Blogging Update
By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:
My latest in the series is up...Jane on Taxes...over at Gem City Journal.
For you brass players out there, I have a new post up at Classic Brass as well. Topic: Burnout.
Political discourse and current events from the Big Guys with Big Ideas.
Weapons of Mass Discussion is a forum that challenges the liberal media and defends the honor and integrity of America.
Choose your weapon...
"Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Delegates, honored guests, friends.
"It is a high honor to be here today, representing the great people of the 14th Congressional District of Illinois and my colleagues in the United States House of Representatives. I have proudly served as your Speaker of the House for six years.
"We are proud of what the Republican Congress and the President have achieved together: Historic tax reduction which has helped create 1.5 million new jobs in the last year and has our economy growing again; Revolutionary education reform which demands more accountability from schools and better results for our children; Health Savings Accounts which will give families more control over their health care, and will make it more affordable.
"On 9/11, our country was viciously attacked, the most deadly attack since Pearl Harbor. I am especially proud of our response. Our nation's military, with the President's leadership and with the support of the Republican Congress, has taken the fight to the terrorists.
"We have crushed the Taliban and promoted a democracy in Afghanistan. Saddam Hussein is in jail instead of supporting terrorists and murdering his citizens and invading his neighbors. And Osama bin Laden is on the run.
"And we have taken important steps to defend our people, by creating a Department of Homeland Security to better coordinate our internal defense. By enacting the Patriot Act, which gives law enforcement the tools to prosecute the terrorists before they strike again.
"My friends, we have a big choice this November. Do we want the team that will keep the job-creating tax cuts in place and keep America strong? Or do we want a Kerry/Pelosi team that is weak on the war and wrong on taxes?
"It is an easy choice. Together, let's keep moving this country forward."
A widespread assumption that young Americans watching MTV may be more prone to vote for John Kerry for president over George W. Bush could be highly off target, as Kerry's daughters received prolonged booing at the network's Music Video Awards in Miami.
"From the moment Alexandra and Vanessa started speaking, the boos outweighed anything close to cheers," according to the Drudge Report.
Another website, stated: "At one point one of the daughters even held her finger to her mouth in an effort to 'shush' the rowdy crowd. The boos only grew louder when the daughters suggested that the best choice for a president in this year's election should be their father."
The chilling sights and sounds of war fill newspapers and television screens worldwide, but war itself is in decline, peace researchers report.
In fact, the number killed in battle has fallen to its lowest point in the post-World War II period, dipping below 20,000 a year by one measure. Peacemaking missions, meantime, are growing in number.
"International engagement is blossoming," said American scholar Monty G. Marshall. "There's been an enormous amount of activity to try to end these conflicts."
For months the battle reports and casualty tolls from Iraq and Afghanistan have put war in the headlines, but Swedish and Canadian non-governmental groups tracking armed conflict globally find a general decline in numbers from peaks in the 1990s.
A New York Times poll of 9/11 victim families released on Sunday shows that more Americans who lost relatives in the worst terrorist attack in the nation's history hold President Clinton rather than President Bush responsible.
"As for assigning blame, more of those interviewed blamed former President Bill Clinton than blamed Mr. Bush for the awful human damage inflicted on American soil that day," the Times said.
French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier has arrived in Egypt at the start of a mission to secure the release of two journalists being held in Iraq.
The move was announced by President Jacques Chirac after senior French politicians held emergency meetings to discuss their response to the crisis.
Arabic TV station al-Jazeera broadcast film of the two Frenchmen on Saturday.
It said the group holding them was demanding that France drop its ban on Muslim headscarves in state schools.
August 26, 2004Presented with no commentary is, after all, a family show here.
It Takes Real Courage to Desert Your Post and Then Attack a Wounded Vet
Dear Mr. Bush,
I know you and I have had our differences in the past, and I realize I am the one who started this whole mess about "who did what" during Vietnam when I brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January. But I have to hand it to you on what you have uncovered about John Kerry and his record in Vietnam. Kerry has tried to pass himself off as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the truth.
First of all, thank you for pointing out to all of us that Mr. Kerry was never struck by a BULLET. It was only SHRAPNEL that entered his body! I did not know that! Hell, what's the big deal about a bunch of large, sharp, metal shards ripping open your flesh? That happens to all of us! In my opinion, if you want a Purple Heart, you'd better be hit by a bullet -- with your name on it!
Secondly, thank you for sending Bob Dole out there and letting us know that Mr. Kerry, though wounded three times, actually "never spilled blood." When you are in the debates with Kerry, turn to him and say, "Dammit, Mr. Kerry, next time you want a Purple Heart, you better spill some American red blood! And I don't mean a few specks like those on O.J.'s socks -- we want to see a good pint or two of blood for each medal. In fact, I would have preferred that you had bled profusely, a big geyser of blood spewing out of your neck or something!" Then throw this one at him: "Senator Kerry, over 58,000 brave Americans gave their lives in Vietnam -- but YOU didn't. You only got WOUNDED! What do you have to say for yourself???" Lay that one on him and he won't know what to do.
And thanks, also, Mr. Bush, for exposing the fact that Mr. Kerry might have actually WOUNDED HIMSELF in order to get those shiny medals. Of course he did! How could the Viet Cong have hit him -- he was on a SWIFT boat! He was going too fast to be hit by enemy fire. He tried to blow himself up three different times just so he could go home and run for president someday. It's all so easy to see, now, what he was up to.
What would we do without you, Mr. Bush? Criticize you as we might, when it comes to pointing out other men's military records, there is no one who can touch your prowess. In 2000, you let out the rumor that your opponent John McCain might be "nuts" from the 5 years he spent in a POW camp. Then, in the 2002 elections, your team compared triple-amputee Sen. Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden, and that cost him the election. And now you are having the same impact on war hero John Kerry. Since you (oops, I mean "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth!") started running those ads, Kerry's poll numbers have dropped (with veterans, he has lost 18 points in the last few weeks).
Some people have said, "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you actively sought to avoid it." What your critics fail to understand is that even though your dad got you into a unit that would never be sent to Vietnam -- and even though you didn't show up for Guard duty for at least a year -- at least you were still IN FAVOR of the Vietnam War! Cowards like Clinton felt it was more important to be consistent (he opposed the war, thus he refused to go) than to be patriotic and two-faced.
The reason that I think you know so much about other men's war wounds is because, during your time in the Texas Air National Guard, you suffered so many of them yourself. Consider the paper cut you received on September 22,1972, while stationed in Alabama, working on a Senate campaign for your dad's friend (when you were supposed to be on the Guard base). A campaign brochure appeared from nowhere, ambushing your right index finger, and blood trickled out onto your brand new argyle sweater.
Then there was the incident with the Crazy Glue when your fraternity brothers visited you one weekend at the base and glued your lips together while you were "passed out." Though initially considered "friendly fire," it was later ruled that you suffered severe post traumatic stress disorder from the assault and required certain medicinal attention -- which, it seems, was provided by those same fraternity brethren.
But nothing matched your heroism when, on July 2, 1969, you sustained a massive head injury when enemy combatants from another Guard unit dropped a keg of Coors on your head during a reconnaissance mission at a nearby all-girls college. Fortunately, the cool, smooth fluids that poured out of the keg were exactly what was needed to revive you.
That you never got a Purple Heart for any of these incidents is a shame. I can fully appreciate your anger at Senator Kerry for the three he received. I mean, Kerry was a man of privilege, he could have gotten out just like you. Instead, he thinks he's going to gain points with the American people bragging about how he was getting shot at every day in the Mekong Delta. Ha! Is that the best he can do? Hell, I hear gunfire every night outside my apartment window! If he thinks he is going to impress anyone with the fact that he volunteered to go when he could have spent the Vietnam years on the family yacht, he should think again. That only shows how stupid he was! True-blue Americans want a president who knows how to pull strings and work the system and get away with doing as little work as possible!
So, to make it up to you, I have written some new ads you can use on TV. People will soon tire of the swift boat veterans and you are going to need some fresh, punchier material. Feel free to use any of these:
ANNOUNCER: "When the bullets were flying all around him in Vietnam, what did John Kerry do? He said he leaned over the boat and 'pulled a man out of the river.' But, as we all know, men don't live in the river -- fish do. John Kerry knows how to tell a big fish tale. What he won't tell you is that when the enemy was shooting at him, he ducked. Do you want a president who will duck? Vote Bush."
ANNOUNCER: "Mr. Kerry's biggest supporter, Sen. Max Cleland, claims to have lost two legs and an arm in Vietnam. But he still has one arm! How did that happen? One word: Cowardice. When duty called, he was unwilling to give his last limb. Is that the type of selfishness you want hanging out in the White House? We think not. Vote for the man who would be willing to give America his right frontal lobe. Vote Bush."
Hope these help, Mr. Bush. And remember, when the American death toll in Iraq hits 1,000 during the Republican convention, be sure to question whether those who died really did indeed "die" -- or were they just trying to get their faces on CNN's nightly tribute to fallen heroes? The sixteen who've died so far this week were probably working hand in hand with the Kerry campaign to ruin your good time in New York. Stay consistent, sir, and always, ALWAYS question the veracity of anyone who risks their life for this country. It's the least they deserve.
Michael Moore
PS. George, I know you said you don't read the newspaper, but USA Today has given me credentials to the Republican convention to write a guest column each day next week (Tues.-Fri.). If you don't want to read it, you and I will be in the same building so maybe I could come by and read it to you? Lemme know.
Today, the Commerce Department reported that GDP grew at 2.8 percent in the second quarter of this year. The following is a statement of the Kerry campaign:[Emphasis added]
Kerry spokesman Phil Singer said: "The ink on George Bush's economic record is starting to dry: These GDP numbers are the latest piece of evidence that George Bush is misleading Americans when he says that the economy has turned the corner. No matter what happens in the next two months, nothing will change the basic fact that George W. Bush is going to the be first President facing re-election with a net job loss record."
Despite Kerry's written report, rumors of the incident circulated for years. The vivid memory of the small bloody sampan haunts Silver Star winner Bill Franke, a veteran of many battles. A boat officer of Coastal Division 11 (and one of the real heroes of the incident portrayed in Kerry's "no man left behind" video), Jack Chenowith has recently written that "[t]he only atrocity I ever knew of or heard about was Kerry killing the small child in the junk." ["Junk" was a nickname for a sampan. - MATT]My problem with the way this story is presented is that there is no clear definitive version of what actually happened. In one version of the story, it appears that the gunner, Swiftee Steve Gardner, opened up without an order from Kerry to do so because John Kerry took too long to come out of the pilot house to give the order (page 56). Gardner claims that Kerry failed to pick up the sampan on radar. If Gardner's version of the story is correct, he is the one actually responsible for the incident because he acted without orders. This story will prove hard to verify at any rate because the official report, which Kerry filed, did not include the detail of the killed child.
In Tour of Duty, Kerry, according to one of his own accounts, appears to have lost control of his boat after crazily ordering that "warning shots" be fired at a small sampan with heavy .50 caliber weapons, instead of the numerous small-caliber weapons on board. According to the biography written by the Boston Globe reporters, Kerry simply butchers a small sampan in a free-fire zone because they would have been dangerous to approach.
When some one is destroying themselves, do NOT get in the way.
- Hugh Hewitt
Earlier today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) received a letter from the Executive Office of the President denying CREW's Aug. 24 request for records detailing White House contacts with individuals connected to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT). As grounds for the denial, the White House claimed that it was exempt from having to disclose the information.And here is my favorite part...
Blah, blah, non-partisan, blah.It's in there...look harder...
Yakkity, schmackity.
Blah, blah, uh-huh, blah.
For starters, 254 swiftboat veterans say Kerry is a fraud; 14 say he's a hero. Partisan considerations aside, which would be more difficult to do: Get 14 liars to keep a secret, or get 254 liars to do so? As a student of recent history, I defer to any registered Democrat on this question.Heh. Which sort of reminds me of this Cox & Forkum cartoon...
Of course, the 14 in Kerry's camp are not necessarily lying, being bribed, or hoping for a position in the Kerry administration – possibilities the media will never raise, I note. But we're talking about 35-year-old memories here; 254 memories to 14 memories is what we used to call "evidence."
Why don't we just give both sides some swiftboats, a few machine guns and lots of ammo, put them on a river somewhere, and let them settle this whole thing like gentlemen once and for all?
Clearly, this explains why Soviet dissident Anatoly Shcharansky, Leona Helmsly, John DeLorean, O.J. Simpson, and Claus von Bulow are all buddy-buddy. What? You see no connection? Impossible! All of them used attorney Alan Dershowitz. They must be in cahoots.
I guess this also explains the close personal relationship between Bill Clinton, Caspar Weinberger, Marge Schott, and Clark Clifford. After all, they all used Bob Bennett as a lawyer, so they must be attached at the hip.
"We are quickly approaching a crossroads for the U.S. health care system," said CAHI Director Dr. Merrill Matthews. "Do we want government-directed or consumer-directed health care? Do we want bureaucrats or patients in charge? While neither campaign is promoting sweeping changes, both have a vision for the future of the U.S. health care system. And those visions would take us in two different directions."Thanks for the checkup, doc! Another reason to vote for Bush/Cheney: affordable, consumer-centered health care.
After examining each plan in depth, CAHI concluded that Senator Kerry's plan - which would expand the government's role in health insurance, impose price controls and eliminate innovative new options such as Health Savings Accounts - would reverse the recent shift toward consumer-directed health care policies, which promise to lower costs and increase access to coverage.
In general, President Bush's plan would encourage consumer-directed health care and energize the private health care system.
Matthews concluded, "While bolder steps could be taken, it's obvious that President Bush's plan does more to expand options and increases access to affordable health insurance."
"While we already have taken a much-needed step to help control rising medical costs by enacting Health Savings Accounts, today's report of a million and a half more uninsured Americans illustrates a willing Congress still has work to do.Which gives me a chance to plug John Thune...contribute to stopping Tom Daschle's obstructionism on this and many other issues.
"I call on obstructionist Democrats in the Senate to drop their silent filibuster of demanding sixty votes and instead move forward with a simple up-or-down vote on Medical Liability Reform and Association Health Plans. Both of these common-sense measures to hold down health care costs already have passed the House and simply await Senate approval.
"Senators John Kerry and John Edwards should willingly stand up to the Democrat Party's special interests, stop playing politics with the lives of these 45-million Americans, and do the right thing to hold down health care costs before it's too late. In fact, they should be the ones pushing for a simple majority vote in the Senate on Medical Liability Reform and Association Health Plans if they truly want to make a statement about their vision for the future."
Just in case anyone was wondering what one glorified cop killer thinks about the presidential campaign, Mumia Abu-Jamal has weighed in with his advice to Democrats.
"For millions of people, there exists in their minds, in their hearts a hunger for change," Abu-Jamal writes in the latest issue of Workers World. "That hunger is becoming a driving force in the upcoming elections, and is being expressed in a way that can best be summed up: 'Anybody But Bush.' "
Abu-Jamal's death sentence for gunning down Philadelphia Police Officer Danny Faulkner in 1981 has made him an idol to many extreme leftists. The convicted murderer regularly contributes columns to Workers World, the weekly journal of a Marxist revolutionary party that is the main sponsor of International ANSWER, which in turn is a major sponsor of protests at next week's Republican convention in New York.
A new four-legged angle — actually a dog named "VC" — has suddenly materialized surrounding Sen. John Kerry's swift boat service in Vietnam.When will this madness end?
In a 2004 presidential candidate questionnaire for Humane USA, Mr. Kerry was asked whether any pets have had an impact on his life.
"I have always had pets in my life, and there are a few that I remember very fondly," Mr. Kerry replied. "When I was serving on a Swift Boat in Vietnam, my crewmates and I had a dog we called VC.
"One day as our Swift Boat was heading up a river, a mine exploded hard under our boat," he continued. "After picking ourselves up, we discovered VC was MIA (missing in action). Several minutes of frantic search followed, after which we thought we'd lost him. We were relieved when another boat called asking if we were missing a dog."
Said Mr. Kerry: "It turns out VC was catapulted from the deck of our boat and landed, confused but unhurt, on the deck of another boat in our patrol."
"Moderate" Republicans for years have been urging the GOP to abandon social conservatism, as being too divisive and suicidal in terms of alienating swing voters. The GOP better not fall for this advice. Ronald Reagan didn't buy into diluting his policies on such important issues. And it hardly damaged him politically. The party must not turn its back on its base.For the most part, I agree with David. I've met some rather "Carvillian" Republicans in my day though that give even me pause.
That is not to say that the party should refuse the support of those who don't agree with all of its tenets. But they shouldn't compromise their defining principles for the sake of building a bigger tent. The tent will be bigger and stronger to the extent they remain true to the conservative message.
Today no less than a revolution is occurring. The first shots were fired many years ago but the first pitched battle was won in just this last week. The mainstream media decided that there would be no coverage of the allegations from the Swiftboat Veterans. The community of bloggers decided that this was an issue which needed to be covered. The battle lines were formed and cracks quickly developed as the media were incapable of resisting the incredible force of millions of people getting and knowing information from alternate sources.
So what does all of this mean? Many things actually; one is that there is no longer a monopoly of message from major media outlets. The web logs remain an effective check on the arrogance of the fourth estate. Note that this check could operate on either side of the political spectrum but tends to be most effective from the right. That is likely because of the left leaning nature of most major media coverage of stories.
American authorities aim to cut the Infobank of Belarus and First Merchant Bank of Cyprus out of the financial system by making mainstream institutions aware of the allegations.
The Treasury Department dubbed the banks "primary money laundering concerns" for their failure to combat problems with the oil-for-food scheme.
Stuart Levey, Treasury undersecretary, said: "Today's designation alerts the global financial community of the threat posed by these entities. It also serves notice to others that there will be significant consequences for institutions that launder tainted money or engage in similar corruption: we will cut you off from the US financial system."