September 02, 2004
Fiscal Conservatives
Earlier today, fellow Milblogger Greyhawk at the Mudville Gazette observed:
Emerging theme of the Democratic response to the Republican convention speeches:Schwarzenegger is not a Republican
McCain is not a Republican
Zell Miller is not a Democrat
After listening to the spending proposals in the first half of Bush's speech, we can now add to that:
George Bush is no fiscal conservative
Bush could have saved us from having to listen to an hour of his grating diction by walkingto the microphone and stating:
I accept the nomination, and if I win, I intend to fund every imaginable program possible so the Democrats can't say I am mean.
Simply indecent.
Red State Blogging the Convention
Red State is really getting the job done with their coverage of the Repulican National Convention, and you owe it to yourself to take a quick look. Today alone, they have secured interviews with:
- Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele
- JC Watts
Also, both DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe and RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie have stopped by to do some guestblogging.
I can't tell you how proud I am of the effort being made by Krempasky, Tacitus, and Augustine, and I am equally thrilled to be a small contributer to the operation.
Shame on Richard Cohen
I guess the editors at the Washington Post are on vacation:
On the very day that George Bush changed his mind and said that the war on terrorism was in fact winnable, the following things happened: Suicide bombers killed 16 people in Israel; 12 Nepalese service workers (dishwashers, etc.) were massacred in Iraq; five Afghans were accidentally killed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan; nine people were killed by a suicide bomber at a Moscow subway station, and five more American servicemen were reported dead in Iraq. For worldwide terrorism, it was not a bad day.
You would be hard pressed to fill more nonsense into two sentences.
A.) Bush never 'changed his mind' about the war on terrorism. What he stated was that he is not sure that, in the abstract, it is possible to win in the sense that you will stamp out all terrorism. There will always be someone with a gun or a bomb somewhere. The Waron Terror, however, is a fight against organized terrorism with global reach. Cohen knows this- the NY Times knows it, and everyone who is not selling their credibility to buy John Kerry an election knows that.
B.) The next time someone tells you the left is not hostile to the American military, bring up this Cohen piece. Other than overt hostility, is there any way to describe why the accidental shootings in a combat zone of civilians (which has not even been verified yet) would be treated as terrorism?
Cohen's words again:
Suicide bombers killed 16 people in Israel; 12 Nepalese service workers (dishwashers, etc.) were massacred in Iraq; five Afghans were accidentally killed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan; nine people were killed by a suicide bomber at a Moscow subway station, and five more American servicemen were reported dead in Iraq.
Shorter Richart Cohen: "The United States Air Force. Worldwide Terrorists."
Coy Andy
I see Sullivan is having a gay old time bashing Zell Miller.
Hey Andy- you know what it is called when someone ascribes false characteristics to an individual based solely on stereotypes? It is called bigotry.
Hack. How did he even manage to write this line:
That macho invocation of the Marines was a classic: the kind of militarist swagger that this convention endorses and uses as a bludgeon against its opponents.
Did he even see the DNC? The left will try to spin this as 'over the top,' or venomous. And once again, the left and the Democrats will completely be blindsided by how this was accepted by independents and undecideds (Jay has similar remarks).
Miller's speech was not 'venomous,' or 'hate-filled.' It was a harsh attack on Kerry's VOTING RECORD and PUBLIC STATEMENTS, but that is completely fair game. What you saw was measured rage- anger based on an insider's view of the Democrats gaming foreign policy for partisan benefit. There is a reason Miller stated the folowing:
Where is the bi-partisanship in this country when we need it most?Now, while young Americans are dying in the sands of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, our nation is being torn apart and made weaker because of the Democrat's manic obsession to bring down our Commander-in- Chief.
What has happened to the party I've spent my life working in?
Does anyone doubt this? All the Democrats have done in the past three years is snipe, whine, coplain, obstruct, fabricate lies (16 words, the President doesn't attend funerals, they doctored the intelligence, etc.), and they are on record as trying to game the Senate Select Intelligence committee forpartisan gain. Zell Miller was notmaking things up. The reasons the Democrats are mad at Miler is because he has the goods on them.
And as far as Andy stooping so low as to attempt to inject racism and racist motives with his 'dixiecrat' slur- well, I used to think better of you, Andy.
Is Everyone a Liar?
Now the folks at Editor and Publisher are turning into lying sacks of shit. They completely mischaracterized this confrontation between Zell Miller and Chris Matthews:
"You're hopeless," Miller told Matthews, dead serious, speaking over a hook-up from Madison Square Garden, where he had earlier delivered the keynote address. "I wish I was with you there because I want to get in your face." Then Miller said he wished they were back in the age when you could challenge someone to a duel. "I don't know why I came on this program," he added, amidst four minutes of heated exchanges.Matthews had gotten on Miller's case right from the start, asking him if he really believed what he had said in his speech about Senator John Kerry wanting to defend America with "spitballs." As Miller fudged his answer, and Matthews in his customary style cut him short or talked over him, they each started shouting. Miller told Matthews to "get out of my face," later saying he wanted to get in Matthews' face.
Miller didn't fudge his answer. He replied quite clearly, stating (and I paraphrase) "That was a metaphor, Chris. You know what a metaphor is. John Kerry certainly did not want to defend the country with the B1 bomber."
Miller then went on to say that 'I knew you would try to do this to me,' and showed the camera all of the Kerry campaign literature stating in no uncertain terms the weapons systems he wanted to cancel.
Matthews then backpedaled and was apologetic and polite the rest of the interview.
Shame on you Editor and Publisher.
September 01, 2004
Campbell Brown
I have never seen anything more patently absurd than Campbell Brown's performance on MSNBC this week.
I asked my friend if he had seen Arnold's speech last night, and he said:
"No. I am not following these things because my vote is fixed."
Why the hell am I paying attention to this stuff? There is no chance I will vote for Kerry. Why keep getting myself worked up by the left (their lame attempts today to dsicredit Arnold's speech last night are a perfect example why they should be ignored).
The Correct Cleland Record
Credit goes to Paul Begala for being the very first Democrat to accurately state what happened in the 2002 Chambliss/Cleland campaign:
That, after all, was the fate of former Sen. Max Cleland who supported Bush's tax cuts and the war in Iraq. All he got for his goodwill was a ruthless general election campaign engineered by the national GOP on behalf of Saxby Chambliss, who ended up taking Cleland's seat after attack ads charged that the Vietnam triple amputee was soft on national security.
They didn't say he was Osama or Saddam.
They didn't question his patriotism.
They portrayed him as soft on defense because he chose to elevate union interests over Homeland Security interests.
Sully The Tease
Sully, no fan of the female figure, states:
HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT: Elisabeth Hasselbeck's ass. I know I'm not the best authority in these matters, but I think the C-Span cameraman had the same insight.
Where is the damned hyperlink, Sully?
A Sure Sign
A sure sign the convention is going well- the petulance and bile from the left:
Now Bush is introducing Laura via satellite -- he's standing in front of a fucking softball game. A softball game. The President has traveled to a fucking late-night sandlot to show his reg'lar guy credentials and note that he too loves his wife. This family sucks. They have absolutely no respect for the historic nature of their position and nowhere near the dignity to refrain from pretending they're jus' ordinary folks.
Really though- republicans are the mean people. I guess Bush's life-long love affair with baseball was merely just another opportunity to flash his 'regular guy' credentials. Same with all the t-ball games at the White House. But really- Democrats don't dislike Bush. There is no Bush hate. They just don't like his policies.
Perhaps Bush should take a cue from the Kerry crew and try some of these wildly successful 'regular guy' photo-ops:
Reg'lar guy John Kerry on a pheasant hunt in Iowa.
Reg'lar guy John Kerry during the French National anthem before mixing it up on the ice.
Reg'lar guy Kerry shows hisprowess on snow. Wait- he is good with ice and snow, and is haunted by his Vietnam memories. Maybe he should be Postmaster General?
Reg'lar guys wear Carhart. And John Kerry is a reg'lar guy! In Iowa! I would have paid cash money to watch him looking for ears of corn in the sorghum fields.
Reg'lar guys eat their food this way.
Clearly it is understandable why Ezra is mad at the campaign stops the President is making. Clearly there is lots of evidence to provethis is how this 'family sucks."
I wonder if people who donated to the the Brothers Grimm for this type of coverage can get a refund?
Instapundit links to this piece:
Sen. John Kerry is angry at the way his campaign has botched the attacks from the Swift boat veterans and has ordered a staff shakeup that will put former Clinton aides in top positions."The candidate is furious," a longtime senior Kerry adviser told the Daily News. "He knows the campaign was wrong. He wanted to go after the Swift boat attacks, but his top aides said no."
You just know that this was intentionally planted to make the candidate look better while hiscampaign is faltering, but it really doesn't.
How are we supposed to trust this man to lead us in the War on terror and in the War In Iraq when he doesn't even have enough courage to follow his own convictions in a political campaign?
Crazy Al
Alan Keyes, always the crowd pleaser:
Alan Keyes, the Republican candidate for a vacant U.S. Senate seat in Illinois, said Tuesday that Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter Mary is a "selfish hedonist" because she is a lesbian.His comments came during an interview with SIRIUS satellite radio.
Keyes said: "The essence of ... family life remains procreation. If we embrace homosexuality as a proper basis for marriage, we are saying that it's possible to have a marriage state that in principal excludes procreation and is based simply on the premise of selfish hedonism."
Asked whether that meant Mary Cheney "is a selfish hedonist," Keyes said: "That goes by definition. Of course she is."
I used to like listening to him speak. I used to like watching his tv show. What a hateful little troll.
August 31, 2004
Campbell Brown appears to be battling Andrea Mitchell for premier pissy bitch of the conference, and has now openly accused three delegates as liars because the speakers are not moderate enough.
The coverage is unbelievable. The marching orders have been issued. Gay marriage is not an issue in the GOP, but the press is going to try to make it one.
Apparently these blathering idiots, from Chris Matthews on down, are under the impression that diversity in a party means everyone agrees on the issue of gay marriage. That isn't diversity. Diversity means differing people with differing opinions gathered together under one roof. Do they agree on everything? No. But choosing the liberal cause of the day and claiming that total adherence to one side of the issue is the embodiment of diversity does nothing but demonstrate the extent to which the media and the liberals have hijacked the english language.
Remember, tolerance does not mean embracing things that you do notagree with. It means TOLERATING SHIT THAT PISSES YOU OFF, and remaining civil about the issue. When I say I have a low tolerance for pain, it does not mean I like pain, it means I can only put up with a certain amount of it.
Another example. I am not sure how much more of this bullshit from the media I can TOLERATE.
I have now heard them ask delegates ten times: "Arnold Schwarzanalphabet is pro-gay rights. Does that bother you? What does he bring to the convention knowing you disagree with him?"
Here is a question for you. How about the 90% of the DNC delegates who were against the war in Iraq, and the 60% who were against the war in Afghanistan? Kerry and Edwards are both in favor (depending on the poll numbers)- what do they have to offer the Delgates? Should they have been allowed to speak?
That liberal media. Idiots.
Andrea Mitchell
Is not even pretending anymore. Why aren't these assholes reequired to admit they are Kerry supporters? I watch IMus every morning, and he is voting for Kerry. I have no problem watching people orlistening to peole of different political persuasions. I am just tired of them pretending to be 'objective.'
Andrea's line tonight (I paraphrase):
"Arnold Schwarzanalphabet is goingto speak tonight, but of course we are not going to hear about his threatened veto of legislation designed to help undocumented workers."
Translation: Undocument Worker= ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, aka CRIMINAL
Personally, I want to hear about it. And I want EVERY DEMOCRAT IN THE COUNTRY TO ENDORSE IT. Publicly.
Just a Note
I want some of whatever Stephen Baldwin is on. Not as much. But some.
Does faith make you unable to blink?
Fruits and Nuts
What a maroon:
A 21-year-old Yale student, posing as a volunteer at the Republican National Convention, got within 10 feet of Vice President Dick Cheney and shouted anti-war statements before being dragged away, authorities said Tuesday.Secret Service Agent Shannon Zeigler said Cheney "was never in any harm or danger" during the incident Monday night in Madison Square Garden. The suspect, Thomas Frampton, was charged with assaulting federal officers and impeding the operation of the Secret Service.
Frampton was released on $50,000 bail and told to stay 100 feet from Cheney and President Bush. He also was ordered to give back a red convention volunteer's shirt he used to get into the arena, along with any convention passes.
My first though upon hearing a man got near Cheney was to try to remember if I had seen Howard Dean on tv lately. Turns out it is just another Ivy League prick.
August 30, 2004
That was McCain's best spech ever, although he seemed sedated while delivering it.
Giuliani was genius, and I loved the Kerry quips (Playing off the boos was brilliant- "but ohh- he must have heard you..."). The Ewards quip was also memorable.
Ron Silver's speech means I can keep watching the West Wing.
The surest sign it was a good night for the GOP- Chris Matthews looked like he was passing a watermelon sized kidney stone afterwards and Andrea Mitchel looked so angst-ridden and distraught I thought she was going to seize up. Then when she spoke, her tone was so bitter I thought she was going to undo all that wonderful cosmetic surgery she has had over the years to fix her ugly skin. What an ugly shrew.
The highlight of the night for me- the choir singing the service songs. I could listen to a good choir sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," so this was a special treat. Plus, I got to see the whole thing on INHD2, with no interruptions by idiot announcers, and in digital surround sound and hi-def. Pretty cool.
The Ruse Is Over
That about seals it for the NY Times. They are now running opinion pieces by open liars and frauds. And no- I don't mean Paul Krugman. I mean Rigboberta Menchu. Yes- that Rigoberta Menchu. Joe Biden must be pissed.
Free Rosario
I don't know if I would have arrested Rosario Dawson, but I sure as hell would have frisked her. Twice. Thoroughly. Weapons of Mass Distraction, I say.
Swift Boats
My father informed me this morning that he thinks Jack Chenoweth of Swift Boat fame may have been his fraternity brother at Theta Chi at Ohio University in the early 60's.
The Clenis
"Sometimes I think our friends on the other side have become the people of the Nine Commandments,'' Mr. Clinton said. "It is wrong to bear false witness.''
Clinton was unavailable for comment on Commandment's 4, 7, and 10.