The Daily Spork
A Comparative Analysis of Liberal Thinking As Related to Plastic Utensils

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Name Moore's Next Movie
What Is Mikey's Next Film?

Stalin: King of the Motherland
Leninman: Hero to the State
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France: A Great Nation
How Bush Caused Vietnam
My Mother Abused Me: Bush's Lies
Iraqis Are Worthless, Let Them Die
I Hate Fat Stupid White Men..Oh.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Michael Moore = Twiddle DumDum

Mikey can't take the heat. He resorts to childish finger gestures that I used when I was 12.

                                     Drudge Report

There you have it, ladies and germs: the Buttmunch of SocietyTM.

I think he ate his razor again.

Posted at 10:32 am by DeoDuce
Opinions (3)  

Monday, August 30, 2004
What? France isn't a pansy?

France hasn't given into terrorist demands--yet. The headscarf ban stays, apparently. Hmmm, this is boggling. Perhaps France realizes that appeasement doesn't change anything.

Posted at 11:28 am by DeoDuce
Opinions (7)  

Sunday, August 29, 2004
Anti-Kerry at MTV

Kerry sisters booed at awards taping... 

Ha. Maybe America is smarter than I have previously thought...

Posted at 10:38 pm by DeoDuce
Opinions (12)  

Vomitous Stance

A relative of Gandhi has come out with an insane plan for the Palestinians to march across the Jordan River in protest of Israel's "occupation." Apparently, Mr. Gandhi approves of the destruction that Palestinian homicide bombers cause. Mr. Gandhi and his like are the excrement of society and they do not deserve to live a free and decent life. Anyone who approves of murder or does nothing to stop it is a guilty, treasonous dog whose deserving place is a muddy ditch in the bowels of hades. I recommend Mr. Gandhi take some time and live in Israel among the "oppressors." When he sees the limbs of children plastered across a schoolbus in Jerusalem, he might just change his mind.

Posted at 09:38 am by DeoDuce
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
The Heat is on Paris

An Iraqi terrorist group has two Frenchmen as hostages and threatens to slay them if the French ban on Muslim headresses is not overturned within 48 hours. This will be a true test of France's foreign policy.

Appeasement? What?

Posted at 08:58 pm by DeoDuce
Opinions (5)  


Well, the upcoming RNC is going to bring out the pride of the left: Wackjobs, nitwits, and alltogether social deficients. Take these losers for example. Instead of letting us get our point of view across, they aim to shut down New York for a day. Classy. Continuing right along, I signed up for updates from Greg Palast, the grossly communist writer who thinks he's God or something. In his last update, he turns the prospect of some liberal groups funding HIV-infected prostitutes to infect conservative customers into a joke. Classy. Next, an environmental group's mass protest blocks roads and prevents people from getting to the hospital. Classy. Oh, I'm not stopping yet: terrorists agree with liberals--America sucks! Baby killers sure don't want to be left out, and anti-free speech hackers are getting in on the action, too. Classy.

Wow! Look at the pride of the left! I was wrong, they really are classy.

Not much to be proud of.

*DeoDuce Finds It Funny Update*Barking Moonbat Early Warning System. His nickname for Kerry earns an award in my book.

Posted at 11:31 am by DeoDuce
Opinions (4)  

Friday, August 27, 2004
John Kerry, Professional Idiot

Another Kerry lie? Yet another Vietnam Vet speaks out against John Kerry. Hmmm.... Mr. Kerry's enemies seem to outnumber his friends when it comes to the Vietnam War. If you're voting for John Kerry, you should be sterilized.

It's interesting that most Vietnam Vets involved in politics think Kerry is an absolute deficient.

*More* Navy Records contradict Kerry website.

Posted at 01:42 pm by DeoDuce
Opinions (2)  

Olympic Scandal

Paul Hamm is asked to give up his gold medal. Those pricks. You can't go around giving out gold medals and then decide to take 'em all back. It was the judges fault that the scoring was inappropriate. It was the judges fault for this whole controversy. The South Koreans didn't protest it during the match (which is what you're supposed to do when a score is wrong). Too bad, so sad. The gold medal stays with the winner--Paul Hamm.

By the way, when the scoring was rigged in the '02 Olympics in Salt Lake City and the Russians won the gold instead of the Canadians, no one had to give up their medal. Canada got a co-gold medal. 

South Korea can bite me.

Posted at 10:27 am by DeoDuce
Opinions (4)  

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Liberal Masses

Photos of DNC members...   

*Update*Savage Democrats kill babies!

Posted at 11:32 am by DeoDuce
Opinions (5)  

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Peterson Trial

As you all must know by know, the lying, murdering SOB is on trial for being a lying, murdering SOB. The kicker: He lied to his mommy! I mean, forget the fact that he sold Laci's car just weeks after she disappeared and bought a new truck for himself. Forget the fact that he was found near the Mexican border with a tan, dyed hair, and wads of cash on his person. He lies to his mother. That should say it all right there.

He should be eliminated immediately. He's wasting my air.

I want to be on a jury.

Posted at 07:48 pm by DeoDuce
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