recommendation (I read a lot of books I don't really like a lot -- it's a professional hazard), but your purchase of said product
to my financial well-being or book collection. Feel free to purchase, use a library, or ignore.
Another place I blog -- the
Cliopatria group blog at the History News Network
Miss Megan McArdle
Professor Glenn Reynolds
Mr. Stephen Green
Mr. Andrew Sullivan
Mr. Richard Bennett
Young Mr. David Hogberg
The Two Blowhards - art talk worth hearing
Miss Amy Welborn - since she didn't take his name for the blog, she's not Mrs. Dubruiel.
Fr. Jim Tucker
Miss Eve Tushnet
Miss Kathy Shaidle
Catholic Light
Mr. Peter Vere
Fr. Todd Reitmeyer
Miss Susanna Cornett Sasha Castel, la Blogatrice
The Agenda Bender (if reading Andrew Sullivan doesn't complicate your view of otherness in America, click here.)
Mr. Anthony Swenson
Mr. Pejman Yousefzadeh, Esq.
Mr. Tony Woodlief
Mr. Douglas Turnbull
Mr. William Quick (Who, after all, coined the term
Miss Joyce Garcia, who has her moments of crankiness, too. I respect that.
Mr. Martin Roth
Mr. James Lileks - go for the Bleat, stay for the match-books.
Keeping up with European Affairs
No Pasaran! - where our old friend Merde in France blogs now
The Dissident Frogman
February 30 - the blogger formerly known as Cinderellabloggerfeller
Last Night's BBC NEWS
Le Monde Watch
Mr. Dave Kaiser's Blogo Slovo -- Slavic-tilted news
Blogging Medievalists
Professor H. D. Miller, the first
other blogging medievalist I met
The Lady of Shallott, A.B.D.
Professor Michael Drout
Dr. Karl Schudt
Mr. Andrew Hughey
Mr. David Nishimura, who is at least inclined to old things.
Mr. Craig Schamp
Dr. Anne Brannen, whose main blog topic isn't medieval, but I think she still counts.
Ms. Elisabeth Carnell, who is in process of applying to pursue a Ph.D. in this mess. Run! Or not. It's fun, I'll admit.
Mrs. Doctor Julie Kemp, the only one of these folks I know personally.
Difficult Blogs
Mr. Bill Allison at Ideofact. Mr. Allison is blogging his way through the work of Sayyid Qutb, the most important philosopher of radical Islamism. There's perhaps no more interesting blog going.
Edublogs, Commentato-professors, and Schoolistas
Miss Joanne Jacobs
Mr. Jeff Sackman
Professor Kimberly Swygert, psychometrician
Ms. Lisa Snell, who thinks about education for a living without having to DO it.
Professor Erin O'Connor's Critical Mass, essential reading for the jaded academic.
the Old Oligarch
Professor Jeff Cooper
Mr. Brian Micklethwait
Dr. Julius Weevil, who doesn't talk about school nearly as often as I'd like, but I understand the constraints under which he operates.
Professor Timothy Burke
The Invisible Adjunct
Professor Milt Rosenberg, multimedia empire.
Tightly Wound, 'making fun of academics, 'cause it's easy!'
Bloggers who have known me for a LONG time
Bresslyn, or keeping up with the Johnsons
Mr. Shelton Clark, your complete hack.
An Affinity Group -- Rice Bloggers
Ginger Stampley, Will Rice
Owen M. Courrèges, Will Rice
Just Another Rice Grad, who prefers to keep his college affiliation quiet
Contribute to Professor Juan Coles's Americana in Arabic Library translation project
I know that linking is the heart of blogging, but this gets tiresome.
For a handy list of Catholic blogs, go to:
Mr. Gerard Serafin's specialized list
For blogs sorted by Blogspot and Not, go to:
the Daily Pundit
For blogs sorted by clever names, go to:
the Vodka Pundit
Contact the Cranky Professor
I can be emailed by carefully retyping without the spaces and with a substituted symbol for the word "at" and punctuation mark for the word "dot" at professor at crankyprofessor dot com.
If you, too, were a professor you might understand WHY I go into such detail.