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Monday, August 02, 2004I Want One of ThoseYup150 meters?!? That's 492 feet.
From my phone...(This was posted via email by Tim's Magic Applescript)
Sunday, August 01, 2004Beginning of the End?Mathew @ Centerfield makes a good case with this... John Kerry is a U.S. Senator with a liberal voting record, from the biggest blue state of them all. He is currently questioning the wisdom of a war he voted for. He did vote against troop funding, and is now accusing the current administration of fighting a war "on the cheap." (Read More) My thoughts exactly. The Southern Conservative has more. UPDATE: CNN isn't giving up hope. Afterall, hope is on the way. Bush Bounce"In the survey, taken Friday and Saturday, the Democratic ticket of Kerry and John Edwards trailed the Republican ticket of Bush and Dick Cheney 50% to 46% among likely voters, with independent candidate Ralph Nader at 2%." "Before the convention, the two were essentially tied, with Kerry at 47%, Bush at 46%." (Read More) Must Read: The more we get to know him, the less we like him. There's even more at Power Line. From my phone...(This was posted via email by Tim's Magic Applescript)
More on Wilson's TroublesFrom this week's Newsweek: "Powell had a department intelligence report on whether Iraq had sought uranium from Niger—a claim Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, discounted after a trip to Niger on behalf of the CIA." From the SENATE INTELLIGENCE REPORT (page 73): Conclusion 13: "The report on the former ambassador’s trip to Niger, disseminated in March 2002, did not change any analysts’ assessments of the Iraq-Niger uranium deal. For most analysts, the information in the report lent more credibility to the original Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports on the uranium deal, but State Department analysts believed that the report supported their assessment that Niger was unlikely to be willing or able to sell uranium to Iraq." Even more damning is this statement from Wilson to the Intelligence Committee: "I never claimed to have “debunked” the allegation that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa." Yet Newsweek still prints, "a claim Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, discounted after a trip to Niger on behalf of the CIA." The Newsweek article explains away the quotes I listed above with this: "...to ask about issues raised by a new Senate intelligence committee report that seemed to contradict some of Wilson's public statements about Plame's role in his trip to Niger." Seemed? Come on. It 'seems' to this weblog that the investigation has started back up because of Wilson's lies...and since the entire investigation is largely based on Wilson's testimony, it 'seems' that Joe Wilson, and not the administration should be the focus of the news stories. MORE Just One Minute classifies the Newsweek story as "good news/better news" for Karl Rove. (Read More)
Saturday, July 31, 2004The Problem with KerryI've seen numerous cars lately with a Howard Dean bumper sticker on one side and a John Kerry sticker on the other. They want Dean and are settling for the (supposedly) more electable Kerry. Can someone really win like that? Hope is on the way.
Baby BounceNewsweek is reporting a 4 point 'baby bounce'.This weblog predicted 3-5. The Newsweek poll surveyed 'adults 18 and older'' instead of a more accurate group of likely voters. This tends to make the results unreliable. Another poll that came out today doesn't look so good for Kerry... "The Rasmussen Reports Presidential Tracking Poll shows Senator John Kerry with 47% of the vote and President George W. Bush with 46%." (Read More) It is very important to note that the Rasmussen Poll has the exact same numbers as a poll taken the day before the convention started.
Friday, July 30, 2004Did I mention?If John Edwards didn't have thumbs, he wouldn't know how to express himself.I know I did...but I wanted to say it again because it's makes me laugh. Rich Get Poorer
"...according to [the article] the wealthy suffered a massive reduction in income between 2000 and 2002, while the income of the middle class increased." (Read More)
From my phone...(This was posted via email by Tim's Magic Applescript)
Reaction to the SpeechToday, I ate lunch at Carol's place with about 30 other 'have-not' middle-class laborers. I know they are middle class laborers because they are too dirty to eat in regular restaurants. Everytime someone walked in the door, an older guy with a regular day job (he was wearing khakis and a polo shirt) would yell, "Hope is on the way!" Everytime he did it, everyone in the place laughed. The official reaction of the central Virginia country folks: "Piss off, we can take care of ourselves." More on 'the bounce'... It's worth noting that the Kerry campaign has been downplaying the idea of a post convention bounce in the polls. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: "A modest bounce, maybe 5 percent." Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter: "In terms of bounce, we've already bounced." (Read More) From my phone...Update: Where's George? (This was posted via email by Tim's Magic Applescript)
Convention BounceThe Kerry campaign is polling at 48%, the exact same percentage they had in early July. (Read More) The poll was taken from Monday to Thursday, so it only reflects the convention before the Speech. Here is a poll taken in Iowa about Bush and Kerry's personality traits.
Thursday, July 29, 2004RespectJeff Jarvis makes a good point about what Kerry chose to emphasize tonight. "What bothers me about the speech -- besides the John-John moment with the silly salute -- is its American defensiveness. He leads with making America "respected in the world." As far as I am concerned, this should not be a primary goal of an administration; at most, it is a fringe benefit. We should do what we need to do and if the world respects that, fine; if France doesn't, I still don't give a damn." (Read More) My personal take... On the coverage... I was fascinated by the number of times commentators said something to the effect of, '...introduce John Kerry to America.' It was very reminiscent of the ad nauseam talk about Gore re-inventing himself in 2000. I'm not sure what it all means for Kerry, but it didn't work for Gore. On the speech... The first half was all about John Kerry's past. The second half was about what John Kerry will do as President. I think that he articulated his message fairly well... Unfortunately for Kerry, I doubt very many people cared enough about Kerry's past enough to listen to 30 or so minutes of it just to make it to his plan for the future. We'll see tomorrow. Don't forget the prediction.
DNC Convention :: Thursday Night10:36- "the United States of America never goes to war because we want to, we only go to war because we have to." You sure convinced me that we had to go. 10:35- "Saying there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq doesn't make it so." 10:31- Kerry just said that Edwards was an example of the American dream. If John Edwards didn't have thumbs, he wouldn't know how to express himself. 10:15- Kerry is on. Read it here. "We created 23 million new jobs." Screw you, John. 10:10- Max Cleland is speaking. "Hold on to this (a Bible), you'll need it like your country needs you now." Come on. Bad analogy. 6ish- This weblog wonders how the Kerry speech tonight could possibly live up to the expectations that led commentators across the country to predict a 10-15 point bounce in the polls. Our nation has had 4 years of Bush and we are still evenly divided. What could one 55 minute speech, from Mr. Personality himself, possibly do?
Wednesday, July 28, 2004The Politics of HumorTwo brothers made a really funny cartoon about the election. It's 4 megabytes, and it's worth every second of waiting.
DNC Convention :: Wednesday NightSorry. I didn't watch much of it tonight...so I don't have much to say... I did however catch the commentary on Fox News just before the Edwards speech. Brit Hume, Susan Estrich, and the rest of the crew went on and one about how positive the Edwards speech was going to be. Carl Cameron built up the speech by saying, "He's not even going to mention, specifically, Bush or Cheney's name." So, I fast-forwarded on the Replay through the Edwards speech... I noticed that he was doing a whole lot of the whole, "they did this" or "they did that" thing...and I thought to myself. "Self- this is positive. 'They' could be anybody." Then I thought..."Well, I doubt it's the same they as in 'they say it's gonna rain', so he must be talking negatively about George Bush and Dick Cheney." Does that really work for the electorate? A positive speech with no negative attacks? Come on now. This weblog is now a positive nonpartisan weblog. They are a bunch of idiots.
Freedom?"A watchdog group claims the Rev. Jerry Falwell violated campaign finance laws by endorsing President Bush and soliciting funds for a conservative political action committee on his ministries' Web site." (Read More) Should that be illegal?
Moore Inaccuracies
Even the Bin Ladens dispute parts of Moore's film. (Read More) (hat tip goes to Nick)
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