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CHENEY IN COMMAND: There is only one word to describe Dick Cheney's performance tonight: presidential. I have little regard for the Vice-President, but must defer to a first-rate performance. Cheney had the voice of a rock. Of all...
The general opinion on blogger row is the Cheney really delivered the goods this evening. Frankly I was a bit surprised by the ease with which Cheney deliver the speech. The content was fiery and persuasive. He sure set...
“This is Mr. Kerry. Have a Bellhop Bring me Some Powerful Butt Ointment.” I just watched Zell Miller’s speech at the RNC. To put it bluntly, he ripped Kerry a new ass you could drive Michael Moore through. He articulated...
The DNC launched a new web ad (screen shot from WashingtonPost.com)....
According to CyberJournalist.net, 16 college journalism students are providing real-time coverage on a Wireless Election Coverage Moblog. It uses the increasingly popular format of a web log – or more specifically, a mobile web log (moblog) that interacts with the latest generation of mobile imaging phones. What makes it different...
—- Mr. Chairman, delegates, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: I accept your nomination for vice president of the United States. I am honored by your confidence. And tonight I make this pledge: I will give this campaign all that I...
The DNC and RNC are di5erent in another way: the crowds are different. The DNC crowd was eager, the RNC crowd is… lusty is what comes to mind. The DNC was partisan, the RNC is intensely so. And while...
*** WIZBANG EXCLUSIVE *** All pictures copyright Wizbang Bono paid a visit to the Republican National Convention (posing here with an attendee): View Full Picture Bono hung out in in the Host Committee Suite for 15 minutes... View Full Picture...
… looking bored— Sent from my Treo...
Dick Cheney is on right now!...
Security just removed a protester from the floor, just in front of me. It was a woman and I don’t know her cause, although she was wearing pink. A bad snap of the scuffel is attached. The most interesting...
Michael Barone, the greatest political observer of his generation, sat down with RS for an...
Some protester seated off to the left, and a bit behind the stage, held up something during Cheney's speech, but was quickly carted off. Any commotion was beautifully drowned out by the rancor of"4 More Years! 4 More Years!"What a crowd. -- Posted...
I’m in the hall just off the floor, blogging from the web phone… so expect shorter color commentary from me and the speeches etc. from Michelle....
—- Since I last stood in this spot, a whole new generation of the Miller Family has been born: Four great grandchildren. Along with all the other members of our close-knit family— they are my and Shirley’s most precious...
Miller just delivered THE speech of the convention. The crowd never took their seats....
“I accept your nomination for Vice-President of the United States.” Can we put all those conspiracy theories to rest now?—- He’s very low-key, compared to Miller and other prime-time speakers. But he has managed to smile once or twice...
Zell Miller was absolutely amazing tonight!!!!! Click below for his speech:...
Apparently, John Kerry voted for a bowl of mush and not much else. Oh, and...
10:20 Lynne Cheney gives the introduction for the Vice President, Dick Cheney. She comes across as sharp, blunt, and likeable. She seems tougher than Laura Bush. In an imperfect comparison, she reminds me stylistically of Katherine Hepburn, while Laura reminds...
Zell Miller was introduced as“the consience of the Democratic Party”… went on to say that (the security of) his family is more important than his party....
Kevin from Wizbang and I went off for some grub earlier and apparently we couldn't bring the food back to Bloggers Corner. We decided at a one point to check out the arena and we were kind of stuck at...
10:02 Wild applause; I don't think he expected that. He makes his support for Bush personal."My family is more important than my party."Great moment. 10:05 Great story about Wendell Wilkie, especially the epitaph."Where are such statesmen today?"...
There is a smear campaign launched against John Kerry. But that is not the only thing going on with the Swift Boat Veterans. The press may have knocked down the most serious charges. But the idea of the press as the great adjudicator has also been knocked...
I heard some outcry - not loud at all - and then a rush of security, followed by a rush of press. Whoever it was was quickly hustled out gate 67. I wonder if it would have been less distracting to let the fool holler. A single unamplified voice doesn't...
Never have there been so few undecided voters in a presidential race. In the Gallup poll taken just before the incumbent party's convention, the undecided vote has ranged from 5% in 1996 to as high as 12% in 1972. This year, Gallup shows just 2% of voters are undecided. This...
Joe Trippi see history repeating itself:"If the Dukakis campaign of 1988 taught Democrats anything, it should have taught us that you don’t sleep in August. Not against these guys, and not against anyone in this business no matter how formidable the lead. The Kerry campaign should have learned from...
Here's where to comment on the speeches and coverage of the Republican Convention....
Big media day for the Bateses. I've been profiled by Gawker. The Daily Oklahoman has a picture of Mikki on the front page, packing boxes at a food bank as part of Tuesday's"Compassion across America"event. If the photo is online, you'll find it at www.newsok.com. I'm told that I'm in...
By Benjamin Ryan The otherwise oppressively drab festivities of the New York delegates’ pre-convention gathering at the Bryant Park Grill got at least a moment of liveliness today when none other than the Missile Dick Chicks sauntered by to add...
By Logan Hill For RNC protesters,“orange-alert” now means more than nothing, since almost every time a large batch of protesters is about to be hauled off to Pier 57 -- Still wonder why the city wanted UfPJ to march...
By Peter Keating You know all those signs in red and blue ink that look like they're handwritten and that delegates are waving every night? The ones that carry slogans like "Love Ya Dubya" and "Viva Bush," just like the...
By Peter Keating Which state delegation is most thoroughly dominated by the religious right? Ask Christian conservatives themselves, and they'll name South Carolina as one of their greatest triumphs. And the victory has been personal as well as political for...
I just moved a post entitled"Two adults, one laptop,"to its original destination, No Silence Here. That's where I'm doing some light, mindless,"Mr. Mom"type blogging on being in NYC. To those of you who commented, my apologies...
and the MSG floor is bouncing. Literally. What's the resonant frequency of this floor?...
Chris Mathews: Is Zell Miller a Democrat? Terry McAuliffe: No. I guess that settles it. Nothing like getting kicked out of the party by the chairman on live TV....
I like former Senator Alan Simpson, so I'm pleased that Powerline interviewed him. According to Powerline, Simpson said of John Kerry's Senate career It was a big goose egg. I never saw anything Kerry did in the Senate. What were...
What would a non-American reporter -- perhaps, a eurojourno -- make of last night's prime time Republican National Convention speakers, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and First Lady Laura Bush, and how would s/he report on them for audiences across the pond?...
The fact that Zell Miller, a Democrat, is here speaking at the Republican National Convention is big news. All he needs to do is stand on the stage, mention that he was once a keynote speaker at a Democratic convention,...
What was I thinking. I know. I wasn't. Why is it always the man's fault? Because of all the stuff for baby daughter, I decided we'd leave one of the laptops behind. With both of us working, that was about...
Today The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler takes a hard look at Rudy Giuliani's criticism of John Kerry delivered during his speech at the Republican National Convention on Monday night. While the piece, printed under the section head"For the Record,"...
Ryan Lizza reports that the Kerry campaign's"high command"has asked to brief the press in New York on Thursday morning"and no doubt try to quell the firestorm of chatter sweeping the convention hall about the staff being in disarray."Scheduled to drop by a Christian Science Monitor breakfast,...