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Update on Kerry's "Shrinking Middle Class" -- Still Shrinking in 2003


We said his claim was based on stale numbers. Now some fresh statistics support what he said.

Bush Still Fudging the Numbers on Kerry's Tax Votes


Ad claims Kerry cast "98 votes" to raise taxes, but the total is misleading.

DNC Radio Ad on Terrorism: Accurate (Mostly)


Democratic ad reminds voters: Bush opposed creating the Homeland Security department before he supported it.

Yucca Mountain Mudslide: Both Sides Dissemble on Nuclear Waste Dump in Nevada


Moveon.org Voter Fund falsely attacks Bush, who comes back with a misleading ad about Kerry.

Swift Boat Veterans Anti-Kerry Ad: "He Betrayed Us" With 1971 Anti-War Testimony


Group quotes Kerry's descriptions of atrocities by US forces. In fact, atrocities did happen.

Radio Ads Accuse Kerry Of Not Helping Blacks


Group supported by a rich, white Republican says Kerry is "rich, white, and wishy washy."

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Update: Two New Witnesses Contradict Kerry's Swift Boat Critics