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Quote Of The Day.Sunday, July 25, 2004
posted by Lee Ann Morawski on Sunday, July 25, 2004 | link -------------------- Sunday, June 06, 2004Update.No, I’m not dead but Reagan is. I will be wearing black for as long as I can stand it. The heat won’t bother me but looking too “New York” is so provincial. My new apartment is great but I have no Internet. My computer also went the way of the boy band. The budget will have to be tweaked before that situation can be rectified. I don’t have cable either but that is a good thing. I can only access the ‘Net at Le Chateau de Notorious G.U.P. so Spinsters current state of un-updated-ness will last for a bit longer.Ya think it's time to interview for more Spinsters? posted by Lee Ann Morawski on Sunday, June 06, 2004 | link -------------------- Tuesday, May 25, 2004So . . .Thar I wuz, watchin’ the TeeVee when it all happ’nend. I was actually at home for lunch because this is Pojo’s fourth birthday. “T’ Liann my got a fish! His name is Chocolate. He blue!” Having recovered from that exciting episode what to my wondering eyes should appear but one surrounded big rig and eight heavily-armed government agencies. Our local news got all hot and bothered about a semi-truck that got pulled over on 65. Okay, pulled over by the combined force of the Homeland Security Administration, the Secret Service, the local cops and probably the FBI too. They shut down 65, both north and southbound, and totally screwed up the city of Gardendale. After much drooling by the local news reporters, who were undoubtedly hoping for a national story, it turns out someone phoned in the truck because it had altered tags. The driver got ticketed and everyone went home. Just one more reason why I love my state.posted by Lee Ann Morawski on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 | link -------------------- Sunday, May 16, 2004Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.Okay so the Massachusetts Supreme Court decided to overthrow the entirety of human civilization and impose gay marriage upon the nation, by fiat of course because democracy is so vulgar, apparently viewing intangible social structures as one of those “chaos, mayhem, my work here is done” kind of things. I guess ten thousand years of human social history is just a suggestion. Kind of like the speed limit. Oh, yes, the media elites that consider the system supported and encouraged atmosphere of rape, torture, and gang warfare that pervades American prisons to be just the thing for witty primetime repartee have their tampons in sideways over much milder abuses in Iraq. Cell block C is feeling the love. More importantly, I may be moving soon and that is costing me much time, money, and stress.posted by Lee Ann Morawski on Sunday, May 16, 2004 | link -------------------- Saturday, May 15, 2004SEMI-MEA CULPAI’ve been, to put it mildly, hard on the Vatican’s stance on the Iraq war and other matters, so this report from Reuters is good news as far as I’m concerned: The Vatican warned Catholic women on Friday to think hard before marrying a Muslim and urged Muslims to show more respect for human rights, gender equality and democracy. posted by Robert Bove on Saturday, May 15, 2004 | link -------------------- Wednesday, May 12, 2004VATICAN CALLS PRISON ABUSE A BIGGER BLOW TO U.S. THAN 9/11So says Vatican foreign minister Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo in an Italian newspaper article widely quoted on the Web today. Lajolo notes, “intelligent people in Arab countries understand that in a democracy such episodes are not hidden and are punished ... Still the vast mass of people — under the influence of Arab media — cannot but feel aversion and hate for the West growing inside themselves.” The archbishop adds, “the West is often identified with Christianity.” So nice of him to notice. So sad his utter lack of courage. posted by Robert Bove on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 | link
EURABIA, CONT’D. -------------------- Friday, May 07, 2004A MATTER OF INTELLIGENCEIt is a matter of faith among the loony Left and talking heads throughout the media that George W. Bush is an idiot, evidenced, they say, in, well, everything he says and does—and in everything he doesn’t say or do. That would seem to cover not just the bases but the entire field itself, W. painted as that rarity of rarities, the perfect idiot. But not so fast, says Jonah Goldberg, in this morning’s print edition New York Post: "… all bad things about Bush can be true, including their opposites. Hence, Bush’s critics have denounced him as both an evil genius and a moron." Goldberg provides several examples from the hotbed of anti-Bush analysis and ends with veteran Bush-hater (and Clinton-lover) Joe Conason, who believed that the diversion of W’s plane on 9/11 was dishonorable—until Conason learned that Dick Clarke was responsible for that decision. Clarke heroic, Bush still bad. The Left likes their Bush dumb, and any evidence to the contrary still proves he’s dumb. The psychology, the pathology is fascinating. More evidence of the President’s IQ problems: Bush’s tendency to trip over his own (or his speechwriters’) words; his accent, picked up from the people in the region in which he was raised; and his embrace of a fundamental Christianity that adheres to a mere two commandments. When they tire of taking shots at his IQ, they go after his "emotional intelligence," another area in which he falls far short of their beloved Bill. Even his choice of business school over law school shows that he just doesn’t get it—or anything. Given the hostile agnosticism (at best) of media, it is probably W’s unabashed born-again Christianity that riles the most. If he wins a second term, I have no doubt that the prospect of four more years of W humbly expressing his faith will cause more than a few talking heads to explode in apoplexy. One hopes. What explains their harping on W’s intelligence? Perhaps it is that somewhere in their arrogant, narrow minds, media types are afraid he is in fact intelligent—but that they aren’t smart enough to see it. Perhaps it is that they need a caricature, not a character, their ability to see things three-dimensionally impaired by their own training to see things ideologically, the better to package them for a two-dimensional, flat screen. For sure, their criticism isn’t constructive. The intelligence of George W. Bush isn’t the real issue; it is Bush the man. They see one—and it scares the hell out of them. posted by Robert Bove on Friday, May 07, 2004 | link -------------------- |