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Thursday, September 02, 2004
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Our next issue hits the virtual newsstand on Tuesday, September 7th. We're taking a week and a day off. C'mon, it's Labor Day, we're entitled...

The ROMANCE & RELATIONSHIPS issue will feature a cover from Scott Kurtz and we have one of our most entertaining community interviews yet with R K Milholland of Something Positive. And that's far from all. Stay tuned.

click cover for current issue contents cover art by Liriel

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· Jeff Rowland: I Just Got Fired
Jeff Rowland, creator of WIGU and part of the Dumbrella-BORG explains that " I Just Got Fired" which Rowland seems genuinely enthusiastic about as an opportunity to dive into webcomics fulltime. It would be good news for webcomics generally if Rowland can join the still small crew of ...
· Return of Commander Kitty
· PAX_2004 Is Over
· Chris Meadows Blogs About Keenspot
Chris Meadows writes a short post relating his thoughts on Keenspot's move to South Dakota. Given his own experiences with small town life I think he's seeing only good things for Keenspot in the move. Myself, I wonder if this move means that Crosby has given up on ...
· The Ritual BBQ Blast Furnace
· The Small Press Expo A’coming October 1 to 3rd
Check out the list of artists coming to the Small Press Expo (spxpo) coming up this October 1-3. This is basically my home town convention and the only one I can get to on a regular basis. Which is great b/c in contrast to a typical comic convention ...
· Nominees for Ignatz Awards at SPXPo
· Goats Street Team Supports the Republicans for Voldemort Campaign
Jon Rosenberg writes how the Wall Street Journal picked up on his effort to hand out Republicans for Voldemort stickers outside the Republican convention. Not a bad publicity effort for Goats (how much overlap is there between the Goats audience and subscribers to the Wall Street Journal?) as the ...
· Another Review of Spielgel-babe’s Latest Comic
· Emaki Forum on Visual Arts Theory

Which Webcomic Archiving System Do You Use?

· Walrus Script (php)
· Autokeenlite Script (perl)
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· BTPHP Script (php)
· I-Strip Script
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· RazorNavi Lite Script (php)
· Snafu Comic Script (php)
· Moderntales/Webcomics Nation Website
· Keenspot/Keenspace Website
· POSTNUKE+ATP Module (php)
· PHPNUKE+Comics 5 Module (php)

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Votes: 4
Comments: 1

goto PostAsking for nude art from webcomic artists(20)
 by celinus
 on 02. Sep at 18:52
goto PostImportant Dates in Webcomic History?(29)
 by Charbonneau
 on 02. Sep at 17:18
goto PostExact date of your webcomic launch?(35)
 by Charbonneau
 on 02. Sep at 17:12
goto Post*smiling politely*(6)
 by supafrey
 on 02. Sep at 16:09
goto PostWaves hello, orders an espresso(14)
 by JPSloan
 on 02. Sep at 15:12
goto PostResurrection of the Webcomic Jam(53)
 by cm_evans
 on 02. Sep at 13:34
goto PostHype: [C] - An Online Gallery of Comics and Cartoon Art(0)
 by BMoore
 on 02. Sep at 13:13
goto PostAdvertising musicians(3)
 by celinus
 on 02. Sep at 12:41
goto PostCN-Anime/Comics/Scifi/Horror Expo(0)
 by Ghastly
 on 02. Sep at 12:24
goto PostHullo(10)
 by JPSloan
 on 02. Sep at 08:27

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Press Release: Guigar's Webcomic Trivia Quiz Returns
Posted on Wednesday, September 01, 2004 - 11:15 AM
Today, the weekly Webtoon Trivia Quiz returns to Greystone Inn in a new, interactive format.

Created by Greystone Inn's Brad Guigar and animated by Poisoned Mind's Al Foreman, this entertaining five-question quiz will challenge the webcomics knowlege of the most ardent reader.

Wednesday Webtoon Trivia joins the long-running Mondays With Mel as weekly bonus features of Greystone Inn, a daily webcomic starring Argus the Gargoyle.

It's All About the WebComics
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Press Release: WirePop Open for New Submissions
Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 10:27 PM
WirePop WirePop is now almost a year old! The first and only subscription site to offer nothing but great Manga-styled comics is opening its doors to new talent once again.

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Webcomics In Tattoo Form
Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 07:06 PM
Who gets tattoos? Well, according to this website, awesome people! The creator of Daily Dinosaur Comics has put together a page with "the express purpose ... to encourage more people to get crazy drawings burned into their skin." If you have any pictures of webcomics tattoos, you might consider telling this guy about it.

The Art of WebComics
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Press Release: Comic website growth opens new doors for other creators.
Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2004 - 11:10 PM
It's All About the WebComics Gutterflycomix.com has gone through many changes in the four years since its inception, but Gutterfly's founders are letting us know that those changes are only the beginning. Video games, a public comics listing, and a new server are all in the works for this pop-culture comics hub.

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Animation Blog and An Interesting Art Deco Subscription Site
Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 09:18 PM
Cartoonretro is an interesting subscription site at $5 a month. It's a new project from Shane Glines, creator of the Cartoon & Illustration Paradise website. Cartoonretro is devoted to celebrating and exploring the largely forgotten work of great artists, cartoonists, illustrators, photographers, filmmakers, actors, musicians and industrial designers from approximately 1925 through 1939.

Also of note is the Cartoon Brew blog which covers in depth animation in America. Most recently they had an interview with John Kricfalusi.

Not a Webcomic But Pretty Cool!
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Penny Arcade Expo Tomorrow!
Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 10:33 AM
WebComic Conventions The first webcomic to host its own large-scale convention, Penny Arcade's Penny Arcade Exposition (PAX) opens its doors tomorrow morning. 1,337 gaming aficionados have pre-registered for this massive event taking place in Bellvue, WA. Attendees can expect two days packed to the gills with games! Role-playing, board, card, and of course, video games will be well represented.

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The Webcomicslist.com Generating Some Useful Readership Data for Webcomics
Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 11:06 PM
The Webcomiclist.com has added a number of graphs to the site, showing when webcomics update and how popular they are (example1, example2). There are also a number of graphs which can be found here; for example, it appears that Wednesday is the most popular day to update on.

Tools for Putting Webcomics Online
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Comixpedia: Four Ways To Advertise on Comixpedia
Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 11:59 PM
Comixpedia Time for a little housekeeping. I want to remind folks that Comixpedia offers multiple ways to advertize on the site (link to our advertising page). All ad revenues Comixpedia receives help keep us in operation and planning new projects for the future.

In addition to running large banner ads or google ads on Comixpedia there are two other sponsorship opportunities. Brand new this week is the ability to buy an ad on the blog, 24 Hour Pixel People. These ads, in contrast to the banner ads run every time the blog is viewed for the length of your sponsorship. We are trying out the BlogAds service for these - you can buy ads for two weeks or a month period. (The minimum price we can set with BlogAds is $10.00 so right now we've set the two week and one week price the same).

You may also sponsor Comixpedia for a monthly issue. The one sponsor for each issue will get a small ad that appears on the top of every page of Comixpedia for the entire month. I announced this earlier in the year but didn't really follow through. All of our remaining issues in 2004 are still open to a sponsor so if you're interested please contact me - the monthly sponsorship rate is negotiable.

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Press Release: Graphic Smash Updates: UNA Frontiers Debuts and New Artist for Aces High
Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 10:29 PM
Begining next month, John Holtgrew will be the artist for Aces High. Season 2 of the serial begins at GraphicSmash on September 15th, 2004. Aces High will continue to be written by the Marvelous Patric. Previews of John Holtgrew's artwork can be found at marvelouspatric.com.

UNA Frontiers, the post-apocalyptic comic that cut its teeth on DrunkDuck, debuted on GraphicSmash this past August 13. The creator, Monique MacNaughton, hopes to present her epic storyline to a whole new group of readers in addition to those who are already loyal fans.

Modern Tales
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Flash Animator Contest in Canada
Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 10:22 PM
Ripped from the Headlines of Today! CBC television in Canada is looking for 4-6 minute Flash animated cartoons for a contest. From the website:

We're looking for animated shorts to air on our new program, "Maple Shorts," a TV series that features short animated films competing for a chance to win a pilot project with the CBC.

Here's the deal: We want animators from across the country to submit original Flash cartoons, no more than 6 minutes in length, for an animated festival to be aired on national television this fall.

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