Shockoe Bottom Washed Out
Tropical Storm Gaston hammered Central Virginia on Monday with torrential rain, causing heavy flooding that sent cars floating down streets and trapped people in buildings. The Virginia National Guard has also been placed on standby for possible duty. Some of the worst flooding was in the Shockoe Bottom area. Many roads in the Bottom are now impassable. Dozens of people had to be rescued by boats after getting caught in flood waters. At Bottoms Up Pizza, 10 to 12 feet of water rushed into the first floor of the building forcing at least 20 customers to be stranded on the second floor. High water also sent cars floating down the streets ramming them into the side of buildings. Some people trying to get out of the water logged area became stuck in their vehicles. Many good natured citizens helped save those stranded motorists. Many citizens were forced to leave their vehicles in the Shockoe Bottom area. If you're one of them, call 646-7000 to get information on how to retrieve your vehicle.