"It's unfair, it's slanted and it's a
hit job. And I haven't even seen it yet."
"scathing" ... "eye-opening"
-Hollywood Reporter
"an obsessively researched expose" -NYT
"Fox is not objective. Fox is a Republican propaganda machine." -Roger Ebert
"Move over Michael Moore. It's Robert Greenwald's time to shine." -CNN
"A must-see movie, no matter what your politics are."
-Christian Science Monitor
Outfoxed examines how media
empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race
to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look
at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control
of the public's right to know.
Read on >>
- A message from Producer/Director Robert Greenwald, the latest press on Outfoxed, and a few letters we've received.
- Debuted in NY, DC, LA & SF theatres on Friday, August 6th to sold out crowds! Check out showtimes at a theatre near you.
- Watch the trailer in Quicktime or Windows Media.
- Buy a DVD or VHS for only $9.95 plus shipping.
- Bill O'Reilly lied about a few things on Tim Russert's show, so here is a point-by-point rebuttal with scenes from Outfoxed. (Quicktime, 14MB)
- Rupert Murdoch is interviewed about Outfoxed in Doonesbury!
- Take Action!
- Thanks to everyone who made the Fox News 'Shut-up-a-thon' a huge success. Here are some pictures.
- Help Alternet Fight Fox in their lawsuit to cancel the trademark "Fair and Balanced" on the grounds that it is misleading, deceptive and "notoriously mis-descriptive."
- Sign the petition to strip Fox News of their misleading trademark "Fair and Balanced,"
and download MoveOn.org's New York Times ad: Communists had PRAVDA. Republicans have FOX. (2MB PDF)
- Please encourage your representative to co-sponsor Rep. Slaughter's MEDIA Act to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
- For the latest Fox News distortions, updated throughout the day, visit the News Hounds blog and Media Matters.
- Don't miss the "Un..." movie trilogy by Robert Greenwald Productions.