List of Extensions
  • CGIs
    Web Applications that expand your Movable Type installation.
  • Hacks
    Modifications to the MovableType source that affect the application behavior. Warning: hacks must be re-applied every time you re-install or upgrade MovableType.
  • Plugins
    Plugins and filters that extend the MovableType template language. Plugins add new tags to MovableType. Filters are activated when you specify their name as an attribute in a MovableType tag.
  • Tips
    Tips and tricks for accomplishing more advanced tasks with MovableType. Some of the tips depend on the installation of additional plugins.
On Hiatus

MT-Extensions is going on hiatus for a while. I may fix reported bugs related to MT 2.x, but I don't have any new MT-related development plans for the foreseeable future. Most of the plugins here should be MT 3.0 compatible, although I have not tested all of them, nor do I plan to make 3.0 specific changes. Some of the hacks are not applicable to MT 3.0, since they address issues that have been fixed or are implemented differently in 3.0.

Stepan - May 13 2004

About MT-Extensions

This site contains a collection of CGIs, plugins, hacks and tips for extending the MovableType content management system.

To install a plugin, first create a plugins directory in your MovableType installation. Then download and extract the appropriate plugin and place the .pl files into the plugins folder. Refer to the MovableType documentation for additional information.

To install a CGI, place the .cgi file into the directory where you have installed the mt.cgi file. Then enable the exectute permissions on the file (chmod 755). Refer to the MovableType documentation for additional information.

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