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September 21, 2003

A Club For The Rest of Us

Aaron posted in English @ 6:53 pm in Freedom of Speech

Girl Wants To Start Caucasian Club At High School

This headline made me giddy. I absolutely love the idea. I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it sooner. Finally, a club for the leftovers, a club for the people without a club. A club for the persecuted, a club for the scapegoat. Finally, Caucasians can meet with other Caucasians and talk about their plight in society. A place to shed our burdens. A place for Caucasians to meet other Caucasians and do things Caucasian. I’ll bring the chips and dip to the first meeting.

Lisa McClelland says she isn’t a racist. She says her campaign for a Caucasian Club at her California high school is a move toward diversity, not bigotry.

It’s amazing how a club for Caucasians–ok, let’s just say it, WHITE PEOPLE–could be construed as “racist” thereby requiring the founder of the club to proclaim that the club is not racist. Did we ask these questions of the NAACP? Or such high school clubs for Asian students, Black students, or the clubs for other minorities? How about the youth groups? There are plenty of Catholic youth groups, Jewish Youth groups, and others I’m sure. No one suggests that those are exclusive, or bigoted, or racist. So why must the White People Club have to explain the non-bigoted motives of the club? I say that is why there should be a club for white people.

She says everyone is invited – and nobody will be excluded.

Notice how it is the club of the white, by the white people, and for the white people that is ready to invite EVERYONE. I doubt you’ll see a fly white guy at a Black Student Union meeting. Of course, I do have a bit of trouble with her intentions of inviting everyone, since it would perhaps be counterproductive. But, as I though about it more, I think it is to prove a point. Do you actually think a Black student, or an Asian student, or any non-white student would walk into a Caucasian Club meeting? They would be ostracized.

McClelland’s ethnic background includes American Indian, Hispanic, Dutch, German, Italian and Irish. She says she and her friends feel slighted by other clubs at Freedom High School in Oakley, such as the Black Student Union and the Asian Club.

I applaud McClelland. Finally, someone is going up to bat for the white man (and woman). I hope this starts national trend. If we are willing to accept clubs that segregate people of different ethnicities, than let’s bring on the Caucasian Club. It feels good to belong to something, and if a normal average non-ethnically diverse white person has no club to join, we must give them a social outlet to meet other people of similar boring old Caucasian background.

McClelland says she’s collected 245 signatures of support from students, adults and others since announcing her plans three weeks ago.

One person who won’t be signing up is Darnell Turner, first vice president of the local chapter of the NAACP. Turner says he thinks the club will create racial tension.

No kidding. I wonder why. It’s amazing how a Caucasian Club will create “racial tension,” but the plethora of clubs for minorities are “promoting diversity.” I bet that if I–a Jewish white male–tried to join the NAACP, or a Black Student Union, I’d be laughed at, and told “this club was not for you.” Is that diversity? According to McClelland, the proposed Caucasian Club will invite everyone. Now isn’t that diversity??? Or are groups with racist membership requirements promoting diversity.

Anyone wishing to promote diversity should join the Caucasian Club, as it is their mission to truly promote diversity by inviting all people. What other club can say that?


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  1. Well, Turner isn\’t a high schooler, so of course he wouldn\’t sign up :-P

    But serously, this is a good example of the PC police run amok

    Comment by jaws — September 20, 2003 @ 8:09 pm

  2. \’bout time someone tried that.

    Comment by samkit — September 21, 2003 @ 7:40 am

  3. Actually, one of the articles I read on this quoted one of Lisa\’s friends, who is black, saying that she thought it was a good idea (she may have even said she would join, I can\’t remember).

    Let\’s think about who\’s being racist here.

    Comment by Marie — September 22, 2003 @ 10:27 am

  4. Didn\’t you get the memo?? Only white people can be accused of racism. It\’s part of our burden in life.

    Comment by Aaron — September 22, 2003 @ 12:35 pm

  5. Some of us white folk are racist crackers. No doubt. Those people have a club.

    We need more clubs for non-racist white people who believe in equality and freedom of self. Oh, yeah, that\’s called the Republican Party!

    Come join us!

    (Card carrying member of the VRWC)

    Comment by ….a moment with Easycure — September 22, 2003 @ 2:04 pm

  6. Don\’t forget that there are those of us hispanics who also want to be in the VRWC :)

    Comment by jaws — September 22, 2003 @ 2:26 pm

  7. The Republican Party is the true party for the people. They even take Jews like me.

    Comment by Aaron — September 22, 2003 @ 2:28 pm

  8. I love Jews and Hispanics! I love Jewish Hispanics even more! =0)

    We could use some Asain representation here!

    (BTW - I am a fourth generation removed Latvian, a minority of the smallest order)

    Comment by ….a moment with Easycure — September 23, 2003 @ 1:52 pm

  9. I probably would have been more effect if I had said Asian.

    Comment by ….a moment with Easycure — September 23, 2003 @ 1:53 pm

  10. Jewish Hispanics even more!

    Woohoo! I\’ve been formally welcomed! ;)

    Comment by jaws — September 23, 2003 @ 4:50 pm

  11. Jews don\’t discriminate either… we\’ll take hispanics, blacks, anyone…. well, maybe not them damned arabs.

    Comment by Aaron — September 23, 2003 @ 4:56 pm

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