August 30, 2004


There's a strain of fatalism in me -- I see signs, take the lots, feel the current of the universe. Usually I laugh it off -- though during the endgame of my dissertation I played computer-based Monopoly every morning (a game so addictive I finally had to throw it and the installation disk away) and knew that if I won big, it would be a good day of writing; if I lost to the stupid computer, I'd lose to the word processor all day.

First day of classes. Rain all day. Not a good sign. I think I'll crawl back into my summer and pull the covers back over my head.

Posted by crankyprofessor at 07:46 AM | Comments (2)

August 29, 2004

So, Will We Support Canada, or NATO Ally Denmark?

Did you know there is a boundary dispute in the Arctic between Canada and Denmark? Denmark periodically lands troops on islands the Canadians claim? How exciting! Vikings!

Posted by crankyprofessor at 10:25 AM | Comments (1)