Sautee a Bunny For Peace!
"Matthew 12:30"
September 01, 2004
Alcoa Shares Must Be Going Through The Roof

If anyone can actually make it through this idiocy, along with this lunacy, without having a Singularity of Stupidity Seizure™, please report to Imperial Dungeon Game Room™ for immediate employment.

You. Have. Been. Warned.


(Dammit. Forgot to thank George for the linkage to that second scatalogical spewage.)

Posted by B.C., Imperial Torturer™ at 08:47 PM | Comments (28) | Trackback (0)

Protesting Monkeys Ape Past

The UK Telegraph has a wonderfully dismissive piece on Michael Moore and the host of shallow self-satisfied drooling idiots protesting in New York. The sweetest aspect is that a Vietnam War protester rightly argues that at least back the US was enjoying democracy at home while wrongly propping up dictators abroad. Now the situation is reversed, as we remove brutal dictators and try to build a democracy abroad. This of course doesn't matter to the dancing dipshits, who merely protest because protesting seems cheap, easy, and cool.

More thoughtful anti-war protesters, the ones who stopped drooling on their bibs, did a double take back in 2003 and asked how those who purport to support peace ended up being so completely bereft of morality as to march in support of the most breathtakingly brutal dictatorial regime on earth. Even now these mindless minions point to the heinous acts of the most vile men on the planet, who just slaughtered a dozen Nepalese in cold blood, as providing evidence of their own right and righteousness. Such willing stooges remove all doubt that people really could be pathetically shallow enough to follow the likes of a Charles Manson, and judging by the sanctimonious delight they take in each new hostage execution as "proving" their case, which I suppose is the case that Iraq was better off when the executions where better organized and more systematic, they'll surely rejoice once Iraq is again ruled by genocidal execution squads. You might think this is hyperbole, but they've lauded the victory of totalitarian communism in South East Asia for almost 30 years, and with no signs of letting up. They all plan to vote for a self-confessed war criminal, one who backed these same totalitarian communists, so on the bright side their descent into the darkest depths will surely slow soon, simply because there's nowhere lower to go.

But at least their childish antics are good theatre, even if it boils down to a theater of the absurd, a Kool-Aid induced kabuki dance as they try to recapture the past by protesting Bush's nomination at a protest sponsored by International A.N.S.W.E.R., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Trotskyite Workers World Party. Some things never change.

Posted by Sir George at 12:14 AM | Comments (64) | Trackback (0)

August 31, 2004
A Dozen More to Avenge

Is Islamic "freedom fighters" (aka child-murdering barbarian Satan spawn who are primitive, backwards, violent, and stupid even by 7th century standards) have murdered twelve Nepalese hostages.

A Nepalese diplomat confirmed the deaths hours after images were put on a website, apparently showing one man being beheaded and 11 being shot dead.

Nepal's ambassador to Qatar, Shyamanand Suman, said it was one of the "worst days" in his country's history.

The militants said the 12 Nepalis had been executed because they "came from their country to fight the Muslims and to serve the Jews and the Christians".

Helping regular Muslims without helping primitive moon-god worshipping wife-beating jizz-guzzlers is counted as fighting against Muslims..

Nepal is 94% Hindu and Buddhist, which the unsuspecting might think would grant them some kind of pass, but the opposite is true. People of the book theoretically get a pass, while all others must convert to Islam or die. Yet still the pathetic jihadists, the very stench in the nostrils of G-d, blame it all on the evil Jooo....

Yet despite all this wanton barbarity and mindless hatred, France still thinks that somehow they get a free pass for being French.

Posted by Sir George at 04:07 PM | Comments (83) | Trackback (0)

August 30, 2004
Again. Sigh...

A Kennedy is once again in trouble for not keeping it zipped. I'd blog it, but it doesn't count as news anymore.

Posted by Sir George at 09:55 PM | Comments (81) | Trackback (0)

France Shocked - SHOCKED!

This BBC article is just too rich to skip.

Press outraged by French hostage threat

Monday's French press reflects national feelings of shock and defiance as the country rallies behind the two French journalists facing a death threat from the Islamist group holding them captive in Iraq.

"Monstrous!" is the stark caption to the editorial in the heavyweight Le Figaro.

You get in bed with monsters you wake up with, well, monsters, and the fundamentalist camel-fucking crocodile has to feed.

Another leading daily, Le Monde, says "France rocked by journalist crisis", while Le Parisien speaks of "Outrageous blackmail".

says the two journalists are "hostages of hatred", while Liberation speaks of a "wall of rejection" in the face of the threat.

Their papers are all just putting their finger to their lips and saying "bulabulabulabulabula" in typically angst ridden over ventilated French fashion. Normally a French journalist crisis is what passes for news and analysis in the French press, and this affair will prove no exception.

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by Sir George at 08:58 PM | Comments (63) | Trackback (1)

Bonds of War

John Kerry has based his campaign on two things, imagined heroism in Viet Nam and purported skill at building alliances. It's all too plain that his heroism was mostly in his head, and so far his false claims leave him facing a maximum of five years in prison for displaying and publicly using a knowingly fraudulent DD-214, available on his website. His claims to be in secret talks with foreign leaders have likewise been revealed as hot air and bluster, another false claim by a false man.

His first Purple Heart was fraud, likewise his third, though he says he still carries shrapnel from his second Purple Heart. Considering the wound required out-patient surgery they surely didn't spend much time looking around for more splinters. Though these issues and more speak to his lack of character, they're still far in the past.

What I find more troubling are his many personal calls to all his former fellow officers, using his lauded diplomatic skills and personal persuasion to stop their scurrilous attacks and return them to a more civil discourse. Sweeter than honey dripping from his tongue must've poured forth his flowing words; the powerful orator from Massachusetts, the nuanced negotiator, the resolver of conflicts both large and small. He pleaded with his fellow officers, arguing his sound reasons and loyal ties with these, his brothers in arms, his matchless peers, and honorable men one and all. Their reply was uniform and sincere. "Eat shit and die, you fuck faced traitorous appeasement weasel."

As diplomatic pouches in DC are stuffed with copies of "Unfit for Command" fresh from the presses, rushed off by special couriers to capitols abroad, all the world's governments prepare to study the feckless loser who might take on a mantle that dwarfs his spineless frame. If his personal appeals to people he knows fall on deaf ears, how can he possibly claim any persuasive powers with our competitors, enemies, and detractors? A passerby wouldn't loan him a quarter without demanding he leave a picture ID, and certainly any foreign government would be loath to put on solitary boot on the ground in a country where John Kerry might leave them in the lurch. In 1971 Kerry called for unilateral withdrawal of all US troops from Vietnam, knowing that only the presence of those troops provided any value to keeping our proud POWs alive as bargaining chips. If John Kerry would gladly abandon our soldiers to communist execution squads in some forsaken backwater, how much effort would he devote to rescuing any European troops endangered by a precipitous US withdrawal? A quick "quagmire, quagmire, imperialist hegemony" and we'll abandon them to their fate, and any half-competent European can see it.

The Kerry sycophants have been totally unable to answer the charges leveled by the Swift Boat Veterans, resorting to evasion, prevarication, and clever sleight of hand. Their arguments in his defense didn't stand up for even a day, much less a full term as President, and every government is going to read and study their best selling book for insight into his lack of character. He promises skilled negotiations and nuanced relations, but all he'll get us is the same response he's lately been hearing from those who knew him well, "Fuck off and die." To his cabinet assembled he could merely draw on his vast experience from Viet Nam and exclaim "Cry shrapnel and quick slip the bonds of war!"

Posted by Sir George at 02:55 PM | Comments (59) | Trackback (2)

Boob Disposal Needed

Manufactured by the millions during the Cold War;
Dishonorable weapons whose usefulness is over;
They remain scattered across the surface of the earth;
Ready to go off at the slightest touch;
Still in service of empires long fallen;
Planted and programmed by militaries
For a conflict fought decades ago.

Sewn in clusters, fields, and lines;
To defend the front lines and rear areas;
Ready to wreak violence on unsuspecting innocents;
The war now a distant memory, they linger still,
With sensitive triggers but not enough brains to know
That totalitarian socialism lost the war.

The threat remains with us still;
The vile weapons of an aged conflict;
Threatening even the streets of New York;
Useless fucking hippie protesters.
Send in the boob disposal units
To clear out these once useful idiots.

Posted by Sir George at 01:24 PM | Comments (43) | Trackback (1)

August 29, 2004
Tim Robbins Buffoonery

The UK Guardian has a brutally scathing article on Tim Robbins, barking Hollywood moonbat.

Juggling act

He's a writer, he's a director, he's an Oscar-winning actor with an Oscar-winning wife. He's also Hollywood's most vociferous anti-war campaigner - a constant thorn in the side of the American Neocons. And now he's bringing his own political satire to the London stage. Andrew Anthony meets the player who refuses to play the game.

You'd expect a typical leftist puff-piece, but once past the introduction it develops quite an edge. The author takes his time playing with the sock-puppet for slobbering stupidity, so it makes for a delightful read, but necessarily a long one.

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by Sir George at 08:38 PM | Comments (81) | Trackback (1)

Dumbest Opening Paragraph Ever

This TIME Magazine article redefines the dregs of incoherent journalism.

The Verdict on Abu Ghraib

Pressure mounts on Rumsfeld

A report released last week places a share of the responsibility for the mistreatment of inmates at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison on the shoulders of U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Though the report didn't single him out by name or call for his resignation, it concludes that a combination of too many prisoners and too few guards — as well as a confusing chain of command — generated a climate ripe for trouble that the Pentagon's leadership should have anticipated.

Look at that again. It starts with this

A report released last week places a share of the responsibility for the mistreatment of inmates at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison on the shoulders of U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Then follows with

Though the report didn't single him out by name or call for his resignation, it concludes…

So even though the report singles out Rumsfeld exactly as often as Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hoffa, and King Henry VIII, TIME thinks it still places the share of responsibility on Rumsfeld. Either the report referred to him by saying "The older gentleman with glasses who held lots of press conferences with Air Force General Dick Myers," or else TIME is exploring the frontiers of journalistic overreach. Is TIME so busy that they're having their news written by the people who normally write astrology columns, or was this one churned out by a reporter on a mescaline induced vision quest?

Posted by Sir George at 07:44 PM | Comments (58) | Trackback (0)

Stolen Honor

This is going to be tremendous. Stolen Honor, a documentary exposing John Kerry. Instead of thrice cut sound bites and half-baked comments spliced together by the likes of Michael Moore, this documentary features generals and POWs talking calmly and powerfully about honor, dignity, and other subjects the spewing sycophants can't address.

Before I continue with it I'd like to point to point out that John Kerry's campaign platform seems to be "I'm smart. I know how to work with allies. I know how to do these things." He can't even anticipate how his own former swift boat vets would react to him, much less keep them from drawing and quartering him in public. Rarely do you run across a man so self-centered or stupid that he's waylaid by the people he served with, much less some scandal mongering French diplomat with an ideological axe to grind. The Swift Vets have already established that his claims to be a war hero are ludicrous, but in so doing they've also shown that his claims to possess any intelligence or diplomatic skills are equally baseless. He'd be a buffoon if he was the least bit likeable, but sadly he doesn't even qualify.

And now on to the main plug.

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by Sir George at 02:04 AM | Comments (76) | Trackback (2)

NY Times Polls 9-11 Families on GOP Convention

The AP had an article on a strange survey from the NY Times.

Survey: 9-11 Families Do Not Want Convention in New York

NEW YORK (AP) - Nearly half of the relatives of victims who died in the World Trade Center attack say the Republican National Convention should have been held elsewhere, and about a quarter believe the GOP chose New York "to capitalize on Sept. 11," according to a new survey.

Always desperate for the headline "9-11 Families Think Bush is Hitler", the New York Times commissioned yet another survey in hopes of somehow implying that Bush is treating the families of the 9-11 victims the way John Kerry treated our veterans. Yet even in this the Times has failed, since more than half the relatives are in all likelihood Democrats, and apparently only half of those are drinking Kool-Aid from windbags like Michael Moore.

But one out of four of those questioned said the Republican Party brought its convention to Manhattan "to support the city" and "show it's safe," according to a survey of victims' relatives conducted by The New York Times.

Damn that fourth! Now if only the Times would tell us what other explanations they offered as answers to that question. I'm dying to know what outrageous motives were offered up as possibilities, such as securing long term oil rights on Manhattan.

Both parties have tried to form an emotional connection with victims' families, but the survey indicated their political leanings mirror those of the rest of the nation: roughly a third of respondents called themselves Republicans and a third Democrats.

Maybe the times should wonder why their sample of families in New York supsiciously matches up with the demographics of the rest of the nation instead of, well, New York. Even given that many of the families aren't from New York, the rest should still pull it to the left, unless of course 9-11 had a profound impact on their politics, as well as their lives. It might make an interesting article that the New York Post might have to run. But the most interesting information in the article was tucked away toward the bottom.

More people interviewed blamed former President Bill Clinton than blamed President Bush for failing to protect America from the trade center attack.

Aside from the fact that the New York Times obviously was asking the "blame" question, and somehow allowed the answer to appear in print, I must ask where the AP came up with that headline for it. And did these families not even watch Michael Moore's fabulously fact filled movie on the subject?"

*cough* *wheeze* *snort*

Thanks to BC for the link! He'd have posted on this one but he's been horribly busy helping people with hurricane damage.

Posted by Sir George at 12:47 AM | Comments (26) | Trackback (0)

August 28, 2004
Fake Decorations

Aside from the risk of going down into the history books as the most deeply flawed Presidential candidate ever, John Kerry presents the country with an opportunity to re-examine the Vietnam war, separating truth from the urban legends that bubbled up from the cesspits of Berkeley, to take a long overdue look at what the protesters wrought. It's as if the protesters somehow don't notice that there are millions of Americans who grew up speaking Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodian, and Lao. Why did so many people from that war end up in the United States instead of relishing the joys of communism, a form of government that the wise and experienced John Kerry told us was the equivalent of our own system? Here's a typical example of how he parroted communist propaganda.

We found most people didn't even know the difference between communism and democracy. They only wanted to work in rice paddies without helicopters strafing them and bombs with napalm burning their villages and tearing their country apart. They wanted everything to do with the war, particularly with this foreign presence of the United States of America, to leave them alone on peace, and they practiced the art of survival by siding with whichever military force was present at a particular time, be it Vietcong, North Vietnamese, or American. – John Kerry, 1971 Senate testimony

How would he know? He wouldn't let a sampan approach without having his crew light it up with tracer fire, and he's not someone given to risking his own skin going hamlet-to-hamlet asking questions. You may find all sorts of photos of John Kerry with his beloved crew mates, but I doubt you'll find a picture of him actually interacting with the Vietnamese. He obviously didn't even think the South Vietnamese were worthy of having an opinion on the matter. Yet why did the South crush a massive northern invasion just two years after Kerry's testimony, an invasion even larger than the final one, one which they couldn't resist once our post-Kerry arms embargo had left them disarmed?

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by Sir George at 10:07 PM | Comments (31) | Trackback (2)

French Given Ultimatum

This is too rich.

Iraqi Group Holds 2 French Journalists Hostage

Hey, goat-fucking child-murdering terrorists can't murder cheese-eating terrorist-enabling surrender monkeys unless there's some horrible and oppresive flaw in French foreign policy!!!

DUBAI, Aug 28 - An Iraqi militant group has kidnapped two Frenchmen and given the French government 48 hours to end a ban on Muslim headscarves, Arabic television station Al Jazeera said on Saturday.

That's right. France now has to bend over for the very same militants they tacitly support, give up whatever public authority their government claims, and submit to rule-by-jizsm-guzzling jihadi.

The Jazeera announcer said the Islamic Army in Iraq issued an ultimatum to France to abandon its policy of banning Muslim headscarves in state schools within 48 hours. It did not say whether the group threatened to kill its captives if France did not comply.

A French Foreign Ministry spokesman in Paris said: "We have nothing to say. We are trying to analyse the information we have learned the same way you did."

Even as we speak the French government has a crisis reaction team bleaching their bedsheets extra-white. We've been predicting actions like this for quite some time, because when you give in to a thug he just has to see how far he can go. Maybe one day France will wise up, but don't hold your breath. Then again, holding your breath might the best advice I can offer, considering how Paris smells during the annual summer garbage strike.

Posted by Sir George at 03:39 PM | Comments (69) | Trackback (2)

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