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OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
"It's unfair, it's slanted and it's a hit job. And I haven't even seen it yet."
-Eric Shawn, FOX News Reporter

"scathing" ... "eye-opening"
-Hollywood Reporter

"an obsessively researched expose" -NYT

"Fox is not objective. Fox is a Republican propaganda machine." -Roger Ebert

"Move over Michael Moore. It's Robert Greenwald's time to shine." -CNN

"A must-see movie, no matter what your politics are."
-Christian Science Monitor

Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.  Read on >>
A message from Producer/Director Robert Greenwald, the latest press on Outfoxed, and a few letters we've received.
Debuted in NY, DC, LA & SF theatres on Friday, August 6th to sold out crowds! Check out showtimes at a theatre near you.
Watch the trailer in Quicktime or Windows Media.
Buy a DVD or VHS for only $9.95 plus shipping.
Bill O'Reilly lied about a few things on Tim Russert's show, so here is a point-by-point rebuttal with scenes from Outfoxed. (Quicktime, 14MB)
Rupert Murdoch is interviewed about Outfoxed in Doonesbury!
Take Action!
  1. Thanks to everyone who made the Fox News 'Shut-up-a-thon' a huge success. Here are some pictures.
  2. Help Alternet Fight Fox in their lawsuit to cancel the trademark "Fair and Balanced" on the grounds that it is misleading, deceptive and "notoriously mis-descriptive."
  3. Sign the petition to strip Fox News of their misleading trademark "Fair and Balanced," and download MoveOn.org's New York Times ad: Communists had PRAVDA. Republicans have FOX. (2MB PDF)
  4. Please encourage your representative to co-sponsor Rep. Slaughter's MEDIA Act to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
For the latest Fox News distortions, updated throughout the day, visit the News Hounds blog and Media Matters.
Don't miss the "Un..." movie trilogy by Robert Greenwald Productions.
Carolina Productions | TheOutfoxedMovie@aol.com | 310-204-1916 | Sponsored by and .