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TGIF [08 Apr 2005|05:32pm]
[ mood | \o/ ]
[ music | Stroke 9 - Anywhere ]

I have just made it through my entire flist in a reasonable amount of time :) Tonight there shall be dancing with the boyfriend at the dorm's huge dance of the year called THE CRUSH, so later, there shall be pictures, and there shall be stories, and there shall be fun.

And to top it off, an Econ test that I thought I had blown turned out to be a B- and the Calc II test I took yesterday turned out to be a 92, and I got a 96 on the Psych test I took last week. \o/ I'm cool with that.

I'm so glad it's Friday.

squish my banana

Ahahahaha! [02 Apr 2005|08:50pm]

What`s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon?

Brass Knuckles

You're into fist fighting. However, you're a pimped out ghetto thug, so you strap these babies on and BAM!

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

Awesome. Anyone want to piss me off? ;D
4 squishes| squish my banana

A bit of flist trimming [15 Mar 2005|07:32pm]
I hated to do it, but I just needed to. I avoided the flist because I knew that there was no way I could read all of the entries. I tried to cut people who either never friended me back or who I haven't talked to in a while (or ever, for that matter)

I'm truly sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean anything by it.
1 squish| squish my banana

dancing in september [26 Jan 2005|07:30pm]
[ mood | lalalalalalala ]
[ music | Earth Wind and Fire - September ]

To Do List, feel free to skip )

Boo to no LOST. But yay for new Alias!

1 squish| squish my banana

*pokes in head* [19 Jan 2005|04:45pm]

What have I missed?

Real life rears it's head once more to claim reign over my time and entire existence. Nothing but homework and class, homework and class, and occassionally a few hours sleep, with barely any time to check out Livejournal. I love all of you immensely, and it really sucks that there's not enough time for everything in the day. Might have to cut down the flist, but I'll try keeping up before it comes to that.

Also, been avoiding LJ because I know there's ORC squee everywhere that I just can't handle. I'm so happy for everyone that got to go, but I just....*sigh*.

Anyway!! I'm going to try to do a picture spam tonight of what's been going on. And LOST! tonight!!

How has your day been going?

3 squishes| squish my banana

John Mayer video [06 Jan 2005|11:32pm]
[ music | Rufus Wainwright - Imaginary Love ]

Just YouSentIt a copy of the interview of John Mayer on Last Call with Carson Daly mentioned last night for your viewing pleasure!

John Mayer on Last Call

Sadly, Howie Day's performance of "Collide" is not on there. Hopefully that link works, the thing took forever to go through! Let me know if the link doesn't work.

I've also got a copy of John Mayer has a TV Show that I can YouSendIt if anyone wants...

ETA: John Mayer Has A TV Show available for download.

6 squishes| squish my banana

[06 Jan 2005|03:19am]
And....John Mayer is currently on Carson Daly's show talking about "body games" and sex. The night just looked up :D

ETA: And now he's talking about having his own "personal slut-whore" (direct quote, mind you). Still love the man to death. P.S. Anyone have clips from "John Mayer has a TV Show"?

ETA: In order to defend himself from looking like a womanizer (since he did talk about women in a somewhat degrading fashion) John Mayer turns, looks directly into the camera and says, "I like men, too". Ahh, I love this man.

ETA again: Howie Day was just the musical guest on Carson and he sang Collide. Love that song. Now, why don't I watch this show on a regular basis?
2 squishes| squish my banana

ahahahha [06 Jan 2005|01:53am]
I'm rooting for the wrong team and I don't feel bad about it at all. I have a new crush.

His name....

is Matt Lienart. QB of the USC Trojans.

And he's on Jimmy Kimmel right now, and I can't. stop. staring.

Life is good :D

ETA: He's single! not like that has anything to do with me....but yay!

ETA 2: Jimmy Kimmel just made a gay joke about Matt Leinart and Nick Lachey (they're good friends, apparently, and he's on the show too), and then the story came out about how they met at a bar called "Guys"....heh. (more on him later, but now, bed!)
2 squishes| squish my banana

Ahhhh, I love winter break [30 Dec 2004|08:03pm]
[ mood | bookish ]
[ music | Snow Patrol - Run ]

I have thus far read three books that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Anyone read the Earthsea Cycle from Ursula K. Le Guin? So far I've read the first three books and I'm making my way into the fourth, Tehanu. It's so nice to be able to read for pleasure again!

And I've been looking at icons and I saw [info]tortugax's lovely new layout and now I want one too. Oh, if only there were enough time in the day....or maybe I should just start waking up earlier XD

Randomly...read any good books lately that you would recommend to an avid reader?

6 squishes| squish my banana

Whew! [28 Dec 2004|08:29pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | sizzling of dinner ]

Since I posted last, I've been reading all of your journals and I'm getting all caught up! Yay! Sounds like everyone had a happy holiday!

Speaking of Holidays, I just want to say thank you to everyone who sent me a card. I loved them all so much! And I'm going to send my cards out anyway, even though you'll all get them late :D

And now, I'm going to eat dinner and settle down to watch the Insight Bowl and cheer on my boys! Go Irish!

squish my banana

eeeep! hi! [27 Dec 2004|10:47pm]
Wow, I haven't been on here in, like, 2 weeks....where did the time go? Ah, yes, finals.

Finals went well. And then immediately after finals, I grabbed my bags and headed for the airport. I've been on a family and Christmas high ever since.

And I feel like a terrible person because I promised Christmas cards to all of you and I never sent them! What do I do? Do you guys still want them?

Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday!!

And! Only 8 more days until the new episode of LOST!
4 squishes| squish my banana

God help me. [13 Dec 2004|03:12pm]
It's a Winter Wonderland outside my window, but it's a frozen wasteland in my head--it's cold, bare, lifeless. I have no answers, especially not for the Philosophy final that will take place in exactly one hour. I don't know how much more I can study before my head essplodes. I can't wait until approximately 6:15 tomorrow night. Finals will be done until the last one on Thursday and I finally get to watch ROTK.

*crosses fingers* Wish me luck!
6 squishes| squish my banana

OH NO! [12 Dec 2004|04:20pm]
Jose! I've missed your birthday! How could I have done that?

D_E, you friended me a little while back and I can't tell you how glad I am. You've become such a good friend and it's such a gift knowing you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're the sweetest and most giving person I've met in a long time and can't tell you how refreshing that is. Hope you had a wonderful day and wish you nothing but the best for the coming year!

4 squishes| squish my banana

*pokes in head* [12 Dec 2004|03:50pm]
[ mood | rushed ]

It's hell week here and by hell week I *mean* HELL. WEEK. Awful as fuck, finals all next week, been studying since last Thursday. First finals so a bit nervous about that.

Missed a lot of updating this past week. LOST! Dom's birthday (I'm sorry I missed it, love), many many conversations in which things that really needed to be said were said. There will be a massive update soon. Can't say when, probably no earlier than Tuesday, but soon!

Two more days till the ROTK EE! *FLAILS*

5 squishes| squish my banana

Wouldn't it be a lovely headline? [06 Dec 2004|04:52pm]
[ mood | Life is beautiful.... ]
[ music | on the New York Times ]

Just got out of Ancient Greece and Roman History. Had a guest speaker that looked like Ian McKellen and spoke like heaven. It was lovely. Might have been the first time that I was actually glad to have been held 8 minutes after class was originally supposed to have gotten out.

In other news...Christmas cards! Are being written! And will be sent out! Yes!

How are you lovelies?

2 squishes| squish my banana

hmmm [05 Dec 2004|10:08pm]
Seriously need an icon overhaul. Keira and Angelina are much loved, but some boys would be nice. And LOST.

Have put this on tomorrow's "To Do" list. Along with Dom.

4 squishes| squish my banana

*sigh* [05 Dec 2004|09:52pm]
[ music | ROTK Soundtrack ]

It's just starting to hit me....there will be no new Lord of the Rings this December. BUT! There will be a new Extended Edition. Which kind of makes up for things.

Is it bad that I really want to dowload a rip of the EE? Someone distract me with the pretty before I download it. I can wait for another week and one day, right? RIGHT?

Anyways, massive LOST marathon this weekend. Got through every episode, except the last one, but we all have seen that. So now my roomie has seen all of them. And I've got her hooked. XD

Now off to do some Philosophy reading before bed. Night all! <333

ETA: Christmas cards will be sent out Monday or Tuesday (depending on when I finish). Anyone else who wants a card, email me your address! peanuttered at yahoo dot com.

2 squishes| squish my banana

LOST. ponderings [02 Dec 2004|07:50pm]
A bit spoilery, but not too much, mostly speculation )
8 squishes| squish my banana

The love of the linden tree... [02 Dec 2004|03:28pm]
[ mood | Romanian and gay ]
[ music | O-Zone ]

O.M.Gee. You guys have got to watch this video!

O-Zone- Dragostea Din Tei

Click on the video, you won't regret it. Pretty gay Romanian boys dancing and singing and a catchy tune that's been stuck in my head for hours and it's fabulous!


That is all. XD

squish my banana

LOST. [02 Dec 2004|04:02am]
How great was this episode? It totally put me and the rest of the girls in the hall in a LOST-y mood, so we sat and watched the pilot again since the roomie had yet to see it. Tomorrow there is a massive LOST watching party in my room. Much fun will be had, much squeeage will be heard, many many ponderings on what the frilly hell is going on.

BG! I totally thought of you! Hurley! Don't want to spoil anything in case you haven't seen it, but you will definitely know what I'm talking about when you watch it. <333 Hurley.

Also, tonight, North Dining Hall had massive gingerbread houses all laid out on the tables in the downstairs rooms to decorate. And decorate we did! I don't think I've ever had so much fun at dinner. I might spam with pictures of the house we decorated later on tomorrow (or today, as the time would have it).

And now, BED!
7 squishes| squish my banana

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