To read articles, click the icon left of the entry. Rinse. Repeat. Wipe hands on pants.
![[Yahoo]]( |
![[Obvious]]( |
Senator Zell Miller effectively ends his career with the Democratic Party |
![[SFGate]]( |
![[Obvious]]( |
Serena Williams forgetting her earrings is a bigger story than anything else at U.S. Open |
(Some Guy) |
![[Weird]]( |
When your house has a Porta-Potty in the living room, better get used to the phrase, "Unfit for human habitation" |
![[Newsday]]( |
![[Amusing]]( |
Turtle runs away from home. Three months later, owner can still see it |
(Team4News) |
![[Unlikely]]( |
The Virgin Mary appears on a balloon at a used-car lot |
![[AP]]( |
![[Strange]]( |
Man's ashes fall prematurely from plane and end up in woman's attic |
![[The Scotsman]]( |
![[Strange]]( |
Turkish construction worker sets record for squirting milk from his eyes. No kittens were harmed in the filming of this stunt |
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![[Stupid]]( |
Bikini-clad woman selling hot dogs ordered to move her buns |
![[]]( |
![[Asinine]]( |
Central figure in 2002 Bali bombing let out of prison so he could get coffee at Starbucks |
(Montgomery Advertiser) |
![[Amusing]]( |
Farmer mows corn field into U.S. map maze with info plaque for each state. Iowa's section to feature just the corn |
![[BBC]]( |
![[Scary]]( |
Three people die in stampede at Ikea in Saudi Arabia. Ambulance workers take four hours to find them after having to walk through each section, get lost in home furnishings section, stop for Swedish meatballs |
(Russia Journal) |
![[Strange]]( |
Thailand wants jets. Russia has them. Thailand offers to pay with chickens. Won’t work, except maybe in Kiev |
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![[Amusing]]( |
Alarmed that the Sith are plotting revenge, Romanians open up a Jedi Academy, complete with entrance exams and courses in handling light sabres and making Wookiee cookies |
(Some Guy) |
![[Photoshop]]( |
Photoshop this trampolinist |
![[Toronto Star]]( |
![[Obvious]]( |
Weather forecasters make incorrect daily forcasts 60 days in a row |
![[MSNBC]]( |
![[NewsFlash]]( |
Kobe Bryant case to be dropped |
![[Denver Channel]]( |
![[Asinine]]( |
Fire department of small Colorado town spends federal anti-terror grant money on gym equipment and personal trainers |
(Hindu News) |
![[Strange]]( |
Huge glacier covering 20 square miles pops up out of nowhere in Himalayas |
![[ICNetwork]]( |
![[Stupid]]( |
Large Yorkshire woman taunts Geordies with bananas and lard. Yer dug fancies a Yorkshire Pudding |
(my Telus) |
![[Stupid]]( |
Statue of soldier gets penis reduction as part of renovation |
(Some Campaigning Guy) |
![[Survey]]( |
Let's hold our own Fark elections. Nominate and vote for your fellow Farkers here. Submitter calls dibs on Supreme Dictator for Life |
(Eonline) |
![[Amusing]]( |
Brits show they have good taste by pelting 50 Cent with water bottles and chanting, "50 Cent is a wanker" |
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![[Dumbass]]( |
Store clerk accepts $200 bill with President Bush's picture on it |
![[NCBuy]]( |
![[PSA]]( |
Be careful where you sit. Fourteen percent of Americans admit to having sex at work |
(via |
![[Dumbass]]( |
Don't leave your box full o' sex toys sitting around, you're just asking to have your camera happy roommate post them on his website (not safe for work) |
![[IOL]]( |
![[Spiffy]]( |
Surgeons remove two kg of loose change from man's stomach, find explanation for slot in his back |
![[Yahoo]]( |
![[Dumbass]]( |
Man making sweet, sweet love to his inflatable girlfriend disturbed by all the onlookers and passersby. Can't understand why they don't just continue their shopping, since they're in a mall after all |
(Enquirer) |
![[Scary]]( |
Not-so-funny valentine gets woman 11 years |
![[Space]]( |
![[Strange]]( |
"Mystery cloud" appears over Eastern U.S. and Canada |
![[MSNBC]]( |
![[Cool]]( |
Vote for a couple of Kentucky Fark lurkers Nikki and Buddy to get a dream wedding on the Today Show |
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![[PSA]]( |
Free beef for alert drivers along I-95 in Maine |
(NBC Columbus) |
![[Amusing]]( |
Man forced into closet by home invasion robbers tries to free himself, accidentally fires stored shotgun into gas line of upstairs apartment |
(This is Staffordshire) |
![[Spiffy]]( |
Brothers strip off for record-breaking charity rollercoaster ride. With SFW pic |
![[FARK]]( |
![[Cool]]( |
Drew to be in Manteo, N.C. Sunday Sept. 12th. Fark party at The Weeping Radish, 4:00pm |
![[Fox News]]( |
![[PSA]]( |
Hurricane Frances to threaten Florida Friday. That's the plural form of France |
![[NCBuy]]( |
![[Weird]]( |
New study shows vast cultural differences among international Trekkies |
(Evening Herald) |
![[Scary]]( |
Man shot in head "for a laugh" |
(MLB) |
![[Spiffy]]( |
Yankees payroll: $183.3 M. Cleveland Indians payroll: $34.6M. Losing a baseball game by more than three touchdowns: Priceless. Duke sucks |
![[Google]]( |
![[Followup]]( |
Gmail: This is the thread to give them away and beg for them. Keep the gmail comments out of the other threads, please |
![[]]( |
![[Strange]]( |
Norway's new cottage industry: The package bank robbery |
(Some Gal) |
![[Photoshop]]( |
Photoshop this funky hollow tree. Difficulty: No LOTR or Wizard of Oz |
![[Yahoo]]( |
![[Silly]]( |
Eight-thousand-foot burrito made at Nevada State Fair, followed by 8000-foot-line for bathroom |
![[BBC]]( |
![[News]]( |
Chechnya rebels suspected to be holding 200 hostage at Russian school |
![[Yahoo]]( |
![[Scary]]( |
Dog bites off Albuquerque man's genitals. Your dog wants deez nuts |
![[AP]]( |
![[Amusing]]( |
Republican delegate begins handing out little purple bandaids to mock Kerry's purple hearts. Kerry responds by filling insurance claim on paper cut |
(A Frightened Fisherman) |
![[Photoshop]]( |
Photoshop this horror from the deep |