Saturday, September 18, 2004
A re-emergence
PS: Excalibur sucks this year. There is this, this, and most recently, this.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Those of you who've been reading a while know that I get intrigued by reader mail, and I certainly got one I didn't expect this week - from YFS president Paul Cooper himself.
While he says he likes my blog in general, he wrote ("I love the way you write"), he asked for a clarification on my August post, where I criticized his press release endorsing the Tories.
As requested, I am clarifying: His press release is merely recognizing the positive aspects of the Conservative platform on education, not an endorsement. He says it was meant satirically, and as a response to the CFS' Report Card on Education which was blatantly unrealistic.
And we all know my personal opinion of the CFS.
And a thought? Personal contact with elected officials is rare. I appreciate that my president took the effort to contact me personally, even though I'm not powerful or influential - I'm only one vote in January.
But you know what?
Come January, Cooper has my vote.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Yee haw! It's quiz day!
You're Tennessee!
A vibrantly musical individual, you probably know how to play multiple
instruments. At the heart of your love for music is the guitar, though you have a soft
spot for violins, which you refuse to call anything but fiddles. Fiddlesticks aside,
you are very thin and have excellent posture. If you ever run for elected office, you
won't even be able to get your hometown to support you. I guess that's why they call it
the blues.
Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Look at me, I'm an ardent pacifist!
You're Catch-22!
by Joseph Heller
Incredibly witty and funny, you have a taste for irony in all that you
see. It seems that life has put you in perpetually untenable situations, and your sense
of humor is all that gets you through them. These experiences have also made you an
ardent pacifist, though you present your message with tongue sewn into cheek. You
could coin a phrase that replaces the word "paradox" for millions of
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
I'm a cheese-eating surrender monkey!
I took this quiz, and look what happened!
You're France!
Most people think you're snobby, but it's really just that
you're better than everyone else. At least you're more loyal to the real
language, the fine arts, and the fine wines than anyone else. You aren't
worth beans in a fight, unless you're really short, but you're so good at other
things that it usually doesn't matter. Some of your finest works were
intended to be short-term projects.
Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid
I'm so glad these mean nothing!
Friday, September 03, 2004
Whiners - the repeat edition, part 2
Whiners - the repeat edition
"OTTAWA (CP) - The only barrier between Shamini Selvaratnam and her dream of a law career is the skyrocketing cost of tuition, which has risen again this fall across Canada.
The 23-year-old York University sociology major has the marks - an academic record full of A's and B's, though she still laments a lonely C from two years ago that she views as a blotch on her record.
She's earned those marks while often holding down two jobs, working more than 20 hours a week in places such as restaurants, call centres, and at school.
But she begins her final year of undergraduate studies $22,000 in the hole and figures her debt burden would swell to nearly $100,000 if she began law school, which costs $15,000 a year for five years.
'By the time I finish my studies I'd have like, a small mortgage - a mortgage someone might have on a house, I'd have for my education,' she said in an interview. "
I understand the complaint in reference to people who don't make a lot of money, but honestly, Shamini - become a lawyer, get rich, and pay off your loan.
Lots of us work our asses off to pay our way through college, but you don't see us bitching about it.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Hold that thought!
My president Paul Cooper released a press release praising the Tories.
While I am not opposed to praise of the Tories where praise of the Tories is due, such flagrant partisanship should not go un-booed.
Boo, Paul. Want to be a Zionist (see below) and a Tory? I will not stop you. Want to invoke the name of the office to which you are elected and purport to represent all students on a divisive issue? I shall not concur.
I expected more from my president.
Hat tip to reader Titus.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Gold medals in the whining Olympics
Shortlisted for this month's Whiner of the Month:
1. Dan Freeman-Maloy for a whiny opinion piece.
Choice whine:
"Throughout this process, I’ve received crucial support from a variety of individuals and organizations concerned with campus democracy. Unions such as CUPE 3903, the Graduate Students Association (GSA), and the York University Faculty Association have been instrumental in forcing Marsden to back down. However, the York Federation of Students (YFS), my own undergraduate student union, has been significantly worse than useless."
The crime of YFS president Paul Cooper? Zionism.
2. Reka Szekely for a whiny opinion piece:
Choice whine:
Students have token seats on Boards of Governors and Senates, but have no real say in how their school develops. This is ridiculous since students often have a much better idea of their changing needs than administrators do.
Currently, when a school makes a significant change, they merely go through token consultation with students. If we’re going to accept the current corporate model of universities, let’s call it what it really is – test marketing.
Perhaps Szekely is editing from Fantasyland?
3. York admin/Gary Brewer for whiny quotes:
"The tickets that York University is issuing to students who mispark are now illegal," [councillor Howard Moscoe] says.
"This decision came as news to York this summer, says Gary Brewer, York�s vice-president of finance and administration. Until we actually read about it in the media, we had no idea that the City was in the process of amending by-laws," he says."
A city bylaw making it illegal for the uni. to issue parking tickets is going to cost York a million bucks. No wonder Brewer is whining.
4. TBLGAY's Yehuda Fisher for whiny quotes:
Background: The YFS is taking the $60,000 that services got and dividing among all special interest groups, not just seven. The ones who used to get $11,000 of student money a week are now all cranky.
Choice whine:
Cooper says services should serve all York students and as a result YUBSA, TBLGAY and ASA will become clubs.
“There’s nothing that distinguishes them from the Muslim Student’s Association, the Italian Student’s Association or and other culture based service we’re trying to promote,” he says.
“I agree that if the YFS could give every oppressed group that much money to work with (we would), but we can’t.”
However, Fisher disagrees.
“As a service, we do require a larger budget and priority over social groups,” he says.
“This is an unfortunate step by the administration,” says Fisher. “These cutbacks will definitely make it a lot harder for us to provide essential services to students in regards to resources, education, outreach and visibility. This cutback will also deplete the quality of training and the number of staff we have on board as well.”
Votes can be sent to thetruthaboutyork[at]yahoo[dot]com until September 1. Anyone can vote! (You are all citizens of the blogosphere.)
Update: URLs fized. Sorry about that.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Affirmative Action Policy at York University
There's this:
Affirmative Action Policy at York University:
York University has an Affirmative Action Program with respect to its faculty and librarian appointments. The designated groups are: women, racial/visible minorities, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples. Persons in these groups must self-identify in order to participate in the Affirmative Action Program. The [insert name of hiring department] welcomes applications from persons in these groups. The Affirmative Action Program can be found on York's website at or a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416-736-5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority."
and this:
Affirmative Action:
"York University Faculty Association and York University Board of Governors 2003-2006 Collective Agreement; Article 12.21 to 12.25
Affirmative Action
12.21 Consistent with the principle expressed in Article 12.15 that the principal criterion for appointment to positions at York University is academic and professional excellence, and as an affirmative action program to promote equity in employment of women, members of visible/racial minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities, the parties agree to the measures set out below (to be read in conjunction with Article 12.31).
No candidate shall be recommended who does not meet the criteria for the appointment in question.
Candidates are substantially equal unless one candidate can be demonstrated to be superior."
The same site lists a funny number - each unit needs to have 40% women in tenure - stream positions.
How is that equal? If we're going to be fussy already, why not 50%??
On affirmative action
The ad reads:
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community. The University especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Ramdom Penseur's comments are interesting; one point he does not raise is: (quoting directly): Does "others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas" apply to Anglo-Saxon white males? What does one have to do to prove that he/she contributes to the further diversification of ideas?
I wonder what York's affirmative action plan is? It must have one; after all, the university was founded because women, Jews and minorities couldn't get into/get jobs at U of T.
Would be interesting to read something about it.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Welcome Frosh!
My fave quotes:
I went to York yesterday and the place is HUGE
Also getting accustomed to the cold. It's not so bad anymore
Hon, wait till January rolls around.....
But welcome to York, definition of me!
(Welcome to all Frosh.)
Retire this!
Recent reporting by The Globe and Mail and many other fine news sources have pointed
out that mandatory retirement is set to be outlawed.
Mandatory retirement stinks of government meddling where they have no business to do so, to the detriment of seniors and to the benefit of big business.
Each company, individual and locality should be able to made individual decisions on retirement, not just shoving them all out at 65. Some people need to retire at 65 - but what about people who live to 100 in poverty and spend 35 years not working, 5 to 10 of which could have been seriously productive?
The implications for York are clear. A 66-year-old prof is more expensive to pay than a 30-year-old prof with no seniority.
Still, discrimination based on age is bad.
So we'll have older profs. Maybe that is a good thing - after all, tons of new course directors these days don't even have Ph.D.s. I'm not paying tuition to be taught by a 27-year-old with a Masters just because we forced out all the 65-year-olds.
Let them leave if they want, and stay if they want. Just give me qualified profs......
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Why Democracy is Good (and everyone should vote)
The message is clear - every person counts.
Of course, the message is slightly deceptive. I am a Massachusetts voter, so my state will go Kerry no matter what I do, but still, I am being encouraged to vote. Seems rather pointless.
But if we all didn't vote, then things would be bad. A perfect example: In recent years, York elections have drawn about 3,000 voters - less than 10% and less than the 4,000 supposed "angry students" who signed the anti-YFS petition. Maybe if those angry students had voted to begin with, they wouldn't have been so angered by their student government.
New rule: People who don't vote shouldn't sign petitions against elected leaders they didn't give a damn enough to elect.
Moral of the story: If you are American, go vote. I don't care if you vote Kerry or Bush (I mean I do care, but it's your choice) as long as you show the effort to participate. Otherwise, shut up about how much you hate this politician or that politician - you didn't vote, you don't have a right to complain.
And that's the truth about democracy.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Gender rant responses
Don't forget, though, that the other 50% of my anger is a female blogger thinking I'm male - kicking me out of that club, too.
Also, selfmadegirl has posted an apology, where she writes:
"Anyhow, I wasn't really thinking about it at all when I used the term 'he' (although I should have). It wasn't because I found your blog aggressive, or because you're interested in politics. I'm a girl who's interested in politics, and I can definately be aggressive and I don't regard either of those qualities as boyish. "
So now that I'm at peace with both genders, a short explanation a la Kermit the Frog: It's not
easy being green (or different in any way.)
Oh, and a note on comments: I don't have a comment section on purpose; things at York get tense and I blog for my own personal release - it's a stressbuster. People who feel the need to share things with me can email thetruthaboutyork{at}yahoo{dot}ca.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Warning: Aggressive Female On Rant
This is ridiculous. If it is liberating for Britney Spears to walk around with her breasts hanging out all over the place, it can be equally (if not more) liberating for me to be me on this blog - not girly, not polite, not nice, not diplomatic, just me.
Anyhow, at a friend's Christmas party this year, a guy told me I was too 'intimidating', which was why I was still single.
I say, screw them all. Screw our culture's ridiculous patriarchal value system which wants me to believe that I should wear pink and get pedicures and keep my politics to myself. News flash: Pink, check. Pedicure, check. Politics: got em in spades.
So leave me alone. Because this is what a woman blogs like.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Blogger gone AWOL
In the meanwhile, feel free to check out these write-ups of moi! at
The Best of Me Symphony hosted by "...she's a flight risk.".
For fun, try this political compass designed to ask you a whole bunch of questions and then tell you something you already knew - your political position. But it's fun, so visit The Political Compass and for fun, see where your favourite bloggers rank at The Blogosphere Political Compass Project. Some big surprises are in store - did anyone know Michelle Malkin was a conservative or that Fuki was a libertarian?
Pause whilst I roll my eyes....
You know, sarcasm doesn't work as well online. But take the quiz. It's fun.
Friday, July 30, 2004
Whiner of the month for July
"A spokesperson said the university believes the suspension sent a message that it takes student rules seriously.
"We think we've made our point, and people are now very well aware that the university is quite serious about following the code of conduct," said spokesperson Nancy White."
Writes Roth: "Sent a message?!? She's gotta be kidding!"
Same old, same old: Business considers government a "threat"
The Globe and Mail: "When asked to identify the greatest threat to the future of business in Canada, 18 per cent of corporate leaders who responded said high taxes, another 18 per cent said government policies, 10 per cent cited government bureaucracy/interference while 4 per cent simply responded 'the government.'"
Astonishingly enough, the study was commissioned by York and the results of the study were presented at York.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Tardy linkfest day 8......
So today, a linkfest about blogging.
S. Michael writes about the possibilities of making a living by blogging on Fuki Blog.
Simon of Showcase links to tons of tips, including Harvey's post on how to get more traffic.
And of course, my favourite Rightwing Duck asks the rheotrical question Why are you blogging?
So why am I blogging?
I guess I blog because I have something to say. I have opinions, I have ideas, and the exchange and contemplation of ideas is supposed to be the quitessential university paradigm.
I am prepared to think, to challenge and be challenged. But I find myself largely marginalized and ignored for not towing the party line.
I'm the first to admit that the party line has its good points. But I won't let anyone tell me what to think and what is good for me. I have a brain, and I plan to figure these things out on my own. That's one of the reasons I don't belong to a political party - because I reserve the right to change my mind at any given time.
As can be imagined, I am not the most popular student political junkie that ever was.
So I blog because no one will listen otherwise. I'm not a prof, don't have a classroom/audience, I don't start major protests and get airtime for shock value...
So maybe the world of York U is supposed to teach me about my own insignificance, but I refuse to be insignificant.
So I blog.....
...for freedom of expression and freedom of speech that don't compromise the education and safety of others.
...for the airing of unpopular views so that they may be debated all the same.
...for the sake of saying I am spending my time in university making a difference in some small way.
...for every silent York student who doesn't want to be bullied or misled into following someone else's ideas.
...for the students whose views differ from mine, so that we can share our ideas and learn from each other.
...for the idealists who really believe that this dialogue of opposing ideas is possible and
...for the cynics who stopped caring when they realized that it wasn't.
I'm an anonymous blogger, because I can't go public with my views. The consequences would be more trouble than it's worth.
So I blog for me, and for a world where someone like me can say who she is without fear of repercussions.
.....And that's the truth about York.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Linkfest, day 6......
So while there are a dozen other things I should be doing, tonight I present seven fun non-political Alliance blogs that I found today.
1. You have to give props for a catchy title to Chase me ladies, I'm in the cavalry.
Blog topics: Odd pick-up lines, and other things having to do with women.
He's an English teacher overseas, which makes for some interesting posting.
2. Primarily non-political blogging at Ripe Bananas. She's a Fly Biologist grad student who calls herself Fly Killa.
Like all female bloggers, she blogs about her pregnancy (hey can you blame her?).
Best part: She is a scientist, and spends an entire post talking in big words I don't understand about brain processes....and then explains it using Clint Eastwood. Hard core.
3. Fun Canadian blog called The Secret Life of Shoes is about things like shoes, Finding Nemo, Starbucks, and fun headlines.
4. If you like 70's Music, 80's Music, and Christian Recommended reading...., Writing To Understand is the blog for you.
5. If you thought only people could blog, you were wrong. Just read Hoppings of Roxette Bunny.
6. If you like monkeys, visit the Frank J. Fan Club.
7. Finally, a blogger younger than me. The Unmundane :.or.: the Anti-Hamster League is written by a fascinating teenager who blogs about normal things, and of course, the futility of homework.
PS: Why seven? Why not seven? Indeed.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Musical linkfest day five....
The JibJab This Land parody I linked was picked up on CNN and the Today Show. Back on Canada Day, I wrote my own musical parody "Give up the grudge" to the tune of a GOB song, in honour of anti-war protesters.
So here's a linkfest devoted to musical parody:
1. Recently, Mark Steyn of SteynOnline posted a list of John Kerry campaign songs sent in be readers.
2. The Blogging Alliance of Free Blogs had a contest inspired by Physics Geek who posted the lyrics to a Weird Al song (weird Al is the parody master...). The Alliance's Harvey noted that the lyrics:
I may not be the sharpest hunk of cheese
I got a negative number on my SATs
I'm not good looking and I don't know how to dance
But nevertheless and in spite of the evidence I am still widely considered to be
A genius in France, a genius in France, a genius in France
sound a whole lot like Michael Moore winning all those awards at Cannes for (what's that movie called? farfignugen 7-11?)...
This inspired lots more Alliance parodies, some of which I will unveil below.
3. Many people made fun of Moore's girth, including Garrett from The O'Hara Factor.
4. Susie of Practical Penumbra was one of the many people who noted that the Weird Al parody "I'm Fat" (originally making fun of Michael Jackson's "I'm Bad") really fits Moore to a T.
5. In a post entitled Linda Ronstadt Hates Michael Moore?, Frank of IMAO notes that the lyrics of "Desperado", the song she got kicked out for singing, really don't compliment Moore so much.
6. Not that Moore is the only one mocked. Sandy Berger gets hit pretty bad, too.
And on and on....
Am I Right - Song Parodies site has dozens of parodies, some better than others, and if you want to read more anti-Moore parodies, there are more here, here, here, here, here, here, and especially here.
It's all about the Alliance!
Is hard work the new black?
Three cheers for us!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Linkfest day four....let's get googly.
1. In addition to being our York Federation of Students president, Paul Cooper is apparently a composer, screenwriter, artist and garden designer.
It must suck to have a common name.
2. A search for Freeman-Maloy lists about 800 websites that discuss our current star student. I didn't put in his first name because in some places it's Dan while in others it's Daniel. Best of all, my blog is one of the sites you find.
3. Similarly, a Shamini Selvaratnam search links to me - and I'm the second link! Ha.
4. Who knew that in New York state, there was a rabbi named Yaakov Roth?
5. The top ten results for Pablo Vivanco are primarily not in English, but one does link to a NOW magazine story from this year about the YFS election mess.
6. Was Jeremy Greenberg on the Brandeis debate team? Does anyone even know where Brandeis is?
7. CASA's Randy Orenstein has his eleventh birthday online. Man, frosh are getting young these days.
8. Susan Gapka does not have a common name, it appears. She is quoted a whole lot, with 176 listings. Hey, that's more than the votes she got in most recent elections.
9. Michelle Steele appears to be a security officer at UVic.
10. And as could be imagined, there are about a zillion lawyers named Michael Ferman.
All in a day's work!
And the winner is.....
Honorable mention to Titus from SFU, who will get to pick some links for me to post in this week's linkfest.
For the original contest, click here.
Here is the corrected version with mistakes in italics and corrections to mistakes bolded. (Perhaps York should ensure that either its students can spell when they arrive, or teach them to spell once they get to York, so they don't make us all look like idiots, like Selvaratnam did.)
*Forward Widely*
***Dangerous Precedent being set by York U – Students Students' right to political organizing under attack***
York University student Daniel Freeman-Maloy was expelled suspended for 3 years without appeal by Lorna Marsden – President and Vice Chancellor of York University – on in a unilateral move. Since then the University’s Senate has passes passed a motion asking for the expelled student’s reinstatement yet nothing was done.
The university has sited cited three additional incidences incidents to show that Freeman-Maloy breeched breached the student code of conduct. What is alarming is that their list also included political organizing outside of the York University campus.
It is preposterous for the university to think that a student can be punished academically for their his or her life outside of campus. With the recent trend of increasing administrative interference with students’ right to organize, York’s move, if left uncontested, would set a dangerous precedent for other
institutions to clamp down on our student unions, and our right to
effectively participate in political organizing.
This case is now in front of the courts. If you are in-town in town(I know most of you are in Torotno Toronto) on Monday JULY 19, 2004, show your support and solidarity by coming down to the court house courthouse and listening to the hearing.
Monday, July 19
Divisional Court.
Osgoode Hall, (NE corner of Queen and University; if TTCing you can get off
at the Osgoode subway stop).
For more details about the case please read the attachment from the York
Free Speech committee.
In Friendship & Solidarity,
Shamini Selvaratnam
York University Senate
National Women's Representative
Canadian Federation of Students
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Linkfest day 3....only 24 minutes left
Today, ten university student blogs I find interesting:
1. Out in Saskatchewan, grrrl meets world is most entertaining, posting links to the same funny political cartoon I linked to the other day, as well as online karaoke which my fucked-up computer can't play, etc. etc. I enjoy reading her blog, but let's just say she's not as sympathetic to the GOP as some previous blogs I've read.
2. Fifteen minutes to go, I'm too slow! Some funny Newspaper bloggers, click on the list of "contributors" for more funny blogs, or just go to the website of the newspaper they write for on their day jobs.
3. Eight left. Shit. UWaterloo does blog hosting on its website (what a cool school), their current blogs include Dalton, Jeanine and Karim. Though these people seem like the squeaky-clean, we-love-our-university types, I think it is an awesome program, and would ROCK if York provided this service so we could have a York student blogosphere.
Of course, then I'd have to identify myself.
4. Three minutes left, and I've found The Tiger in Winter, a blog by a law student in Halifax. I've actually heard Dal is good, got a friend heading there in the fall myself. Just to rebalance, this guy reads Mark Steyn, and is dubbed an evil genius by the same internet quiz that called Fuki Blog the Ayn Rand ideal, and me a dictator. Hee hee.
(Silly follow up to linkfest #1 - Fuki's S. Michael Moore - what an unfortunate name - enjoyed the award. But not as much as I enjoyed bestowing it.)
5. Technically, I am now six minutes into Day 4, but I don't care, because blogger lets me go back in and change the date of the post. MWAHAHAHAHA!
Anyhow, for a twist, I stumbled upon Christina In Bristol, a Canadian girl studying in England. Links to funny things, including an article about a book written entirely without verbs. Weird.
6. 12:15 on Sunday morning, and Launch is having the terrible taste to play me some Hanson. Talk about weapons of mass destruction.
academia nuts is teaching me the proper spelling of Nipissing University. Her profile is fascinating, and her sidebar includes a list of what she's reading. This is a long-running blog dating back to 2002. Most people haven't been blogging that long.
7. 12:19. I'd be burning daylight except it's night. hand|paper|lake is a blog by this guy Dan from Lakehead U., who is getting married soon, so he also has a wedding blog called stacey|dan|together. Awwwwwww.
8. It's 12:23 and I'm making a mental note, as I so often do, to go back and visit more of the blogs I stumble upon on a regular basis. So many blogs, so little time. Any blog with the title Never too much Whisky must be a university blog. This guy was the president of Acadia Students' Union this past year, so he has a whole section dedicated to that. Also blogs about CASA, a Canadian student union I like because they don't make foreign policy a priority. Yay for actually lobbying on student issues.
9. Almost done, which is good, because it's 12:29 and I am getting tired. selfmadegirl is from Calgary, and like blogger #8, she links to her student newspaper and also to The Political Compass (I've been there already, I'm Libertarian Right, in case you were unsure.) Also links to Vegan Porn. Also posts things of interest to Yorkies, since they mention UofC's election bylaws (memories anyone?)
She says, and I quote:
The model that seems most likely to pass (with a predicted first reading occurring next Tuesday) is the one that will ban the sharing of funds between candidates. Simply put, a candidate will no longer be able to have the name or picture of another candidate on their campaign material. If one belongs to a Slate, putting the slate name and logo on the material would still be legit, provided the name and logo are not the name and picture of another candidate.
I wonder if rules like this would ever have stopped things from blowing up the way they did at York this year. Still amazes me that the mainstream national media showed up to cover a student government election.
and finally....
10. Maybe I'm a geek, but I like that renaissance grrrl blogs what she's reading. Includes: The Princess Bride (yay!), The Da Vinci Code, The Red Tent, etc. etc.
And I'm spent.
(If you're reading here, and it says Saturday on top, snicker because you know it's really Sunday and I just turned back the clock. Hee hee.)
Friday, July 23, 2004
Linkfest day two: Ten new blogs....
Started by visiting one of the Alliance blogs, called dramaqueen. Anyhow, she recently tells a story about her family in four parts, so here is part one: the Hanged Man, part two: Strength and The Tower, part three: Temperance and the Ten of Swords, and part four: two words. This is kinda a girly and weepy story, but I really like the blog nonetheless, and will definitely be coming back.
Stop two I got to from dramaqueen, I clicked over here despite how girly this linkfest is getting, (and it only just started...) and I am glad I did. Found a Bridget Jones-esque blog entitled The Mommy Blog, and it is a bit fun. She blogs about the hassles of life, her family, and all manner of funny things. Plus, cool to meet bloggers who like to drink.
Then I floated over to a blog entitled Here be hippogriffs, since I thought a Harry Potter blog would be interesting. Of course, it's another mommy blog, so posts about her pregnancy, and of course, food, as every pregnant woman should...and of course her cat.
Good blog, but #4 really needs to be a male blogger.....
Well, blog #4, self-indulgent ramblings, is by a mom, but she blogs about her husband and sons, and it can't be too girly....she blogs about Thomas the Tank Engine.
Fortunately, blogger #4 links to a German dad whose blog, Raising Chooks, mentions more European cities on one page than an atlas. Mentions Slytherin. What pop culture Harry has become.
Of course, the weirdness of the world took me to another blog, TooDangers World, which I am sure is lovely but I can't know for certain, since it's German. Hopefully, I'll be able to read blog #7.
So I ended up next on | up your workplace, a site which has picture of, and comments about, people's work stations. Apprently, blogger #6 can indeed speak English, since he posted a picture of his room with the caption: "the place I live, drink, eat, sleep, cry, play, jerk off!"
And I thought we were getting too girly. My mistake.
Still, the fun site led me to a dead end, but I am only at six bloggers. Need four more. Off to, my favourite blog. Hartley blogs about Saddam Hussein before leading me to blogger #8, h s n d r a k e . c o m, a political blog not updated since March. Gordon is well written, though, and has good taste, pointing me to blogger #9,, a rower in Victoria. In recent posts, Scott tells us how he made the worlds and is now in Spain with Team Canada. How cool is it to be blogging from the Worlds in any sport?
Anyhow, the only thing Scott links to is The Globe and Mail, so I give up. Maybe my linkcrawl tomorrow will be more successful.
In the meantime, happy blogging.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Headlines and more
10. Start campaign to emancipate downtrodden Tim Horton's coffee servers.
9. Lobby York Senate to make "AS/POLS 4091 3.00: Marxism, Feminism, Poststructuralism" a mandatory graduation requirement.
8. Create a new student club called RSY - rusticated students of York.
7. Run for YFS president with a slate called: "Whose Campus? The Left's Campus!"
6. Call for a Hillel-SPHR peace process, with a one-club solution.
5. Rename Excalibur "Palestine Weekly".
4. Host screenings of Fahrenheit 9/11 in GSA office.
3. Picket the 9th floor.
2. Write "Zionism is racism" editorial.
1. Try to get the megaphone choir to be made a permanent musical fixture.
Linkfest day one!
Superb Post Awards:
Common sense award in music: Dude, What about the Kids?: I'll take Avril
The anti-elitist award: The Truth Laid Bear: Who Watches The Watchers?
The terrorism-is-not-okay award: Random Pensees: "Root Causes"
The righteous indignation award: Being American in T.O.: 5 Years for Adscam answers
The soul-searching award: Fringe: These Five Things
Best bovine reprint: : : : W e t w i r e d . o r g : : : Government and corporations with cows
Political polemicizing award: Right Wing News: 40 Reasons To Vote For George Bush Or Against John Kerry
Overall blog quality awards:
Student journalism blog award: Gateway staff unofficial blog
Mainstream journalism blog award: National Post
The Ayn Rand award: Fuki Blog
The make-me-laugh-till-milk-comes-out-my-nose award: Right Wing Duck and IMAO
The blog I can't go two hours without checking:
More scandal, shenanigans and fun all this week at The Truth About York!
1000 bottles of.....something....
It's been 3 months and 8 days and who knows how many hours.....
We've hit 1000 hits.
And people think university students are apathetic.
In honour of this landmark, I hereby decree 7 days of rejoicing, to commence immediately. There will be links. Lots of links!
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Welcome back Dan....
Let's pray he decides to keep his megaphone to himself.
Fortunately, I don't have class in Vari Hall this year.
Reason #654 to love York
Why York is better?
The 1965 York University Act, which, when passed, made York a university, states:
"15. No religious test shall be required of any professor, lecturer, teacher, officer, employee or student of the University, nor shall any religious observances according to the regulations of any particular denomination or sect be imposed upon them."
I have a new slogan for us:
York: Where it isn't ok to stone people for keeping the wrong religion.
Far, far better than "redefine the possible".
Dan 1, Lorna 0
Three cheers for due process.
Update on contest: There has been a request as to what the prize will be for the winner of this week's contest. I have decided that the winner will get to select the July whiner of the month, within reasonable limits.
Entries due Saturday, click here for the original contest.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
I don't usually post on foreign policy but....
(Thanks to reader J for the link.)
Monday, July 19, 2004
Also, we got picked up on Fringe, which rocks.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Whiners alert: Hearing tomorrow? Or lack thereof?
I am a bit torn, and have been for a while. It is clear to me that Dan broke the rules. (I personally saw him use a megaphone once when he should not have been doing so.) It is clear to me that when I am trying to take a test, and he is trying to use a megaphone, he is both breaking the rules, and negatively affecting my education. It is clear that I want him gone. But he deserves to have the whole thing done properly.
I hate that he and his cronies are trying to make this into a free-speech issue. This is NOT about free speech. No one is saying Dan cannot speak. We are saying he should not scream while other people are trying to take a test.
Of course, I'm not going tomorrow, but it would be funny to see what happens.
In the meanwhile, April's whiner of the month Shamini Selvaratnam is busy, whining as usual. Her latest was forwarded to me via a whole bunch of people, and thus I present an example of why people at York (especially Shamini) are dumb:
So a contest. Props to the person who can find the most spelling and grammar mistakes in this letter. Super bonus points for factual errors. There are several of both. Email to thetruthaboutyork[at]
I amuse myself tremendously.
Update: Hmmm, I forgot to post a deadline. How is Saturday night the 24th? All entries must be done by then.
*Forward Widely*
***Dangerous Precedent being set by York U – Students right to political
organizing under attack***
York University student Daniel Freeman Maloy was expelled for 3 years
without appeal by Lorna Marsden – President and Vice Chancellor of York
University – on a unilateral move. Since then the University’s Senate has
passes a motion asking for the expelled student’s reinstatement yet nothing
was done.
The university has sited three additional incidences to show that
Freeman-Maloy breeched the student code of conduct. What is alarming is that
their list also included political organizing outside of the York University
It is preposterous for the university to think that a student can punished
academically for their life outside of campus. With the recent trend of
increasing administrative interference with students’ right to organize,
York’s move if left uncontested would set a dangerous precedent for other
institutions to clamp down on our student unions, and our right to
effectively participate in political organizing.
This case is now in front of the courts. If you are in-town (I know most of
you are in Torotno) on Monday JULY 19, 2004 show your support and solidarity
by coming down to the court house and listening to the hearing.
Monday, July 19
Divisional Court.
Osgoode Hall, (NE corner of Queen and University; if TTCing you can get off
at the Osgoode subway stop).
For more details about the case please read the attachment from the York
Free Speech committee.
In Friendship & Solidarity,
Shamini Selvaratnam
York University Senate
National Women's Representative
Canadian Federation of Students
Monday, July 12, 2004
Shades of BtVS
I figured, why not? I like the idea of a website that copies Buffy The Vampire Slayer , one of the best TV shows that ever aired. So with no further ado, gratuitous linkage:
Here is the most recent winning council post, here is the most recent winning non-council post, here is the list of results for the latest vote, and here is the initial posting of all the nominees that were voted on.
No I don't hate corporate America!
I'd like to ask, why complain?
My chief problem with the "tuition reduction" movement on campus is that they expect something for nothing. People want free or lower tuition. They ALSO want good professors, libraries full of books and small class sizes.
Some days I think these people would rather attend FantasyLand University. The money has to come from somewhere. In their minds, it appears that "somewhere" is "anyone other than me."
FACT: In 1998, York University signed an exclusive beverage deal with Pepsi. They get a captive audience, and we get:
• $120,000 per year to the York Federation of Students, the Graduate Student Association and the Student Centre Corporation.
• $125,000 per year to Sport and Recreation York.
• $125,000 per year to Fine Arts/Cultural programming.
• $105,000 per year to undergraduate non-Faculty college student councils.
• $25,000 per year to the Glendon College Student Union.
• $250,000 per year to complete the York Stadium
(this is verbatim from the above website.)
So while the "campus activists" complain all day about how Pepsi is evil, (while many of them are from the organizations getting the money), and we are getting the benefits of all the above perks.
That means the soccer team gets to go on tournaments (I assume we have a soccer team. I don't know for sure. But the point stands. Our athletic teams are under-funded.)
That means the GSA gets to campaign for more full-time profs.
That means the colleges run orientations that are fun.
That means Pepsi is paying for campus life.
Seems like a small price to pay. Something for nothing does not exist. SOMEONE has to pay for orientation. Pepsi is willing to. Seems to me we all win.
Someone once complained to me that the Pepsi vending machines say "Thank you for choosing Pepsi". This person was upset, because they felt that we have no choice. Pepsi is not a choice.
I, being impolite, laughed in this person's face.
Of COURSE we have a choice! Pepsi does not force us to vend. York does not require us to purchase Pepsi or else we don't graduate.
You don't like it, walk to Wendy's. Bring a soda from home. Buy coffee. You can always opt-out. But don't suggest that because YOU prefer Coke, no one can have orientation money from Pepsi. Because that is selfish.
And that's the truth about York.
Critical thinking skills anyone?
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
TTAY gets picked up
Of course, despite the basic entry requirements, it basically takes very little to get listed - you just sort of have to show up.
Sort of like a B+ at York I guess.
Canadian Teens think I'm evil
Apparently, according to Canadian teens, that makes me evil. Little Green Footballs (a blog worth reading) reports on the poll cited in
News flash. Racism on campus is there. A LOT. And supposedly, we're not supposed to think it's ok to hate someone because of her nationality.
Oh, wait. We hate Americans at York.
At long bloody last
Winner: Hands down, the Canadian Federation of Students.
If their absurd VoteEducation.Ca website wasn't silly enough, their June 16 charter challenge was just silly. At the time, a National Post article (that I can no longer find) had a student claiming that the law discriminates against women because women are more likely to have student debt.
That's just a silly argument.
Dan Freeman-Maloy got a bum rap
In comparison, DF-M (I'm getting tired of typing the whole thing) used a megaphone twice, and got rusticated for three years. Far be it from me to be a DF-M fan, but something isn't right here.
Maybe the world would be safer if Lorna was an Ontario Court Judge.
Monday, July 05, 2004
Raise your hand if you remember Moose
Worth reading are the post and the lengthy treatise on the subject offered by
The current stories of the "next generation" of s--- disturbers off to Isreal hearken a certain familiarity to last summer's famed ISM volunteer Mostafa Henaway, who was arrested for being in Israel on an expired Visa last fall. Mostafa, who was known as Moose by the Founders College students who loved him, was president of Founders College Council until he left. Coincidentally, at the same time that Moose left, all the FCC money was discovered to be missing.
But I'm sure that was just a coincidence.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Two kinds of York students
Are they not, after all, just expressing their opinions?
The answer, of course, is that there are two kinds of students at York: Those who want to protest the war on Iraq, and those who want to go to class and ultimately graduate.
Here's to hoping that the Iraqis, who now have their sovereignty back, will settle into democracy without too much kerfluffle, and that the rest of us can now go back to class.
Of course, with that new controversial film coming out, somehow I doubt it.
So here is my theme song to sing to people who are anti- war/American/conservative/my-right-to-go-to-class and thus protest all day.
GOB's "Give up the grudge":
Don't make me listen to the megaphone choir again
Still protesting a war that already reached the end
I hear them whining and complaining like they got it so tough
We’re sick of all your protests will you ever shut up!
So keep acting your mock checkpoints till no one even sees them
If that's the best you can make up, at least act like you mean it
Give up the grudge, shut your f***ing mouth
Why you gotta judge everbody but yourself
Take a look around, no one seems to care
Have you heard of lecture hall, maybe you should go there!
Your tuition's too high yeah that's a cryin shame
I guess 5 k a year buys nothing but complaints
The people in my riding think Stephen Harper's a threat
But Layton's a millionaire and Martin put you into debt!
So keep quoting Michael Moore till no one even hears it
If that's the best you can make up, perhaps you shouldn't be here!
Give up the grudge, shut your f***ing mouth
Why you gotta judge everbody but yourself
Take a look around, no one seems to care
Have you heard of lecture hall, maybe you should go there!
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Yet again, controversy stalks Lorna
York's media release describes honoree Richard Falk as "an eminent professor of international law" who "has been highly critical of Israeli policies".
Translation: A man who accuses Israel of attempted genocide has been awarded an honorary doctorate of laws.
The Jewish Tribune article quotes Falk as saying “It was time to realize that the occupation was not only illegal and criminal, but an exterminist one that sought to obliterate the very existence of the Palestinian people.”
The Canadian Jewish News article offers a response by Osgoode's Dean who notes that the complaints are "unfair" since Falk is opposed to suicide bombing.
Well, that changes everything. He opposes suicide bombing. Call the Pope. Maybe there's time to squeeze in a canonization. Or the Queen. Knighthood, here he comes.
Google "Richard Falk" and prepare for some interesting reading.
See the problem with York is that they don't get that there is nothing technically wrong with giving a doctorate to an academic whose views are controversial. But the York admin gets all hot and bothered when people shy away from coming here because of the Mideast tensions on campus.
Deal with it, Lorna. You open the door to controversy, and now it's come in for tea.
In related news, Falk will be speaking at CUNY's Graduate Center conference on Al-Qaeda. I'm sure that will be a real treat.
Sunday, June 20, 2004
York Quote of the Week
In this North York Mirror article about the subway to York that council wants to build, one councillor notes that a subway will take years to build, and that two years need to be added because of an environmental assessment.
"If God had to go through an EA, he would never have created the world," said Ward 36 Councillor Brian Ashton (Scarborough Southwest."