Wisconsin: Bush 48% Kerry 45%

State data from National Survey of 13,000 Likely Voters

August 1-26, 2004

Wisconsin 2004

Presidential Ballot

Bush 48%
Kerry 45%
Other 3%
Not Sure 4%



August 29, 2004--In Wisconsin, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows President Bush with 48% of the vote and Senator Kerry with 45%.

Four years ago, Bush and Gore each received 48% of the vote in Wisconsin. Gore won the state by fewer than 5,000 votes out of 2.5 million.

This is the first survey data we've released for Wisconsin since April. The state remains in the Toss-Up column for our Electoral College projections.

President Bush has attracted 95% of the vote among Republicans. Senator Kerry currently draws 85% of the Democratic vote. Unaffiliated voters are fairly evenly divided.

Supplemental data is available for

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In Wisconsin, 52% of all voters Approve of the way President Bush is performing his job. That's near his national Job Approval rating.

Leading up to the Republican National Convention, we have released state polling data in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio. Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin

Beginning September 1, Rasmussen Reports will expand our Tracking Poll to 1,000 Likely Voters per night. At the same time, we will increase the flow of information provided both on the public site and for our Premium Members.

Premium Service during the final two months of the campaign will include daily tracking for Florida, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania along with provide frequent updates for many other states and key Senate races. Details on the Premium Member enhancements will be released this weekend.

State data will be provided for the public site on a regular, but less frequent, basis.

Rasmussen Reports is an independent public opinion research firm that provides daily updates on the Presidential election and the nation's economic confidence.

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This data has been compiled from a national telephone survey of 13,000 Likely Voters conducted by Rasmussen Reports from August 1-26, 2004.  Each night, 500 interviews with Likely Voters were conducted.  State-by-state samples carry a margin of error that varies from +/- 3 percentage points to +/- 5 percentage points depending upon the state. Data for California, Texas, and New York carries a 3 percentage point margin of error. For Florida, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, the margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points. For all other states, the margin of error is +/- 5 percentage points. In all cases, the margin of error is expressed with a 95% level of confidence. In some states, oversampling and supplemental interviews were used to obtain an adequate sample size for reporting purposes


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