 R, 1 Independent, 1 Vacancy
Presidential, state primaries: June 6, 2000
Governor: Christine Todd Whitman
(R, '93) next election 200
U.S. Senate: Frank R. Lautenberg (D, '82) not seeking re-election in 2000, Robert G. Torricelli (D, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 7 D, 6 R
State Senate 16 D, 24 R
State House 32 D, 48 R
Presidential, state primaries: June 6, 2000
Governor: Gary E. Johnson (R, '94) next election 2002

U.S. Senate: Pete V. Domenici (R, '72) next election 2002, Jeff Bingaman (D, '82) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 1 D, 2 R
State Senate 25 D, 17 R
State House 40 D, 30 R

Democratic caucus: March 12, 2000
Republican caucus: May 25, 2000
State primary: September 5, 2000
Governor: Kenny Guinn (R, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Harry Reid (D, '86) next election 2004, Richard H. Bryan (D, '88) not seeking re-election
U.S. House 1D, 1 R
State Senate 9 D, 12 R
State House 28 D, 14 R
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000
State primary: September 12, 2000
Governor: George E. Pataki (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D, '76) not seeking re-election in 2000, Charles E. Schumer (D, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 18 D, 13 R
State Senate 25 D, 36 R
State House 98 D, 52 R
Presidential, state primaries: March 7, 2000
Governor: Bob Taft (R, '98) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Mike DeWine (R, '94) seeking re-election in 2000, George V. Voinovich (R, '98) next election 2004
U.S. House 8 D, 11 R
State Senate 12 D, 21 R
State House 39 D, 60 R
Presidential primaries: March 14, 2000
State primary: August 22, 2000
State run-off: September 19, 2000
Governor: Frank Keating (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Don Nickles (R, '80) next election 2004, James M. Inhofe (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. House 6 R
State Senate 33 D, 15 R
State House 61 D, 40 R
Presidential, state primaries: May 16, 2000
Governor: John A. Kitzhaber (D, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Ron Wyden (D, '96) next election 2004, Gordon H. Smith (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 4 D, 1 R
State Senate 13 D, 17 R
State House 27 D, 32 R, 1 Independent
Presidential, state primaries: April 25, 2000
Governor: Tom Ridge (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Arlen Specter (R, '80) next election 2004, Rick Santorum (R, '94) seeking re-election
U.S. House 11 D, 10 R
State Senate 20 D, 30 R
State House 100 D, 103 R
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000
State primary: September 12, 2000
Governor: Lincoln C. Almond (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: John H. Chafee (R, '76) not seeking re-election in 2000, Jack Reed (D, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 2 D
State Senate 42 D, 8 R
State House 86 D, 14 R
Republican primary: February 8, 2000
Democratic primary: March 9, 2000
State primary: June 13, 2000 State run-off: June 27, 2000
Governor: Jim Hodges (D, '98)
next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Strom Thurmond (R, '56) next election 2002, Ernest F. (Fritz) Hollings (D, '66) next election 2004
U.S. House 2 D, 4 R
State Senate 24 D, 22 R
State House 55 D, 66 R, 3 Vacancies
Presidential, state primaries: June 6, 2000
State run-off: June 20, 2000
Governor: William J. Janklow (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Thomas A. Daschle (D, '86) next election 2004, Tim Johnson (D, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 1 R
State Senate 13 D, 22 R
State House 19 D, 51 R
Presidential primaries: March 14, 2000
State primary: August 3, 2000
Governor: Don Sundquist (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Fred Thompson (R, '94) next election 2002, William H. Frist (R, '94) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 4 D, 5 R
State Senate 18 D, 15 R
State House 59 D, 40 R
Presidential, state primaries: March 14, 2000
State run-off: April 11, 2000
Governor: George W. Bush (R, '94) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Phil Gramm (R, '84) next election 2002, Kay Bailey Hutchison (R, '93) seeking re-election
U.S. House 17 D, 13 R
State Senate 15 D, 16 R
State House 78 D, 72 R
Presidential primaries: March 10, 2000
State primary: June 27, 2000
Governor: Michael O. Leavitt (R, '92) probably seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Orrin G. Hatch (R, '76) seeking re-election in 2000, Robert F. Bennett (R, '92) next election 2004
U.S. House 3 R
State Senate 11 D, 18 R
State House 21 D, 54 R
Republican primary: February 29, 2000
Democratic caucuses: April 15, 2000
State primary: June 13, 2000
Governor: James Gilmore (R, '97) next election 2001 (in Virginia, the governor cannot run for successive terms)
U.S. Senate: John W. Warner (R, '78) next election 2002, Charles S. Robb (D, '88) seeking re-election
U.S. House 6 D, 5 R
State Senate 19 D, 21 R
State House 50 D, 49 R, 1 Independent
Presidential primaries: March 7, 2000
State primary: September 12, 2000
Governor: Howard Dean (D, '91)
seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Patrick J. Leahy (D, '74) next election 2004, James M. Jeffords (R, '88) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. House 1 I
State Senate 17 D, 13 R
State House 77 D, 67 R, 2 Independent, 4 Progressive
Democratic primary: February 29, 2000
Republican caucus: March 7, 2000
State primary: September 19, 2000
Governor: Gary Locke (D, '96) seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Slade Gorton (R, '80) seeking re-election in 2000, Patty Murray (D, '92) next election 2004
U.S. House 5 D, 4 R
State Senate 27 D, 22 R
State House 49 D, 49 R
Presidential, state primaries: April 4, 2000
Governor: Tommy G. Thompson (R, '86) next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Herb Kohl (D, '88) seeking re-election in 2000, Russell D. Feingold (D, '92) next election 2004
U.S. House 5 D, 4 R
State Senate 17 D, 16 R
State House 44 D, 54 R, 1 Vacancy
Presidential, state primaries: May 9, 2000
Governor: Cecil H. Underwood (R, '96) probably seeking re-election in 2000
U.S. Senate: Robert C. Byrd (D, '58) seeking re-election in 2000, John D. Rockefeller IV (D, '84) next election 2002
U.S. House 3 D
State Senate 29 D, 5 R
State House 75 D, 25 R
Presidential caucuses: March 10, 2000
State primary: August 22, 2000
Governor: Jim Geringer (R, '94)
next election 2002
U.S. Senate: Craig Thomas (R, '94) seeking re-election in 2000, Michael B. Enzi (R, '96) next election 2002
U.S. House 1 R
State Senate 10 D, 20 R
State House 17 D, 43 R

Copyright © 1997-2000
Andrew Zak