Pray for Nick.
Conservative Dialysis is in need of your help. Please be in prayer for a fellow blogger and his wife.
Conservative and extremely biased thoughts and opinions.
To learn more about my way of thinking take a look at my first post "Day One...".
Conservative Dialysis is in need of your help. Please be in prayer for a fellow blogger and his wife.
Tell me what you think. Should we boycott Heinz? After all wouldn't that be what Kerry would want. According to Kerry we shouldn't allow companies to send work overseas. Yet, his wife's inherited company has numerous factories abroad.
Here is an e-mail that is floating around that after checking for myself, I’ve found to be true.
SOMEONE SHARED THIS WITH ME... it's worth reading!
Check this out:
I checked and my bottle of Heinz catsup says "Product of Canada"! Guess I'll be checking out all the Heinz products at the store!
Shortly after reading the following e-mail content, I happened to look at the label of a jar of Heinz sandwich slice pickles.
Yep...."Made in Mexico."
Check some of your Heinz products.
Sen. John Kerry keeps talking about U.S. corporations leaving this country and setting up shop in foreign countries, taking thousands of jobs with them. He is right, because that has happened.
However, he is trying to blame it on George W. Bush. As far as I know, Bush has not moved one factory out of this country because he is not the owner of a single factory.
That cannot be said about Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Kerry’s own 32 factories in Europe and 18 in Asia and the Pacific. In addition, their company, the Heinz Company, leases four factories in Europe and four in Asia. Also, they own 27 factories in North America, some of which are in Mexico and the Caribbean.
I wonder how many hundreds of American workers lost their jobs when these plants relocated in foreign countries? I also wonder if the workers in Mexico and Asia are paid the same wages and benefits as workers in the United States.
Of course they're not. However, Kerry demands that other companies that relocate should pay the same benefits they did in the U.S. Why does he not demand this of the Heinz Company, since he is married to the owner?
If Kerry is elected, will he and his wife close all those foreign factories
and bring all those jobs back to America?
Of course they won't.
They're making millions off that cheap labor.
Then go check your bottle of Heinz ketchup like I did....sure enough, MADE IN CANADA !
I found a new blog today thanks to Showcase. Well the blog is new to me anyway. What is this new blog you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Verifrank. And that is exactly what he is... Very frank.
I noticed his blog due to this post that you defiantly need to check out. He takes us back in time and gives a very good look at our present as compared to our past. Quite the eye-opener on the war on terror.
Also, check out his bio, here are some quotes from it that really impressed me.
*My political life began at a rally by the then California Govenor Jerry Brown-(Democrat), where he annouced that the problems of that time ( high crime, double digit inflation, gas shortages ) were due to the American people expecting too much and thus, we should all "Lower our expectations".
*I registered as a Republican for the first time the next day.
*I believe I have a right to be offended, and I insist that it be exercised often.
*I believe that political office should be sought with the same vigor that jury duty is sought and by the same people.
*I believe America is not just a place but an idea as well as an ideal.
*I believe America is the last best hope for mankind.
I thought that I was on a roll. I had posted 11 times in the space of 6 days (not counting weekends). Things were looking good. Then all of a sudden, I posted on Monday the 9th of August and fell off the face of the earth. I’m not sure where I went or what I did, but my blog went untouched.
So here I am, trying again. I have a goal for the remainder of this month, to at least post once a day. Even if it’s just some personal commentary such as this one. I know I have two articles that I have promised to write. In my post “At Least He Gave an Answer” I had said that I would give my reply and I have yet to do it. So, hopefully I’ll get to it this week. Then, I wrote a post along time ago speaking about "The Failures of Fica". At the end of the post I mentioned that I would be posting an article about Modern Slavery in America – or – Democrats: the Modern Day Slave Trader. I hope to get to that one in the near future as well.
So, we’ll see how this goes. Sing along with me “Hiiiii Hooooo, Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s off to post I go *whistle* Whistle while you post, *whistle* , Whistle while you post…”
Read this post first
Below is an exerpt from The American Spectator.
Last week Sen. John Kerry ridiculed President George W. Bush for continuing to sit with school children in Florida after chief of staff Andrew Card informed him that a planes had hit the World Trade Center buildings. Bush sat with the children for seven minutes, before cutting short his appearance and pulling together senior staff for a briefing.
Kerry claimed he would have done better. But he didn't, and even admitted it.
Kerry has stated on several occasions publicly that he literally froze up after hearing about the terrorist attacks in New York. According to Kerry and several of his staff members, Kerry was meeting with several other U.S. senators in Washington when word came about the New York attacks. Kerry claims that he and his Democratic colleagues sat together for more than 45 minutes, stunned by the news. Even after word came about the attack on the Pentagon, Kerry was immobilized.
"It was not his finest hour, or two hours," says a former Kerry staffer, now advising the campaign. "But there were a lot of folks in this town who didn't perform up to snuff. That said, Kerry shouldn't be slapping Bush around about his seven minutes. Kerry had ten-times that, maybe more."
The WSJ Online has an article entitled Wag the Pundits that is worth reading. It seems that no matter what the Bush administration does, he still receives nothing but criticism from the left. The WSJ expresses much of the same feelings that the rest of us on the right have.
I’m sure you have heard all the hand wringing about the recent Terror alerts. There are those that are suggesting that this was a political stunt for the purpose of throwing off the Kerry campaign. But in actuality it is just another one of those situations that no matter what direction the Bush administration took, they would have been harshly criticized.
“Everyone knows enough about al Qaeda's modus operandi by now to understand that the group plans years in advance and doesn't easily give up on targets. They also understand that the same people nitpicking now would be the first to point the finger if there was an attack and such information had been withheld.”
“Speculation about the timing of arrests and the motives for terror warnings doesn't do anything to reassure voters that the Democratic Party is serious about protecting them. We're pretty sure most Americans see the latest blows to al Qaeda as unalloyed good news, even if some of the credit has to go to the Bush Administration.”
“It would be foolish to suggest that these important arrests have neutralized the al Qaeda threat. But they will surely prove disruptive to the group's operations worldwide. Other cells will not know to what extent their own activities may have been compromised. These arrests are also another empirical nail in the coffin of the theory that Iraq has been a big distraction from the broader war on terror. (Emphasis added)
“And what about all those allies we've supposedly alienated? They seem quite happy to help the U.S., thank you, if only for their own self-interest. Just this week Pakistani Prime Minister designate Shaukat Aziz escaped an assassination attempt, and the Musharraf government seems more committed to the war on terror than ever. Somehow we doubt they need to be ordered to round up terror suspects on a U.S. political schedule, as one Washington political magazine recently theorized.”
Recently John Hawkins at RWN had a post called “John Kerry in Quotes”. Basically he displays a series of quotes from or about Kerry. Hawkins did not give commentary but allowed Kerry to debate himself on several issues.
As comments on the post began pilling up a few liberals joined in and gave their slanted viewpoints. One of these liberals went by the name of Huckupchuck. You can check his site out here.
As the debate took flight, Huck and I got into a friendly sidebar. I stress the word friendly because that is exactly how the responses went. We had a very civil discourse, although we are on opposite ends of the spectrum politically, and most likely in many other areas.
Huck visited my site and left me a very kind comment on my post “Way to go Joe!”. I e-mailed him in kind and complemented him on our discourse. In this e-mail I asked him about posting part of our dialogue. I told him that I wanted to do an article on it and give my point by point response. I also asked Mr. Hawkins and he told me that it was not necessary to get permission.
Huck also reponded:
I appreciate your email and would be flattered if you posted my comment and gave it a critical treatment. It would keep me intellectually honest and force me to rethink and refine my own positions and arguments.
Huck,I can see your point about the overkill. I still think it to be important enough to bring out once in a while as a reminder of who Kerry is... isn' As to the Democrats being "...focused on another, more positive message of who and what the Democrats are and will likely be as leaders of this country." I too welcome that discussion. I would like to know what platform they are running on (besides, "I'm not Bush") - Maybe then we would have something more to say about the Kerry/Edwards campaign besides the obvious fact that no one knows what it is... isn't... is.
Would you answer this question? If you are voting for Kerry, why? (Rule: You can't say because you think he'll do a better job than Bush, give a solid reason). I'm not trying to trap you, (I think) I'm honestly curious.
by Gpcii on 2004-07-29 14:00:34
Gpcii - Of course I am voting for Kerry, and I'm happy to tell you why.
First, I admire his knowledge of foreign affairs and his leadership abilities during wartime. But, more importantly, I admire his ability and willingness to be a patriot/veteran while also being self-reflective and even critical of what he deemed to be wrong policy -- even policy for which he at one time killed.
Second, though I wish he had more spine and was less of a politician in the waffling sense, I do think that his willingness to change positions when necessary is an asset: you might call it flip-flopping (and it could be), but I would contrast it with Bush's seeming inability to admit mistakes or to change courses -- i.e. his stubbornness -- as something all good leaders need to have.As much as some might consider this a mark of wishy-washy convictions, I think it is a mark of pragmatic flexibility and even humility.
Third, ideologically, I think Kerry better represents my take on the purpose and role of government. I don't believe government should substitute for individual responsibility and I don't think government should interfere in personal affairs -- whether in the businessroom or in the bedroom. But I do think government has a responsibility to do more to, as Barack Obama said in his speech, give the marginalized the opportunity to succeed. And I hold with more liberal views on the means to do this than I do with conservative views. Kerry reflects this in his politics.
And, finally, I just find Kerry to be a more inspiring leader. I get the impression that George Bush is out of his natural element and essentially uncomfortable in dealing with the outside world. Kerry, even moreso than Bill Clinton, strikes me as someone who can take the bulls by the horns, so to speak, and to move the world in directions beneficial to U.S. interests. I also think Kerry has to be and will be a strong wartime leader. The issue of Kerry's defense credentials, I think, is the most misleading characterization of Kerry coming out of the conservative establishment. When push comes to shove, Kerry has proven that he is not above taking out the gun and using it to save American lives and defend this country. As someone who considers himself a pacifist, I don't agree with this way of resolving conflict, but it is a patriotic leadership characteristic that I think will make him a fine commander-in-chief.
by huckupchuck on 2004-07-29 14:26:51
Stories like this really tick me off! All Kerry has been able to do with his campaign is criticize Bush. Yet, Kerry himself, couldn’t do any better. In fact, He’d do much worse.
"Had I been reading to children and had my top aide whispered in my ear, 'America is under attack,' I would have told those kids very politely and nicely that the president of the United States had something that he needed to attend to -- and I would have attended to it," ~ Emphasis added.
"...And as I came in [to a meeting in Sen. Daschle's office], Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon..." ~ Emphasis added
Crush Kerry has an excellent post in which he details a strategy that he believes President Bush should use in the days prior to the RNC.
Check it out.
Jperspective weighs in on the deficit. Seems Kerry has reason for concern.
Wide Awake: Notes on Life has a list of 36 Things Liberals Won't Say.
Jus'Talkin has a great article about the PC world in which we live and it's decaying effect on our country.
I got mentioned in the post "Just Say No To Blogs?" over at The Flying Space Monkey Chronicles. No, he was not saying "no" to my blog (I think).
Frank J has a pretty funny take on the intelligence Czar position. Take a moment and check it out.
This seems to be just one more feather in the weenie’s hat. The Johns are so full of… themselves that they can’t even tell the truth about what they eat.
As I was blogsurfing, I came across an entry at Showcase by A Modern American. His post linked to this article about the Johns use of Moore tactics in omitting the whole truth.
And Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, charmed the world last week with her yarn about how she and her hubby celebrate their wedding anniversary each year at Wendy's.
But apparently, those square-shaped fast-food patties, well . . . just don't cut the mustard for these high-falutin' patricians. (With or without the ketchup.)
Indeed, it seems that on Friday the Kerrys and the Edwardses mugged for the media at a Wendy's in upstate Newburgh, presumably to prove that Elizabeth was telling the truth about their anniversary tradition.
Only one problem: Their real meal was waiting for them back on the bus.
According to the Mid-Hudson News Network, a Kerry campaign aide had called a very upscale eatery at the tony Newburgh Yacht Club the night before and ordered 19 haut cuisine dishes to be picked up at the same time as the Wendy's photo-op.
Indeed, that seems to be the theme for the campaign: They talk about an issue (say, Kerry's Vietnam service) and leave out any mention of the key facts (like, his subsequent radical anti-war slurs on the military and his repeated Senate votes to weaken it).
But, sooner or later, won't voters ask: Where's the beef?
I received an e-mail today that alerted me to this editorial on John Kerry by Don Bendell.
Thank you, John Kerry, for helping make us Vietnam veterans war heroes now, but you also were the primary reason that the American public grabbed sturdy unbending brooms of judgment and swept us into the closet of silence and shame for so many years. Now, with your latest unreported insanity, you are getting ready for our society to grab those same stiff brooms and sweep our brave, noble young men and women fighting against the War on Terror in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, into that cold, dark cell of heartbreak and betrayal, like we Vietnam veterans had to endure in silent dignity. I cannot and will not watch this country go through that again.
The hardcore America-hating, Israel-hating, jihad-spouting Muslim clerics in the mideast are very excited and passing around a front page newspaper story from the very anti-American TEHRAN TIMES in Iran. In the country that is home of the world’s toughest theocratic dictatorship, an e-mail from Democratic Presidential nominee, you, John Forbes Kerry, sent to the paper by your campaign committee, although they deny sending it, was printed word-for-word on the front page of Iran’s main newspaper. Your message states emphatically that, if elected President, you, John Kerry plan to travel to the mideast and elsewhere and apologize for our actions and the actions of President Bush in the War on Terror. You are already apologizing. It says that you plan to apologize to friends and foes alike. That is right, folks. John Kerry will say he is “sorry,” and in his mind, all those jihad extremists, who have vowed to kill all Americans wherever we are, will simply forgive us, hold hands with Kerry, start singing “Kumbaya,” and all will be right in the world. This is insane! You have also made statements you will do these actions within 100 days of becoming President.
Senior writer Kenneth R. Timmerman in the March 1st edition of INSIGHT, tells about the massive campaign contributions to the Kerry-for-President campaign by three Iranian businessmen living in the US, who are lobbying for the US lifting of sanctions on Iran and accepting the anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-American Tehran regime and the close ties of one to the chairman of Mobil Oil.
“Pro-democracy dissidents” in Iran are shocked and appalled at your remarks, and have reported that in Iran and other Mideastern countries, that all the extremists and anti-west mullahs who strongly supported the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, USS Cole, Marine Barracks, and anyplace Americans congregate, want you to become our President, but they are scared to death of George W. Bush. Just think, The Democratic candidate for President, you, John Forbes Kerry, is endorsed by the Al Q’Aida, Hezbollah, PLF, and Hamas.
But on February 27, 2004, in a speech at UCLA , you, while trying to talk tough, despite voting against all major weapons systems for the past 18 years, stated that you will continue the War on Terror, but would use our police forces, and especially those in foreign countries, and you would also put our troops back under the powder blue flag of the United Nations. You recently made comments about Bush making troops fight without Kevlar vests, but you, Senator Kerry, voted against buying them while you were in the Senate. Senate Bill 1689. Passed 87-12. You were one of the 12. Remember?
Like the Kama Sutra, Senator, you change positions constantly. You’re not going to end the War on Terror, but instead use police to handcuff terrorists and read them their rights; then a week later, you are going to end the War on Terrorism and apologize to everyone we have offended, such as Iran. What is it going be next week, John Kerry? You flip-flop more than a beached tuna on steroids.
You convinced TV reporters Chris Wallace on Fox and NBC’s Tim Russert that a photograph circulating the web and news showing you a few rows away from Jane Fonda at a September, 1970 Anti-War Rally at Valley Forge, was simply a coincidence and that you and Hanoi Jane barely knew each other. But, in fact, Senator, there were only 8 speakers that day, including Fonda, Donald Southerland, and Bella Abzug, and Hanoi Jane funded that rally, and the keynote speaker was you, John Forbes Kerry, executive committee member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
We must be Americans first, and think about our political parties after that. Sometimes we lose sight of that. I have six grown children and two are democrats. I voted for Jimmy Carter. This is not about politics. It is about standing up to the ultimate playground bully, and not simply cowering and kissing his shoes.
I left it “all on the field” in the jungles back there when I was medevaced out of Vietnam in March of 1969 and sent back to hospitals in “The World.” Although You, Mr. Kerry, painted all of us Vietnam veterans with the yellow brush of My Lai, most of us, draftees and lifers alike, actually poured our hearts out in the tropical rain forests and in the rice paddies, thoroughly gave it our all, and acted as warriors who had honor. I have a son earning his green beret at Fort Bragg right now and a daughter-in-law who was on orders for Iraq but is making me a grandpa again. I am not going to stand by and watch them go through the same treatment we did, because some of our well-meaning fellow Americans choose to wear blinders and believe things just because they heard it on the network news or simply not care enough to get involved.
I am not a “baby-killer, torturer, or murderer,” John Kerry. I am a Vietnam veteran and an American who will not soon forget, or ever want to see again, any more jets loaded with fuel and screaming, innocent Americans slamming into our buildings on our very own soil. I have shed enough tears for ten lifetimes. We all have. I will never again let my fellow countrymen get away with making American veterans feel like bastard step-children.
Santayana said, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
John Kerry, I now call on my “Band of Brothers,” those who have heard the sound of guns and cries of orphaned children, those who hate war more than anyone who has not been there, to join me in this difficult battle ahead. Republicans, democrats, independents, and the apolitical, I call on the 25,000,000 veterans of this country to help me confront this evil facing our great nation, not with guns and bombs, but with our voices, our votes, our computers, and with all our fighting spirit.
My fellow veterans, your families, survivors, and neighbors: God bless you and God bless America.
You want proof of all I have to say. Here are the references:;=2004&m=03&d;=01&a=12
Want more proof? Read the very exposing February 27, 2004 article, on page 8, of the NY Sun by Thomas Lipscomb, founder of Time Books and publisher of Admiral Elmo Zumwalt’s best-selling book. “ON WATCH ”. Also read what the man who pinned the Silver Star on John Kerry had to say about him. The article is entitled “Setting Straight Kerry’s War Record “
NewsMax.comThursday, Aug. 5, 2004
A new book written by the Swift Boat sailors who served with John Kerry in Vietnam offers a devastating critique of his military record.
According to DrudgeReport, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” written by John O’Neill and Jerome R. Corsi, add new details to revelations about Kerry’s record. (NewsMax has a FREE offer for this book, click here).
Story Continues Below
Among the bombshells Drudge reports:
• All three of Kerry's Purple Hearts were for minor injuries, not requiring any hospitalization, and two were self-inflicted.
• A "fanny wound" was the highlight of his Bronze Star.
• Kerry filed a false report to exploit the death of a Vietnamese father and child as an act of "heroism."
• He burned an abandoned Vietnamese village and slaughtered the civilians’ livestock.
• “Kerry's reckless behavior convinced his colleagues that he had to go - becoming the only Swift Boat veteran to serve only four months,” Drudge reported.
• “Unfit for Command,” scheduled for release Aug. 15, could do as much damage to Kerry as the entire year’s packed lineup of Bush-bashing movies and books has done to the president.
O'Neill, who served with John Kerry in Vietnam and has been exposing the Massachusetts Democrat’s military record ever since, has terrified Kerry’s presidential campaign with the explosive new book.
As NewsMax has reported, O’Neill, a leader of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, has:
• Forced Kerry in 1971 to admit he never witnessed the war crimes he had accused U.S. troops of committing.
• Stated at a news conference last month: “We resent very deeply the false war crimes charges he made coming back from Vietnam in 1971 and repeated in the book ‘Tour of Duty.’
"We think those cast an aspersion on all those living and dead, from our unit and other units in Vietnam.
"We think that he knew he was lying when he made the charges, and we think that they're unsupportable. We intend to bring the truth about that to the American people.
“We believe, based on our experience with him, that he is totally unfit to be the Commander-in-Chief."
• Pointed out that despite the show staged at the Democrat convention, most of the officers in Kerry’s division have signed a public letter saying he's unfit to lead.
• Accused Kerry of exaggerating and even faking his wounds. "He literally is a guy who parades around and pretends to be something he's not,” O’Neill said.
“He was in Vietnam for four months; everyone else was there for a year. He obtained three Purple Hearts from self-inflicted wounds. And then he left."
• Urged Kerry to stop exploiting photos of fellow soldiers, many of whom oppose his candidacy.
• Revealed how Kerry’s campaign has tried to muzzle Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
O’Neill has explained: “It's his self-promotion that infuriates most of the people from his unit, who actually know what he did. He would be a terrible commander in chief of U.S. forces in the world at a time of crisis."
There is an article over at MSNBC entitled Kerry plans TV blackout in August. As interesting as the article is in and of itself, as it refers to Kerry’s plan on conserving his federal campaign funds, I was more intrigued by a statement made by Michael Meehan.
The Bush campaign has said repeatedly that Bush, too, plans to accept full
government financing for the race after he is nominated in New York City on
Sept. 2.
“We take them at their word,” Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan
Now, I wonder why that is? Is it because Bush is a liar? Or, could it possibly be that Bush is trustworthy and he does everything he says he’ll do? Too bad this can’t be said of Kerry. I wonder what the response would be if Michael Meehan were to comment on something Kerry was reported as saying. Maybe, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”?