Now. You think that ad was something? You ain't seen nothing yet. Watch these devastating clips from the upcoming documentary "Stolen Honor."
All of these clips are good, but I especially like the clip from James Warner, Vietnam POW, titled "The North Vietnamese told us we were war criminals, not covered by Geneva Convention."
An Open Letter to John Kerry from Decorated Vietnam Veterans: Please Focus on Today's Issues and Not Your Fuzzy Vietnam Memories (Like Your "Christmas in ... Cambodia" Fib)
Senator John Kerry 304 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Kerry,
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You can’t have it both ways. You can’t build your convention and much of your campaign around your service in Vietnam, and then try to say that only those veterans who agree with you have a right to speak up. There is no double standard for our right to free speech. We all earned it.
You said in 1992 “we do not need to divide America over who served and how.” Yet you and your surrogates continue to criticize President Bush for his service as a fighter pilot in the National Guard.
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We urge you to condemn the double standard that you and your campaign have enforced regarding a veteran’s right to openly express their feelings about your activities on return from Vietnam.
Texas State Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson Rep. Duke Cunningham Rep. Duncan Hunter Rep. Sam Johnson Lt. General David Palmer Robert O'Malley, Medal of Honor Recipient James Fleming, Medal of Honor Recipient Lieutenant Colonel Richard Castle (Ret.)
There's much more on the multiple ties between the Kerry Campaign and hard left-wing 527 groups here. Come on mainstream media - stop being shills for the Kerry campaign - it's unseemly.
[A]fter he was released from the Hanoi Hilton in 1973, McCain publicly complained that testimony by Kerry and others before J. William Fulbright’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee was “the most effective propaganda [my North Vietnamese captors] had to use against us.”
“They used Senator Fulbright a great deal,” McCain wrote in the May 14, 1973, issue of U.S. News & World Report. While he was languishing in a North Vietnamese prison cell, Kerry was telling the Fulbright committee that U.S. soldiers were committing war crimes in Vietnam as a matter of course.
Sen. Ted Kennedy, a key Kerry presidential backer, was “quoted again and again” by jailers at the Hanoi Hilton, McCain said.
“Clark Clifford was another [North Vietnamese] favorite,” the ex-POW told U.S. News, “right after he had been Secretary of Defense under President Johnson.”
“When Ramsey Clark came over [my jailers] thought that was a great coup for their cause,” McCain recalled. Months earlier, Sen. Kerry had appeared with Clark at the April 1971 Washington, D.C., anti-war protest that showcased his testimony before the Fulbright Committee.
“All through this period,” wrote McCain, his captors were “bombarding us with anti-war quotes from people in high places back in Washington. This was the most effective propaganda they had to use against us."
* * *
The way John Kerry's self-promoting lies were used to torture and demoralize American POW's in North Vietnam is also the subject of the most recent Swift Boat Veterans ad.
One must note, however, that the Washington Post and other mainstream media outlets still have failed to focus on the Kerry lies that are obvious and irrefutable, e.g., how he (Kerry) allegedly pondered President Nixon's words while Kerry was in Cambodia on Christmas 1968. Not a single person - either supporting Kerry or opposing him - can verify that Kerry was ever in Cambodia. And, indeed, Kerry's chain of command from that time-frame emphatically denies it. And by the way - Nixon wasn't even President on Christmas 1968.
Some people wondered how long the major media would be willing to ignore the Christmas-in-Cambodia story. Well, the answer is in: at least 10 or 11 days. I first noticed the story August 6 on Glenn Reynolds's Instapundit blog. Soon it was all over the Internet, the conservative press, talk radio, and some cable shows. But the networks, the New York Time s , the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and other major media didn't run the story. Some papers, like the Kansas City Star, got protests from readers on what appeared to be a news blackout. Finally, after an agonizingly slow response from the Kerry campaign, big media took account of the issue, muffling and burying the story they didn't want to carry in the first place.
The story is simple and by now well known. For 25 years John Kerry has said repeatedly that on Christmas or Christmas Eve of 1968 he took his swift boat into Cambodia on a covert and illegal mission. He said he got shot at by Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians or by "our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas." In 1979, Kerry wrote a piece for the Boston Herald noting that "the absurdity of almost being killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real." Kerry was wrong about Nixon, who was not yet president at the time--a minor and unimportant slip--but he said the memory of the Cambodian Christmas "is seared--seared into me."
The anti-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans for Truth book, Unfit for Command, argued that Kerry had never been in Cambodia. That charge was easily challenged as partisan. But a book supportive of Kerry and written with his help, Douglas Brinkley's Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War, said Kerry was on patrol 50 miles from the Cambodia border on Christmas Eve 1968 and spent Christmas Day writing journal entries back at his base. As the Washington Times argued in an editorial, all living commanders in Kerry's chain of command denied that Kerry had been in Cambodia, and three of Kerry's swift boat crew denied they or their boat had been in Cambodia during Christmas 1968. Two others refused comment.
Like the issue of President Bush's National Guard service, the Cambodian Christmas story is important only for the light it may shed on a candidate's mind and character. But unlike the Bush story, Kerry's Cambodian story set off no media frenzy. Glenn Reynolds wrote of the big media: "They're damaging themselves as more and more people notice that they're ignoring it." Boston Globe reporter Anne Kornblut was asked to comment on the Cambodian Christmas story on Meet the Press. She blew off the question, possibly because her paper hadn't yet bothered to report the story.
* * *
It is also very telling that, although a reading of the Washington Post article clearly shows that the Post finds flaws in both the Kerry and Swift Boat Veteran accounts, the Post just can't help reveal its liberal bias: it has to title the article "Swift Boat Accounts Flawed." The Washington Post still can't help but do at least a little of Kerry's dirty work - and throw a little gratuitous mud at the Swift Boat Veterans.
The Post, to its credit, did include this devastating quote in its article:
* * *
Others who served on boats that operated alongside Kerry on that fateful day in March 1969 say they cannot stand the man who is now challenging George W. Bush for the presidency.
"I think that Kerry's behavior was abominable," said Pees, the commander of the boat that hit the mine. "His actions after the war were particularly disgusting. He distorted the truth when he talked about atrocities. We went out of our way to protect civilians. To suggest otherwise is a grotesque lie. As far as I am concerned, he did not speak the truth about how we conducted operations in Vietnam."
On Vietnam, Kerry has said - with the over-the-top swagger of weak men: "Bring it on!" But when the Swift Boat Veterans "brought it on" Kerry said, "Stop it! Stop it!" What a pathetic fraud of an empty suit John Kerry is. Here's how the American POW's and their families back in the U.S. no doubt felt while Kerry was safely back home, accusing them of attrocities:
Alright. That's it. You all go vote for George W. Bush - and not that phony Dukakis-wannabe from Massachusetts - John Kerry. I'm all blogged out. The real world calls - and my heart has been broken. Y'all are on your own.
NEWSFLASH: KERRY CALLS FOR A BOOK BAN!! IS THIS STILL AMERICA??! John Kerry - with the aid of the New York Times, Washington Post and MSNBC's Chris Matthews - tries to censor the SwiftVets' First Amendment free speech rights!
So Kerry now is trying to smear the SwiftVets, and censor their speech - all with the help of the New York Times and MSNBC's Chris Matthews! Is this the America you know?
The Kerry campaign calls on a publisher to 'withdraw book' written by group of veterans, claiming veterans are lying about Kerry's service in Vietnam and operating as a front organization for Bush. Kerry campaign has told that the publisher of UNFIT FOR COMMAND is 'retailing a hoax'... 'No publisher should want to be selling books with proven falsehoods in them,' Kerry campaign spokesman Chad Clanton tells the online mag... Developing...
The Democratic Party is desperate for power. They are happy - HAPPY - to toss the Bill of Rights into the flames to assure they win an election. Pathetic - but dangerous.
THERE'S now some real angst in Democratic circles be cause of the growing evidence that Democrat John Kerry's claim to have a memory "seared in me" of spending Christmas 1968 in Cambodia was false — and just didn't happen.
But what worries some pro-Kerry Democrats is the fear that Kerry has, as one put it, "an Al Gore problem" — that he's a serial exaggerator. (Remember how Gore claimed to have invented the Internet and inspired the novel "Love Story"?)
Remember Kerry's claim that "I've met foreign leaders" who told him he had to beat Bush? Turned out he hadn't met any foreign leaders in years.
Kerry's campaign Web site claimed credit for Vietnam missions when another man, Tedd Peck, was the skipper (that was removed when he protested) and last week was claiming credit for former Sen. Bob Kerrey's service as Senate Intelligence Committee vice chairman.
"John Kerry, Bob Kerrey — similar names," blithely explained Kerry campaign spokesman Michael Meehan, as if Kerry didn't know his own bio.
Not one of Kerry's Swift boat crewmates, even the ones backing his candidacy, recalls being in Cambodia in Christmas 1968 — and anti-Kerry Swift boat veterans cite a host of evidence that he was 50 miles away in Vietnam.
Why does it matter? Because Kerry has said the Cambodia incident — of being sent on a covert mission to "a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops" was "seared" in his mind and changed his view of America.
Team Kerry's excuse is that maybe he accidentally crossed the border or his time frame was fuzzy, but that just won't square with his passionate 1986 claim, on the Senate floor, that the Christmas memory was "seared — seared — in me."
Unlike the conflicts over Kerry's medals, this isn't a he said/he said dispute — Kerry either was or wasn't in Cambodia. Eventually a reporter will ask him point-blank if he still claims he was in Cambodia that Christmas — yes or no.
For sure, as the anti-Kerry Swift vets pointed out — thus embarrassing every reporter who missed it for over a decade — Kerry's statements were clearly false, since Nixon wasn't yet president in Christmas 1968. But adding Nixon sure embellishes the tale.
The story has unraveled so badly that Kerry's court biographer, Douglas Brinkley, is said to be preparing a new account in which Cambodia is said to come post-Christmas. So why did Brinkley leave it out of his campaign bio?
The other fascinating part of this story is the key role that bloggers on the Internet have played in pointing out the holes in Kerry's story — even as much of the press tries to ignore them.
For instance, when Team Kerry held a press conference featuring his crewmates this week, one was conspicuously missing — David Alston — after the Internet-fueled revelation that he may have only served on Kerry's boat for one week.
A Web blogger, captainsquartersblog, began questioning whether Alston (who has spoken emotionally about how they "bled together") ever served with Kerry. National Review examined the records and concluded maybe — for just one week.
This whole story could be a test of the Internet's impact in this campaign. While most papers have been ignoring the story — until Kerry went ballistic at the Swift vets yesterday — bloggers have been examining it in detail.
Their online dialogue is punctuated with questions about why the "mainstream media" have been mostly ignoring this story — and why the 13 pro-Kerry vets are automatically assumed to have more credibility than 264 anti-Kerry vets.
Just imagine the coverage if 264 vets who served with Bush in the Texas Air National Guard made similar charges. For those bloggers, this story has become a test of the mainstream media's credibility — and its liberal anti-Bush bias.
1. With the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, Iraq is no longer a state sponsor of terror. According to State Department reports on terrorism, before the removal of Saddam's regime, Iraq was one of seven state sponsors of terror.
2. Saddam Hussein's regime posed a threat to the security of the United States and the world. With the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime, a leader who pursued, used, and possessed weapons of mass destruction is no longer in power.
3. Saddam Hussein would not uphold his international commitments, and now that he is no longer in power, the world is safe from this tyrant. The old Iraqi regime defied the international community and seventeen UN resolutions for twelve years and gave every indication that it would never disarm and never comply with the just demands of the world.
4. A senior al Qaida terrorist, now detained, who had been responsible for al Qaida training camps in Afghanistan, reports that al Qaida was intent on obtaining WMD assistance from Iraq. According to a credible, high-level al Qaida source, Usama Bin Laden and deceased al Qaida leader Muhammad Atif did not believe that al Qaida labs in Afghanistan were capable of manufacturing chemical and biological weapons, so they turned to Iraq for assistance. Iraq agreed to provide chemical and biological weapons training for two al Qaida associates starting in December 2000.
5. Senior al Qaida associate Abu Musab al-Zarqawi came to Baghdad in May 2002 for medical treatment along with approximately two dozen al Qaida terrorist associates. This group stayed in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq and plotted terrorist attacks around the world.
6. A safe haven in Iraq belonging to Ansar al-Islam -- a terrorist group closely associated with Zarqawi and al Qaida -- was destroyed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In March 2003, during a raid on the compound controlled by the terrorists in northeastern Iraq, a cache of documents was discovered, including computer discs and foreign passports belonging to fighters from various Middle East nationalities.
7. The al Qaida affiliate Ansar al-Islam is known to still be present in Iraq. Such terrorist groups are now plotting against U.S. forces in Iraq.
8. Law enforcement and intelligence operations have disrupted al Qaida associate Abu Musab Zarqawi's poison plotting in France, Britain, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia. The facilities in Northern Iraq, set up by Zarqawi and Ansar al-Islam were, before the war, an al Qaida's poisons/toxins laboratory.
9. Abu Musa Zarqawi, the al Qaida associate with direct links to Iraq, oversaw those responsible for the assassination of USAID officer Laurence Foley in Amman, Jordan last October.
10. Saddam Hussein's Iraq provided material assistance to Palestinian terrorist groups, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, HAMAS, and the Palestine Islamic Jihad, according to a State Department report. This included paying the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, according to testimonials from Palestinians and cancelled checks. Also, according to State Department reports, terrorist groups the Iranian Mujahedin-e-Khalq and the Abu Nidal organization were protected by the Iraqi regime protected by the Iraqi regime.
To see the video of the beheading of by Nick Berg, by Al Qaeda in or near Baghdad, Iraq on May 11, 2004, go to Kevin Aylward's Wizbang blog or or Still shots from the video of Nick Berg being beheaded - which are a little more manageable (no downloading is required) - are provided here (just scroll down through the story).
Freedom must defeat tyranny. Please support the United States military, the Coalition forces, the civilian government of Iraq, and their noble goal: a free and democratic Iraq, free from the hatred and murder of al Qaeda madmen. Links to organizations supporting our troops and their families are listed here.
Freedom must defeat tyranny. Please support the United States military, the Coalition forces, the civilian government of Iraq, and their noble goal: a free and democratic Iraq, free from the hatred and murder of al Qaeda madmen. Links to organizations supporting our troops and their families are listed here.
'If the Democrats had been present throughout the '80s, there would still be a Soviet Union with nukes still aimed at us. Had there not been a Democrat administration in the early '90s, the Chinese would not be able to target us with their nukes. We damn well better be scared when the Democrats run the show. I know I sure as hell am.'
The goal is to make all top searches for Kerry and Bush result in a pro Bush site. Just look at the list below to see how it can be done. The first link is the full blogroll. The second link is "Kerry" pointing to the full blogroll. The thrid link is "Bush" pointing to the full blogroll.
Click the link to view the code for the Mega Google-Bomb so you can cut and paste into your blog/site. Mega G-Bomb Code for the Sidebar Mega G-Bomb Code for the Main Posting area